PoshCode Archive  All files named "Start-IRCJabberBridge.ps1"

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History for Start-IRCJabberBridge.ps1

Creates a bridge between (any) MUC chatroom and a Jabber user — by default it joins the #PowerShell channel at IRC.FreeNode.net and echos everything said there to you, and everything you say to it … to the chat room. Really quite useless, except as a demonstration. file: [4794a6a119] check-in: [cd398b2467] user: Joel Bennnett branch: trunk, size: 8123
Added: Creates a bridge between (any) MUC chatroom and a Jabber user — by default it joins the #PowerShell channel at IRC.FreeNode.net and echos everything said there to you, and everything you say to it … to the chat room. Really quite useless, except as a demonstration. file: [9d50b23711] check-in: [2bc299e2f6] user: halr9000 branch: trunk, size: 6357