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18 check-ins using file Convert-BounceToX500.ps1 version 839d9640ad

Get-OUComputerNames check-in: 113cae981a user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: 2dd3071de2 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: 34080b042e user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: b6cc2568c4 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: 2ffb99d129 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: d150872079 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Creates a backup of the configuration of the network printers on a server or computer and exports it to a csv file. check-in: 2037430cee user: Ryan Tranchilla tags: trunk
I wrote a small function for parsing a Windows DNS Debug log. You can pipe both log-lines and filenames to this cmdlet. I’ve added 3 different types of log formats for it to handle. check-in: ee88d50f68 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 3d9f98c7de user: spadm tags: trunk
$menu = " check-in: 68c9d8b062 user: Klaus Schulte tags: trunk
Please note that the move-vm’s -datastore parameter ought to work but there seems to be a bug in it, hence the need for this script. ** check-in: 8c3ddd3736 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Creates an error record for throwing better/customized errors in scripts/modules. Based on the New-ErrorRecord from http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2011/09/14/custom-errors/ but simplified a bit. check-in: 0eb6d2ed7c user: CptNyan tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: d1c5ab5d8c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Funtcion to set NTFS compression for specified folder. check-in: af4b0dbb47 user: skourlatov tags: trunk
A pair with ConvertTo-CliXml — this version closes and disposes the string reader handle. Now works in PowerShell 3 and 4 as well. check-in: 02b5e36a4a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to get all logged on sessions (numbers) and coresponding users (domain name) on a local or remote system with WMI check-in: 7ab1f15b49 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Get ESX server serial numbers. check-in: 5332fcc33d user: thery tags: trunk
IMCEAEX_o=myAtea_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=45afeeb98bf6459899f196a007aeb2e3-magau+5FHB@myatea.info check-in: 4864520845 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk