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22 check-ins using file get-windows-product-key.ps1 version 8cacc58729
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13:55 | Get a Full HTML computer Report from a list of computers or just one. The OutPath is the folder to store the report. It includes scheduled tasks, applications, services and more… check-in: f8867c3d4d user: Chris Weislak tags: trunk | |
13:55 | adaptation of script to set local admin password thru SCCM check-in: 0f9a3dd98a user: chriskenis tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Powershell JIRA REST method authentication and common functions… check-in: 9666323035 user: Chris916 tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Get-OUComputerNames check-in: 61a5646520 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk | |
13:55 | D:(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;IU)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;SU) check-in: c695d7c9e5 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 084bf37c15 user: Ermias tags: trunk | |
13:55 | This is a script to remove empty folders from a drive. I used it when i had to clear up a shared drive from a former company. check-in: 38ca4d8c4e user: Trevor Wilson tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 7d3e049fd0 user: 8i5i9 tags: trunk | |
13:55 | usage : .\Get-OUComputerNames.ps1 “OU=TESTOU,dc=domain,dc=com” check-in: e3fcf1d5eb user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk | |
13:55 | This advanced function will return information about the estimated token size and group memberships of the specified user. check-in: 04707b216e user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Last module from class. See, I didn’t forget. check-in: 4f7a3cc349 user: Don Jones tags: trunk | |
13:55 | I know there already are a bunch of approaches to this, but this is my somewhat hacky contribution to wpf with powershell. I wanted to be able to draw my ui in visual studio or blend and then use the xaml with my powershell script in a simple way. It certainly has room for improvements, but I think it has potential. I’m quite sure that there are other (nicer) ways to do some of the more hacky stuff. check-in: 3d0ab06a14 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk | |
13:55 | I know there already are a bunch of approaches to this, but this is my somewhat hacky contribution to wpf with powershell. I wanted to be able to draw my ui in visual studio or blend and then use the xaml with my powershell script in a simple way. It certainly has room for improvements, but I think it has potential. I’m quite sure that there are other (nicer) ways to do some of the more hacky stuff. check-in: e4a96753c8 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Migrating Printers from 2003 to 2008 check-in: 43f5abc691 user: Wesley K tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Grab remote NIC settings, including Speed and Duplex. check-in: ee2805239e user: hugopeeters tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Find matching members in a local group check-in: 69b29f048a user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk | |
13:55 | From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ca105878dc user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Wednesday Elsa module check-in: 8fe6e00bf3 user: Don Jones tags: trunk | |
13:55 | “Taking Data from SQL [INTO] CSV [EHLO] SMTP-Email” check-in: 03a2a7d552 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Sets local account passwords on one or more computers. check-in: b9e2e7bea9 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk | |
13:55 | Function to retrieve windows product info from registry with GUI check-in: 89bd922617 user: skourlatov tags: trunk | |
13:55 | retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 885bb79ad8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk | |