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240 check-ins using file BufferBox.ps1 version 42d0ddc580

A powershell script that will create the CREATE DDL for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: 16fb3f4479 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A powershell script that will create the CREATE DDL for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: 3d7d444d92 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A powershell script that will create the CREATE DML for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: c51ed6d496 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A script that scripts a stored proc in SQL server. check-in: 9074d8ead2 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A script that scripts a stored proc in SQL server. check-in: abf71a8c92 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A script that scripts a stored proc in SQL server. check-in: 4440f10fe0 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: a89c20d3cf user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Get an attachment from an exchange e-mail. check-in: d22b83702a user: George Mauer tags: trunk
AnalyzeScript opens a dialog box for user selection; checks that input is a powershell script; parses and agrigates the script components. check-in: e568420376 user: Paul A tags: trunk
AnalizeScript opens a dialog box for user selection; checks that input is a powershell script; parses and agrigates the script components. check-in: dc9d1166ca user: Paul A tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: 4e58443b98 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Read in an IIS *log file saved in format W3C. check-in: 56c3d7a509 user: Mark Shevchenko tags: trunk
Read in an IIS *log file saved in format W3C. check-in: a802a5d486 user: unknown tags: trunk
different examples of how you can access properties with a custom where function check-in: 38929b1aef user: karl prosser tags: trunk
different examples of how you can access properties with a custom where function check-in: 8f29baa863 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: cc8c9d38b8 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
This function will allow you to retreive the contents of a hosts file on a local or remote system. This can be used with one or more systems. check-in: a70951df0d user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
As written will manually apply all settings associated with a local WSUS server. Ideal for use when you need to force a non-domain system to point to a domain based WSUS server. check-in: 4b683b8d04 user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
This function will allow you to retreive the contents of a hosts file on a local or remote system. This can be used with one or more systems. check-in: ea054b98d4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Originally written to regenerate the init.txt file for server based Halo 1 PC multiplayer games. It may however be easily edited and used to randomize any array or group of arrays. check-in: cc20bc00d6 user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
AutoArchive Script check-in: a5c6cc2fff user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
This function will allow you to retreive the contents of a hosts file on a local or remote system. This can be used with one or more systems. check-in: f9d93afacb user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: ec8ffc043a user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Creates an event handler for monitoring either process creation or deletion. This requires to be run as administrator. check-in: e0f79a02a9 user: Ravikanth tags: trunk
Creates an event handler for monitoring either process creation or deletion. This requires to be run as administrator. check-in: 5877966bb6 user: Ravikanth tags: trunk
Queries DNS to return the host name and associated IP addresses, given either an IP address or a host name via the pipeline or parameter (accepts arrays). check-in: 9ee2692d1b user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: bf94c883c7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
As written it will poll Cisco routers and switches and if the snmp OID’s match it will pull out model, serial, and IOS version. The resulting spreadsheet contains IP, host name, serial, model, IOS version, and rack location. The script is heavily documented internally. See the script for more info. check-in: 29115fd95a user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
Give as input a cmdlet name. Output is a set of properties about each parameter, including: name, parameter set, aliases, ismandatory, and CommonParameter. Thanks to LucD for the technique. check-in: 3e10580577 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This function will allow you to query local or remote computer/s and determine if there are pending WSUS updates that need to be installed. A report is returned that can be exported to a CSV file if desired. check-in: 8db30724ff user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 3b86ce9bf4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 317da19173 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function will allow you to query any server hosting SQL and return the file sizes for the each Database file(MDF) and Transaction Log file(LDF). This does not return back the file locations for each database. I have tested this on SQL 2000, 2005 and 2008. check-in: 002b0a0511 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
#a function to count how many items there are, whether its an array, a collection, a hashtable or actually just check-in: 2df993104f user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Script demonstrates automated SQL database restore using SQLPSX SQLServer module that relocates files to default directory and kills all connections to database. check-in: fe318ed71c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Script demonstrates automated SQL database restore using SQLPSX SQLServer module that relocates files to default directory and kills all connections to database. check-in: 0d20c62472 user: unknown tags: trunk
Basic authentication class, with really simple dumb cookie set. check-in: 891c1636d3 user: unknown tags: trunk
I saw few questions about this functionality on VUG, so I decided to give it a try and create function that would allow user to created object with nested objects. I needed to have also possibility to define type of nested object, so I’ve used key in hashtable to define it, if exists. Works fine now with Windows.Forms :) Meanwhile I’ve noticed Karl already produced another script that does similar things. Oh, well, maybe that will be also handy for somebody. :) check-in: 451e3d18a4 user: BartekB tags: trunk
Just a slight remake of a previous ‘Edit-File’ advanced function. check-in: ce90ffe7b7 user: Smobutter tags: trunk
Just a slight remake of a previous ‘Edit-File’ advanced function. check-in: 98cad7d2c9 user: Smobutter tags: trunk
I saw few questions about this functionality on VUG, so I decided to give it a try and create function that would allow user to created object with nested objects. I needed to have also possibility to define type of nested object, so I’ve used key in hashtable to define it, if exists. Works fine now with Windows.Forms :) Meanwhile I’ve noticed Karl already produced another script that does similar things. Oh, well, maybe that will be also handy for somebody. :) check-in: ff9cd14417 user: unknown tags: trunk
this function takes nested hashtables and converts them to nested pscustomobjects.it can also contain arrays of hashtables, and it will turn those hashtables in the arrays also into PScustomobjects check-in: dd3ef45e69 user: unknown tags: trunk
This will return the specified website’s X.509 certificate either as an object or a file (if the -OutputFile parameter is specified). See included comment based help for documentation. check-in: cc7056aa4e user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: f12b3a76e6 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: d4af3817db user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Get-PSExecutionPolicy.ps1 uses WMI to query remote registry for PowerShell path and exeuction policy settings. Because WMI is used works from x86 to x64 machines. check-in: 93913f6eab user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This script enables you too search AD for SMTP addresses that are possibly in use, using the QUEST PowerShell PSSnapIn and searching the “proxyAddress” attribute of objects. The output details either that the SMTP address is not found in AD or you get details of the object that owns the SMTP address. check-in: 421452b816 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
Joins array elements together using a specific string separator check-in: bd2e83a607 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Given an ESX host, produce a report of read and write latencies for all attached LUNs. check-in: ac0abd1824 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 96ea24c532 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is a Powershell wrapper around the CreateShortCut method of the WScript.Shell COM object. I’ve added a feature to set the “Run as Administrator” flag. This feature is used on OS versions with UAC. check-in: e7d2555c6f user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
where-in and where-propertyin are filters that allow to pass through pipeline object that are in a specified array/collection, or that have a property that is in an array or collection. They also can take a scriptblock that can be used to implement a comparision when the relationship isn’t exact. in that scriptblock the variable $__ is created to represent the item in the collection being compared with the pipeline $_ object. see examples embedded. check-in: b1737686f6 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
a demo of using some build in dotnet attributes to store some powershell METADATA (hashtables) and extract that. check-in: 1ab9caf26c user: karl prosser tags: trunk
PowerBot is my IRC bot written in PowerShell script using SmartIrc4Net There’s a bit more to it than this, but this is the basic script, and all you have to do is add your own commands! Of course, you could also add your own additional message handlers and make a chatter-bot or whatever you like. Please share your mods back here! check-in: b661aae4d5 user: james tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to retrieve the current weather information for a given country/city. check-in: 73bd74e62f user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to retrieve the current weather information for a given country/city. check-in: b19c1152a9 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 12379df108 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Prompt replacement based on a script by iainsimpson (http://blogs.technet.com/iainsimpson/archive/2008/02/20/custom-powershell-prompt.aspx). check-in: 0bcf6441ab user: callias tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: d6a4d6086a user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 9781d477c4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 495fd6611f user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will trap events such as USB insertion, file changes, registry key check-in: 3f63214c04 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script will trap events such as USB insertion, file changes, registry key check-in: 05bedb1316 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 9edc145181 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function allows you to download the contents of a webpage to display on a PowerShell console. Also included is a switch to show the size of the web page. check-in: 1cc40ab5fe user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function allows you to download the contents of a webpage to display on a PowerShell console. Also included is a switch to show the size of the web page. check-in: 1e2fc1e1ca user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 0902fff4f8 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: cef7e3bfdc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sets Application Compatibility flags for an application. (Same as on the Compatibility tab of the properties.) check-in: 21c171935b user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
Sorry, but for now this is an all-in-one link creating/editing function: GET-Link and then call methods on it … feel free to polish it up and paste back. All credit goes to Ian Clegg for writing 90% of this code. check-in: a99d842149 user: unknown tags: trunk
Example on how to use Proxy Cmdlets in combination with object events. check-in: 3b2bb10413 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Example on how to use Proxy Cmdlets in combination with object events. check-in: d22c3dec6d user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Module to extend PowerShell ISE functionality. Adds two GUIs (one to play with token colors, second to get command from history back to commandpane), and three functions that may be useful when using ISE (Edit-Function, Add-MyMenuItem and Expand-Alias). Comment-based help included. Have ISE – Fun! ;) check-in: c4c838e6da user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
Very simple module that’s add ‘cd -’ functionality. It basically keeps track of folders you have visited (using prompt function) and make those available in Set-PrevLocation function. Alias cd- make it (almost) feel like original. You can add argument [int] that will limit list’s length. If you have other modules that modify prompt: keep in mind that it will restore prompt function on removal but will use state that existed when it was imported… So any changes done in between will be probably lost. check-in: a1e2614bae user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
A simple implemenation of the Experimental.IO LongPath library from the Microsoft Base Class Library project as a module. check-in: c292ea5524 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 8a723a26e4 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This is a Powershell v2 module that takes NMAP XML output and formats it into custom powershell objects, allowing you to manipulate NMAP output data in Powershell. It operates similarly to import-csv. check-in: 71ef087140 user: Jason Fossen tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: 2fcd0124e9 user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
Wrapper script for executing a T-SQL call and optionally returning a delimited file. Informational/Error messages are written to the Application EventLog. Purpose of script is run T-SQL commands from external scheduler (UniCenter, AutoSys, etc.), log messages to EventLog and return success/failed status. check-in: b9399825b6 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The new WASP module is getting closer, but this still isn’t quite it ;) check-in: f4028addcf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Queries the Dell Website for a list of service tags and returns the warranty information as a custom object. check-in: 1e6a513458 user: jgrote tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: d9d3aa22bb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: f3398d0857 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: 2cfb8b382d user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Here’s a first simple hit on how to use the Experimental.IO LongPath library from the Microsoft Base Class Library codeplex project. Will list files and/or folders (recursively) ... check-in: c845c6c8aa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get one or more performance counter objects. check-in: 3f7fb18061 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
PowerShell functions to export and import WLAN profiles in Windows Vista/Windows 7 check-in: 32cf196e03 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 034011d604 user: DEEPSEADC01 tags: trunk
A way to easily edit textual variables and environment variables: Edit-Variable env:path check-in: c8935f0fb3 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script creates a WMI Class Win32_AddRemovePrograms (and, on 64bit systems, a Win32_AddRemovePrograms32 for 32bit apps) which are backed by the registry provider. They can then be queried to list installed apps (and versions) and perform much faster than running the same queries using the PowerShell Registry provider. Additionally, they can be used in GPO policies, etc. check-in: db369ae37e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sample of calling RichCopy.exe for massively parallel file copy. Great when copying many small files over long distance, to overlap latency delays. Same as Windows 7 ‘robocopy.exe /MT:64’ but works on Windows XP and Server 2003. check-in: e05dcb20e4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Here is a handful of functions that I use to manage netapp appliances. The code could be improved in several ways, but I think it is a good starting point and functions as a good set of examples for those interested in using the ontap SDK in powershell. check-in: 65dc3bda91 user: Jason Ochoa tags: trunk
Restarts local or remote IIS AppPools check-in: 749e4cece8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Restarts local or remote IIS AppPools check-in: 0579fd5f88 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 76ac0f0af5 user: unknown tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 64022f7fdc user: arodd tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 5e3f5f4552 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will download a file showing the download progression as it completes check-in: 9219b35b45 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
A wrapper for DataSvcUtil to generate web service proxies in-memory for OData services like NetFlix (which are not handled correctly by PowerShell’s built-in New-WebServiceProxy). check-in: a10d9a407d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 722f21cbe2 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Module to extend PowerShell ISE functionality. Adds two GUIs (one to play with token colors, second to get command from history back to commandpane), and three functions that may be useful when using ISE (Edit-Function, Add-MyMenuItem and Expand-Alias). Comment-based help included. Have ISE – Fun! ;) check-in: 9453e05f57 user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
GUI script that helps to workaround problems with desktop sharing by non-admin person and running process as admin. In default scenario UAC kicks in and will show user/password prompt to non-admin user rather than remotely connected IT person. This script separates alternating credentials and elevating, so IT person can enter credentials first, and remote user gets only yes/no prompt. GUI code generated using PrimalForms community edition and re-written a bit. If you have any comments please ping me via twitter (@bielawb) or e-mail (bartb at aster.pl) check-in: dbd4440bf0 user: unknown tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI (Version 2.0) – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: b5cf47c91e user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: be5a230b92 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Derived from Oisin’s New-ScriptBlockCallback, this is an example of how to do asynchronous sockets in PowerShell. The two functions below enable simple “expect” scripting of socket communications. check-in: 8cbe0ede8b user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Deploying a VM with Static IP in 3 steps check-in: 6a815811f3 user: Nedko Nedev tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bdbd8c257c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This code is a script that sets the width of a div according to client’s monitor resolution. Very useful when we have a varied audience check-in: e96e7a3b6b user: youikar tags: trunk
Requires mGet-DatastoreList.ps1 check-in: 017847744f user: monahancj tags: trunk
A version of the VMware Get-Datastore cmdlet that filters out datastore we don’t want to use for VMs by type of datastore and our naming conventions for the datastore naming indicating what kind of data is on the datastore. Line 9 will have to be updated for your own environment. check-in: 389ccbb881 user: monahancj tags: trunk
This is a batch file … with a PowerShell script inside. It’s my answer to all those “compile your .ps1” solutions that are floating around. Why would you do that, when PowerShell still has to be installed? check-in: 8fddfecb03 user: unknown tags: trunk
Function, which creates vDS in vSphere PowerCLI check-in: be42bec8ac user: Pavel Dimitrov tags: trunk
Forces Replication of all DCs in the current Logon Domain. check-in: 2acefd710c user: Chris tags: trunk
Converting datareader to dataset check-in: 66f8b48c56 user: unknown tags: trunk
ASP.NET – Using httpContext check-in: 064f65d83f user: ti4funcom tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: d0844c40fa user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
The .NET framework has the System.Net.IPAddress class which can be used to validate a string as an IP address. I wanted to do the same with IP masks as well and came up with this script. check-in: a207a21dc9 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
The .NET framework has the System.Net.IPAddress class which can be used to validate a string as an IP address. I wanted to do the same with IP masks as well and came up with this script. check-in: a19ff21d7c user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: 55e9a4bdae user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: 93bb718f82 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: 6794ee471e user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Make it easier to use Watin automation via PowerShell check-in: ab0a953841 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: dc37563026 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerShell Module to manage Windows Scheduled Tasks check-in: eb5e1dbdc6 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerShell Module to manage Windows Scheduled Tasks check-in: dcc883a574 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionally delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 8690e49588 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
A Windows PowerShell-script for generating an HTML-report for DFS-R SYSVOL and sending it via e-mail. check-in: bf12bf6f2f user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Although Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 includes a FailoverClusters module, it only works on a machine running cluster service and NOT against Windows 2003/2008 clusters. This script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class. Base class properties are extended with additional info from association classes. check-in: 4851d4f35c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A module manifest Wrapper for Microsoft’s Operations Manager Shell. Requires Operations Manager Shell on build machine, but resulting module can be copied/used on clients w/o Operations Manager installation. check-in: b3236d39aa user: unknown tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: 41cd1c3aec user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Get the name of the current (or last) transcription file used in the current session. Requires powershell v2.0. Some things to note: check-in: f6e15ba5d6 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Download and install Google Chromium if there is a newer version available. check-in: 5e3860c614 user: MJWJ1 tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 5a36adfc16 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
journal mailboxes check-in: 9d613fd8b7 user: unknown tags: trunk
evac mailboxes check-in: 9b15575665 user: unknown tags: trunk
It just needs presents under it… check-in: 3bddad9f46 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script to create a backup report from Netbackup jobs check-in: b8e965a486 user: Martijn Jonker tags: trunk
A simple stream-reader implementation suitable for simple interactive script task … check-in: 10d0a308e9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pipe filter which empties working set for any received System.Diagnostics.Process object check-in: 24839b7655 user: amirul tags: trunk
A pure console screen saver in the vein of the popular CMatrix x-term screensaver. PowerShell 2.0 module, see blog post: http://goo.gl/5QkI5 check-in: 2adadaaa5d user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Simple Windows form to connect to Live@Edu for the purpose of searching for accounts and resetting their passwords. check-in: 62b52cc8a5 user: unknown tags: trunk
A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. check-in: 49b916ba8e user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
Add voice to your Powershell script check-in: 8dc57650fa user: Mike Hays tags: trunk
A wrapper class for shell shortcut files from vbAccelerator which makes it easy to read & write shell links. check-in: 5682f37451 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is another Must Have upgrade, because I screwed up the last one ;-) check-in: db24ad1bce user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sow nothing, reap nothing. check-in: df82ac9a5a user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI (Version 2.0) – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: 7544b409a1 user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: df76589f25 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 2ac864da20 user: glnsize tags: trunk
A function to retrieve available Control Panel Applets along with a description. check-in: 245e324c66 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will allow you to set the password for an account on a local or remote machine/s. A report is then generated when done along with an error log. Scripts accepts pipeling input for the computer/s. If any errors are encountered, a log will be generated as well. check-in: c5a9a67edc user: geraldo tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionally delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 9a5493bb34 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Bulk change account passwords without requiring elevated permissions. check-in: 802279d299 user: unknown tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. check-in: 7bc7b3b706 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 879a5645cb user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Another version to compare 2 SQL Tables. Uses code to exclude specified columns from SELECT * check-in: ca48ffbb26 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Compare 2 system.Data.DataSet each containing 1 table check-in: 101dba4b89 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Compare 2 system.Data.DataSet each containing 1 table check-in: 2ad9a16684 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: e8be142074 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Powershell iTunes is a Powershell script which lets you control iTunes over Powershell. check-in: 2bf0b8d154 user: tmaurer tags: trunk
Module gives functions for managing RemoteApp on Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2. check-in: 3a93297aac user: unknown tags: trunk
function whoami check-in: 9b49d7ba2e user: William tags: trunk
Suffering from Monday morning due to server failure. Maybe an excuse should be automatically added to mails sent from members of my team. check-in: ad6da4ec26 user: unknown tags: trunk
The beginnings of a complete rewrite … I’m actually going to recreate the functionality (but not the API) of my HttpRest module based on Hammock … this is just the first function. check-in: 4e3d0f8560 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is the second release, but still very raw. Supports OAuth via Installed Application Authentication (a modified form of OAuth where the consumer fetches access tokens using a username and password instead of a request token) ... now includes a sample app for fetching stuff off Yammer. check-in: dd61e66498 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 0a614ef776 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to set the IIS log location on a server or servers. You can specify a single site or perform the task on all sites. Also supports -whatif in the function. check-in: c3d5a29648 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This advanced function can be run against a single server or multiple servers to find the location of the log files for each website configured in IIS. This has been tested against II6 and IIS7. check-in: 8b8313da9d user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Example of how to use Treeview Hierarchical databind using Boots. It took me a while to figure this out. Thanks JasonMArcher for your help! check-in: 8d5239849c user: unknown tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: e0652b8732 user: Andy Helsby tags: trunk
Splits a string (by default, on whitespace), and allows you to pick and chose which pieces are returned. Something like “cut” in bash… check-in: 1c1e5f9816 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Uses WMI to create a new virtual machine check-in: cc11e14b10 user: unknown tags: trunk
Convert a URL Encoded address most commonly found in bounce messages into an X500 address that can be added as an alias to the appropriate mail-enabled object. check-in: 7eef78c7ff user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
This module allows you to manage WSUS from PowerShell. Save code as a .psm1 file and use the Import-Module command for this module. You can approve/decline updates, perform synchronizations, add/remove clients from a target group, create/delete Target groups and much more with currently 40 advanced functions. For more information about this module, please see my blog http://boeprox.wordpress.com/ check-in: 853e31ea12 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This module allows you to manage WSUS from PowerShell. Save code as a .psm1 file and use the Import-Module command for this module. You can approve/decline updates, perform synchronizations, add/remove clients from a target group, create/delete Target groups and much more with currently 40 advanced functions. For more information about this module, please see my blog http://boeprox.wordpress.com/ check-in: d73b33c4f5 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
MKLINK – Make Symbolic File and Directory links. Useful for making symbolic links from powershell. check-in: 0670b5cf39 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. check-in: 31560b2bea user: Dirk Bremen tags: trunk
Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. check-in: f7ddb7c5fb user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts a collection of PowerShell objects into a multi-dimensional array. The first row of the array contains the property names. Each additional row contains the values for each object. check-in: b7e0bf24f3 user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 7a20820c66 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
This script uses query.exe to query local or remote computers and returns back the current logon sessions. This script will only work on Vista and above client OS’s and Windows 2008 and above server OS’s unless a Windows 2003 server is configured as a Terminal Server. check-in: dd1f9e0435 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 9366c30c97 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Calculate prime numbers … check-in: ea3f818574 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
hashtable to object function. check-in: 751dd6dd13 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Resolves OID value to a Friendly Name and vice versa. The cmdlet resolves both well-known OIDs (used in Internet PKI) and Active Directory forest specific registered OIDs. check-in: 03726de51d user: unknown tags: trunk
Script to create a NLB-cluster for the CAS/HUB-roles in Exchange Server 2010. check-in: 65c5822cad user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This is an old script I had lying around. It has NOT been updated in a long time :) check-in: d347a8daf9 user: unknown tags: trunk
COMMENT: check-in: d9c4f9615a user: unknown tags: trunk
UPDATED 2010/10/28: Visually create an instance of an enum with an easy to use menu system. Supports both single value enumerated types and bitmask (flags) enums. Also supports dynamic inline help for enumerated values (help works with powershell.exe host only – ISE is buggy.) PowerShell 2.0 required. This uses uses the new to v2 IHostUISupportsMultipleChoiceSelection interface. check-in: 15922c65d6 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 6e77b15a2f user: James Gentile tags: trunk
hashtable to object function. check-in: a063be42c1 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Visually create an instance of an enum with an easy to use menu system. Supports both single value enumerated types and bitmask (flags) enums. Also supports dynamic inline help for enumerated values (help works with powershell.exe host only – ISE is buggy.) PowerShell 2.0 required. This uses uses the new to v2 IHostUISupportsMultipleChoiceSelection interface. check-in: 4ce0512d52 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Based on poshcode.org/753 – minor mods to support new mandatory authentication parameters in Lab Manager 4.x. check-in: 377bc54890 user: oldsienna tags: trunk
PowerBot is my IRC bot written in PowerShell script using SmartIrc4Net There’s a bit more to it than this, but this is the basic script, and all you have to do is add your own commands! Of course, you could also add your own additional message handlers and make a chatter-bot or whatever you like. Please share your mods back here! check-in: 553c13b114 user: avianses tags: trunk
Module for communicating with FTP server check-in: b05236610f user: Noldorin tags: trunk
This sample was put together with Jaykul’s help and bits and pieces were taken from the Sample.ps1 distributed with PowerBoots. It requires the current changeset of PowerBoots. Not the 0.2 beta. check-in: 91005b80ab user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Change the extension on files check-in: 2977437172 user: unknown tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: fdeff8f60c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: 8495e982b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get the Windows Experience Rating check-in: 6768fc45ba user: unknown tags: trunk
More C# than PowerShell. A script to return DHCP client leases from a DHCP server. check-in: c757834749 user: unknown tags: trunk
Updated for current PowerBoot (latest chackin) check-in: eb29e7aee0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sample ScriptingAgentConfig.xml for working with the Exchange Server 2010 Scripting Agent cmdlet extension agent. check-in: 761e8fd537 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This sample was put together with Jaykul’s help and bits and pieces were taken from the Sample.ps1 distributed with PowerBoots check-in: cf60e73d41 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
help needed check-in: e44793599a user: unknown tags: trunk
An attempt to resolve namespace clashes without overwriting functions … check-in: c460643976 user: unknown tags: trunk
A pair with ConvertTo-CliXml — this version closes and disposes the string reader handle. check-in: 14f48d81bb user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Requires PowerShell 2.0 check-in: c43d642d7a user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
A Write-Output replacement with the option to output collections that don’t unwrap. check-in: 7ced72fad0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
By way of demonstrating how the -Confirm parameter affects $ConfirmPreference and thus the output of cmdlets called in a script. check-in: 7f1644ee78 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enhanced error handling check-in: c1352251ba user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Yet another find text in text files, this time with context, too. check-in: da9e50e683 user: David Mohundro tags: trunk
Sets a very subtle windows transparency for powershell. check-in: 673ea1e5f8 user: Jachin tags: trunk
I wrote this based on ConvertTo-CliXml. This takes a xml string from the pipeline and converts it to objects. check-in: 8aaab5a669 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Probably needs v2 powershell (not tested in v1). check-in: 59e1affc90 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Provides an easy way to change the text encoding on a lot of scripts at once. check-in: 09359ed9d1 user: Jason Ferris tags: trunk
Collection of functions to Shutdown, Reboot, Logoff, Standby(sleep) or Hibernate your computer. check-in: d0f0a83bf1 user: TJdot tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout. check-in: 6d11f0c83d user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Opens the MSDN web page of an object member: type, method or property. check-in: 51462a6c7b user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO. check-in: 960a23975d user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: 0499519f90 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A module for updating the machineKey element in some or all of the web.config files on a server at once. check-in: e9d2e1dd52 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A demo script which work against remote session output as well as local output: check-in: 98e90b1b53 user: unknown tags: trunk
I created this function to generate a new PowerShell Script template. It will prompt for the name of the script you want to create (don’t need to add the .ps1 extension) and the email (don’t need to add email) then it will create the template in the C:\Scripts directory (Dir should already exist) check-in: 8249cddfcc user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate Cryptographically Random Bytes, using RNGCryptoServiceProvider, and optionally format them as strings. check-in: 3a35ec2ff9 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: cac862858b user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
An example of making “custom objects” with strongly-typed properties, custom enumeration/validation and error messages. check-in: bf25145342 user: unknown tags: trunk
The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: d6d1520f44 user: unknown tags: trunk
Based on poshcode.org/753 – minor mods to support new mandatory authentication parameters in Lab Manager 4.x. check-in: 2efb859dd5 user: oldsienna tags: trunk
Generates a simple dataset based on the files in the current directory. I whipped this up while answering questions about databinding because I needed to be able to create multiple DataSets/DataTables easily, without needing an actual database. check-in: 7873b821dd user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Description check-in: 0f0effd51d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Datagrid Xaml layout needed for Boots DataGrid binding example http://poshcode.org/2259 check-in: 959c686d73 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Bind DataGrid to an object array using Powerboots check-in: 08adb241ef user: foureight84 tags: trunk
This is the final version of PoshCode ISE addon for uploading scripts to PoshCode.org from PowerShell ISE. You can upload scripts in two ways. First method is to select all or part of the script and upload it by pressing CTRL+ALT+C. And, the second method is to just press CTRL+ALT+C. This way you can upload all contents without any selection. check-in: d9f09c8f31 user: ravikanth_chaganti tags: trunk
TreeView check-in: 0373144083 user: unknown tags: trunk
PowerShell ISE addon for PoshCode script uploads check-in: a93e6880eb user: unknown tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 381daac6d5 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 72a2ecd081 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script will help detect vulnerable configuration for the Padding Oracle check-in: 749f49a6e9 user: Jerry George tags: trunk
Some functions for drawing mini-buffers. Please try the two demo functions included! check-in: a1e10e5f74 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk