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4 check-ins using file Snippet-Compiler.ps1 version e3c878f63c

Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 041c3eb6c4 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 0213b24305 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Parses an Apache redirect file to identify broken entries. check-in: 0670521e9a user: anonymous tags: trunk
Some improvements for GUI. And there are some known bugs with output compiling directory (fixing in progress), also I removed code which highlight code in RichTextBox (because it’s unstable). check-in: 09479a5658 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk