PoshCode Archive  All files named "PowerShell_ISE-Profile.ps1"

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History for PowerShell_ISE-Profile.ps1

http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/) functions. file: [108b172fe1] check-in: [6515488e75] user: Richard Vantreas branch: trunk, size: 49820
Added: Here is a Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1 that causes PowerShell_ISE to save all files in ASCII encoding instead of Unicode Big Endian. Adapted from Oisin Grehan’s script at http://www.nivot.org/nivot2/post/2010/05/21/PowerShellISEHackingChangeDefaultSaveEncodingToASCII.aspx#comment. file: [e4380461b1] check-in: [06e3380fdf] user: Richard Vantreas branch: trunk, size: 1406