PoshCode Archive  All files named "ISEFun-psm1.ps1"

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History for ISEFun-psm1.ps1

Module to extend PowerShell ISE functionality. Adds two GUIs (one to play with token colors, second to get command from history back to commandpane), and three functions that may be useful when using ISE (Edit-Function, Add-MyMenuItem and Expand-Alias). Comment-based help included. Have ISE – Fun! ;) file: [738631786c] check-in: [c4c838e6da] user: Bartek Bielawski branch: trunk, size: 19518
Added: Module to extend PowerShell ISE functionality. Adds two GUIs (one to play with token colors, second to get command from history back to commandpane), and three functions that may be useful when using ISE (Edit-Function, Add-MyMenuItem and Expand-Alias). Comment-based help included. Have ISE – Fun! ;) file: [8f4e6ddbbe] check-in: [9453e05f57] user: Bartek Bielawski branch: trunk, size: 10870