PoshCode Archive  All files named "Find-DuplicateSMTP.ps1"

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History for Find-DuplicateSMTP.ps1

This script will query your AD for all users, groups and contacts. It will then process through each of the SMTP addresses for all objects and count the number of occurances of each address. The scope expanded as I kept thinking of other interesting questions regarding the SMTP addresses that were in my domain. Once the script has finished gathering interesting data regarding the SMTP addresses in your domain, it will dump that information out to a spreadsheet (requires Excel), then send the spreadsheet as an email to you. file: [67513743ba] check-in: [7e018d58f8] user: Kevin branch: trunk, size: 12691
Added: This script will query your AD for all users, groups and contacts. It will then process through each of the SMTP addresses for all objects and count the number of occurances of each address. The scope expanded as I kept thinking of other interesting questions regarding the SMTP addresses that were in my domain. Once the script has finished gathering interesting data regarding the SMTP addresses in your domain, it will dump that information out to a spreadsheet (requires Excel), then send the spreadsheet as an email to you. file: [7af7f304d4] check-in: [698fd2d538] user: Kevin branch: trunk, size: 12604