PoshCode Archive  All files named "Office-Pass-SaveAs.ps1"

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History for Office-Pass-SaveAs.ps1

Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress file: [9c6106ed41] check-in: [f77d8f02f2] user: Steele Stenger branch: trunk, size: 6924
Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress file: [4707cd70be] check-in: [a16faf4a68] user: Steele Stenger branch: trunk, size: 5806
Added: Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress file: [2dba5425ce] check-in: [454c31fb43] user: Steele Stenger branch: trunk, size: 3969