# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Convert-SchemaGUID
# description: Convert-SchemaGUID allows to convert the Active Directory Schema GUID or AD Extended Rights GUID to convert to readable name.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: P Sczepanski
# license: CC0
# function: Convert-SchemaGUIDtoLDAPDisplayName
# x-poshcode-id: 3789
# x-archived: 2012-11-30T08:52:53
# x-published: 2012-11-26T14:30:00
# You need to use . sourcing to load the script.
# Ie. store the file as Convert-SchemaGUID.ps1 and load it using “. .\Convert-SchemaGUID.ps1”. Then use “Get-Help Convert-SchemaGUID” to read the inline help.
# The script depends on “Search-AD” function which you can also find here:
# <script type=“text/javascript” src=“http://PoshCode.org/embed/3788”></script>
# List of Guids not properly defined in AD but used
# Used to initialize GuidCache.
New-Variable -Name GuidCache -Force -Option AllScope -Scope Script -Description "Cached GUIDs from AD. :: [redtoo]"
$Script:GuidCache = @{
"a05b8cc2-17bc-4802-a710-e7c15ab866a2" = "Autoenroll"
"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" = "All"
$Script:GuidObjects = @{}
function Convert-SchemaGUIDtoLDAPDisplayName {
Convert-SchemaGUIDtoLDAPDisplayName converts a schema GUId to the LDAP Display Name
Convert-SchemaGUIDtoLDAPDisplayName converts a schema GUId to the LDAP Display Name
The schema guid to lookup
PS C:\> Convert-SchemaGUIDtoLDAPDisplayName "bf96793f-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2"
NAME: Convert-SchemaGUIDtoLDAPDisplayName
AUTHOR: Patrick Sczepanski
VERSION 20120105
#Requires -Version 2.0
$ThisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
if ( $GuidCache.Contains($guid.Tostring()) ) {
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Found in script cache."
return $GuidCache.($guid.Tostring())
$RootDSE = [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]"LDAP://RootDSE"
$escapedGuid = "\" + ((([GUID]$guid).ToByteArray() |% {"{0:x}" -f $_}) -join '\')
$Filter = "(&(|(objectcategory=classschema)(objectcategory=attributeschema)(objectcategory=controlAccessRight))" +
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Query Schema and configuration"
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Base $($RootDSE.configurationNamingContext)"
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Filter $Filter"
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Attr ldapdisplayname"
$SearchResult = Search-AD -Searchbase $RootDSE.configurationNamingContext `
-Filter $Filter `
-Attributes ("distinguishedname","name","ldapdisplayname","displayname") `
-Scope Subtree `
-FindOne `
-ReferralChasing Subordinate `
-PageSize 0
if ( $SearchResult.properties.distinguishedname[0] -like "*Schema*" ) {
$GuidCache.($guid.Tostring()) = $SearchResult.properties.ldapdisplayname[0]
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Found in schema, added to cache."
Write-Output $SearchResult.properties.ldapdisplayname[0]
} elseif ( $SearchResult.properties.distinguishedname[0] -like "*Configuration*" ) {
$GuidCache.($guid.Tostring()) = $SearchResult.properties.displayname[0]
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Found in configuration context, added to cache."
Write-Output $SearchResult.properties.displayname[0]
} else {
Write-Verbose "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Not found return GUID, added 'unknown'."
Write-Output $guid.ToString()
#endregion Convert-Schema