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3788 check-ins using file vProfile-ClusterAudit.ps1 version b0cbff1d6d

When you wish to compare to directory trees, you need the relative pathes of the files with respect to root of the directory tree, so that you can match them. Leaf check-in: d8577740bc user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: 9a83e1547e user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a further preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — The new WASP module is coming… check-in: 69b61e2624 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script uses the text and XML PowerShell help files to generate HTML help for all PowerShell Cmdlets, PSProviders, and “about” topics. the help topics are compiled into a .chm file using HTML Help Workshop. check-in: 52b5fa3fd6 user: Jeff Hillman tags: trunk
Check md5/sha1/etc hashes check-in: 2c26578de2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Check and md5 or sha1 hash in a “single line” of PowerShell. check-in: 43450bf8b2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: e111cdcac1 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Generates a Linux VMDK Backup Script check-in: 5c57dea9b6 user: Patrick tags: trunk
As promised, I started to expand on Joel’s functions (http://poshcode.org/877). A lot of stuff is missing, but… I have big plans for this module and a PKI module I want to write. check-in: 0f81aa8c25 user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Given an IP address and subnet mask return all alive hosts within that subnet. Uses PSJobs as a poor mans threading thus requires V2. check-in: 8feeed53f3 user: glnsize tags: trunk
A collection of V1 functions to assist with most IPv4 math. A majority of the code was translated from VBScript found http://www.highorbit.co.uk/?p=270=1 check-in: aaa0113d6a user: glnsize tags: trunk
This script compares the column structure between two databases with tables of the same name. Table names to compare can be passed in as an array or piped in either as string values, or as a property of Name or TableName. check-in: 68b7cfb1c1 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
Memory management helpers. Set-SessionVariableList creates a baseline of variable names. Remove-NewVariable clears out any variables not in the SessionVariableList and calls the garbage collector to free up memory. check-in: 624ee4543d user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
This functions work together to read the code of a Visual Basic Project into a PowerShell Object, which can be easyly scanned for patterns, returning filename, function/subroutine name und the matching line. Great tool you got unmaintained VB6 projects to understand for fixing or migrating (perhaps into PowerShell ;-)) check-in: 3b50c881b4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Add functions to the scope for each static method of a type. Originally from Oisin Grehan check-in: c075e7be39 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Helper function to list the definitions of static methods check-in: 0eb5054a65 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
A handful of functions for returning IS0-8601 formatted dates and parsing them. All functions work (even in the pipeline) in both PowerShell 1 and 2. check-in: 6e8b4f2472 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Cron Daemon for PowerShell check-in: 96187016e0 user: unknown tags: trunk
http://halr9000.com/article/642 check-in: e48bba2452 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: 31d8801812 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Gmail can now import and export filters as XML. This script will read in an XML file generated by Gmail (the Path parameter), and create from it a flat PSObject with Id, Updated, Name and Value fields. Since it is flat, you must use the Id field to correlate the filter criteria and actions. As far as I can tell, the first item in a filter is the criteria, and any subsequent ones describe the action to take. More info about filter import/export can be found here: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/new-in-labs-filter-importexport.html check-in: 6db232973f user: unknown tags: trunk
Simple Function to get powershell version check-in: c98cda048b user: Powershell Jedi tags: trunk
Generate VMware ESX Backup Scripts for Linux Systems check-in: 221ea5eedf user: Patrick tags: trunk
Use this function to send an HTML Formatted Email that is based on an XSLT template. This function is based on a blog post by Erik McCarty (http://ewmccarty.spaces.live.com). check-in: 9ec3076cbb user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Use this function to send an HTML Formatted Email that is based on an XSLT template. This function is based on a blog post by Erik McCarty (http://ewmccarty.spaces.live.com). check-in: aeb1ddb7dd user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate VM ware Backups via this script. check-in: 24c657c7c6 user: Patrick tags: trunk
Sending Mails via Powershell with Text Edit, Signature Support and Encryption. check-in: 3aee1b70a3 user: Patrick tags: trunk
Sending Mails via Powershell with Text Edit, Signature Support and Encryption. check-in: f99eda9e9c user: Patrick tags: trunk
This topic came up recently in the PowerShell forum at ScriptingAnswers.com and I thought you might find it helpful. The issue was creating a file share remotely. In the olden days, this would have meant using a command line tool like RMTSHARE, which is really just fine. But if you have a larger workflow, doing it natively in PowerShell may be more desirable. check-in: 17570dacb7 user: jeffhicks tags: trunk
(Requires V2 CTP3) check-in: a4d2fb37ae user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of your server environment. check-in: 95765d4934 user: unknown tags: trunk
Import-Csv that takes headers check-in: a9187eece9 user: unknown tags: trunk
The beginnings of a module to manage a Netapp SAN check-in: 4bdba93854 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script shows how to monitor ESX with PowerShell v2 CTP3’s new WSMan cmdlets. check-in: 176ab46ed7 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Script from SVN Utility check-in: c209cb0a9e user: unknown tags: trunk
This script serves three purposes, including the obvious: check-in: e77815af2e user: unknown tags: trunk
Update SharePoint Search scopes, useful when revving the Scope definitions. check-in: 03a52b878e user: unknown tags: trunk
Get detailed information on every CIFS share on a NetApp Filer. Function requires the NetApp Manage OnTap SDK 3.5. check-in: 522f915790 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. check-in: b75d03cab9 user: glnsize tags: trunk
This is just a preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — Really you’re going to want to use the WASP module for stuff like this. check-in: e3c53922a5 user: unknown tags: trunk
A couple functions to aid in the discoverability of the OnTap SDK. Functions requires the NetApp OnTap SDK v3.5 which can be found http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365. More information about the SDK and its use in PowerShell can be found here http://get-admin.com/blog/?tag=ontap-sdk check-in: 91725076d4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 3d861f80b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: e39457d87b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: d710baaa7c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: df193e4220 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: b1c6ff3fb0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 393856dbed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: c0b9442171 user: foobar tags: trunk
#Twitbrain Cheat PowerShell script check-in: e390225981 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. check-in: 2f16d22899 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Creates a new “On Demand Only” scheduled task to run an “Elevated” application, and a shortcut to launch it on demand, so you can bypass UAC prompting on specific apps. check-in: 24563fc798 user: unknown tags: trunk
A script to create shortcuts … with support for short “special folder” names. check-in: 27223215c5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Amended line $ChildGroups = “Domain Admins”, “group two” to clear bug from my previous post :) check-in: c711125a5f user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
If you output the original script to a txt file you cannot tell if a remote PC is switched off. Script below will now report a “Connection Error” if network path is not found check-in: ea3b485dc9 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script shows how to monitor ESX with PowerShell v2 CTP3’s new WSMan cmdlets. check-in: 75ac63ac66 user: unknown tags: trunk
Reconnect a VMHost that has been disconnected from vCenter… Example using the VI API real world use Set-VMHost -State check-in: 58aaeb2a3c user: glnsize tags: trunk
Disconnect a VMHost from vCenter Example using the VI API real world use Set-VMHost -State check-in: b1e9bba63b user: glnsize tags: trunk
A collection of Powershell functions for Citrix Management check-in: 37da0a597b user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
The below will create a bi-directional named pipe with the name you specify in the $pipeName variable. Note that .NET 3.5 is required for the System.IO.Pipes namespace. check-in: 41a7c0df49 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is just a little trick I use to find InstallUtil and MsBuild, and make sure I’m using the latest version of them. check-in: 1a90f28d87 user: unknown tags: trunk
Splits a string (by default, on whitespace), and allows you to pick and chose which pieces are returned. Something like “cut” in bash… check-in: 03c25db582 user: unknown tags: trunk
Colorize Subversion SVN STAT output. check-in: 2ed17c3819 user: jim palmer tags: trunk
powershell converts all string types to strings, including nulls which end up as empty strings. use this if you need to pass a true null as a string to a dotnet api check-in: b5ffef2a01 user: unknown tags: trunk
The missing Shift operators corrected so they shift in the right direction. check-in: 1c9d81d1c5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
author: Doug Finke check-in: dbdfbe5de6 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Executes a SQL Server Integrations Services package for both server and file system storage types. Also includes optional processing of external configuration file. check-in: 31c36d4caa user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: 274fa9ed3c user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Takes a series of objects (like the converted input from csv) where there are a series of objects (rows) that actually define the same object, and there is (at least) one property which is a unique identifier (and appears on each object), and there are two properties which are a name and value pair defining additional properties ... and outputs new objects which merge the objects and add the name-value pairs as new properties. check-in: 6df4f1cac8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
