PoshCode Archive  All files named "HttpRest.ps1"

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History for HttpRest.ps1

Added Get-WebPageContent to the initial implementation of the Http REST script functions (usable as a v1 script or as a module). file: [7cba4937d4] check-in: [3dc24c5357] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 18277
An initial implementation of some Http REST cmdlets, as a series of script functions (usable as a script module, just save as a .psm1) file: [c344b01827] check-in: [85b6c5cf11] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 17509
Upgraded more functions to PowerShell 2.0 [CmdletBinding()] file: [67989a959f] check-in: [a8e65ba498] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 26832
A few miscellaneous enhancements to HttpRest for pipelining urls, and the beginning of documentation … file: [1c69619a67] check-in: [8bbf433859] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 27513
Some enhancements to HttpRest to support posting content, and a couple other things I needed for OAuth support… file: [73fa6ee637] check-in: [15e3096992] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 26304
Added: Continued reworking in PowerShell 2.0 with parameter sets. file: [79cc4cd98e] check-in: [e3904b58f9] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 24036