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35 check-ins using file RunSSIS.ps1 version 7a816d4b21

Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: 274fa9ed3c user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Takes a series of objects (like the converted input from csv) where there are a series of objects (rows) that actually define the same object, and there is (at least) one property which is a unique identifier (and appears on each object), and there are two properties which are a name and value pair defining additional properties ... and outputs new objects which merge the objects and add the name-value pairs as new properties. check-in: 6df4f1cac8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
It would really be sweet if I could get-netstat -sate CLOSE_WAIT check-in: f2695362b7 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: b9138f2cd3 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A one liner that parses the output of NET.EXE’s VIEW command. NET.EXE VIEW displays a list of computers in your current domain by default, to display another domain change it to read NET.EXE VIEW /domain <domainName>. check-in: 4f965446f5 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: a6a0478feb user: foobar tags: trunk
Used to reset a Users Password check-in: 07532ca2ae user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
A wrapper for Get-ChildItem with color highlighting for different file types. I was thinking of the Linux ‘ls —color’, but didn’t bother to match up colors or anything. TODO: The ability to sort by type would be nice. Note: you will have to remove the documentation at the beginning of the function if you want to use it with versions prior to v2.0 CTP3. check-in: d9bc3eb0cd user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A few wrapper functions to make working with the SSH portion of SharpSSH easier: New-SshSession, Invoke or Send Ssh commands, Receive output, all with support for “Expect” ... which means we’ll continue reading from the ssh output until we see the expected output, and then stop. check-in: 1ef32cbbce user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A wrapper for Get-ChildItem with color highlighting for different file types. I was thinking of the Linux ‘ls —color’, but didn’t bother to match up colors or anything. TODO: I should probably update it to precompile the regexes at the top so that they aren’t compiled for each item returned by Get-ChildItem, and the ability to sort by type would be nice. Note: you will have to remove the documentation at the beginning of the function if you want to use it with versions prior to v2.0 CTP3. check-in: c00add082f user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
## check-in: d7c2651b11 user: William tags: trunk
This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. check-in: 56c5f552d7 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
powershell does all dividing by doubles, even integers, so often to simulate a interger division you have to [math]::floor the quotient. Here are some functions to do pure integer division check-in: db9c13417b user: karl prosser tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 4cef3a522d user: karl prosser tags: trunk
in progress -buggy check-in: 2859899687 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Compare the tables (and columns with the -Column parameter) in two databases, checking for differences. check-in: f078ff029b user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
simple function like foreach, but that traps exceptions using v2, and logs then in the $lastex variable. this way the pipeline can continue and process the objects that aren’t having errors happen against them. eventually this needs to be made much better, and be a v2 advanced function check-in: 8861eb2d12 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: 9b4edfc4a0 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: c1516694a0 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Requires PS 2.0 CTP3 check-in: b2fec69446 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
This is an enhancement on top of the [Environment]::GetFolderPath to add support for additional folders like QuickLaunch and the “Common” folders (CommonStartMenu, etc) by using the WshShell SpecialFolders enum from COM... check-in: 4fd765a751 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: 112f040939 user: oisin tags: trunk
The following script will add some nice host network information into an object which is exported to a csv file for passing to the network guys or can be used to find your server in that mess of cables that are always meaning to be tidied in the data center. check-in: 4cffe14ca1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Help Differ 10000 check-in: 346aea5cc1 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: 2fb850be3d user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate one or more random strings for use as passwords or pre-shared keys using a Windows form in PowerShell. User can customize the alphabet, length and number of strings generated. check-in: 68cae6afcd user: Marcus L tags: trunk
This script will create a new System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 Collection. check-in: d739feb1d9 user: Andy S tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: c31e7f5216 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This script takes a path to a script (full or relative), a fileinfo object, or either as pipeline input. It converts the script’s content to a function of the same name as the file. For example, ./ConvertTo-Function Get-Server.ps1 would create a function called Get-Server. If the function already exists, it will replace it with the new script. check-in: 77947463ab user: unknown tags: trunk
Many organizations have a separate OUs for their servers and workstations, this is an example on how to list servers in the wrong OU. check-in: ef8665ab81 user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file. check-in: 68baeceeb4 user: foobar tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. check-in: d8f4934f20 user: foobar tags: trunk
A simple trick to show and hide windows — and an extra bonus trick ;) check-in: b818615f78 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
simple V1 function to print files, either listed, or through the pipeline. No error checking implemented check-in: 55a48a4b8a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Executes a SQL Server Integrations Services package for both server and file system storage types. Optionally Resets a Package Configuration connection string named “SSISCONFIG” to new server location. Also includes optional processing of external configuration file. check-in: 6126a40cb6 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk