PoshCode Archive  All files named "Copy-Item-extended.ps1"

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History for Copy-Item-extended.ps1

Added: My replacement of Copy-Item addresses 3 problems. 1) if $dest doesn’t exist, it creates a directory 2) $exclude works on all levels 3) It handles wildcards in $src (in the filepart, this extends the solution to 2) in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/731752/exclude-list-in-powershell-copy-item-does-not-appear-to-be-working. Wildcards in the directory part of $dest are supported, but I do not recommend this use. This is a workaround for my personal needs, it does not try to use include. Note this solves the defect of Get-Childitem which doesn’t return the relative path and the object simultaneously in case of wildcards in $path. file: [3dabeed4ee] check-in: [d6d2ebe7d5] user: Bernd Kriszio branch: trunk, size: 2543