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4 check-ins using file Xml-Module.ps1 version 72063866ae
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12:59 | Get observed IP address ranges and VLAN IDs from an ESX host’s physical adapter. Sample use at the bottom. check-in: 7c9a331d78 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk | |
12:59 | Create a new script from a series of commands in your history… or copy them to the clipboard. check-in: d53df340bf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
12:59 | Produces a report of the number of and names of VMs created broken down by month and year. check-in: 528208f2c9 user: unknown tags: trunk | |
12:59 | Never content to leave well-enough alone, I’ve rewritten my XML DSL with 100% less cruft. New-XDocument no longer requires the “xe” command as long as the name of your XML Element doesn’t coincide with that of a PowerShell command (if it does, you need the “xe” on the front), and namespaces can be referred to by short name like dc:creator to keep things simple. Please review the examples on New-XDocument as this is a breaking change. check-in: 104df129fb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |