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8 check-ins using file This-script-will-take-a-.ps1 version 53d43fb058

PowerShell script to installs Firefox add-ons (extensions) check-in: 46fb716614 user: Scott Copus tags: trunk
This function sets the access rights on properties of AD-groups. Used to delegate access on one group to another. In my case used to delegate the accessgroup of a shared mailbox in Office 365 to another group which contains the owners. This enables them to control the members of the access group through a powershell form. check-in: 529b62738e user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 99e7ce6f1d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Basic script that gets mac addresses (NetBIOS table) from a list of remote hosts. check-in: cbd8a8d482 user: Qodosh tags: trunk
Basic script that gets mac addresses (NetBIOS table) from a list of remote hosts. check-in: bec0449e8f user: Qodosh tags: trunk
Quickly create a JPG barchart of VMware stats which can be adjusted in the variables, Office components will be needed. For more examples and comments please check http://teckinfo.blogspot.com check-in: 1854817900 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
This code can be added to an AWS instance to set the default password of an EC2 instance. It stops the need for using keys to set the windows password. It needs to be set in the “User Data” section when building the Instance. check-in: c4035a952a user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 6c9aa94814 user: unknown tags: trunk