PoshCode Archive  All files named "sudo-for-Powershell.ps1"

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History for sudo-for-Powershell.ps1

Added hidden window, with Export/Import-Clixml to pull results into current window file: [7d9cbbcbb2] check-in: [69f0a265d8] user: rbellamy branch: trunk, size: 3185
Added hidden window, with Export/Import-Clixml to pull results into current window file: [c8f422be79] check-in: [b4cf7a0fdb] user: pezhore branch: trunk, size: 3217
Updated from other people’s attempts. Useful for calling programs (notepad.exe, etc) or for running powershell scripts in an elevated prompt (use the -ps flag) file: [b39023d164] check-in: [394c12dc21] user: pezhore branch: trunk, size: 2670
Added: Updated from other people’s attempts. Useful for calling programs (notepad.exe, etc) or for running powershell scripts in an elevated prompt (use the -ps flag) file: [53790f1b8e] check-in: [62656f5dd9] user: pezhore branch: trunk, size: 2688