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14 check-ins using file Get-SerialNumber.ps1 version 9bf9c89570

IMCEAEX_o=myAtea_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=45afeeb98bf6459899f196a007aeb2e3-magau+5FHB@myatea.info check-in: 4864520845 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Simple PowerCLI example to find old snapshots. Note that I would not actually use the techniques shown here, this script was intentionally written this way as a part of a training video in which I am building on techniques. check-in: 2122747fb6 user: Ridouan tags: trunk
Simple PowerCLI example to find old snapshots. Note that I would not actually use the techniques shown here, this script was intentionally written this way as a part of a training video in which I am building on techniques. check-in: 5e6bac05b3 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
PREVIEW – (STILL) UNFINISHED WORK ;-) check-in: c280616bb9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: 40fd73debc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The installation of PoshCode module and the upgrade of it, is broken. check-in: e45e532dc7 user: TheBigBear tags: trunk
Powershell 3 & 4 complain about this code having syntax issues. I tried ‘fixing’ it, but I am “stuck” now. I think I fixed the first six, but have one left that I just can’t figure, so I probably made a mistake when trying to fix the first six. check-in: 58e277f28d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Search a Word DocX document and highlight each instance of a pattern. check-in: b54b975252 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Demo of WPF with PowerShell v3 – using [class]@{ property = value }, flexible syntax, simplified where. Also using type accelerators. Not really smartest way to create WPF (no XAML – as bad as it sounds). So don’t treat this as very good example® or WPF in use. ;) check-in: c8f246c408 user: bielawb tags: trunk
Get-ProcessCount returns the number of running processes on local or remote machine. If it can’t find the requested process, it tries to guess what you want. check-in: 7dac5ea715 user: Bas Bossink tags: trunk
Start-Job help check-in: f79113d408 user: Letoric tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 6f5226e9df user: VertigoRay tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 49daa02315 user: JasonMArcher tags: trunk
Get ESX server serial numbers. check-in: 4d7a193d1a user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk