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38 check-ins using file List-AD-Users-CSV.ps1 version 328b228099

Port of Chris Veness’ JavaScript AES CTR (AES Counter Mode) Aes.Ctr.decrypt to PowerShell. It will decrypt text encrypted with the Aes.Ctr.encrypt function from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/aes.html which is used by many websites. .NET doesn’t support AES CTR mode natively so you have to do it manually with a little fudging. check-in: 0566cebbac user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Creates a graph using office web components showing the usage of all datastores check-in: 209193aed5 user: unknown tags: trunk
Query Exchange with PowerShell for free/busy data check-in: d229233ebd user: Atamido tags: trunk
Parses a Windows Event log entry by specifying EventRecordID and Log name and outputs XPath that can be used in an event filter/view or Windows Event Forwarding Filter check-in: 3f2eb1d94b user: Kurt Falde tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: fa5e1e2b5a user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: c78f54c483 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Trying to get failed WMI and successful wmi machines out into a variable… keep getting “positional parameter” errors when I try to create $wmicheckresults custom object (first time I’ve ever had to use a new object) ... ideally I don’t dump the results to file at all, but I can’t figure out how to get it OUT of the invoke-parallel scriptblock once it’s done it’s code..just disappears into the ether… check-in: ea03ce6113 user: unknown tags: trunk
Work in progress reinstall SCCM 2007 Client, invoke-parallel portion is broken :( check-in: 2ef266a238 user: unknown tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: c33f4bb0ac user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Function add an account/group to a WinRM-endpoint, by default the default PowerShell endpoint. See comment based help or this blog post for more information: check-in: 170d544934 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Out-HTML – converts cmdlets help to HTML format check-in: d68dac7080 user: Vegard Hamar tags: trunk
*D15644DAD6FB3335E867C34FA39B77B83A78BF77 check-in: a2b5062f34 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Two functions Get-AllRegkey and Compare-AllRegKey which will recursivly retrieve a key’s properties and subkeys, and their properties and subkeys, as an array of objects, across multiple computers. The Compare-AllRegKey function uses Compare-Object to compare the arrays returned from each computer to an array returned from a specified reference computer. check-in: 16522a67d4 user: whertzing56 tags: trunk
this script will check a list of IP’s versus the most common RBL’s online – it will mail results of each IP with a list of the blacklists it was found on. If you run it during the 9am -10am hours it will send Negitive emails also for a sanity check – check-in: c0603dd6ce user: OrbGod tags: trunk
Create a desktop.ini in your PowerShell folder setting the icon and messing with the display name. check-in: 8f04776686 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Backs up the configuration of a Cisco UCS 61xx/62xx fabric interconnect using the Cisco PowerTool cmdlets. Designed to run as a scheduled task. Instructions are included in the script. Brief blog post at http://batchlife.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/powershell-script-to-backup/ . You’ll have to make the usual changes to directories, email addresses, etc. Hopefully I didn’t make the instructions more confusing when I sanitized the script for server names and the like. check-in: 38aa79efbf user: monahancj tags: trunk
Sets the ISE Zoom level to a range between 20 and 400. check-in: c744f31a9b user: mwjcomputing tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: 9fdddf4e0f user: zorion tags: trunk
Measure-Command, but with iterations and stuff check-in: 9ad273a2a3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: fdfaf58a8d user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 662673ad7d user: Ermias tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: 45a5d03b39 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This function downloads sessions from Microsoft Ignite 2015. check-in: 24e6759e8a user: mwjcomputing tags: trunk
this script will check a list of IP’s versus the most common RBL’s online – it will mail results of each IP with a list of the blacklists it was found on. If you run it during the 9am -10am hours it will send Negitive emails also for a sanity check – check-in: efa1b0121b user: Munsonisim tags: trunk
This is a jacked up version of Lee’s Show-Object. Uses WMF and a customized tree view grid (Got the C# from MSDN some place, lost the link). Still pretty early on, will likely update it. check-in: 0f79739155 user: Jrich523 tags: trunk
This script gets database or databases from load server and backs up to FileShare. Checks target availability group, gets up to 3 replicas. Checks if DB is in AG already. For each database, removes database from Availability Group. Restores database to each replica, creates a new database IF does not exist. Adds databases back to AG. check-in: f90aff3bf5 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 6d93cc9a93 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
Export-Screenshot and Get-Screenshot let you get a System.Drawing.Bitmap of the full virtual screen or a cropped area of it, and save it to file … check-in: cfa5d6d3ae user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: e28d43b781 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 0bdfa62218 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 05907f970d user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: f36e7ebf9a user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
Mandelbrot PoC check-in: 00fd875639 user: Zefram tags: trunk
REALLY validates given IP address and returns True/False. The original script didn’t allow ZEROS in the Ip address (eg: returned $false) check-in: 3400bec272 user: mow01 tags: trunk
Allows you to open a Webmin interface in IE from the command line, automatically skipping an SSL error and logging in with the provided username and password. I use this script as an external tool in mRemoteNG with the following powershell arguments line: “-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -WindowStyle Hidden -File “C:\Users\kim.shepherd\Scripts\Webmin-Login.ps1” -Username Username -Password Password -URL https://%Hostname%:10000” check-in: 1f86fa0f4a user: Kim Shepherd tags: trunk
Tool for helpdesk to query computers and get information about the computer and the computers owner/user. Can be compiled into .exe with built in credentials with Powerhsell Studio check-in: 14c87bdfd1 user: Brian C tags: trunk
Can someone explain to me what the following code is used to do? And how many it will produce? and How would the output be used? check-in: 63fc734ab0 user: VARRum tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: b8821a5050 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk