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7 check-ins using file SSL-Oblivious-Web-Client.ps1 version 0c9ef00207
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14:13 | Microsoft provided script, however I can’t download it at work but I can copy and paste. check-in: fed1ecde98 user: GuyinTheOffice tags: trunk | |
14:13 | My command prompt, as always. I leave this in a separate script file and invoke it from my profile. That way I can RE-invoke it to reset my prompt if I have to mess with it for some reason. check-in: bd4bd6f12a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:13 | This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: 03dbed6faf user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk | |
14:13 | retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: a1919b01b8 user: karl prosser tags: trunk | |
14:13 | PS Module for creating new hires with functions for Exchange Online Mailbox, Skype voice provisioning, and UM Mailbox provisioning check-in: a3b6e3d8fe user: unknown tags: trunk | |
14:13 | Generic script for Citrix PVS and App-V to publish apps without the need for a management and database server for App-V. Generic script doesn’t need to be updated for every change or app so the image wont have to be opened and sealed every time. The published app in the XenApp console passes the necessary information for each new published app, making it easy to add apps on the fly and not have to modify the PVS image. This script should be not necessary if you have XenApp 7.8 or higher. check-in: 42e02c118d user: thegeek tags: trunk | |
14:13 | This function creates a web client that will ignore all SSL certificate errors. Useful for uploading (HTTP PUT, maybe POST as well) to an https web server using a self-signed cert. check-in: 755fecaada user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk | |