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46 check-ins using file Get-MX.ps1 version 2836f5fb19

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways check-in: 277b19502e user: dvsbobloblaw tags: trunk
Re\sets password for specified user. Original https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/New-Password.ps1 check-in: 59c121aacf user: Hacker tags: trunk
Get-DotNetFrameworkVersion: Script to get installed .Net versions check-in: 34d0c98711 user: unknown tags: trunk
Cool script which allows you to do some things more easily. For example, it became possible use bitwise shift in PowerShell v2 or c-style ternary operation. check-in: 101f009a17 user: roger tags: trunk
Nice solution to detect current Windows version (instead buggy [Environment]::OSVersion). Fount at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-NtVersionNumbers.ps1 check-in: 08c6720576 user: roger tags: trunk
My script uses WMI to gather various useful pieces of useful systems information that can be used for either support calls, downloading drives or troubleshooting your system. check-in: ae90e0db04 user: PatrickG tags: trunk
This function is a wrapper for the Invoke-SSH cmdlet which is included in the Netcmdlets package (http://www.nsoftware.com/PowerShell/). I don’t care for its output or syntax complexity, so I made this to suit my needs. check-in: f29882008e user: unknown tags: trunk
Found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-MacAddress.ps1 check-in: 0d5e172abf user: terran tags: trunk
A trace/logging system that wraps Write-Verbose, Write-Debug or Write-Warning to add timestamps and invocation source to the output, as well as allowing complicated messages to be calculated only when the output will actually be displayed. check-in: 432fd13941 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get observed IP address ranges and VLAN IDs from an ESX host’s physical adapter. Sample use at the bottom. check-in: fa411db461 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: 8f1321795c user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This advanced function will return information about the estimated token size and group memberships of the specified user. check-in: 25ccace0aa user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
test check-in: 4b9cf936e7 user: teste tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 53b33c72c4 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Output text ato a new PowerPoint slide check-in: c963db8b79 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: ddee39bd90 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 2fdf841aae user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
3 way file compare check-in: c06a09b625 user: unknown tags: trunk
Send HL7 message to a remote host via TCP (MLLP framing) check-in: 5e9b1ff91d user: Rob Holme tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 559ded4318 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Posting my profile.ps1 in case anyone is interested: check-in: b0488aabe3 user: Tim Dunn tags: trunk
S-1-5-11 check-in: 01f6b59511 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. check-in: 9509fdfcef user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Correction to line 51. Each octet pair should be two characters. Original code omits leading zeroes in an octet pair. The format expressions should be {”{0:x2}” and not {”{0:x}”. check-in: 602211aaad user: Michael Liben tags: trunk
Send a popup message to a user on a remote computer. check-in: 01a8a24f9f user: sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf tags: trunk
Enumerate OpsMgr 2007 Object Discoveries targeted to Windows Server check-in: e1e1a4a976 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
powershell does all dividing by doubles, even integers, so often to simulate a interger division you have to [math]::floor the quotient. Here are some functions to do pure integer division check-in: 717d3a6768 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
It gets the System Environment Variables from Registry check-in: 83a39917cd user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Reads from the registry all the .Net versions installed on the local machine. check-in: e53b56f275 user: Tzvika N tags: trunk
Create a ZIP archive of a given file. check-in: f81ab1098f user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
The Post-ToSlack cmdlet is used to send a chat message to a Slack channel, group, or person. check-in: 0b4f9e7c41 user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
Send a notification message to a HipChat room via a RESTful Call to the HipChat API V2 Atlassian requires a separate token for each room within HipChat! check-in: b2e3fa9ee7 user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
Checks a given Mail Address against a REGEX Filter to see if it is RfC822 complaint check-in: 10d4d2d4e5 user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
This complete module greatly facilitates backing up your Hyper-V virtual machines. check-in: 4c3d779210 user: jhjbhjb h tags: trunk
This simple function translates a wireless AP’s BBID (mac) through the SkyhookWireless API’s to return location information… check-in: d2a1b6c95c user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
I can’t get dynamic parameters working when there are multiple parameter sets on the other parameters. as soon as i limit the param sets down to 1, it works. if there are 2, it doesn’t. check-in: 358ded077f user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Runs a T-SQL Script using SQL Server Management Objects (SMO). Provides various flags to funnel result sets and display messages to different outputs, such as csv file, host, and Out-GridView form, etc. Displays detailed error messages similar to SQL Server Management Studio check-in: 210d9dcd64 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
Collects Information about index fragmentation and writes the results to a csv file check-in: c7c6d0072f user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
This function takes a string of text and word-wraps it to a specific target line width. In addition check-in: d1db57bb23 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
This function is simple example of using SMO to iterate through some database objects, tables check-in: 2b509ba266 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
This Script was written to query remote DNS servers for A record in the local domain. I wrote this in CTP 2 and unsure if it will work in Posh v1. check-in: f0e55a7474 user: unknown tags: trunk
channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0005;;;SY)(A;;0×5;;;BA)(A;;0×1;;;S-1-5-32-573) check-in: 127699139a user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
O:BAG:BAD:(A;;CCDCLCSWRP;;;BA)(A;;CCDCSW;;;WD)(A;;CCLCRP;;;S-1-5-21-3710682621-373433760-2056108126-1003)(A;;CCDCLCSWRP;;;S-1-5-32-562)(A;;CCDCLCSWRP;;;LU)(A;;CCDCSW;;;AC)(A;;CCLCRP; check-in: 27886a36c6 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
0:BAG check-in: b17ca159bb user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Ok, i guess i have too much code for the paste bin, please can someone remove this ! check-in: 0b434e7aac user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: b16f19aa8d user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk