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22 check-ins using file VerifyCategoryRule.ps1 version 4face9b458

hashtable to object function. check-in: 9ef0d2dd60 user: nQPuDDji tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: 403ad4ed4d user: chris seiter tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 2ca0df4224 user: Ivan F tags: trunk
This is the file you need to load Quest’s Active Directory snap-in as a module. Just put this in a folder with all the dlls … check-in: cbb03c0a43 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Quickly tests if a given web server (specified by Url parameter) is running a WebDAV service. Should work against any server platform that supports the WebDAV RFCs. check-in: 5bfd8d46f1 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
WPF GUI to watch TechED 2011, NA sessions check-in: 06a50eb3ff user: Ravikanth tags: trunk
This module uses PSexec,vbscript and PowerShell to install patches on local or remote systems. This does require PSexec to be in the same directory as where you are running the function within this module. Save as a .psm1 file. check-in: b5fbe3dade user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is the sister script to a bigger project. I will have the full script and uses on my blog vnoob.com soon check-in: e8125ee623 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: b2a812053e user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
How to add a SSL Certificate to IIS with Powershell as well as set the SSL Binding for the site that’s using the certificate. check-in: bffd24dc9f user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
I wrote this a while back to be able to automate stuff on a hp san and ilo. It’s pretty much mritten ad-hoc so please feel free to improve on it. Anyway, might be useful for someone out there. The function send-command logs on to a telnet server and executes the piped in commands. check-in: 2a66cac1ac user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Downloads the current sysinternals from \\live.sysinternals.com\tools and then updates your path environment variable to include the location saved to. Along with that it sorts, and removes duplicate entries in the path variable. If you call get-sysinternals without any args the local directory will be systemroot\Sysinternals\ Otherwise, the files will be put in the specified path. check-in: 0f38c009f5 user: vbjay tags: trunk
Downloads the current sysinternals from \\live.sysinternsals.com\tools and then updates your path environment variable to include the location saved to. Along with that it sorts, and removes duplicate entries in the path variable. If you call get-sysinternals without any args the local directory will be systemroot\Sysinternals\ Otherwise, the files will be put in the specified path. check-in: 6eb9bb8e2d user: vbjay tags: trunk
Downloads the current sysinternals from \\live.sysinternsals.com\tools and then updates your path environment variable to include the location saved to. Along with that it sorts, and removes duplicate entries in the path variable. If you call get-sysinternals without any args the local directory will be systemroot\Sysinternals\ Otherwise, the files will be put in the specified path. check-in: 9a34cb677e user: vbjay tags: trunk
This script is pretty simple, it connects to a remote computer and grabs the BIOS class. It then connects to the Dell support page for the remote computer’s ServiceTag. If the computer is a Dell, it grabs the BIOS revision listed on the page. The inspiration came from reading the Scripting Guy blog about comments. (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/05/16/add-excellent-comments-to-your-powershell-script.aspx) check-in: ff534b88b7 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script is pretty simple, it connects to a remote computer and grabs the BIOS class. It then connects to the Dell support page for the remote computer’s ServiceTag. If the computer is a Dell, it grabs the BIOS revision listed on the page. The inspiration came from reading the Scripting Guy blog about comments. (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/05/16/add-excellent-comments-to-your-powershell-script.aspx) check-in: 554a091fa1 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script is pretty simple, it connects to a remote computer and grabs the BIOS class. It then connects to the Dell support page for the remote computer’s ServiceTag. If the computer is a Dell, it grabs the BIOS revision listed on the page. The inspiration came from reading the Scripting Guy blog about comments. (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/05/16/add-excellent-comments-to-your-powershell-script.aspx) check-in: 0bdf7befed user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script uses current Show-UI and SQLite to query a copy of your Firefox Bookmark Database for Bookmarks tagged with combinations of 1 to 3 keywords. It uses the WPF 4.0 Datagrid. (Improvements in Eventhandling of Hyperlinks are welcome) check-in: 9335fb6eef user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 9d909157bc user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Purpose: This script can be set as a scheduled task to run every 30minutes and will monitor all exchange 2010 queue’s. If a threshold of 10 is met an output file with the queue details will be e-mailed to all intended admins listed in the e-mail settings check-in: 6f721e8bfd user: Paperclips tags: trunk
Very simple script that will create file list from -Path in simple UI generated using Show-UI. ToolTip show size and last write time of a file, and once clicked – it will pass fullname down the pipe. It was created mainly as a attempt to use some animated effects in Show-UI. check-in: bf31e8c790 user: BartekB tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: a59144cb6e user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk