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5 check-ins using file Log4Net-xslt.ps1 version 075bbe56cb

This is like a (very simple) “more” script for PowerShell … the problem with it is that you’re paging by a count of objects, not by how many lines of text they’ll output … so the paging doesn’t really work except for format-table output … unless you specify it manually. However, this script provides you with “an option” if you want to have paging and still be able to use a script to color the output based on context or syntax. check-in: 2b5a1b18d0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Skip -every 3rd, or -upto 3 at a time, or the -first 3, or the -last 3 or any combination of the above … check-in: 84b4f6e2c6 user: unknown tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: f132d2c4ad user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: f58f094115 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A stylesheet for viewing log4net xml files (which is a bit of a trick, anyway) check-in: ffb18c808c user: unknown tags: trunk