# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Report-RecipientCounts
# description: Report-RecipientCounts.ps1
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: dethompson71
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3650
# x-archived: 2012-09-21T03:34:22
# x-published: 2012-09-19T03:52:00
Keep a running total of daily recipient count distribution.
Keep a running total of daily recipient count distribution.
The number of days back to examine logs.
Default = 1 (Yesterday)
Get the report for yesterday.
Report-RecipientCounts.ps1 -Days 3
Get the report for 3 days ago, which was missed
Original framework for this report came from:
I modified the script slightly so we can have a running history and a quick view web page.
[int]$Days= 1
# set the time period for the report - default is yesterday
$Days = $Days * (-1)
$Start = get-date $((get-date).adddays($Days)) -hour 00 -minute 00 -second 00
$End = get-date $((get-date).adddays($Days)) -hour 23 -minute 59 -second 59
#=====> TO DO -- change <webserver> to a location in your environment
$HistoryFile = '\\<webserver>\RecipientCounts.CSV'
$HTMLOutFile = '\\<webserver>\RecipientCounts.htm'
$RecipientCounts = @()
If (Test-Path$HistoryFile){$RecipientCounts = Import-Csv $HistoryFile}
# Create a new object to hold today's finding
$NewCountObj = New-ObjectPSObject
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name Date -value (get-date $Start -Format yyyyMMdd)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '1' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '2' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '5' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '10' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '30' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '50' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '75' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '100' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '150' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '200' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '250' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '300' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '350' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '400' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '500' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '600' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '700' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '800' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '900' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '1000' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '3000' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name '5000' -value (0)
$NewCountObj | Add-Member -typeNoteProperty -name 'Big' -value (0)
Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -EventID RECEIVE -Start $Start -End $End |
? {$_.Source -eq "STOREDRIVER"} |
Select RecipientCount |
ForEach {
If ($_.RecipientCount-eq 1) {$NewCountObj.'1'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-eq 2) {$NewCountObj.'2'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 2 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 5) {$NewCountObj.'5'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 5 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 10) {$NewCountObj.'10'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 10 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 30) {$NewCountObj.'30'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 30 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 50) {$NewCountObj.'50'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 50 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 75) {$NewCountObj.'75'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 75 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 100) {$NewCountObj.'100'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 100 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 150) {$NewCountObj.'150'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 150 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 200) {$NewCountObj.'200'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 200 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 250) {$NewCountObj.'250'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 250 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 300) {$NewCountObj.'300'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 300 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 350) {$NewCountObj.'350'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 350 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 400) {$NewCountObj.'400'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 400 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 500) {$NewCountObj.'500'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 500 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 600) {$NewCountObj.'600'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 600 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 700) {$NewCountObj.'700'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 700 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 800) {$NewCountObj.'800'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 800 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 900) {$NewCountObj.'900'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 900 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 1000) {$NewCountObj.'1000'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 1000 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 3000) {$NewCountObj.'3000'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 3000 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 5000) {$NewCountObj.'5000'++ }
If ($_.RecipientCount-gt 5000) {$NewCountObj.Big++ }
$NewCounts= @()
if ($RecipientCounts) {
$NewCounts = @($RecipientCounts) + @($NewCountObj)
}Else {
$NewCounts = $NewCountObj
$NewCounts=$NewCounts | Sort Date-Descending
$NewCounts | Export-Csv $HistoryFile -NoTypeInformation
# Simple Headers
$Header1 = '<h2><font Color = #151b8d><p style="text-align: center;"><b>Recipient Counts History Report</b></p></font></h2>'
$Header2 = '<h4><font Color = #151b8d><p style="text-align: center;"><b>(Updated Daily via[' + $(split-path $MyInvocation.InvocationName -Leaf) + '])</b></p></Font></h4>'
$Header3 = '<h3><font Color = #800517><p style="text-align: center;">' + $(Get-Date) + '</font></H3></p>'
$a = "<style>"
$a = $a + "BODY{background-color:LightCyan;text-align: center;}"
$a = $a + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;text-align: center;}"
$a = $a + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:Bisque}"
$a = $a + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:AntiqueWhite}"
$a = $a + "</style>"
$NewCounts | ConvertTo-Html -Head ($A,$Header1,$Header2,$Header3) | out-file $HTMLOutFile -Force