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268 check-ins using file Reading-RAR.ps1 version 750dce6c04

When you wish to compare to directory trees, you need the relative pathes of the files with respect to root of the directory tree, so that you can match them. Leaf check-in: d8577740bc user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: 9a83e1547e user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a further preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — The new WASP module is coming… check-in: 69b61e2624 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script uses the text and XML PowerShell help files to generate HTML help for all PowerShell Cmdlets, PSProviders, and “about” topics. the help topics are compiled into a .chm file using HTML Help Workshop. check-in: 52b5fa3fd6 user: Jeff Hillman tags: trunk
Check md5/sha1/etc hashes check-in: 2c26578de2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Check and md5 or sha1 hash in a “single line” of PowerShell. check-in: 43450bf8b2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: e111cdcac1 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Generates a Linux VMDK Backup Script check-in: 5c57dea9b6 user: Patrick tags: trunk
As promised, I started to expand on Joel’s functions (http://poshcode.org/877). A lot of stuff is missing, but… I have big plans for this module and a PKI module I want to write. check-in: 0f81aa8c25 user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Given an IP address and subnet mask return all alive hosts within that subnet. Uses PSJobs as a poor mans threading thus requires V2. check-in: 8feeed53f3 user: glnsize tags: trunk
A collection of V1 functions to assist with most IPv4 math. A majority of the code was translated from VBScript found http://www.highorbit.co.uk/?p=270=1 check-in: aaa0113d6a user: glnsize tags: trunk
This script compares the column structure between two databases with tables of the same name. Table names to compare can be passed in as an array or piped in either as string values, or as a property of Name or TableName. check-in: 68b7cfb1c1 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
Memory management helpers. Set-SessionVariableList creates a baseline of variable names. Remove-NewVariable clears out any variables not in the SessionVariableList and calls the garbage collector to free up memory. check-in: 624ee4543d user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
This functions work together to read the code of a Visual Basic Project into a PowerShell Object, which can be easyly scanned for patterns, returning filename, function/subroutine name und the matching line. Great tool you got unmaintained VB6 projects to understand for fixing or migrating (perhaps into PowerShell ;-)) check-in: 3b50c881b4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Add functions to the scope for each static method of a type. Originally from Oisin Grehan check-in: c075e7be39 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Helper function to list the definitions of static methods check-in: 0eb5054a65 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
A handful of functions for returning IS0-8601 formatted dates and parsing them. All functions work (even in the pipeline) in both PowerShell 1 and 2. check-in: 6e8b4f2472 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Cron Daemon for PowerShell check-in: 96187016e0 user: unknown tags: trunk
http://halr9000.com/article/642 check-in: e48bba2452 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: 31d8801812 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Gmail can now import and export filters as XML. This script will read in an XML file generated by Gmail (the Path parameter), and create from it a flat PSObject with Id, Updated, Name and Value fields. Since it is flat, you must use the Id field to correlate the filter criteria and actions. As far as I can tell, the first item in a filter is the criteria, and any subsequent ones describe the action to take. More info about filter import/export can be found here: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/new-in-labs-filter-importexport.html check-in: 6db232973f user: unknown tags: trunk
Simple Function to get powershell version check-in: c98cda048b user: Powershell Jedi tags: trunk
Generate VMware ESX Backup Scripts for Linux Systems check-in: 221ea5eedf user: Patrick tags: trunk
Use this function to send an HTML Formatted Email that is based on an XSLT template. This function is based on a blog post by Erik McCarty (http://ewmccarty.spaces.live.com). check-in: 9ec3076cbb user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Use this function to send an HTML Formatted Email that is based on an XSLT template. This function is based on a blog post by Erik McCarty (http://ewmccarty.spaces.live.com). check-in: aeb1ddb7dd user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate VM ware Backups via this script. check-in: 24c657c7c6 user: Patrick tags: trunk
Sending Mails via Powershell with Text Edit, Signature Support and Encryption. check-in: 3aee1b70a3 user: Patrick tags: trunk
Sending Mails via Powershell with Text Edit, Signature Support and Encryption. check-in: f99eda9e9c user: Patrick tags: trunk
This topic came up recently in the PowerShell forum at ScriptingAnswers.com and I thought you might find it helpful. The issue was creating a file share remotely. In the olden days, this would have meant using a command line tool like RMTSHARE, which is really just fine. But if you have a larger workflow, doing it natively in PowerShell may be more desirable. check-in: 17570dacb7 user: jeffhicks tags: trunk
(Requires V2 CTP3) check-in: a4d2fb37ae user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of your server environment. check-in: 95765d4934 user: unknown tags: trunk
Import-Csv that takes headers check-in: a9187eece9 user: unknown tags: trunk
The beginnings of a module to manage a Netapp SAN check-in: 4bdba93854 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script shows how to monitor ESX with PowerShell v2 CTP3’s new WSMan cmdlets. check-in: 176ab46ed7 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Script from SVN Utility check-in: c209cb0a9e user: unknown tags: trunk
This script serves three purposes, including the obvious: check-in: e77815af2e user: unknown tags: trunk
Update SharePoint Search scopes, useful when revving the Scope definitions. check-in: 03a52b878e user: unknown tags: trunk
Get detailed information on every CIFS share on a NetApp Filer. Function requires the NetApp Manage OnTap SDK 3.5. check-in: 522f915790 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. check-in: b75d03cab9 user: glnsize tags: trunk
This is just a preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — Really you’re going to want to use the WASP module for stuff like this. check-in: e3c53922a5 user: unknown tags: trunk
A couple functions to aid in the discoverability of the OnTap SDK. Functions requires the NetApp OnTap SDK v3.5 which can be found http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365. More information about the SDK and its use in PowerShell can be found here http://get-admin.com/blog/?tag=ontap-sdk check-in: 91725076d4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 3d861f80b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: e39457d87b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: d710baaa7c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: df193e4220 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: b1c6ff3fb0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 393856dbed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: c0b9442171 user: foobar tags: trunk
#Twitbrain Cheat PowerShell script check-in: e390225981 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. check-in: 2f16d22899 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Creates a new “On Demand Only” scheduled task to run an “Elevated” application, and a shortcut to launch it on demand, so you can bypass UAC prompting on specific apps. check-in: 24563fc798 user: unknown tags: trunk
A script to create shortcuts … with support for short “special folder” names. check-in: 27223215c5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Amended line $ChildGroups = “Domain Admins”, “group two” to clear bug from my previous post :) check-in: c711125a5f user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
If you output the original script to a txt file you cannot tell if a remote PC is switched off. Script below will now report a “Connection Error” if network path is not found check-in: ea3b485dc9 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script shows how to monitor ESX with PowerShell v2 CTP3’s new WSMan cmdlets. check-in: 75ac63ac66 user: unknown tags: trunk
Reconnect a VMHost that has been disconnected from vCenter… Example using the VI API real world use Set-VMHost -State check-in: 58aaeb2a3c user: glnsize tags: trunk
Disconnect a VMHost from vCenter Example using the VI API real world use Set-VMHost -State check-in: b1e9bba63b user: glnsize tags: trunk
A collection of Powershell functions for Citrix Management check-in: 37da0a597b user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
The below will create a bi-directional named pipe with the name you specify in the $pipeName variable. Note that .NET 3.5 is required for the System.IO.Pipes namespace. check-in: 41a7c0df49 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is just a little trick I use to find InstallUtil and MsBuild, and make sure I’m using the latest version of them. check-in: 1a90f28d87 user: unknown tags: trunk
Splits a string (by default, on whitespace), and allows you to pick and chose which pieces are returned. Something like “cut” in bash… check-in: 03c25db582 user: unknown tags: trunk
Colorize Subversion SVN STAT output. check-in: 2ed17c3819 user: jim palmer tags: trunk
powershell converts all string types to strings, including nulls which end up as empty strings. use this if you need to pass a true null as a string to a dotnet api check-in: b5ffef2a01 user: unknown tags: trunk
The missing Shift operators corrected so they shift in the right direction. check-in: 1c9d81d1c5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
author: Doug Finke check-in: dbdfbe5de6 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Executes a SQL Server Integrations Services package for both server and file system storage types. Also includes optional processing of external configuration file. check-in: 31c36d4caa user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: 274fa9ed3c user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Takes a series of objects (like the converted input from csv) where there are a series of objects (rows) that actually define the same object, and there is (at least) one property which is a unique identifier (and appears on each object), and there are two properties which are a name and value pair defining additional properties ... and outputs new objects which merge the objects and add the name-value pairs as new properties. check-in: 6df4f1cac8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
It would really be sweet if I could get-netstat -sate CLOSE_WAIT check-in: f2695362b7 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: b9138f2cd3 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A one liner that parses the output of NET.EXE’s VIEW command. NET.EXE VIEW displays a list of computers in your current domain by default, to display another domain change it to read NET.EXE VIEW /domain <domainName>. check-in: 4f965446f5 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: a6a0478feb user: foobar tags: trunk
Used to reset a Users Password check-in: 07532ca2ae user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
A wrapper for Get-ChildItem with color highlighting for different file types. I was thinking of the Linux ‘ls —color’, but didn’t bother to match up colors or anything. TODO: The ability to sort by type would be nice. Note: you will have to remove the documentation at the beginning of the function if you want to use it with versions prior to v2.0 CTP3. check-in: d9bc3eb0cd user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A few wrapper functions to make working with the SSH portion of SharpSSH easier: New-SshSession, Invoke or Send Ssh commands, Receive output, all with support for “Expect” ... which means we’ll continue reading from the ssh output until we see the expected output, and then stop. check-in: 1ef32cbbce user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A wrapper for Get-ChildItem with color highlighting for different file types. I was thinking of the Linux ‘ls —color’, but didn’t bother to match up colors or anything. TODO: I should probably update it to precompile the regexes at the top so that they aren’t compiled for each item returned by Get-ChildItem, and the ability to sort by type would be nice. Note: you will have to remove the documentation at the beginning of the function if you want to use it with versions prior to v2.0 CTP3. check-in: c00add082f user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
## check-in: d7c2651b11 user: William tags: trunk
This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. check-in: 56c5f552d7 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
powershell does all dividing by doubles, even integers, so often to simulate a interger division you have to [math]::floor the quotient. Here are some functions to do pure integer division check-in: db9c13417b user: karl prosser tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 4cef3a522d user: karl prosser tags: trunk
in progress -buggy check-in: 2859899687 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Compare the tables (and columns with the -Column parameter) in two databases, checking for differences. check-in: f078ff029b user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
simple function like foreach, but that traps exceptions using v2, and logs then in the $lastex variable. this way the pipeline can continue and process the objects that aren’t having errors happen against them. eventually this needs to be made much better, and be a v2 advanced function check-in: 8861eb2d12 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: 9b4edfc4a0 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: c1516694a0 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Requires PS 2.0 CTP3 check-in: b2fec69446 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
This is an enhancement on top of the [Environment]::GetFolderPath to add support for additional folders like QuickLaunch and the “Common” folders (CommonStartMenu, etc) by using the WshShell SpecialFolders enum from COM... check-in: 4fd765a751 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: 112f040939 user: oisin tags: trunk
The following script will add some nice host network information into an object which is exported to a csv file for passing to the network guys or can be used to find your server in that mess of cables that are always meaning to be tidied in the data center. check-in: 4cffe14ca1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Help Differ 10000 check-in: 346aea5cc1 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: 2fb850be3d user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate one or more random strings for use as passwords or pre-shared keys using a Windows form in PowerShell. User can customize the alphabet, length and number of strings generated. check-in: 68cae6afcd user: Marcus L tags: trunk
This script will create a new System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 Collection. check-in: d739feb1d9 user: Andy S tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: c31e7f5216 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This script takes a path to a script (full or relative), a fileinfo object, or either as pipeline input. It converts the script’s content to a function of the same name as the file. For example, ./ConvertTo-Function Get-Server.ps1 would create a function called Get-Server. If the function already exists, it will replace it with the new script. check-in: 77947463ab user: unknown tags: trunk
Many organizations have a separate OUs for their servers and workstations, this is an example on how to list servers in the wrong OU. check-in: ef8665ab81 user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file. check-in: 68baeceeb4 user: foobar tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. check-in: d8f4934f20 user: foobar tags: trunk
A simple trick to show and hide windows — and an extra bonus trick ;) check-in: b818615f78 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
simple V1 function to print files, either listed, or through the pipeline. No error checking implemented check-in: 55a48a4b8a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Executes a SQL Server Integrations Services package for both server and file system storage types. Optionally Resets a Package Configuration connection string named “SSISCONFIG” to new server location. Also includes optional processing of external configuration file. check-in: 6126a40cb6 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Generates an XSD File with SQLXML annotations for a Powershell object. The XSD file can be used with SQLXML Assembly or COM-based to automatically create a SQL table and import the XML. Use in conjunction with New-XML. See article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/powershell/65196/ for example. check-in: ad62e8ef3a user: unknown tags: trunk
Check latest Chromium build at http://build.chromium.org check-in: ba41d127bd user: David tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: fbc9a8f1be user: unknown tags: trunk
Help Differ 10000 check-in: 92b1149627 user: unknown tags: trunk
An alternate method of querying the registry to return the firewall status (returns $true or $false). This one does not use WMI. check-in: df02fe5692 user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts CBZ files to CBR check-in: e26648fa2e user: unknown tags: trunk
Returns $true if the Windows Firewall is enabled, $false if it is disabled. check-in: 95e5d81cae user: rfoust tags: trunk
code to play distinct “musical” notes using Console.Beep allowing you to specify the note/octave/duration as well as speaking check-in: 9820f55067 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
If you have a medium to large size website, you can provide a Sitemap so that search engines intelligently index your site’s content. check-in: 05a9ca5ebe user: uknzguy tags: trunk
If you have a medium to large size website, you can provide a Sitemap so that search engines intelligently index your site’s content. check-in: fa1e1c725d user: unknown tags: trunk
Enable Server Side Junk E-mail filtering for Exchange 2007 mailboxes check-in: bc1a198abf user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
Allows for the creation of tasks in Microsoft Outlook from Windows PowerShell. The majority of task options available can be configured with the function. check-in: 5cec33524d user: Mark E tags: trunk
New-CustomColumn for PowerShell V1.0 check-in: f195c6950f user: unknown tags: trunk
Helps you find the right exception to throw. It can take a filter parameter to filter results down. Usage is Get-Exception -filter MYFILTER like Get-Exception Null. (to port to version 1, just remove the multi-line comments) check-in: 72aed948dd user: David Mohundro tags: trunk
Just some examples of stuff you can do with the System.Windows.Automation namespace … for more, you’re going to want to check out http://WASP.CodePlex.com check-in: 2c098ef84d user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts PowerGUI’s .PowerPack files into ps1 script files – each script node, link and action get represented as a function with the element’s name and its code inside. You can then dot-source the file and use the functions in your scripts or command line. Works both in PowerShell v1 and v2. check-in: fa9fa976ac user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Get-Weather parses and displays the current weather and forecast from the Yahoo! RSS. Simply enter your zipcode (or IXX code from Yahoo weather) and -c(elcius) if you don’t want Fahrenheit temperatures. check-in: 4eb5966cd3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts PowerGUI’s .PowerPack files into ps1 script files – each script node, link and action get represented as a function with the element’s name and its code inside. You can then dot-source the file and use the functions in your scripts or command line. Works both in PowerShell v1 and v2. check-in: dd0a9e8bdd user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Converts PowerGUI’s .PowerPack files into ps1 script files – each script node, link and action get represented as a function with the element’s name and its code inside. You can then dot-source the file and use the functions in your scripts or command line. Works both in PowerShell v1 and v2. check-in: 00844f10a3 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 0c44bd3f67 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script is a re-developed MSDN Sample using PowerShell. It creates an email message then sends it with a BCC. check-in: 5e7daac03d user: Thomas Lee tags: trunk
This script is a re-developed MSDN Sample using PowerShell. It creates an email message then sends it with a BCC. check-in: 7a3cf9eee9 user: Thomas Lee tags: trunk
Select a user-defined number of random elements from the collection … which can be passed as a parameter or input via the pipeline. An improvement over http://www.powershellcentral.com/scripts/60 which allows you to select more than one item, and doesn’t copy the full collection into RAM. check-in: 0c5644fe85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A script to open files for editing in Notepad++ — you may need to edit the $npp variable in the BEGIN block to put the full path in, if you didn’t run the Notepad++ installer. check-in: e23b901933 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This bad boy is from an email by Bruce Payette—the master. Here are some notes from the email: check-in: ac353c1e73 user: halr9i000 tags: trunk
Syncronize local folders with Smugmug using this powershell script. check-in: ceec7f4308 user: Karl Prosser tags: trunk
507 Change $colShares to $colApps check-in: f4bd2d4140 user: cassibr13 tags: trunk
Added Get-WebPageContent to the initial implementation of the Http REST script functions (usable as a v1 script or as a module). check-in: 3dc24c5357 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
ISE-Snippets module v 1.0 check-in: 6fa04f1885 user: poetter tags: trunk
This is an advanced function that uses a proxy command to add two new switches to get-childitem check-in: 7333dde4a8 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.1 ( Conflate-Line improved ) check-in: 2316fe8c4b user: poetter tags: trunk
I’ve modified the original function. I like this one better. check-in: db5bdc6141 user: Gene Magerr tags: trunk
scripting for running regions by hotkeys in powershell v2 CTP3 ISE. http://www.karlprosser.com/coder check-in: 4c2f3e965a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.0 check-in: a21cfedc5e user: poetter tags: trunk
This is an updated version of Get-Packet, an IP packet sniffer for Powershell. check-in: 996a191acb user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
A script module for CTP3 which allows the user to create their own custom type accelerators. Thanks to Oisin Grehan for the discovery. check-in: cda1b760de user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
get-regex.ps1 is a Regular Expression Quick Reference for .NET/C#/Powershell. It provides a quick dump of info in a PSCustomObject for quick access from a prompt. It is more complete than what is available in get-help. check-in: 4c29d14cbd user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
If you have VMware Lab Manager, this script makes it easier than ever to connect to and automate Lab Manager actions. check-in: a2efa0a88b user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Get-StockQuotes gives a very easy way to get stock quotes using PowerShell CTP3’s new Web Services capabilities. check-in: d24cb50c8d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This is a set of Powershell functions to interface with the Atlassian Jira bug/issue tracking software using a WSDL interface. check-in: 2905bae8ef user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
This function connects via HTTP to a Cisco Unity server and returns license information as a PSCustomObject. check-in: 1656d0a71f user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.iLoveSharePoint.com check-in: 2b6ffcd7f5 user: cglessner tags: trunk
Change the security setting of a vSwitch. Requires V2, and the VI toolkit for windows check-in: ed5f1005fc user: Glenn Sizemore 12 tags: trunk
Generate an email from an RSS feed and store the feed item in a cache file to support emailing only new feed items since last execution. check-in: cde07c21c4 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a simple function that can “Start” apps and return the PROCESS object. In particular, it can start URIs, documents, and apps defined in the “App Paths” registry, and basically anything that you could start from the run dialog. check-in: 6b2b78d2ae user: unknown tags: trunk
Use the MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) .NET Libraries to find SharePoint ID of known user. check-in: aae15d9eda user: Craig Pilkenton tags: trunk
Just a simple little script which looks at the current charge left in your battery and puts it above your prompt. Adjust when it comes on with $GLOBAL:BatteryDisplayAtPercent, by default it’s 101 which shows when it’s charging on down. Why 101? Because when you charge a battery you supply more capacity then it has, so the % will always be >100. check-in: 7d4887d73f user: unknown tags: trunk
For TabExpansion.ps1 check-in: a5990cfbe9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. check-in: c5e0eca22f user: foobar tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 1e6d342fb3 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This is a modification of the Get-ADMapObject (http://poshcode.org/706). This script uses the Show-NodeXLMap script (http://poshcode.org/733) to display the hierarchical relationship between Active Directory objects of the selected classes. Running this script with the -ShowADClass switch lists out the different classes or types of AD objects available. check-in: 2ac169d16c user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
Update version of Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap script (http://www.dougfinke.com/blog/?p=465). The NetMap research project has been renamed to NodeXL and is available on Codeplex (http://www.codeplex.com/nodexl). This script is updated to use the new code and adds support for adding color to the map points. check-in: a51672df57 user: Doug Finke http tags: trunk
Parses output of registry utility REG QUERY for the pattern on the specified computer. Useful for finding installed S/W since the WMI provider for installed software is not always reliable. check-in: 4df9018676 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-MyDomain retrieves the current IP of the user (Or, the first if there are multiple active cards) then performs a DNS lookup to retrieve the domain. If it is unable to reverse it, it displays Unknown:<IP> check-in: 0fb24c4e82 user: unknown tags: trunk
A tech demo: a scrolling buffer where you can type while it’s scrolling… check-in: 1bd167cc51 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Added enum expansion in method call expression check-in: bbee4e8e30 user: foobar tags: trunk
Find-AmazonBook searches Amazon’s books by Title (and optionally Author). It’s a simple example of the power of the HttpRest module, see the original here: http://posh.jaykul.com/p/1602 (and note there are extra features in this version). check-in: cc0724318e user: unknown tags: trunk
Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 will include cluster cmdlets, until then this script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class and parsing the output of cluster.exe check-in: de9aeb66cd user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
Check-LotusHealth is a multi server, multi port ping script. Originally designed to handle the port checks for a client’s entire Lotus Notes environment, I’ve removed the actual servers and replaced them with placeholders. You’ll need to adjust this to your environment. check-in: d482e5a3a6 user: unknown tags: trunk
The Linux/Unix ‘du -sh’ command, ala PowerShell (faster than other versions of this script, but still ever so much slower than compiled code) check-in: 640f543635 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Analogous to ONE of PowerShell 2’s Add-Type cmdlet’s overrides, this script/function will take C# code and compile it in memory. check-in: 4e0123956e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A simple cached RSS reader. Fetches RSS feeds, displays mutliple feeds merged in date order, opens items in browser. check-in: 8b14ec57aa user: unknown tags: trunk
Map Active Directory objects using the Show-NetMap script from Doug Finke. Running the script creates three functions Get-ADMapObject (which takes a string or array of strings of the AD object classes), Get-ADObjectClassName (recurses through your Active Directory and returns the names of the object classes), and New-SourceTarget (to get the ADMapObjects into the format that Show-Netmap wants). check-in: 02ef62278d user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 52eda5b383 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Calculates percentage growth rate given a starting value, ending value, and number of periods in the range. stahler thx! check-in: a12004e7bd user: halr9000 tags: trunk
The Get-Command cmdlet reveals all that you need to know about PowerShell. check-in: 44e2258c14 user: Jeff Hillman tags: trunk
Calculates percentage growth rate given a starting value, ending value, and number of periods in the range. @stahler thx! check-in: 72cf014192 user: Stahler tags: trunk
Use as a filter to select computers from a stream on which to act upon later in the pipeline. Example: check-in: 2725f4c2a6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Script to retreive all users with an active sync device partnership check-in: 8bfe186d38 user: unknown tags: trunk
I got this script originally from Jim Truher and have tweaked it a bit over time (nothing major). Basically it replaces your CD function with one that keeps a history. check-in: 9bfa8fdf8d user: unknown tags: trunk
As a former UNIX guy, I love the non-admin stuff in Vista, but got annoyed keeping two shells open (one admin and one non-admin). I wanted sudo! PowerShell made that easy. Just put this in your $profile script. Enjoy! check-in: 76dd597b6a user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
As a former UNIX guy, I love the non-admin stuff in Vista, but got annoyed keeping two shells open (one admin and one non-admin). I wanted sudo! PowerShell made that easy. Enjoy! check-in: ea9a53f357 user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
The first of many script cmdlets for working with DekiWiki check-in: 62d0abaaf3 user: unknown tags: trunk
An initial implementation of some Http REST cmdlets, as a series of script functions (usable as a script module, just save as a .psm1) check-in: 85b6c5cf11 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Export 2007/2010 usermailbox to PST located on File Share check-in: 16e46b83dc user: St3v3o tags: trunk
This script allows an administrator to install software from either a local folder on their administration PC or from a network share. Target computers to receive the installation are defined ahead of time in a text file. check-in: 40e23cef74 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 0fae6ab837 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 9765bd4444 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
A script to retrieve the SSL Certificate used by a remote host … demonstrates using Invoke-Inline to compile C# code, and handling the RemoteCertificateValidationCallback to override the normal security policy … check-in: badf721e36 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 9baa90a370 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 2203837ac8 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: f15de3c783 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Added -NoLog option to write info just to the console check-in: 4ee412a32b user: Vidrine tags: trunk
ISE profile code for doing module development check-in: bb2f3cefb1 user: jrich523 tags: trunk
Small script to strongly syncronyze folder with ‘original’. check-in: 30d3d1a83a user: M Skourlatov tags: trunk
Provide a begin and end time frame (mm dd yyyy) and this will calculate the years, months and days between the two dates. This is NOT 100% accurate but it was close enough for what I was trying to do. Someone with better math skills should be able to improve the accuracy. check-in: 597f1652f7 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 5699f4d0a9 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
Provide a begin and end time frame (mm dd yyyy) and this will calculate the years, months and days between the two dates. This is NOT 100% accurate but it was close enough for what I was trying to do. Someone with better math skills should be able to improve the accuracy. check-in: 33b188d7e1 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 5dc5450983 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: f188077e5a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This was the first game I wrote in BASIC as a 12-yr old. Here it is again in PowerShell. :) check-in: d5618580c0 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
Colorize Subversion SVN STAT output. check-in: 96109635ae user: jim palmer tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 1bb41c654b user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Demonstrates how to resize a PowerShell Window, use a count-down timer, toggle a keystroke, and automate logging off your computer. I wrote this so I’d have a simple reminder of these things but I ended up running the script at the start of each work day. I’ve also distributed the “toggle scroll lock” part to a LOT of colleagues who got sick of the corporate screen saver GPO. :) check-in: 699177e14a user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
A rounding encoder for Google Charts data: converts numbers to their relative values within Google’s 0..4095 range, and encodes them in their slightly strange 2-digit base 64 encoding. check-in: 32fc7fff7e user: unknown tags: trunk
Check for successful backups in NetWorker check-in: a2ce507b68 user: gonads99 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9ac56b7523 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: 1fd070f221 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Automatically creates a Local User on server, Local directory on server, and Virtual directory in IIS based on User Inputs. Also sets user flags to read/write on directory and sets password options for user check-in: 191bc8e0ca user: unknown tags: trunk
Sacamos un listado de los mailbox en una organizacion exchange 2007. Y realizamos una compresion del resultado check-in: b9926bb687 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: a963aa940a user: S-1-5-21-2025429 tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. Updated to include Windows 10 and Server 2016. check-in: a8a5a6a604 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Functions: New-PIN, New-Password, New-PassPhrase check-in: 232da06b40 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script uses the Quest AD cmdlets to retrieve AD Groups from an LDAP search root and maps their membership (shows nested groups using Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap scripts that leverage the Microsoft Research NetMap project. Improvements or suggestions welcomed! check-in: 244e723f83 user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: e72cca7ab8 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Quick and dirty script retrieves vmware host with a specific network and change the subnet of each guest. Does not work if there are 2 ip addresses defined on one NIC, but since there was only one of those servers i could not bother to adapt the script :) check-in: 1534658559 user: Ton Siemons tags: trunk
Original github link https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-Handles.ps1 check-in: 8bd794b1ec user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Provides a crude implementation of plugin meta data (PMD) extraction check-in: 96e1dfbe5a user: mario tags: trunk
Transform nested hashtable into Powershell-literal (string) check-in: 904009236f user: mario tags: trunk
Shortcut functions for instantiating WPF or WinForm widgets check-in: d579344556 user: mario tags: trunk
This much more complicated version of Get-PerformanceHistory shows the approximate length of the command or script, as well as how long it took to run. Great for those “my script is shorter/faster/cooler” than yours bragging sessions on IRC ... or whatever. Lets you compare several commands by just running each of them and then calling Get-PerformanceHistory -Count 4 check-in: 042654558b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerShell script for displaying and picking Washington State lottery game winning numbers. check-in: 503b680e2b user: Craig Dayton tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 3e34dd5140 user: Ermias tags: trunk
I’m not sure if IMDB updated their site or what, but much of the HTML code referenced in the script either no longer exists on the sites or doesn’t seem to grab the correct information. check-in: 1548f78868 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set the “user Cannot Change Password” property on an active directory user object check-in: 597a7b16fd user: Erik McCarty tags: trunk
Short powershell module to convert numbers to Roman numerals check-in: 775576fcd9 user: Luis C tags: trunk
Function to simplify the creation of ACEs, along with a simple usage example. check-in: b2e02e993d user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This script will check if the specified Microsoft Office Excel Addins are loaded, and if not load them. check-in: 7a2b2421c8 user: David Valdes tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: bdc391b53a user: Robert tags: trunk
An improvement over the default Get-Credential cmdlet (doesn’t take much, eh?) offering, among other things, a -Console switch. check-in: b3296157c9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pipe filter which empties working set for any received System.Diagnostics.Process object check-in: 5083c2118b user: amirul tags: trunk
update $cur variable scope to $script:cur check-in: c143c90b1d user: silvia tags: trunk
This will return the specified website’s X.509 certificate either as an object or a file (if the -OutputFile parameter is specified). See included comment based help for documentation. check-in: c43b729010 user: Brian tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O%3DEXG_OU%3DEXCHANGE%2B20ADMINISTRATIVE%2B20GROUP%2B20%2B28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT%2B29_CN%3DRECIPIENTS_CN%3DBiasutto%2B2C%2B20Delfina336@OFC.LOC check-in: 7ef83037c3 user: Rafael tags: trunk
This is Lee Holmes’ INvoke-Inline, with some minor modifications by Joel Bennett to allow it to use #include statements, and to return collections. check-in: a080749f13 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: ba87876103 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Function/script to set settings in a RDP file for Terminal Services. Supports pipeline input and smart conversion of bools. check-in: 8e84fffaff user: unknown tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 0b4c06f17d user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: b3e262ec80 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: aaec2bcf3e user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Function/script to get the settings from a RDP file for Terminal Services. check-in: a69466b59a user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CHOICECAPITAL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Simone+20Singhedd@choicecapital.com.au check-in: a4497ecde4 user: breto tags: trunk
This is a function that queries the domain for the password policies that are set via Group Policy. Output objects include Min Password Length, Min Password Age, Max Password Age, number of passwords remembered (for password history restrictions), Lockout Threshold, Lockout Duration, and the Lockout Counter Reset time. check-in: 26f3a9f194 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=SONOFON_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=SABRINA+20OLSEN318@telenor.dk check-in: 9175692961 user: breto tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 1bf348409a user: ZioNLight1 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: ce5dad726a user: ZioNLight1 tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 61d5961c30 user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=AABAR+20PROPERTIES_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Nabill+20Khoury@aabarproperties.com check-in: 233dda5950 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Very simple script to create an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with Windows Powershell with variable substitution. Yes this could be a very basic Mail Merge type document WITHOUT the use of Microsoft Word check-in: 0be476c8f0 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 2388512462 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 6fa90c8751 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
An example of a client/server that works in PowerShell check-in: 494892dc2e user: rtsssdada tags: trunk
ewew check-in: 679efccf8a user: sammilkey tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 5307b543f3 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Function/script that opens an RDP file for editing using Terminal Services Client. check-in: bf4231a1b1 user: unknown tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.1 check-in: ade837bbae user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
ping-computer is not a standard Powershell command… replace line 54 with if (test-connection $srv -count 1).protocolAddress check-in: e4407c2195 user: Brian English tags: trunk
You know unwanted data is in a string within a file, but you don’t know what it is. You need to have it replaced with a scheduled ps1 script. check-in: a693089183 user: Danielle tags: trunk
Stops stuck jobs and gets info from them check-in: ea4c1b2e23 user: Autom8 tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.co.nf) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 0671d4f884 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Function/script that creates a new RDP file for Terminal Services. Nothing fancy though. check-in: 169b20579c user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
An example of multi threading in powershell check-in: 5730834196 user: Autom8 tags: trunk
$emailTo = “support@tcs-ltd.net” check-in: 2ca44ee24a user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Inverts the mouse wheel scrolling in Windows (to match the way it works in OS X) check-in: b1ffba81d8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.co.nf) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 2b6ad9271a user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Provides same functionality as cliconfg.exe GUI. Although there is a WMI provider to add client network aliases, the differences between SQL version make it diffult to use. This method creates the registry key. check-in: aba7e8e9ba user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A small script that uses a csv file for input (workstations.csv with 2 columns : computername,mac) and performs 3 actions : wol (wake on lan), reboot and shutdown. It’s one of my first posh scripts so please feel free to improve it. check-in: b97feb5a6a user: Cosmin Dumitru tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: 179626520b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: eaf835ccde user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Original post found [here](https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/tools/Show-LoadOrder.ps1) check-in: 050d09eda8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=UNU_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Szumiece0e@unu.edu check-in: f1647ebd4f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
The most accurate way of calculating Standard Deviation (according to the experts) is a method created by B.P.Welford, which is detailed in-depth in Donald Knuths Art of computer programming. check-in: 08c8b0b89e user: Richard Young tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 822a8c8a36 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=BAYMAIL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SP DLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=IMMTZ@bayer.cnb check-in: 665ae718b8 user: matt satzinger tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 7fb65c3127 user: fernlivese tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 57804731f0 user: Booksurfers_ tags: trunk
The main goal of this function to not use additional libraries. check-in: 47479905f8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk