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125 check-ins using file Start-BootsTimer.ps1 version a295638449

More info can be found at www.ict-freak.nl check-in: 0281f58b9c user: afokkema tags: trunk
Works like the integer range operator “..”, but for characters. check-in: f5a5a4f8f9 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
More info about this script can be found here: http://ict-freak.nl/2009/06/27/powercli-upgrading-vhardware-to-vsphere-part-1-templates/ check-in: bfd438b0f6 user: afokkema tags: trunk
For more information and sample out put please visit http://www.virtu-al.net/2009/07/14/powercli-daily-report/ check-in: a21c61ede8 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
For more information and sample out put please visit http://www.virtu-al.net/2009/07/14/powercli-daily-report/ check-in: 40f74f5dc6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Problem: Type in a command to show the output, then wish you had saved it to a variable check-in: 892d1c6f98 user: unknown tags: trunk
The simplest form of WGet … no options, no passwords, no nothing. But it works. check-in: df948840bc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Robert, the problem is that this script requires version 2.0 … that “GetSteppablePipeline” is a new feature. I forgot to mark it. check-in: 134b51cbf1 user: Robert Riegler tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: 512e697590 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Helllo check-in: 0198d77b29 user: foobar tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: ad088f0980 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block check-in: 2fe68f6ccb user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The trap statement for this script does not appear to function as suggested. When I try to run it and force an incorrect file location, it ignores the inner exception that would show the correct error. check-in: 9366a70dbc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The simplest form of WGet … will become Get-FromWeb or something … check-in: e25d90a499 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This version of the script supports using “*” to capture dictation. The result is that you can now write macros to look up words online, or pass parameters to a function (within the constraints of your voice recognition accuracy). check-in: 27f6d1c730 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Enable Server Side Junk E-mail filtering for Exchange 2007 mailboxes check-in: 24921e3b4c user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
A script to generate advanced functions that wrap cmdlets so you can tweak them, add features, etc. From the PowerShell Team Blog check-in: 3187aa0256 user: unknown tags: trunk
A script I submitted for Event 10 of the Scripting games. Displays a simple Windows Form that counts down three minutes. It makes a good example for using Windows forms. check-in: 9121cae591 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A script I submitted for Event 10 of the Scripting games. Displays a simple Windows Form that counts down three minutes. It makes a good example for using Windows forms. check-in: 2dbbc93ed6 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
The source to PoshBot – who bridges IRC and Jabber check-in: 2f3fc82aa9 user: Joel Bennnett tags: trunk
Standalone script adapted from SQL Server Powershell Extensions (sqlpsx) http://sqlpsx.codeplex.com. Defines SQL Server backup and restore functions. check-in: 5faa21b1e5 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A v2.0 function to recursively get the sizes of all subdirectories under a root path. check-in: 08dda2fd03 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
Select a user-defined number of random elements from the collection … which can be passed as a parameter or input via the pipeline. An improvement over http://www.powershellcentral.com/scripts/60 which allows you to select more than one item, but offers the option to collect the pipeline into RAM to trade speed for memory use (replaces 81 and 83). check-in: 9a51cb952b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A PowerShell script into which one or more nmap XML output file objects can be piped, then the script emits synthetic objects representing port-scanned hosts from the XML file(s). Get Windows and Linux versions of the nmap scanner for free from http://nmap.org. Get a sample nmap XML file to play with and see some examples of using the script at https://blogs.sans.org/windows-security/2009/06/11/powershell-script-to-parse-nmap-xml-output/ check-in: f00f82240f user: Jason Fossen tags: trunk
This is an update to my “Speech.psm1” script module for doing voice/speech recognition. With this version, speech macros will be executed asynchronously, so it doesn’t tie up the shell for the duration :) Of course, if the shell is actually BUSY, it will delay execution of macros. See usage examples at the bottom of the script. check-in: 2f2591c070 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
REALLY validates given IP address and returns True/False. The original script didn’t allow ZEROS in the Ip address (eg: returned $false) check-in: 6444ec7be2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
REALLY validates given IP address and returns True/False. The original script didn’t allow ZEROS in the Ip address (eg: returned $false) check-in: 4db576c824 user: ucthakur tags: trunk
reconfigure-ha.ps1 – take a VMhost object from the pipeline and apply the ‘Reconfigure HA host’ task check-in: 9e6628af3e user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
I cooked this up to configure OCS user policy, but it should work for other attributes of this type as well. check-in: c66e244c23 user: unknown tags: trunk
validates given IP address and returns True/False check-in: 5fcf0ad63f user: ucthakur tags: trunk
Get-OUComputerNames check-in: 03c3cd0443 user: Admin tags: trunk
PowerShell script for shrinking a partition, works with Vista and Server 2008. check-in: ca5c8ef67b user: unknown tags: trunk
Removes AD objects matching the filter (Name=$Name*) older than $MaxDaysOld check-in: 4fd34c14d8 user: unknown tags: trunk
Version: 0.1 check-in: ba1f2e3469 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Script will help discover any service accounts that are currently being used. I have been using this script for about a month in production. While your mileage may vary this script is strictly read only, thus -confirm, and -whatif are not supported. check-in: e450f8a18d user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Functions to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Rijndael symmetric key algorithm check-in: 23949c4840 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script will help discover any service accounts that are currently being used. I have been using this script for about a month in production. While your mileage may vary this script is strictly read only, thus -confirm, and -whatif are not supported. check-in: 3f60620e33 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Converts an input string into its C ASCI Hex equivalent, useful for converting a string into an unsigned char array check-in: 85c0fb39ea user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Converts an input string into its C ASCI Hex equivalent, useful for converting a string into an unsigned char array check-in: 336c33bf6b user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
#The PowerShell Talk check-in: 4e5eaf6ecb user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
Retrieve data from an Oracle database into a dataset. check-in: 5ac47fd6d3 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
A series of functions to handle getting data from SQL Servers. Think of these more as tutorials for using SQL Server from powershell than as a finished set of scripts. check-in: 7e85bf9ecd user: unknown tags: trunk
From Shay’s blog entry: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/scriptfanatic/archive/2009/06/07/auto-link-powershell-cmdlet-names-in-windows-live-writer.aspx check-in: f368f6d83d user: unknown tags: trunk
Colorize STAT, UPDATE and DIFF (without params) commands output for Subversion (svn) and Mercurial (hg). check-in: 7129d9ca7e user: Bishop tags: trunk
Uses PerformanceCounter to return the number of connections to web sites on the current machine. check-in: 9a766b0a43 user: Lance RobinGeson tags: trunk
A Process Block check-in: f79013ba96 user: unknown tags: trunk
A Begin Block check-in: 55a3ba6336 user: unknown tags: trunk
Colorize Subversion SVN STAT, UPDATE and DIFF (without params) output. check-in: 2f672afdcf user: Bishop tags: trunk
PS1 script to launch gpupdate on all computers in domain, without some stupid QAD cmdlets, just pure PS1 and WMI check-in: 60847d4d9a user: unknown tags: trunk
Uploads a directory tree to a remote FTP server. Uses NetCmdlets (send-ftp). check-in: 0d903dbbaa user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
Library defines two simple functions that use ADO.NET to get and set SQL data. check-in: 6aa8e6f89f user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: d8b10112a4 user: foobar tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: 975f9065db user: foobar tags: trunk
This script uses the text and XML PowerShell help files to generate HTML help for all PowerShell Cmdlets, PSProviders, and “about” topics. the help topics are compiled into a .chm file using HTML Help Workshop. check-in: f7af4c0c19 user: John Robbins tags: trunk
A script module that allows you to sync feeds using the Microsoft Feeds Manager automation API, as well as mark items read for all or specific folders. check-in: adc8150054 user: Heath Stewart tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 622cb47492 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: bbd9c191cf user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Gets the VMHostSnmp object for VMWare VI Toolkit consumption check-in: 12315a3fea user: unknown tags: trunk
Delete NW ssids by clientname , for use in adv_file environments. check-in: cb443603c5 user: James Pratt tags: trunk
Test connectivity to the host using a ping or TCP port check-in: ca122c1771 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: 74eacf08ef user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: 034b35afef user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: 68cd42a1f3 user: foobar tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: fc3a4a4dff user: foobar tags: trunk
Returns the priority SRV hostname and port for a particular service and domain. Requires NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: e0a55c2c6f user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
Get-OUComputerNames check-in: fc5cdf8fe3 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
This script will recursively enumerate your entire server objects, if they all reside under an OU and get the service tag via WMI for each one of them excluding the VMWare guest servers. This is good if you have a lot of servers and don’t want to spend the time having to go to each one of them to manually get the information. check-in: 3c1dd41d36 user: unknown tags: trunk
Syncs the system time with that of a remote time server. Uses NetCmdlets. check-in: 1682dd4255 user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
Quickly tests if a given web server (specified by Url parameter) is running a WebDAV service. Should work against any server platform that supports the WebDAV RFCs. check-in: b6cc488882 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
A PowerShell implementation of Commandline Fu Episode 38, I skipped the first step of looking only at posts to login just because I don’t have anything like that in my logs :) check-in: 56fb9fb57a user: unknown tags: trunk
This script has appeared in many places in many different forms. Eg: PowerShell.com Sometimes it’s called ConvertTo-Object, but I find that too generic, since it can ONLY convert hashtables. check-in: d174e9688e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script has appeared in many places in many different forms. Eg: PowerShell.com Sometimes it’s called ConvertTo-Object, but I find that too generic, since it can ONLY convert hashtables. check-in: 38212d2b59 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A recursive function that allows the user to do a container search and specify the number of levels they would like to recurse. (Requires v2.0 CTP3 or later) check-in: 86f45aa489 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
A recursive function that allows the user to do a container search and specify the number of levels they would like to recurse. (Requires v2.0 CTP3 or later) check-in: 712754aa72 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A recursive function that allows the user to do a container search and specify the number of levels they would like to recurse. (Requires v2.0 CTP3 or later) check-in: 54c6437d30 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
having problems with my dsl connection, a simple pinging log script check-in: 97196f35bc user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Authenticode 1.7 for CTP3: Now with integrated help. NOTE: The default cert should be put in a ModuleInfo file, but it will work without that, and will prompt you for a certificate (and/or the password for it) only once per session. check-in: e82515cfd6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
For FriendFeed users: get any twitter friends who aren’t on FriendFeed, and make imaginary versions of them, complete with avatars. check-in: 75463e67b6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Really basic initial scripts to enable Watin automation via powershell check-in: 45d957b9e7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Continued reworking in PowerShell 2.0 with parameter sets. check-in: e3904b58f9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: f4511dedb2 user: foobar tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: 0f6d0271ef user: mazakane tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: 2e59d78174 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell syntax file for GeSHi that we use on PoshCode 1.0 check-in: e2910990ed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A bunch of script functions for creating a simple in-console split-view with output above and an input line below. It allows scripts to sort-of simulate accepting input while they output text. It’s still pretty fragile and occasionally does weird things while you’re typing, because it’s not really multi-threaded and the $Host doesn’t have a “LineAvailable” method … and if you pause a script, you can’t see output from typing, so the whole things is well and truly a hack. But it works! check-in: 72078cba88 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Imports an Excel spreadsheet to a SQL Server table using OLEDB check-in: 19a7111b07 user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
A PowerShell 2.0 Brush for the javascript SyntaxHighlighter check-in: 45061dd92f user: David Mohundro tags: trunk
Yet another find text in text files, this time with context, too. check-in: fd29f8446b user: unknown tags: trunk
Formats and highlights matches in a MatchInfo object which check-in: d27c03882c user: unknown tags: trunk
The PowerShell Talk – Demo 2, VM Easy Bake, XenServer check-in: 53dcd44e85 user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
Speaks text using the SAPI text-to-speech api check-in: e8b5b6c87f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The PowerShell Talk, Demo 1 – XenServer check-in: 5b6578cf52 user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
I created this script because of the need to monitor a MSDE 2000 database which have reached the 2 GB database limit until the application administrator deleted old data from the database. SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express must be installed on the computer running the script as a scheduled task. check-in: 1586decddb user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Script to find any VM’s that we’re added to vCenter in the last x days. check-in: a4d931cbec user: glnsize tags: trunk
This script gets all pc’s or servers from a OU and runs GPUpdate /force on these machines. check-in: b4f4c2e183 user: afokkema tags: trunk
In order to enumerate all the WMI namespaces, you must first connect to the “root” namespace, query for all the “__NAMESPACE” instances, and for each instance recursively repeat this process. You can use the computerName parameter of Get-WmiNamespace to list the WMI namespaces on the remote computer. check-in: 4d6dcfab3b user: Aleksandar tags: trunk
The Get-HotFix function gets the quick-fix engineering (QFE) updates that have been applied to the local computer or to remote computers and filter those hotfixes named “file 1”. check-in: 727f2a2372 user: Aleksandar tags: trunk
A function for recursively getting a list of unique users that are members of a Domain Group. check-in: 9fbce74e7a user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A function for recursively getting a list of unique users that are members of a Domain Group. check-in: c987d20c32 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: b7c3d3d90d user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 802c9aa9a6 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
Converts a string containing the SDDL SID format (e.g. ‘S-1-5-21-39260824-743453154-142223018-195717’) to a Win32_SID WMI object. Also adds a property with the base64 encoded binary SID to match the format used by some AD backup utilities. check-in: e0f5416020 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
Demo for unexpected output of Compare-Object check-in: 3085368cc1 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will create a new subnet in AD Sites and Services given the subnet, site name and location. check-in: f8b1f8f402 user: Andy Stumph tags: trunk
This script will retrieve all user accounts whose passwords are set to not expire for a given LDAP path. Defaults to root of the domain. check-in: d8368ed808 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script reads a list of usernames from a text file and outputs (to the screen) a comma-delimited list of usernames with a status value (OK, DISABLED or NOTFOUND). This uses ADSI. check-in: 13c68e94cb user: unknown tags: trunk
moved source from Poshcomm http://powershellcommunity.org/Forums/tabid/54/aff/1/aft/3804/afv/topic/afpgj/2/Default.aspx#4926 to accelerate development, and because I was sick of fighting the WYSIWYG editor… check-in: 7e946225dc user: glnsize tags: trunk
Exports a SharePoint list to a SQL Server table using OLEDB check-in: 75537b5925 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Imports an Excel spreadsheet to a SQL Server table using OLEDB check-in: 69d976610a user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
Powershell wrapper to an Oracle stored procedure returning one Ref cursor. Here it determines the version of the Oracle Server. You can substitute similar procedures. check-in: a425ac95dc user: unknown tags: trunk
A PowerShell 2.0 function to do the equivalent of the ‘nix tail, including the continuous feature (tail -f). Notice this does not try to emulate the ‘nix command parameters, which never made sense to me. I’ll leave that to someone else. check-in: e2ac3bae70 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates a bridge between (any) MUC chatroom and a Jabber user — by default it joins the #PowerShell channel at IRC.FreeNode.net and echos everything said there to you, and everything you say to it … to the chat room. Really quite useless, except as a demonstration. check-in: 2bc299e2f6 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
moved source from Poshcomm http://powershellcommunity.org/Forums/tabid/54/aff/1/aft/3804/afv/topic/afpgj/2/Default.aspx#4926 to accelerate development, and because I was sick of fighting the WYSIWYG editor… check-in: 270e47bb8b user: glnsize tags: trunk
Original author: James Brundage @ Microsoft check-in: ca7f27e66f user: halr9000 tags: trunk
early code check-in: 8b33f499fb user: unknown tags: trunk
Remove diacritics from string : check-in: a77acd02d3 user: Grgory Schiro tags: trunk
Get a dictionary of parameters for a function or cmdlet, optionally including the common parameters (verbose, debug etc) for functions using cmdletbinding, or ordinary cmdlets. check-in: 6507aafdbb user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
With just a few arguments, it is easy to make some text appear in a little balloon. check-in: 00ae7cd9ba user: Rob Lancaster tags: trunk
With just a few arguments, it is easy to make some text appear in a little balloon. check-in: 75c55edcf0 user: cz9qvh tags: trunk
Work-in-progress. This script is meant to be run from a “scripts/” subdirectory as part of a larger build structure. It won’t run by itself, but maybe you’ll find the SharePoint deployment bits useful. check-in: a045211f25 user: unknown tags: trunk
Display a “working” animation without knowing how much work you’ll be doing … check-in: efd7363636 user: unknown tags: trunk
Generates a self-signed certificate authority and a code-signing certificate using OpenSSL check-in: bbc6203baa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Generates a Linux VMDK Backup Script 0.7.1 check-in: dbd262edb6 user: Patrick tags: trunk
Generates a Linux VMDK Backup Script check-in: 4a79070c65 user: Patrick tags: trunk
A stay-on-top (borderless window) countdown timer, with a percentage-based color progress bar as well as sizeable font … as well as audio file and voice alarms. check-in: e23b37f3ea user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk