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29 check-ins using file FTP-upload.ps1 version 86d3d05af7
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14:16 | This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: 071bbd6f32 user: mjohnson tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Adds imitations of some operators such as ternary operator, -all, -any and etc. check-in: 8e3470f4bf user: poshman tags: trunk | |
14:16 | This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: c500f91962 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk | |
14:16 | A suggestion how to read Word document without MS Office check-in: a218d9c27b user: qwerty tags: trunk | |
14:16 | My prompt function for PS — There’s a bug causing an echo if you use write-host in your prompt on unix with PS 6 currently, so I rewrote my prompt to just output a string with escape sequences… check-in: 333e85fd79 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Temporarily (until restart) makes a font available without needing to install it (and thus, without need for admin rights). check-in: 799b3bfa75 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: c659554ccf user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk | |
14:16 | My prompt function for PS — There’s a bug causing an echo if you use write-host in your prompt on unix with PS 6 currently, so I rewrote my prompt to just output a string with escape sequences… check-in: 7eff776e86 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:16 | This script can be run with PowerShell to launch a metro application against a file. It is really intended to be used from a batch file, which is embedded as a comment within the script. check-in: 571f1e4a83 user: Bob P tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Depends from PSCpu.ps1 library You can find it at check-in: a38afd0fb2 user: Marta Leigh tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Identifying knowledge base article by its id number taken from string or filename. check-in: 162787e7ff user: Kris Cieslak tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Nice solution to detect current Windows version (instead buggy [Environment]::OSVersion). Fount at check-in: 0b2afa09f2 user: roger tags: trunk | |
14:16 | PowerGrowl Sample Goes Here check-in: 3eb649e7a4 user: Thom Lamb tags: trunk | |
14:16 | PowerGrowl Sample Goes Here check-in: 4f3708bf1c user: Thom Lamb tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: 7477bcba4c user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk | |
14:16 | check-in: 277b19502e user: dvsbobloblaw tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Re\sets password for specified user. Original check-in: 59c121aacf user: Hacker tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Get-DotNetFrameworkVersion: Script to get installed .Net versions check-in: 34d0c98711 user: unknown tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Cool script which allows you to do some things more easily. For example, it became possible use bitwise shift in PowerShell v2 or c-style ternary operation. check-in: 101f009a17 user: roger tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Nice solution to detect current Windows version (instead buggy [Environment]::OSVersion). Fount at check-in: 08c6720576 user: roger tags: trunk | |
14:16 | My script uses WMI to gather various useful pieces of useful systems information that can be used for either support calls, downloading drives or troubleshooting your system. check-in: ae90e0db04 user: PatrickG tags: trunk | |
14:16 | This function is a wrapper for the Invoke-SSH cmdlet which is included in the Netcmdlets package ( I don’t care for its output or syntax complexity, so I made this to suit my needs. check-in: f29882008e user: unknown tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Found at check-in: 0d5e172abf user: terran tags: trunk | |
14:16 | A trace/logging system that wraps Write-Verbose, Write-Debug or Write-Warning to add timestamps and invocation source to the output, as well as allowing complicated messages to be calculated only when the output will actually be displayed. check-in: 432fd13941 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:16 | Get observed IP address ranges and VLAN IDs from an ESX host’s physical adapter. Sample use at the bottom. check-in: fa411db461 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk | |
14:16 | This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: 8f1321795c user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk | |
14:16 | This advanced function will return information about the estimated token size and group memberships of the specified user. check-in: 25ccace0aa user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk | |
14:16 | test check-in: 4b9cf936e7 user: teste tags: trunk | |
14:16 | quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 53b33c72c4 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk | |