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70 check-ins using file get-windows-product-key.ps1 version 80516e6951

Demonstrates how to resize a PowerShell Window, use a count-down timer, toggle a keystroke, and automate logging off your computer. I wrote this so I’d have a simple reminder of these things but I ended up running the script at the start of each work day. I’ve also distributed the “toggle scroll lock” part to a LOT of colleagues who got sick of the corporate screen saver GPO. :) check-in: 699177e14a user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
A rounding encoder for Google Charts data: converts numbers to their relative values within Google’s 0..4095 range, and encodes them in their slightly strange 2-digit base 64 encoding. check-in: 32fc7fff7e user: unknown tags: trunk
Check for successful backups in NetWorker check-in: a2ce507b68 user: gonads99 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9ac56b7523 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: 1fd070f221 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Automatically creates a Local User on server, Local directory on server, and Virtual directory in IIS based on User Inputs. Also sets user flags to read/write on directory and sets password options for user check-in: 191bc8e0ca user: unknown tags: trunk
Sacamos un listado de los mailbox en una organizacion exchange 2007. Y realizamos una compresion del resultado check-in: b9926bb687 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: a963aa940a user: S-1-5-21-2025429 tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. Updated to include Windows 10 and Server 2016. check-in: a8a5a6a604 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Functions: New-PIN, New-Password, New-PassPhrase check-in: 232da06b40 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script uses the Quest AD cmdlets to retrieve AD Groups from an LDAP search root and maps their membership (shows nested groups using Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap scripts that leverage the Microsoft Research NetMap project. Improvements or suggestions welcomed! check-in: 244e723f83 user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: e72cca7ab8 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Quick and dirty script retrieves vmware host with a specific network and change the subnet of each guest. Does not work if there are 2 ip addresses defined on one NIC, but since there was only one of those servers i could not bother to adapt the script :) check-in: 1534658559 user: Ton Siemons tags: trunk
Original github link https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-Handles.ps1 check-in: 8bd794b1ec user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Provides a crude implementation of plugin meta data (PMD) extraction check-in: 96e1dfbe5a user: mario tags: trunk
Transform nested hashtable into Powershell-literal (string) check-in: 904009236f user: mario tags: trunk
Shortcut functions for instantiating WPF or WinForm widgets check-in: d579344556 user: mario tags: trunk
This much more complicated version of Get-PerformanceHistory shows the approximate length of the command or script, as well as how long it took to run. Great for those “my script is shorter/faster/cooler” than yours bragging sessions on IRC ... or whatever. Lets you compare several commands by just running each of them and then calling Get-PerformanceHistory -Count 4 check-in: 042654558b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerShell script for displaying and picking Washington State lottery game winning numbers. check-in: 503b680e2b user: Craig Dayton tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 3e34dd5140 user: Ermias tags: trunk
I’m not sure if IMDB updated their site or what, but much of the HTML code referenced in the script either no longer exists on the sites or doesn’t seem to grab the correct information. check-in: 1548f78868 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set the “user Cannot Change Password” property on an active directory user object check-in: 597a7b16fd user: Erik McCarty tags: trunk
Short powershell module to convert numbers to Roman numerals check-in: 775576fcd9 user: Luis C tags: trunk
Function to simplify the creation of ACEs, along with a simple usage example. check-in: b2e02e993d user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This script will check if the specified Microsoft Office Excel Addins are loaded, and if not load them. check-in: 7a2b2421c8 user: David Valdes tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: bdc391b53a user: Robert tags: trunk
An improvement over the default Get-Credential cmdlet (doesn’t take much, eh?) offering, among other things, a -Console switch. check-in: b3296157c9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pipe filter which empties working set for any received System.Diagnostics.Process object check-in: 5083c2118b user: amirul tags: trunk
update $cur variable scope to $script:cur check-in: c143c90b1d user: silvia tags: trunk
This will return the specified website’s X.509 certificate either as an object or a file (if the -OutputFile parameter is specified). See included comment based help for documentation. check-in: c43b729010 user: Brian tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O%3DEXG_OU%3DEXCHANGE%2B20ADMINISTRATIVE%2B20GROUP%2B20%2B28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT%2B29_CN%3DRECIPIENTS_CN%3DBiasutto%2B2C%2B20Delfina336@OFC.LOC check-in: 7ef83037c3 user: Rafael tags: trunk
This is Lee Holmes’ INvoke-Inline, with some minor modifications by Joel Bennett to allow it to use #include statements, and to return collections. check-in: a080749f13 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: ba87876103 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Function/script to set settings in a RDP file for Terminal Services. Supports pipeline input and smart conversion of bools. check-in: 8e84fffaff user: unknown tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 0b4c06f17d user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: b3e262ec80 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: aaec2bcf3e user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Function/script to get the settings from a RDP file for Terminal Services. check-in: a69466b59a user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CHOICECAPITAL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Simone+20Singhedd@choicecapital.com.au check-in: a4497ecde4 user: breto tags: trunk
This is a function that queries the domain for the password policies that are set via Group Policy. Output objects include Min Password Length, Min Password Age, Max Password Age, number of passwords remembered (for password history restrictions), Lockout Threshold, Lockout Duration, and the Lockout Counter Reset time. check-in: 26f3a9f194 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=SONOFON_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=SABRINA+20OLSEN318@telenor.dk check-in: 9175692961 user: breto tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 1bf348409a user: ZioNLight1 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: ce5dad726a user: ZioNLight1 tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 61d5961c30 user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=AABAR+20PROPERTIES_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Nabill+20Khoury@aabarproperties.com check-in: 233dda5950 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Very simple script to create an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with Windows Powershell with variable substitution. Yes this could be a very basic Mail Merge type document WITHOUT the use of Microsoft Word check-in: 0be476c8f0 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 2388512462 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 6fa90c8751 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
An example of a client/server that works in PowerShell check-in: 494892dc2e user: rtsssdada tags: trunk
ewew check-in: 679efccf8a user: sammilkey tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 5307b543f3 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Function/script that opens an RDP file for editing using Terminal Services Client. check-in: bf4231a1b1 user: unknown tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.1 check-in: ade837bbae user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
ping-computer is not a standard Powershell command… replace line 54 with if (test-connection $srv -count 1).protocolAddress check-in: e4407c2195 user: Brian English tags: trunk
You know unwanted data is in a string within a file, but you don’t know what it is. You need to have it replaced with a scheduled ps1 script. check-in: a693089183 user: Danielle tags: trunk
Stops stuck jobs and gets info from them check-in: ea4c1b2e23 user: Autom8 tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.co.nf) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 0671d4f884 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Function/script that creates a new RDP file for Terminal Services. Nothing fancy though. check-in: 169b20579c user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
An example of multi threading in powershell check-in: 5730834196 user: Autom8 tags: trunk
$emailTo = “support@tcs-ltd.net” check-in: 2ca44ee24a user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Inverts the mouse wheel scrolling in Windows (to match the way it works in OS X) check-in: b1ffba81d8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.co.nf) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 2b6ad9271a user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Provides same functionality as cliconfg.exe GUI. Although there is a WMI provider to add client network aliases, the differences between SQL version make it diffult to use. This method creates the registry key. check-in: aba7e8e9ba user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A small script that uses a csv file for input (workstations.csv with 2 columns : computername,mac) and performs 3 actions : wol (wake on lan), reboot and shutdown. It’s one of my first posh scripts so please feel free to improve it. check-in: b97feb5a6a user: Cosmin Dumitru tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: 179626520b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: eaf835ccde user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Original post found [here](https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/tools/Show-LoadOrder.ps1) check-in: 050d09eda8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=UNU_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Szumiece0e@unu.edu check-in: f1647ebd4f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
The most accurate way of calculating Standard Deviation (according to the experts) is a method created by B.P.Welford, which is detailed in-depth in Donald Knuths Art of computer programming. check-in: 08c8b0b89e user: Richard Young tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 822a8c8a36 user: karl prosser tags: trunk