PoshCode Archive  All files named "ZipFile-Module.ps1"

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History for ZipFile-Module.ps1

New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… file: [d5aeb3a14c] check-in: [bc98e260a2] user: Simon64 branch: trunk, size: 2972
New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… file: [c5fbb9abc7] check-in: [1bda0cea17] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 5409
Added: New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… file: [8e037f78af] check-in: [ad29ef3e58] user: Joel Bennett branch: trunk, size: 5384