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History for WPF-v3-DEMO.ps1

Demo of WPF with PowerShell v3 – using [class]@{ property = value }, flexible syntax, simplified where. Also using type accelerators. Not really smartest way to create WPF (no XAML – as bad as it sounds). So don’t treat this as very good example® or WPF in use. ;) file: [1ed0477e10] check-in: [c8f246c408] user: bielawb branch: trunk, size: 3227
Added: Demo of WPF with PowerShell v3 – using [class]@{ property = value }, flexible syntax, simplified where. Also using type accelerators. Not really smartest way to create WPF (no XAML – as bad as it sounds). So don’t treat this as very good example® or WPF in use. ;) file: [960d8470ad] check-in: [eaa3a09258] user: bielawb branch: trunk, size: 3227