It would really be sweet if I could get-netstat -sate CLOSE_WAIT check-in: f2695362b7 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: b9138f2cd3 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A one liner that parses the output of NET.EXE’s VIEW command. NET.EXE VIEW displays a list of computers in your current domain by default, to display another domain change it to read NET.EXE VIEW /domain <domainName>. check-in: 4f965446f5 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: a6a0478feb user: foobar tags: trunk
Used to reset a Users Password check-in: 07532ca2ae user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
A wrapper for Get-ChildItem with color highlighting for different file types. I was thinking of the Linux ‘ls —color’, but didn’t bother to match up colors or anything. TODO: The ability to sort by type would be nice. Note: you will have to remove the documentation at the beginning of the function if you want to use it with versions prior to v2.0 CTP3. check-in: d9bc3eb0cd user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A few wrapper functions to make working with the SSH portion of SharpSSH easier: New-SshSession, Invoke or Send Ssh commands, Receive output, all with support for “Expect” ... which means we’ll continue reading from the ssh output until we see the expected output, and then stop. check-in: 1ef32cbbce user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A wrapper for Get-ChildItem with color highlighting for different file types. I was thinking of the Linux ‘ls —color’, but didn’t bother to match up colors or anything. TODO: I should probably update it to precompile the regexes at the top so that they aren’t compiled for each item returned by Get-ChildItem, and the ability to sort by type would be nice. Note: you will have to remove the documentation at the beginning of the function if you want to use it with versions prior to v2.0 CTP3. check-in: c00add082f user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
## check-in: d7c2651b11 user: William tags: trunk
This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. check-in: 56c5f552d7 user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
powershell does all dividing by doubles, even integers, so often to simulate a interger division you have to [math]::floor the quotient. Here are some functions to do pure integer division check-in: db9c13417b user: karl prosser tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 4cef3a522d user: karl prosser tags: trunk
in progress -buggy check-in: 2859899687 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Compare the tables (and columns with the -Column parameter) in two databases, checking for differences. check-in: f078ff029b user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
simple function like foreach, but that traps exceptions using v2, and logs then in the $lastex variable. this way the pipeline can continue and process the objects that aren’t having errors happen against them. eventually this needs to be made much better, and be a v2 advanced function check-in: 8861eb2d12 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This script customizes the welcome screen which PowerGUI admin console displays on start-up or when a folder is selected in the left-hand tree. check-in: 9b4edfc4a0 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: c1516694a0 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Requires PS 2.0 CTP3 check-in: b2fec69446 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
This is an enhancement on top of the [Environment]::GetFolderPath to add support for additional folders like QuickLaunch and the “Common” folders (CommonStartMenu, etc) by using the WshShell SpecialFolders enum from COM... check-in: 4fd765a751 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: 112f040939 user: oisin tags: trunk
The following script will add some nice host network information into an object which is exported to a csv file for passing to the network guys or can be used to find your server in that mess of cables that are always meaning to be tidied in the data center. check-in: 4cffe14ca1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Help Differ 10000 check-in: 346aea5cc1 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: 2fb850be3d user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate one or more random strings for use as passwords or pre-shared keys using a Windows form in PowerShell. User can customize the alphabet, length and number of strings generated. check-in: 68cae6afcd user: Marcus L tags: trunk
This script will create a new System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 Collection. check-in: d739feb1d9 user: Andy S tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: c31e7f5216 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This script takes a path to a script (full or relative), a fileinfo object, or either as pipeline input. It converts the script’s content to a function of the same name as the file. For example, ./ConvertTo-Function Get-Server.ps1 would create a function called Get-Server. If the function already exists, it will replace it with the new script. check-in: 77947463ab user: unknown tags: trunk
Many organizations have a separate OUs for their servers and workstations, this is an example on how to list servers in the wrong OU. check-in: ef8665ab81 user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file. check-in: 68baeceeb4 user: foobar tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. check-in: d8f4934f20 user: foobar tags: trunk
A simple trick to show and hide windows — and an extra bonus trick ;) check-in: b818615f78 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
simple V1 function to print files, either listed, or through the pipeline. No error checking implemented check-in: 55a48a4b8a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Executes a SQL Server Integrations Services package for both server and file system storage types. Optionally Resets a Package Configuration connection string named “SSISCONFIG” to new server location. Also includes optional processing of external configuration file. check-in: 6126a40cb6 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Generates an XSD File with SQLXML annotations for a Powershell object. The XSD file can be used with SQLXML Assembly or COM-based to automatically create a SQL table and import the XML. Use in conjunction with New-XML. See article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/powershell/65196/ for example. check-in: ad62e8ef3a user: unknown tags: trunk
Check latest Chromium build at http://build.chromium.org check-in: ba41d127bd user: David tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: fbc9a8f1be user: unknown tags: trunk
Help Differ 10000 check-in: 92b1149627 user: unknown tags: trunk
An alternate method of querying the registry to return the firewall status (returns $true or $false). This one does not use WMI. check-in: df02fe5692 user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts CBZ files to CBR check-in: e26648fa2e user: unknown tags: trunk
Returns $true if the Windows Firewall is enabled, $false if it is disabled. check-in: 95e5d81cae user: rfoust tags: trunk
code to play distinct “musical” notes using Console.Beep allowing you to specify the note/octave/duration as well as speaking check-in: 9820f55067 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
If you have a medium to large size website, you can provide a Sitemap so that search engines intelligently index your site’s content. check-in: 05a9ca5ebe user: uknzguy tags: trunk
If you have a medium to large size website, you can provide a Sitemap so that search engines intelligently index your site’s content. check-in: fa1e1c725d user: unknown tags: trunk
Enable Server Side Junk E-mail filtering for Exchange 2007 mailboxes check-in: bc1a198abf user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
Allows for the creation of tasks in Microsoft Outlook from Windows PowerShell. The majority of task options available can be configured with the function. check-in: 5cec33524d user: Mark E tags: trunk
New-CustomColumn for PowerShell V1.0 check-in: f195c6950f user: unknown tags: trunk
Helps you find the right exception to throw. It can take a filter parameter to filter results down. Usage is Get-Exception -filter MYFILTER like Get-Exception Null. (to port to version 1, just remove the multi-line comments) check-in: 72aed948dd user: David Mohundro tags: trunk
Just some examples of stuff you can do with the System.Windows.Automation namespace … for more, you’re going to want to check out http://WASP.CodePlex.com check-in: 2c098ef84d user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts PowerGUI’s .PowerPack files into ps1 script files – each script node, link and action get represented as a function with the element’s name and its code inside. You can then dot-source the file and use the functions in your scripts or command line. Works both in PowerShell v1 and v2. check-in: fa9fa976ac user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Get-Weather parses and displays the current weather and forecast from the Yahoo! RSS. Simply enter your zipcode (or IXX code from Yahoo weather) and -c(elcius) if you don’t want Fahrenheit temperatures. check-in: 4eb5966cd3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts PowerGUI’s .PowerPack files into ps1 script files – each script node, link and action get represented as a function with the element’s name and its code inside. You can then dot-source the file and use the functions in your scripts or command line. Works both in PowerShell v1 and v2. check-in: dd0a9e8bdd user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Converts PowerGUI’s .PowerPack files into ps1 script files – each script node, link and action get represented as a function with the element’s name and its code inside. You can then dot-source the file and use the functions in your scripts or command line. Works both in PowerShell v1 and v2. check-in: 00844f10a3 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 0c44bd3f67 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script is a re-developed MSDN Sample using PowerShell. It creates an email message then sends it with a BCC. check-in: 5e7daac03d user: Thomas Lee tags: trunk
This script is a re-developed MSDN Sample using PowerShell. It creates an email message then sends it with a BCC. check-in: 7a3cf9eee9 user: Thomas Lee tags: trunk
Select a user-defined number of random elements from the collection … which can be passed as a parameter or input via the pipeline. An improvement over http://www.powershellcentral.com/scripts/60 which allows you to select more than one item, and doesn’t copy the full collection into RAM. check-in: 0c5644fe85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A script to open files for editing in Notepad++ — you may need to edit the $npp variable in the BEGIN block to put the full path in, if you didn’t run the Notepad++ installer. check-in: e23b901933 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This bad boy is from an email by Bruce Payette—the master. Here are some notes from the email: check-in: ac353c1e73 user: halr9i000 tags: trunk
Syncronize local folders with Smugmug using this powershell script. check-in: ceec7f4308 user: Karl Prosser tags: trunk
507 Change $colShares to $colApps check-in: f4bd2d4140 user: cassibr13 tags: trunk
Added Get-WebPageContent to the initial implementation of the Http REST script functions (usable as a v1 script or as a module). check-in: 3dc24c5357 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
ISE-Snippets module v 1.0 check-in: 6fa04f1885 user: poetter tags: trunk
This is an advanced function that uses a proxy command to add two new switches to get-childitem check-in: 7333dde4a8 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.1 ( Conflate-Line improved ) check-in: 2316fe8c4b user: poetter tags: trunk
I’ve modified the original function. I like this one better. check-in: db5bdc6141 user: Gene Magerr tags: trunk
scripting for running regions by hotkeys in powershell v2 CTP3 ISE. http://www.karlprosser.com/coder check-in: 4c2f3e965a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.0 check-in: a21cfedc5e user: poetter tags: trunk
This is an updated version of Get-Packet, an IP packet sniffer for Powershell. check-in: 996a191acb user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
A script module for CTP3 which allows the user to create their own custom type accelerators. Thanks to Oisin Grehan for the discovery. check-in: cda1b760de user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
get-regex.ps1 is a Regular Expression Quick Reference for .NET/C#/Powershell. It provides a quick dump of info in a PSCustomObject for quick access from a prompt. It is more complete than what is available in get-help. check-in: 4c29d14cbd user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
If you have VMware Lab Manager, this script makes it easier than ever to connect to and automate Lab Manager actions. check-in: a2efa0a88b user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Get-StockQuotes gives a very easy way to get stock quotes using PowerShell CTP3’s new Web Services capabilities. check-in: d24cb50c8d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This is a set of Powershell functions to interface with the Atlassian Jira bug/issue tracking software using a WSDL interface. check-in: 2905bae8ef user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
This function connects via HTTP to a Cisco Unity server and returns license information as a PSCustomObject. check-in: 1656d0a71f user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.iLoveSharePoint.com check-in: 2b6ffcd7f5 user: cglessner tags: trunk
Change the security setting of a vSwitch. Requires V2, and the VI toolkit for windows check-in: ed5f1005fc user: Glenn Sizemore 12 tags: trunk
Generate an email from an RSS feed and store the feed item in a cache file to support emailing only new feed items since last execution. check-in: cde07c21c4 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a simple function that can “Start” apps and return the PROCESS object. In particular, it can start URIs, documents, and apps defined in the “App Paths” registry, and basically anything that you could start from the run dialog. check-in: 6b2b78d2ae user: unknown tags: trunk
Use the MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) .NET Libraries to find SharePoint ID of known user. check-in: aae15d9eda user: Craig Pilkenton tags: trunk
Just a simple little script which looks at the current charge left in your battery and puts it above your prompt. Adjust when it comes on with $GLOBAL:BatteryDisplayAtPercent, by default it’s 101 which shows when it’s charging on down. Why 101? Because when you charge a battery you supply more capacity then it has, so the % will always be >100. check-in: 7d4887d73f user: unknown tags: trunk
For TabExpansion.ps1 check-in: a5990cfbe9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. check-in: c5e0eca22f user: foobar tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 1e6d342fb3 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This is a modification of the Get-ADMapObject (http://poshcode.org/706). This script uses the Show-NodeXLMap script (http://poshcode.org/733) to display the hierarchical relationship between Active Directory objects of the selected classes. Running this script with the -ShowADClass switch lists out the different classes or types of AD objects available. check-in: 2ac169d16c user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
Update version of Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap script (http://www.dougfinke.com/blog/?p=465). The NetMap research project has been renamed to NodeXL and is available on Codeplex (http://www.codeplex.com/nodexl). This script is updated to use the new code and adds support for adding color to the map points. check-in: a51672df57 user: Doug Finke http tags: trunk
Parses output of registry utility REG QUERY for the pattern on the specified computer. Useful for finding installed S/W since the WMI provider for installed software is not always reliable. check-in: 4df9018676 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-MyDomain retrieves the current IP of the user (Or, the first if there are multiple active cards) then performs a DNS lookup to retrieve the domain. If it is unable to reverse it, it displays Unknown:<IP> check-in: 0fb24c4e82 user: unknown tags: trunk
A tech demo: a scrolling buffer where you can type while it’s scrolling… check-in: 1bd167cc51 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Added enum expansion in method call expression check-in: bbee4e8e30 user: foobar tags: trunk
Find-AmazonBook searches Amazon’s books by Title (and optionally Author). It’s a simple example of the power of the HttpRest module, see the original here: http://posh.jaykul.com/p/1602 (and note there are extra features in this version). check-in: cc0724318e user: unknown tags: trunk
Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 will include cluster cmdlets, until then this script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class and parsing the output of cluster.exe check-in: de9aeb66cd user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
Check-LotusHealth is a multi server, multi port ping script. Originally designed to handle the port checks for a client’s entire Lotus Notes environment, I’ve removed the actual servers and replaced them with placeholders. You’ll need to adjust this to your environment. check-in: d482e5a3a6 user: unknown tags: trunk
The Linux/Unix ‘du -sh’ command, ala PowerShell (faster than other versions of this script, but still ever so much slower than compiled code) check-in: 640f543635 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Analogous to ONE of PowerShell 2’s Add-Type cmdlet’s overrides, this script/function will take C# code and compile it in memory. check-in: 4e0123956e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A simple cached RSS reader. Fetches RSS feeds, displays mutliple feeds merged in date order, opens items in browser. check-in: 8b14ec57aa user: unknown tags: trunk
Map Active Directory objects using the Show-NetMap script from Doug Finke. Running the script creates three functions Get-ADMapObject (which takes a string or array of strings of the AD object classes), Get-ADObjectClassName (recurses through your Active Directory and returns the names of the object classes), and New-SourceTarget (to get the ADMapObjects into the format that Show-Netmap wants). check-in: 02ef62278d user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 52eda5b383 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Calculates percentage growth rate given a starting value, ending value, and number of periods in the range. stahler thx! check-in: a12004e7bd user: halr9000 tags: trunk
The Get-Command cmdlet reveals all that you need to know about PowerShell. check-in: 44e2258c14 user: Jeff Hillman tags: trunk
Calculates percentage growth rate given a starting value, ending value, and number of periods in the range. @stahler thx! check-in: 72cf014192 user: Stahler tags: trunk
Use as a filter to select computers from a stream on which to act upon later in the pipeline. Example: check-in: 2725f4c2a6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Script to retreive all users with an active sync device partnership check-in: 8bfe186d38 user: unknown tags: trunk
I got this script originally from Jim Truher and have tweaked it a bit over time (nothing major). Basically it replaces your CD function with one that keeps a history. check-in: 9bfa8fdf8d user: unknown tags: trunk
As a former UNIX guy, I love the non-admin stuff in Vista, but got annoyed keeping two shells open (one admin and one non-admin). I wanted sudo! PowerShell made that easy. Just put this in your $profile script. Enjoy! check-in: 76dd597b6a user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
As a former UNIX guy, I love the non-admin stuff in Vista, but got annoyed keeping two shells open (one admin and one non-admin). I wanted sudo! PowerShell made that easy. Enjoy! check-in: ea9a53f357 user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
The first of many script cmdlets for working with DekiWiki check-in: 62d0abaaf3 user: unknown tags: trunk
An initial implementation of some Http REST cmdlets, as a series of script functions (usable as a script module, just save as a .psm1) check-in: 85b6c5cf11 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Export 2007/2010 usermailbox to PST located on File Share check-in: 16e46b83dc user: St3v3o tags: trunk
This script allows an administrator to install software from either a local folder on their administration PC or from a network share. Target computers to receive the installation are defined ahead of time in a text file. check-in: 40e23cef74 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 0fae6ab837 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 9765bd4444 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
A script to retrieve the SSL Certificate used by a remote host … demonstrates using Invoke-Inline to compile C# code, and handling the RemoteCertificateValidationCallback to override the normal security policy … check-in: badf721e36 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 9baa90a370 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 2203837ac8 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: f15de3c783 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Added -NoLog option to write info just to the console check-in: 4ee412a32b user: Vidrine tags: trunk
ISE profile code for doing module development check-in: bb2f3cefb1 user: jrich523 tags: trunk
Small script to strongly syncronyze folder with ‘original’. check-in: 30d3d1a83a user: M Skourlatov tags: trunk
Provide a begin and end time frame (mm dd yyyy) and this will calculate the years, months and days between the two dates. This is NOT 100% accurate but it was close enough for what I was trying to do. Someone with better math skills should be able to improve the accuracy. check-in: 597f1652f7 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 5699f4d0a9 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
Provide a begin and end time frame (mm dd yyyy) and this will calculate the years, months and days between the two dates. This is NOT 100% accurate but it was close enough for what I was trying to do. Someone with better math skills should be able to improve the accuracy. check-in: 33b188d7e1 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 5dc5450983 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: f188077e5a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This was the first game I wrote in BASIC as a 12-yr old. Here it is again in PowerShell. :) check-in: d5618580c0 user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
Colorize Subversion SVN STAT output. check-in: 96109635ae user: jim palmer tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 1bb41c654b user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Demonstrates how to resize a PowerShell Window, use a count-down timer, toggle a keystroke, and automate logging off your computer. I wrote this so I’d have a simple reminder of these things but I ended up running the script at the start of each work day. I’ve also distributed the “toggle scroll lock” part to a LOT of colleagues who got sick of the corporate screen saver GPO. :) check-in: 699177e14a user: Dan In Philly tags: trunk
A rounding encoder for Google Charts data: converts numbers to their relative values within Google’s 0..4095 range, and encodes them in their slightly strange 2-digit base 64 encoding. check-in: 32fc7fff7e user: unknown tags: trunk
Check for successful backups in NetWorker check-in: a2ce507b68 user: gonads99 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9ac56b7523 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: 1fd070f221 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Automatically creates a Local User on server, Local directory on server, and Virtual directory in IIS based on User Inputs. Also sets user flags to read/write on directory and sets password options for user check-in: 191bc8e0ca user: unknown tags: trunk
Sacamos un listado de los mailbox en una organizacion exchange 2007. Y realizamos una compresion del resultado check-in: b9926bb687 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: a963aa940a user: S-1-5-21-2025429 tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. Updated to include Windows 10 and Server 2016. check-in: a8a5a6a604 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Functions: New-PIN, New-Password, New-PassPhrase check-in: 232da06b40 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script uses the Quest AD cmdlets to retrieve AD Groups from an LDAP search root and maps their membership (shows nested groups using Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap scripts that leverage the Microsoft Research NetMap project. Improvements or suggestions welcomed! check-in: 244e723f83 user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: e72cca7ab8 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Quick and dirty script retrieves vmware host with a specific network and change the subnet of each guest. Does not work if there are 2 ip addresses defined on one NIC, but since there was only one of those servers i could not bother to adapt the script :) check-in: 1534658559 user: Ton Siemons tags: trunk
Original github link https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-Handles.ps1 check-in: 8bd794b1ec user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Provides a crude implementation of plugin meta data (PMD) extraction check-in: 96e1dfbe5a user: mario tags: trunk
Transform nested hashtable into Powershell-literal (string) check-in: 904009236f user: mario tags: trunk
Shortcut functions for instantiating WPF or WinForm widgets check-in: d579344556 user: mario tags: trunk
This much more complicated version of Get-PerformanceHistory shows the approximate length of the command or script, as well as how long it took to run. Great for those “my script is shorter/faster/cooler” than yours bragging sessions on IRC ... or whatever. Lets you compare several commands by just running each of them and then calling Get-PerformanceHistory -Count 4 check-in: 042654558b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerShell script for displaying and picking Washington State lottery game winning numbers. check-in: 503b680e2b user: Craig Dayton tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 3e34dd5140 user: Ermias tags: trunk
I’m not sure if IMDB updated their site or what, but much of the HTML code referenced in the script either no longer exists on the sites or doesn’t seem to grab the correct information. check-in: 1548f78868 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set the “user Cannot Change Password” property on an active directory user object check-in: 597a7b16fd user: Erik McCarty tags: trunk
Short powershell module to convert numbers to Roman numerals check-in: 775576fcd9 user: Luis C tags: trunk
Function to simplify the creation of ACEs, along with a simple usage example. check-in: b2e02e993d user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This script will check if the specified Microsoft Office Excel Addins are loaded, and if not load them. check-in: 7a2b2421c8 user: David Valdes tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: bdc391b53a user: Robert tags: trunk
An improvement over the default Get-Credential cmdlet (doesn’t take much, eh?) offering, among other things, a -Console switch. check-in: b3296157c9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pipe filter which empties working set for any received System.Diagnostics.Process object check-in: 5083c2118b user: amirul tags: trunk
update $cur variable scope to $script:cur check-in: c143c90b1d user: silvia tags: trunk
This will return the specified website’s X.509 certificate either as an object or a file (if the -OutputFile parameter is specified). See included comment based help for documentation. check-in: c43b729010 user: Brian tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O%3DEXG_OU%3DEXCHANGE%2B20ADMINISTRATIVE%2B20GROUP%2B20%2B28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT%2B29_CN%3DRECIPIENTS_CN%3DBiasutto%2B2C%2B20Delfina336@OFC.LOC check-in: 7ef83037c3 user: Rafael tags: trunk
This is Lee Holmes’ INvoke-Inline, with some minor modifications by Joel Bennett to allow it to use #include statements, and to return collections. check-in: a080749f13 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: ba87876103 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Function/script to set settings in a RDP file for Terminal Services. Supports pipeline input and smart conversion of bools. check-in: 8e84fffaff user: unknown tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 0b4c06f17d user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: b3e262ec80 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: aaec2bcf3e user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Function/script to get the settings from a RDP file for Terminal Services. check-in: a69466b59a user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CHOICECAPITAL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Simone+20Singhedd@choicecapital.com.au check-in: a4497ecde4 user: breto tags: trunk
This is a function that queries the domain for the password policies that are set via Group Policy. Output objects include Min Password Length, Min Password Age, Max Password Age, number of passwords remembered (for password history restrictions), Lockout Threshold, Lockout Duration, and the Lockout Counter Reset time. check-in: 26f3a9f194 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=SONOFON_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=SABRINA+20OLSEN318@telenor.dk check-in: 9175692961 user: breto tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 1bf348409a user: ZioNLight1 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: ce5dad726a user: ZioNLight1 tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 61d5961c30 user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=AABAR+20PROPERTIES_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Nabill+20Khoury@aabarproperties.com check-in: 233dda5950 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Very simple script to create an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with Windows Powershell with variable substitution. Yes this could be a very basic Mail Merge type document WITHOUT the use of Microsoft Word check-in: 0be476c8f0 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 2388512462 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 6fa90c8751 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
An example of a client/server that works in PowerShell check-in: 494892dc2e user: rtsssdada tags: trunk
ewew check-in: 679efccf8a user: sammilkey tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 5307b543f3 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Function/script that opens an RDP file for editing using Terminal Services Client. check-in: bf4231a1b1 user: unknown tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.1 check-in: ade837bbae user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
ping-computer is not a standard Powershell command… replace line 54 with if (test-connection $srv -count 1).protocolAddress check-in: e4407c2195 user: Brian English tags: trunk
You know unwanted data is in a string within a file, but you don’t know what it is. You need to have it replaced with a scheduled ps1 script. check-in: a693089183 user: Danielle tags: trunk
Stops stuck jobs and gets info from them check-in: ea4c1b2e23 user: Autom8 tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.co.nf) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 0671d4f884 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Function/script that creates a new RDP file for Terminal Services. Nothing fancy though. check-in: 169b20579c user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
An example of multi threading in powershell check-in: 5730834196 user: Autom8 tags: trunk
$emailTo = “support@tcs-ltd.net” check-in: 2ca44ee24a user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Inverts the mouse wheel scrolling in Windows (to match the way it works in OS X) check-in: b1ffba81d8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.co.nf) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 2b6ad9271a user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Provides same functionality as cliconfg.exe GUI. Although there is a WMI provider to add client network aliases, the differences between SQL version make it diffult to use. This method creates the registry key. check-in: aba7e8e9ba user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A small script that uses a csv file for input (workstations.csv with 2 columns : computername,mac) and performs 3 actions : wol (wake on lan), reboot and shutdown. It’s one of my first posh scripts so please feel free to improve it. check-in: b97feb5a6a user: Cosmin Dumitru tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: 179626520b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: eaf835ccde user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Original post found [here](https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/tools/Show-LoadOrder.ps1) check-in: 050d09eda8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=UNU_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Szumiece0e@unu.edu check-in: f1647ebd4f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
The most accurate way of calculating Standard Deviation (according to the experts) is a method created by B.P.Welford, which is detailed in-depth in Donald Knuths Art of computer programming. check-in: 08c8b0b89e user: Richard Young tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 822a8c8a36 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=BAYMAIL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SP DLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=IMMTZ@bayer.cnb check-in: 665ae718b8 user: matt satzinger tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 7fb65c3127 user: fernlivese tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 57804731f0 user: Booksurfers_ tags: trunk
The main goal of this function to not use additional libraries. check-in: 47479905f8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 16be025164 user: Booksurfers_ tags: trunk
DekiWiki module, a package of a few script cmdlets (more to come, I promise) for working with DekiWiki. Included so far: Set-DekiCredential, Get-DekiContent, Set-DekiContent, New-DekiContent, Get-DekiFile … conspicuously absent: Add-DekiFile, Remove-DekiFile, Remove-DekiContent … check-in: 6e8e6fe242 user: unknown tags: trunk
Quick, dirty, and ugly way to output clipboard data to Microsoft Word. check-in: 879d9e4eee user: Banker42 tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=Individual_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=894ecd06ade243aba120f19948e5ecc8-ehd-c34e7de02@ex13.net check-in: bd19a5618f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/diag/Get-CoolingMode.ps1 check-in: 77104990bd user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This shows a nice example/primer of using PowerMapi which is a module for PowerShell that provides direct access to MAPI. check-in: 3894a25471 user: PowerMapi tags: trunk
Inverts the mouse wheel scrolling in Windows (to match the way it works in OS X) check-in: a2f6e3c3c5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Inverts the mouse wheel scrolling in Windows (to match the way it works in OS X) check-in: a07fbd9157 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Retrieve user logon events (relatively) quickly. This will output results to the console as they are retrieved check-in: d068262cf3 user: David McDonough tags: trunk
Set custom IP address check-in: 8a7a3dd851 user: Yves Rosius tags: trunk
ConvertTo-DekiContent is an improvement on New-HtmlHelp, with a specific focus on output suitable for DekiWiki. I commented out the html and body tags, etc. because the HTML markup is destined for the DekiWiki. It’s an improvement over the original because we cleaned up the parameter and example code, and broke apart the syntax, so it’s easier to read. check-in: 2a421b4572 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 443d9d9008 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: d6eb06a539 user: Test1 tags: trunk
Oracle Database Query From Powershell check-in: 0d6df7dabd user: Ranadip Dutta tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 5664ede98a user: Dominik tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: 0348724fe0 user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
Add voice to your Powershell script check-in: b7119f7750 user: Mike Hays tags: trunk
Retrieve data from an Oracle database into a dataset. check-in: 8a93aec76c user: dfafadfds tags: trunk
Retrieve data from an Oracle database into a dataset. check-in: 3f31109ca6 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 199f72e649 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Rebuilds Windows Indexing on a remote PC check-in: d5d036c1af user: Aphexenator tags: trunk
In an interesting design choice, Get-Process lets you work with processes on remote machines, but Stop-Process does not. This cmdlet uses WMI to stop a process on a remote machine. check-in: 087857a65a user: Brian Wahoff tags: trunk
Very simple script that stops a service and waits for it to stop before rebooting. This script can be edited so it runs on every reboot or can be run manually to reboot. check-in: 3da99d740c user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 8966bbd165 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Generate Cryptographically Random Bytes, using RNGCryptoServiceProvider, and optionally format them as strings. check-in: 6e2b1d09ea user: webclient tags: trunk
Arise you ever a wish to call CPython code via Add-Type cmdlets? Now you have this ability! Note that you need “morphine” library (https://github.com/gregzakh/morphine/blob/master/lib/morphine.ps1) and Python stored into $env:path check-in: 4f273c1f81 user: Ernst Schlee tags: trunk
This script is a proof of concept. Further work needs to be done. It requires the user to enter a valid username and password for a gmail.com account. It then attempts to form an SSL connection with the server, and, retrieve the first email. Unfortunately it returns random results. Perhaps someone can improve upon it with some more sockets knowledge than I have. check-in: 3dd08f2784 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
...... Hello all everyone …... check-in: 64b0d90e15 user: Matthew Sessions tags: trunk
A long time ago, I wrote a ResolvePaths attribute which I never really published. check-in: 3225ce2551 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Just an idea for how to handle web requests in PowerShell check-in: 5e5bbdbf69 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 06fdc4627e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 7bcb88c0db user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: c475675b14 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Adds ‘Execute in PowerShell’ options to .ps1 files’ context menu so that you can easily run scripts from Windows Explorer check-in: 47ebcb3573 user: Nigel Boulton tags: trunk
e5e614ac06a708ca88fdc67bc88a4f0eed07d7f0 check-in: 6c5f795e69 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Simple script that uses netsh to show wireless networks. check-in: e7fd960cc1 user: Kris Cieslak tags: trunk
How to add a SSL Certificate to IIS with Powershell as well as set the SSL Binding for the site that’s using the certificate. check-in: 41e711ef82 user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
In this JSON module, I have a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: 94b7aaa910 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value (Fixed a bug in 2.0) check-in: d2b985bd98 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 5684c6bf59 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Enumerates mailbox folder permissions for all folders in all mailboxes check-in: b33dacc5d8 user: themoblin tags: trunk
This will send an SNMP trap to the specified manager (hostname). The script isn’t very flexible, but it’s a good example of how to build traps using SharpSNMPLib. External requirementss: check-in: f2639ddf2a user: amber tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 2cc042b0a9 user: KSimon tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 5dddac02bf user: KSimon tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 0072427f21 user: KSimon tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: cf9479cd6c user: KSimon tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 4a00577c3a user: KSimon tags: trunk
#STORED CREDENTIAL CODE check-in: d6fcce8f4b user: ccorin tags: trunk
This code allows for the secure storing of an active directory password and then using it for connecting to exchange or active directory. This snippet will prompt the administrator for a username only, collect the password from the securely stored file, and then assemble a powershell credential object for use. check-in: 46bd0142a8 user: Lubinski tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: dab06a7bce user: Enter your zip code here tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: a9cadc5d5d user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Performs a join of all properties from two objects. Supports scriptblock evaluation, pipeline joining, etc. check-in: 1b2782ece6 user: aaron sun tags: trunk
Performs a join of all properties from two objects. Supports scriptblock evaluation, pipeline joining, etc. check-in: b41be2489d user: Jaykul tags: trunk
REALLY validates given IP address and returns True/False. The original script didn’t allow ZEROS in the Ip address (eg: returned $false) check-in: 749380c024 user: mow01 tags: trunk
This cmdlet retrieves weather forcasts from SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) through their API. (See: http://www.smhi.se/klimatdata/Oppna-data for information in swedish). check-in: 0524c007af user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Compare updates between WSUS target groups (e.g Test and Production) and approve updates to the latter and email report on changes made. check-in: 6a3e936ac6 user: rov3_ tags: trunk
Script to create a backup report from Netbackup jobs check-in: 060106b14a user: Martijn Jonker tags: trunk
RU_DAX_ERP_Read check-in: 106a70396d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
NOTE: For simpler use, an updated PShellExec.zip available via screencast.com check-in: 4bd2410e28 user: 384633383224503 tags: trunk
NOTE: For simpler use, an updated PShellExec.zip available via screencast.com check-in: d61abdd277 user: Les Papier tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: 4c8a1ba3fd user: George Mauer tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: 0593e92d1d user: Richard van Erk tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: f9ee510966 user: unknown tags: trunk
I WILL CONTROL YOUR LIFE GIVE ME TIME AND ILL RULE YOU ALL check-in: 39fb587fc7 user: unknown tags: trunk
windows server health check for 2008 2012 2012r2 check-in: 780b1f08ba user: Prashant Pandey tags: trunk
Buying groceries with PowerShell, because why not? ;-) check-in: bfeb761eed user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This script uses current Show-UI and SQLite to query a copy of your Firefox Bookmark Database for Bookmarks tagged with combinations of 1 to 3 keywords. It uses the WPF 4.0 Datagrid. (Improvements in Eventhandling of Hyperlinks are welcome) check-in: 919a192316 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
This script uses current Show-UI and SQLite to query a copy of your Firefox Bookmark Database for Bookmarks tagged with combinations of 1 to 3 keywords. It uses the WPF 4.0 Datagrid. (Improvements in Eventhandling of Hyperlinks are welcome) check-in: 2cd60cae21 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
This script uses current Show-UI and SQLite to query a copy of your Firefox Bookmark Database for Bookmarks tagged with combinations of 1 to 3 keywords. It uses the WPF 4.0 Datagrid. (Improvements in Eventhandling of Hyperlinks are welcome) check-in: 7341c99274 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
This script uses current Show-UI and SQLite to query a copy of your Firefox Bookmark Database for Bookmarks tagged with combinations of 1 to 3 keywords. It uses the WPF 4.0 Datagrid. (Improvements in Eventhandling of Hyperlinks are welcome) check-in: 75d64abbb9 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
These functions retrieve information about tv show airdates. They are used as a part of my “home automation with powershell”-project. check-in: 91d821909d user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This will return the specified website’s X.509 certificate either as an object or a file (if the -OutputFile parameter is specified). See included comment based help for documentation. check-in: dbc2fcc85d user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Two simple functions to get and set the SSH tunnels that putty will establish check-in: f6d6073a05 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Two simple functions to get and set the SSH tunnels that putty will establish check-in: 6fe3accd60 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
In this JSON module, I have a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: f0fa2336c5 user: VPNZIP tags: trunk
In this JSON module, I have a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: 445be8ee93 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script to delete ransomware files check-in: 5d17b75f17 user: roflrolle tags: trunk
Script to restore files beeing lost during ransomware attack check-in: 5499bcd67a user: roflrolle tags: trunk
Convert a raw security descriptor from SDDL form to a parsed security descriptor. check-in: ec2809acbd user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Imports an Excel spreadsheet to a SQL Server table using OLEDB check-in: 085d47185c user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
Description: Script attempts to remove SCCM Client cache items and C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution. check-in: d612119c8a user: RottedQuickly tags: trunk
Added Try block and missing brackets for sample GUI from post made by Vinith Menon. check-in: 255018b8b2 user: BrianK tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 5513110c1d user: Ermias tags: trunk
Here is a function to create an Active Directory user. This function doesn’t do nearly everything that the Quest AD cmdlet can do, however it does provide user password configuration options such as setting the ‘User cannot change password’ and ‘Password never expires’ flags. The new AD account is enabled by default when created. check-in: f5bd3234ac user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: f65c2dd39a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
I wrote this to install IE11 through Altiris. Though the install method works fine without using Altiris. The script installs all of the KB prerequisite and recommended updates for IE 11, which are specified in $updateMSUs for the x86 and x64 blocks of code. It then installs IE 11 without forcing a reboot. check-in: f4a2a52cda user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This code can be added to an AWS instance to set the default password of an EC2 instance. It stops the need for using keys to set the windows password. It needs to be set in the “User Data” section when building the Instance. check-in: 570b81898a user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
This script enables you too search AD for SMTP addresses that are possibly in use, using the QUEST PowerShell PSSnapIn and searching the “proxyAddress” attribute of objects. The output details either that the SMTP address is not found in AD or you get details of the object that owns the SMTP address. check-in: abb7d602d9 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
Powershell script to verify if Windows Backup has finished sucessfully or not. On error or warning it sends an email with the server name and the error/warning. On success it does nothing (means the backup finished successfully) check-in: ff08a64909 user: Paulo Seabra tags: trunk
get utilization from all network interfaces check-in: 09964e93f7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
goo.gl/4sX8N3 check-in: 00d89520b3 user: sarkisyan tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=EARTH_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=email@contoso.com check-in: cba96ed1a5 user: o0MattE0o tags: trunk
This bit of code adds a Week ScriptProperty to datetime objects. The property returns the week of the year based on the current cultural settings. check-in: 0f3537d08c user: Dale Thompson tags: trunk
Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. check-in: 8a5cfb030d user: Dirk Bremen tags: trunk
Powershell function that returns one of three possible DateTime objects check-in: 16d58727a0 user: Martijn Jonker tags: trunk
Some of commands get outdated and needs to get updated with latest powershell upgrade check-in: 50efe59948 user: Ashwin Rayaprolu tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 3c8d8a8d24 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: 071bbd6f32 user: mjohnson tags: trunk
Adds imitations of some operators such as ternary operator, -all, -any and etc. check-in: 8e3470f4bf user: poshman tags: trunk
This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: c500f91962 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
A suggestion how to read Word document without MS Office check-in: a218d9c27b user: qwerty tags: trunk
My prompt function for PS — There’s a bug causing an echo if you use write-host in your prompt on unix with PS 6 currently, so I rewrote my prompt to just output a string with escape sequences… check-in: 333e85fd79 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Temporarily (until restart) makes a font available without needing to install it (and thus, without need for admin rights). check-in: 799b3bfa75 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: c659554ccf user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
My prompt function for PS — There’s a bug causing an echo if you use write-host in your prompt on unix with PS 6 currently, so I rewrote my prompt to just output a string with escape sequences… check-in: 7eff776e86 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script can be run with PowerShell to launch a metro application against a file. It is really intended to be used from a batch file, which is embedded as a comment within the script. check-in: 571f1e4a83 user: Bob P tags: trunk
Depends from PSCpu.ps1 library You can find it at https://github.com/gregzakh/PSCpu/blob/master/Lib/PSCpu.ps1 check-in: a38afd0fb2 user: Marta Leigh tags: trunk
Identifying knowledge base article by its id number taken from string or filename. check-in: 162787e7ff user: Kris Cieslak tags: trunk
Nice solution to detect current Windows version (instead buggy [Environment]::OSVersion). Fount at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-NtVersionNumbers.ps1 check-in: 0b2afa09f2 user: roger tags: trunk
PowerGrowl Sample Goes Here check-in: 3eb649e7a4 user: Thom Lamb tags: trunk
PowerGrowl Sample Goes Here check-in: 4f3708bf1c user: Thom Lamb tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: 7477bcba4c user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways check-in: 277b19502e user: dvsbobloblaw tags: trunk
Re\sets password for specified user. Original https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/New-Password.ps1 check-in: 59c121aacf user: Hacker tags: trunk
Get-DotNetFrameworkVersion: Script to get installed .Net versions check-in: 34d0c98711 user: unknown tags: trunk
Cool script which allows you to do some things more easily. For example, it became possible use bitwise shift in PowerShell v2 or c-style ternary operation. check-in: 101f009a17 user: roger tags: trunk
Nice solution to detect current Windows version (instead buggy [Environment]::OSVersion). Fount at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-NtVersionNumbers.ps1 check-in: 08c6720576 user: roger tags: trunk
My script uses WMI to gather various useful pieces of useful systems information that can be used for either support calls, downloading drives or troubleshooting your system. check-in: ae90e0db04 user: PatrickG tags: trunk
This function is a wrapper for the Invoke-SSH cmdlet which is included in the Netcmdlets package (http://www.nsoftware.com/PowerShell/). I don’t care for its output or syntax complexity, so I made this to suit my needs. check-in: f29882008e user: unknown tags: trunk
Found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-MacAddress.ps1 check-in: 0d5e172abf user: terran tags: trunk
