PoshCode Archive  All files named "Disable-AD-Users.ps1"

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History for Disable-AD-Users.ps1

This script will disable all Active Directory User accounts that have not logged in within the number of days specified by the $NumDays variable. All accounts that are disabled are logged in the “Disabled-User-Accounts.log” file created in the local directory. The formatting of the log file is very basic, but effective. file: [89c1aaae2a] check-in: [3fc6b8ff78] user: AlphaSun branch: trunk, size: 2291
Added: This script will disable all Active Directory User accounts that have not logged in within the number of days specified by the $NumDays variable. All accounts that are disabled are logged in the “Disabled-User-Accounts.log” file created in the local directory. The formatting of the log file is very basic, but effective. file: [e170b43f58] check-in: [aa6c8c83a0] user: AlphaSun branch: trunk, size: 2291