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26 check-ins using file ShowUI-Weather-Widget.ps1 version 22bba34596

Use to get ESXi host versions check-in: dada7f0495 user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: 4283d96d81 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Use to get ESXi host versions check-in: 2a539c90cb user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
Sometimes our terminalserver sessions become unstable, session didn’t check-in: 2d0a0269ee user: unknown tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: d589f58f28 user: Administrator tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 214297fce9 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
Script to loop through text file of servers, check status of SQL Agent Jobs, add to an excel file and email check-in: b11401f8ea user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: a75eea6537 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A function to get a sql connection string in a web.config file check-in: 42824d9520 user: unknown tags: trunk
Takes a series of objects (like the converted input from csv) where there are a series of objects (rows) that actually define the same object, and there is (at least) one property which is a unique identifier (and appears on each object), and there are two properties which are a name and value pair defining additional properties ... and outputs new objects which merge the objects and add the name-value pairs as new properties. check-in: dbb811d9f0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: e46c855d76 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Reflector is no longer free. Except it kind of is. This script will download it for you. Booya! check-in: 5911cd9291 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: f3e0791f89 user: robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: d4606e7662 user: robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 82daefb634 user: robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 25d4df31f1 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Gathers lots of statistics about Exchange 2010 databases, and sends an email with both a html table, and also CSS graphs representing disk usage. check-in: 32da8fe8d4 user: rfoust tags: trunk
This is an advanced function I found that I’ve been using as a Show-Msgbox Function. Enjoy :) check-in: 0fc7ebb4ad user: Dyspareunia tags: trunk
Test md5/sha1/etc file hashes. check-in: 469b45aa4e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates a VMFS datastore via powershell by specifying the target LUN ID check-in: 1389dfb146 user: Ed Goad tags: trunk
Count-CachedMode.ps1 check-in: 6060c30928 user: unknown tags: trunk
Count-CachedMode.ps1 check-in: a93d392d54 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-CASConnectLogEntries.ps1 check-in: 00fc4e85bd user: unknown tags: trunk
I created this function to generate a new PowerShell Script template. It will prompt for the name of the script you want to create (don’t need to add the .ps1 extension) and the email (don’t need to add email) then it will create the template in the C:\Scripts directory (Dir should already exist) check-in: 3863b5ca93 user: Thijs Dirk tags: trunk
second version of set ip config thru WMI, check-in: 06636768cb user: chriskenis tags: trunk
This is a simple weather forecast widget that shows the current temperature and forecast. Don’t forget to change the $woEID to the right one for your location. check-in: 5c9aa0c416 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk