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5 check-ins using file Set-Computername.ps1 version 07f89dc90b

Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder check-in: 6267ec5f43 user: shauncroucher tags: trunk
Hardware Inventory script to run on Windows Servers and output the JSON string to a CouchDB Database check-in: 9ace58081a user: VulcanX tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: 3b02493ebc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
PowerShell module that allows scripters to define argument transformation attributes in simple PowerShell syntax. This is an extension developed by beefarino of my ScriptTransform example at http://huddledmasses.org/more-custom-attributes-for-powershell-parameters/ and now supports re-defining transforms without restarting PowerShell. check-in: 0d8aca7497 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: a30e7f1b9b user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk