PoshCode Archive  Artifact [fc2878521b]

Artifact fc2878521b4feb2fb1299655c74fd33a830b3bea3944e4a7b08965cadd8e65c4:

  • File SharePoint-Large-Lists.ps1 — part of check-in [8586e1748a] at 2018-06-10 13:20:34 on branch trunk — Provides details for every large list in the farm. As it is utilitarian, this script does not provide periodic status updates, though it could be programmed to do so. (user: Peter size: 3251)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: SharePoint Large Lists
# description: Provides details for every large list in the farm. As it is utilitarian, this script does not provide periodic status updates, though it could be programmed to do so.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Peter
# license: CC0
# function: Is-Admin
# x-poshcode-id: 3110
# x-archived: 2016-08-26T03:44:55
# x-published: 2012-12-20T13:32:00
# Output is intended to be pasted into and analyzed in Excel.
$cs = [microsoft.sharepoint.administration.spwebservice]::ContentService
$global:largeListThreshhold = 2000

function Is-Admin([Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment]$roleAssignment)
	return (($roleAssignment.roledefinitionbindings | where { ($_.BasePermissions.ToString() -match "ManageLists|ManageWeb|FullMask") }) -ne $null)

function Write-ListDetails($list,$web,$site)
	$fields = @()
	$fields += $list.Title
	$fields += $list.RootFolder
	$fields += ($list.ContentTypes | select -first 1).Name
	$fields += ($list.ContentTypes | select -first 1).Id.ToString()
	$fields += ($list.ContentTypes | select -first 1).Id.Parent.ToString()
	$fields += $list.Items.NumberOfFields
	$fields += $list.Items.Count
	$fields += $list.Created
	$fields += $list.LastItemModifiedDate
	$listAdmins = @()
	$listAdmins += $list.RoleAssignments | where { Is-Admin $_ }
         if ($list.RoleAssignments.Count -gt 0 -and $listAdmins.Count -gt 0)
		$fields += $listAdmins[0].Member.Name
		$fields += $listAdmins[0].Member.Email
		$fields += [string]::Join("; ", @($listAdmins | % { $_.Member.ToString() } ))
	} else {
		$fields += ""
		$fields += ""
		$fields += ""
	$fields += $web.Url
	$fields += $web.Title
	$fields += $site.Url
	[string]::Join("`t", $fields)

function Enumerate-LargeListsInSite($siteCollection)
	foreach ($web in $siteCollection.AllWebs) {
		$web.Lists | where { $_.Items.Count -gt $global:largeListThreshhold } | foreach { Write-ListDetails -list $_ -web $web -site $siteCollection }

function List-FieldNames
	$fieldNames = @()
	$fieldNames += "ListTitle"
	$fieldNames += "ListRootFolderURL"
	$fieldNames += "ContentType1Name"
	$fieldNames += "ContentType1ID"
	$fieldNames += "ContentType1ParentID"
	$fieldNames += "NumberOfFields"
	$fieldNames += "Items"
	$fieldNames += "CreatedDate"
	$fieldNames += "LastItemModifiedDate"
	$fieldNames += "ListAdmin1Name"
	$fieldNames += "ListAdmin1Email"
	$fieldNames += "AllListAdmins"
	$fieldNames += "WebURL"
	$fieldNames += "WebTitle"
	$fieldNames += "SiteURL"
	return [string]::Join("`t", $fieldNames)

function Enumerate-LargeLists
	$webApplications = $cs.WebApplications | foreach { $_ }
	foreach ($webApplication in $webApplications) {
		$webApplication.Sites | foreach {
			Enumerate-LargeListsInSite -siteCollection $_

#USAGE: paste contents into PowerShell window; call "Enumerate-LargeLists > yourtextfilename.txt"
#then paste contents of text file into Excel spreadsheet. Output is 
#intended to be perused and analyzed in Excel.