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3 check-ins using file Ascii-Memes.ps1 version fa71d7e354

This script will make a copy of the local PST to the One drive folder check-in: 84fbab5fac user: Francois Fournier tags: trunk
Get-DellWarranty (Uses new Dell API; the old Get-DellWarranty scripts screen scrape their site and no longer work because they changed the formatting of the tables. This relies on their API service so in theory it should be maintained by Dell and remain working. The script itself has an array of computer names at the top and will cycle through each system and query that warranty information. Based off of all warranty lines, the highest warranty is tracked and outputted as well. The Get-DellWarranty function itself is configured to accept a -servicetag or -serialnumber parameter or accept piped input, and outputs an object that contains objects of warranty entitlement lines. check-in: 9a05852e74 user: Dane Kantner tags: trunk
Another silly toy I threw together in a few minutes. Use Get-AsciiFromString to generate your own if you want. check-in: 3bf2c9dae1 user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk