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Artifact c4bc73628e530b128d76b611fb4598552e06517b1029850d4b5d9cc0b6726652:

  • File AD-attributes.ps1 — part of check-in [58b7f62cba] at 2018-06-10 13:24:43 on branch trunk — This ASP page takes an input from a form from a html page. The input is the displayname (or part of a displayname) of an account in Active Directory. It returns a number of fields, but the one I was mainly interested in was the msds-Principalname, which is only available in AD 2008. As we’re not 100% AD 2008, I hard-coded this page to hit a Windows 2008 Domain Controller. I also needed the msds-Principalname field with “winnt://” in front of it, which is why the output loop looks a bit strange. (user: Paul McDonnell size: 4831)

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