PoshCode Archive  All files named "SqlProxy-psm1.ps1"

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History for SqlProxy-psm1.ps1

Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details file: [5ae28c1a08] check-in: [1caaaedbf6] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 39475
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details file: [4c212d46f5] check-in: [92f96c6ddc] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 38520
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details file: [80b57fcae2] check-in: [3ac1fda36e] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 38466
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details file: [034514b605] check-in: [3b02493ebc] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 38182
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details file: [7f8ec13e61] check-in: [c4f4b42006] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 43010
Added: Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details file: [05a4c64c93] check-in: [ff093d06da] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 42960