PoshCode Archive  All files named "Compare-TwitterNames.ps1"

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History for Compare-TwitterNames.ps1

This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. file: [eeb03e321e] check-in: [56c5f552d7] user: Steven Murawski branch: trunk, size: 2186
Added: This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. file: [e0b4c9663e] check-in: [c63024319e] user: Steven Murawski branch: trunk, size: 2009