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History for Easy-Migration-Tool.ps1
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13:41 | Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. file: [09270811bd] check-in: [69e8cdf5fb] user: Richard Yaw branch: trunk, size: 53072 | |
13:38 | Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. file: [af3cb4f0d1] check-in: [793d937ca1] user: Richard Yaw branch: trunk, size: 53072 | |
13:11 | Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. file: [8adadd2f0e] check-in: [2fcd0124e9] user: Richard Yaw branch: trunk, size: 53036 | |
13:10 | Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI (Version 2.0) – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. file: [683a9d8744] check-in: [b5cf47c91e] user: Richard Yaw branch: trunk, size: 50423 | |
13:09 | Added: Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI (Version 2.0) – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. file: [51757ea650] check-in: [7544b409a1] user: Richard Yaw branch: trunk, size: 49373 | |