PoshCode Archive  All files named "Remove-DeadITunesTracks.ps1"

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History for Remove-DeadITunesTracks.ps1

This script will go through your ITunes library and check the paths for each of the Tracks. If it doesn’t find a file at the specified location it will remove that track from your ITunes Library. file: [c444fc9180] check-in: [745ab3a44d] user: Mark Schill branch: trunk, size: 1033
Added: This script will go through your ITunes library and check the paths for each of the Tracks. If it doesn’t find a file at the specified location it will remove that track from your ITunes Library. file: [1700dd48ce] check-in: [67c3689e17] user: Mark Schill branch: trunk, size: 1964