A trace/logging system that wraps Write-Verbose, Write-Debug or Write-Warning to add timestamps and invocation source to the output, as well as allowing complicated messages to be calculated only when the output will actually be displayed. check-in: 432fd13941 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get observed IP address ranges and VLAN IDs from an ESX host’s physical adapter. Sample use at the bottom. check-in: fa411db461 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: 8f1321795c user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This advanced function will return information about the estimated token size and group memberships of the specified user. check-in: 25ccace0aa user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
test check-in: 4b9cf936e7 user: teste tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 53b33c72c4 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Output text ato a new PowerPoint slide check-in: c963db8b79 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: ddee39bd90 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 2fdf841aae user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
3 way file compare check-in: c06a09b625 user: unknown tags: trunk
Send HL7 message to a remote host via TCP (MLLP framing) check-in: 5e9b1ff91d user: Rob Holme tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 559ded4318 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Posting my profile.ps1 in case anyone is interested: check-in: b0488aabe3 user: Tim Dunn tags: trunk
S-1-5-11 check-in: 01f6b59511 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. check-in: 9509fdfcef user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Correction to line 51. Each octet pair should be two characters. Original code omits leading zeroes in an octet pair. The format expressions should be {”{0:x2}” and not {”{0:x}”. check-in: 602211aaad user: Michael Liben tags: trunk
Send a popup message to a user on a remote computer. check-in: 01a8a24f9f user: sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf tags: trunk
Enumerate OpsMgr 2007 Object Discoveries targeted to Windows Server check-in: e1e1a4a976 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
powershell does all dividing by doubles, even integers, so often to simulate a interger division you have to [math]::floor the quotient. Here are some functions to do pure integer division check-in: 717d3a6768 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
It gets the System Environment Variables from Registry check-in: 83a39917cd user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Reads from the registry all the .Net versions installed on the local machine. check-in: e53b56f275 user: Tzvika N tags: trunk
Create a ZIP archive of a given file. check-in: f81ab1098f user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
The Post-ToSlack cmdlet is used to send a chat message to a Slack channel, group, or person. check-in: 0b4f9e7c41 user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
Send a notification message to a HipChat room via a RESTful Call to the HipChat API V2 Atlassian requires a separate token for each room within HipChat! check-in: b2e3fa9ee7 user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
Checks a given Mail Address against a REGEX Filter to see if it is RfC822 complaint check-in: 10d4d2d4e5 user: Joerg Hochwald tags: trunk
This complete module greatly facilitates backing up your Hyper-V virtual machines. check-in: 4c3d779210 user: jhjbhjb h tags: trunk
This simple function translates a wireless AP’s BBID (mac) through the SkyhookWireless API’s to return location information… check-in: d2a1b6c95c user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
I can’t get dynamic parameters working when there are multiple parameter sets on the other parameters. as soon as i limit the param sets down to 1, it works. if there are 2, it doesn’t. check-in: 358ded077f user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Runs a T-SQL Script using SQL Server Management Objects (SMO). Provides various flags to funnel result sets and display messages to different outputs, such as csv file, host, and Out-GridView form, etc. Displays detailed error messages similar to SQL Server Management Studio check-in: 210d9dcd64 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
Collects Information about index fragmentation and writes the results to a csv file check-in: c7c6d0072f user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
This function takes a string of text and word-wraps it to a specific target line width. In addition check-in: d1db57bb23 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
This function is simple example of using SMO to iterate through some database objects, tables check-in: 2b509ba266 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
This Script was written to query remote DNS servers for A record in the local domain. I wrote this in CTP 2 and unsure if it will work in Posh v1. check-in: f0e55a7474 user: unknown tags: trunk
channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0005;;;SY)(A;;0×5;;;BA)(A;;0×1;;;S-1-5-32-573) check-in: 127699139a user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
O:BAG:BAD:(A;;CCDCLCSWRP;;;BA)(A;;CCDCSW;;;WD)(A;;CCLCRP;;;S-1-5-21-3710682621-373433760-2056108126-1003)(A;;CCDCLCSWRP;;;S-1-5-32-562)(A;;CCDCLCSWRP;;;LU)(A;;CCDCSW;;;AC)(A;;CCLCRP; check-in: 27886a36c6 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
0:BAG check-in: b17ca159bb user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Ok, i guess i have too much code for the paste bin, please can someone remove this ! check-in: 0b434e7aac user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: b16f19aa8d user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
This script plays beep sound when there is new post at Factorio blog. Converted from JS original – https://gist.github.com/demipixel/1a5a42022c24d88de1308a934bd78246 by demipixel. check-in: 3913e646e3 user: Xaegr tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 5b3e35f4a8 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Original post was found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-CPUID.ps1 (author gregzakh) check-in: 16cf6cf63f user: Jakub Jares tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.1 check-in: e5e6f3fcbc user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
Reads from the registry all the .Net versions installed on the local machine and displays them in HTML page check-in: 7b0dbcbc84 user: Tsvika N tags: trunk
Shows how to use SupportsShouldProcess and Confirm check-in: 4df925f32f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: dc0f8e92be user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: ae7c9f604e user: Wojciech Sciesin tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 2c33de7db8 user: Wojciech Sciesin tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 92165f146a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Retrieves information about cache of logical processors. Original post of gregzakh can be fount at https://github.com/gregzakh/tacitus/blob/master/cpu_cache/source.ps1 check-in: 1889d2c2e9 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
Note: The functions are the same like in the previous post, but the help had some mistakes but I could not find how to delete or edit an existing post. check-in: 2500fe8628 user: Tsvika N tags: trunk
Confirm-DiskExists function check if a disk exists and returns true or false, possibly with more details with -Verbose switch check-in: 021434657c user: Tsvika N tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: 30a37a6bed user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Runs a T-SQL Script using SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) and provides various flags to funnel result sets and display messages to different outputs check-in: 1a26eec512 user: Brandon Warner tags: trunk
A small set of powercli functions to work with Content Libraries. It can’t do subscribed or published content libraries yet, and they lack in feedback (some progress bars would be nice) but I’ll probably add that in the future. check-in: 0078c66986 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Displays a constant stream of random colors with random size. This causes patterns to form and can be mesmerizing :) check-in: 635a2fb34f user: Nathan Estell tags: trunk
Displays a constant stream of numbers and spaces. This can cause patterns to form and can be mesmerizing :) check-in: 3486203a0b user: Nathan Estell tags: trunk
Turns a here-string with characters, spaces, and new lines into an image with blocks of color, spaces, and new lines. check-in: e91b9cf5cf user: Nathan Estell tags: trunk
Draws a circle using Write-Host and one space for each part of the circle. check-in: 44b0e6261a user: Nathan Estell tags: trunk
Solves this puzzle: http://www.futilitycloset.com/2016/06/09/divide-and-conquer-3/ check-in: 9e4e1fb841 user: Nathan Estell tags: trunk
Creates a stepped diagonal line going down to the right, then down to the left. check-in: 8dea204392 user: Nathan Estell tags: trunk
A set of functions (and sample code using them) to create check-in: 0665203443 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Send a popup message to a user on a remote computer. check-in: 28663a7628 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
The Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy requires the -Path parameter and saves the output to file. This command should have been named Export-GPResultantSetOfPolicy. This is a script that does what a command with the verb get should do; return the result to the pipeline. check-in: 48b7a390f1 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
This is a simple weather forecast widget that shows the current temperature and forecast. Don’t forget to change the $woEID to the right one for your location. check-in: b02d72a372 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 4bd37cdce6 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 7e4e639010 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: c95822c9ad user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
This script processes only files in the source directory with an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) as the first ten bytes of the file name. check-in: 393fc06d05 user: PhilB tags: trunk
This script processes only files in the source directory with an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) as the first ten bytes of the file name. check-in: 6bde1a6c61 user: PhilB tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=PT+20BANK+20CIMB+20NIAGA+20TBK_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Priya+20Uthama618@cimbniaga.co.id check-in: 8f749f940e user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Original post of gregzakh can be found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Invoke-InjectLibrary.ps1 check-in: 38b26542e3 user: Dan Jones tags: trunk
Enumerate OpsMgr 2007 Object Discoveries targeted to Windows Server check-in: 1a30987641 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
deletes windows 10 bloatware and prevents Windows from installing them on additional users. Also inserts a registry line to stop the autodownloads like candycrush. check-in: 7e8f339206 user: Brian tags: trunk
PowerShell 3 Script to call a Jira REST Service. Does HTTP BASIC Pre-Authentication (a plain Invoke-RestMethod does not work) check-in: 672065399b user: Markus Essl tags: trunk
http://georgemauer.net/blog/enabledisable-fusionlog-powershell-script/ check-in: c81248e7f7 user: Inwza678 tags: trunk
Provides same functionality as cliconfg.exe GUI. Although there is a WMI provider to add client network aliases, the differences between SQL version make it diffult to use. This method creates the registry key. check-in: 0da0ac1faf user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A functional test for confirming DNS Alias changes have taken effect for users. check-in: 6d8d75943a user: Ben Newton tags: trunk
Get-DellWarranty (Uses new Dell API; the old Get-DellWarranty scripts screen scrape their site and no longer work because they changed the formatting of the tables. This relies on their API service so in theory it should be maintained by Dell and remain working. The script itself has an array of computer names at the top and will cycle through each system and query that warranty information. Based off of all warranty lines, the highest warranty is tracked and outputted as well. The Get-DellWarranty function itself is configured to accept a -servicetag or -serialnumber parameter or accept piped input, and outputs an object that contains objects of warranty entitlement lines. check-in: 896fca78f8 user: Dane Kantner tags: trunk
Original post of gregzakh can be found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-ProcessTree.ps1 check-in: 1df4dcf631 user: Dan Jones tags: trunk
The following script shows how to send a magnet link to a remote transmission daemon. Don’t forget to replace the $addr, $port, $user and $pass variables at the top before using it. check-in: 575cb32fc0 user: meekmaak tags: trunk
PS Module for creating new hires with functions for Exchange Online Mailbox, Skype voice provisioning, and UM Mailbox provisioning check-in: dba3dbb84f user: unknown tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: f551fbc4e1 user: unknown tags: trunk
test post sqldom, parser check-in: 09e9eb0432 user: unknown tags: trunk
I thought that it’s impossible. Some guy who calls himself gregzakh wrote a demo module called Func which allows you to invoke some WinAPI functions without defining dynamic modules in memory. This module correctly works on PowerShell v2, 4 and 5 (I have not got PowerShell v3 to test it). The script below uses Func library to set SeShutwondPrivilege privilege up for current PowerShell host. check-in: 1865d9fead user: Dan Jones tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: 0b4bca2c5c user: Richard van Erk tags: trunk
An example of a client/server that works in PowerShell check-in: 8e2068f0d1 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Start-NamedPipe check-in: 5a60c45c59 user: theDude tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 7dc8bc5126 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: f47b30b464 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: ca2e77b5dd user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 4f4675b796 user: Natedog tags: trunk
Tags alert with PrincipalName, Severity and MP name in Custom fields. check-in: c73d7e8081 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 047f7f3d20 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Active Directory, bulk create OU’s with defined sub OU’s check-in: 21473755db user: chriskenis tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: a869241dd1 user: michal tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 3659fe12a3 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
test post sqldom check-in: 18b6f4a204 user: ietei tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: ef9d19928f user: Aaron Calderon tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: e58f7ee5db user: RCookieMonster tags: trunk
This function creates a web client that will ignore all SSL certificate errors. Useful for uploading (HTTP PUT, maybe POST as well) to an https web server using a self-signed cert. check-in: 88ff806de1 user: Stephen Campbell tags: trunk
Microsoft provided script, however I can’t download it at work but I can copy and paste. check-in: fed1ecde98 user: GuyinTheOffice tags: trunk
My command prompt, as always. I leave this in a separate script file and invoke it from my profile. That way I can RE-invoke it to reset my prompt if I have to mess with it for some reason. check-in: bd4bd6f12a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: 03dbed6faf user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: a1919b01b8 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
PS Module for creating new hires with functions for Exchange Online Mailbox, Skype voice provisioning, and UM Mailbox provisioning check-in: a3b6e3d8fe user: unknown tags: trunk
Generic script for Citrix PVS and App-V to publish apps without the need for a management and database server for App-V. Generic script doesn’t need to be updated for every change or app so the image wont have to be opened and sealed every time. The published app in the XenApp console passes the necessary information for each new published app, making it easy to add apps on the fly and not have to modify the PVS image. This script should be not necessary if you have XenApp 7.8 or higher. check-in: 42e02c118d user: thegeek tags: trunk
This function creates a web client that will ignore all SSL certificate errors. Useful for uploading (HTTP PUT, maybe POST as well) to an https web server using a self-signed cert. check-in: 755fecaada user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Test-TCPPort check-in: c7ea2c0947 user: Test-TCPPort tags: trunk
Another silly toy I threw together in a few minutes. Use Get-AsciiFromString to generate your own if you want. check-in: 499d54dedc user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
This script will make a copy of the local PST to the One drive folder check-in: 84fbab5fac user: Francois Fournier tags: trunk
Get-DellWarranty (Uses new Dell API; the old Get-DellWarranty scripts screen scrape their site and no longer work because they changed the formatting of the tables. This relies on their API service so in theory it should be maintained by Dell and remain working. The script itself has an array of computer names at the top and will cycle through each system and query that warranty information. Based off of all warranty lines, the highest warranty is tracked and outputted as well. The Get-DellWarranty function itself is configured to accept a -servicetag or -serialnumber parameter or accept piped input, and outputs an object that contains objects of warranty entitlement lines. check-in: 9a05852e74 user: Dane Kantner tags: trunk
Another silly toy I threw together in a few minutes. Use Get-AsciiFromString to generate your own if you want. check-in: 3bf2c9dae1 user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
A silly remake of the See You Space Cowboy scripts that doesn’t write a file to disk. check-in: 0ae008f443 user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
How to create a non blocking Graphical User Interface (GUI) with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) check-in: ecf42ca550 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=EXCHANGE_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Simon+20Woodhead4bf@clarketransport.co.uk check-in: 62b1e1a73f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
RSS Enclosure Downloader check-in: 6a463b788b user: halr9000 tags: trunk
(Get-ADDomain).dnsroot check-in: 183377972b user: James007 tags: trunk
Simple menu check-in: 339f09d6c8 user: h_david_a tags: trunk
Updated with improved error trapping and fixed time stamps in log file! check-in: f973246183 user: _rov3 tags: trunk
wpftools is a tool for easy use of wpf check-in: 533157f16d user: David tags: trunk
MyTools is a scriptmodule used as an example in a powershell course delivery. check-in: 6fc5e3db9f user: David tags: trunk
Mail Signature Generation XML for https://t.co/adnUE0UFbJ check-in: 3ef0d70ef1 user: _rov3 tags: trunk
Use your favourite ISE to compile into a service, uses signature generation function here: https://t.co/VRDUon5NDP check-in: eabdd5b499 user: _rov3 tags: trunk
Function for creating HTML signatures with conditional markup. check-in: 79f62b4095 user: _rov3 tags: trunk
A script I submitted for Event 10 of the Scripting games. Displays a simple Windows Form that counts down three minutes. It makes a good example for using Windows forms. check-in: 293d71f40a user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 8f4e1b9e8f user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This is a script I wrote to pull information from the Citrix License Web console by dumpingthe contents and searching for the area needed. A better way of doing this is by using the BSonPoSH WMI script but unfortunatly there is an issue with the WMI classes on some installations as described on my blog here….http://teckinfo.blogspot.com/ check-in: 6b33e4df38 user: unknown tags: trunk
Discovers DHCP online servers and if SystemRoot\Windows\System32\DHCP\Backup exists, copies the folder on each server to a network share (\\network\share\hostname). check-in: 07f92beb2f user: R Derickson tags: trunk
Write line to file with Unix Line Endings check-in: 80af922bbd user: Bruno Martins tags: trunk
A few random extensions I load in my profile to make life easier check-in: deabb6a140 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Generate Cryptographically Random Bytes, using RNGCryptoServiceProvider, and optionally format them as strings. check-in: e4dc9dfade user: webclient tags: trunk
This script enables you too search AD for SMTP addresses that are possibly in use, using the QUEST PowerShell PSSnapIn and searching the “proxyAddress” attribute of objects. The output details either that the SMTP address is not found in AD or you get details of the object that owns the SMTP address. check-in: 734f826d5f user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
This function retrieves information about the owner/creator of a snapshot in vmware/vsphere along with some other properties. check-in: a791922cfe user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
@daniel_rehn posted an image of his shell script and I couldn’t resist trying to replicate it in PowerShell. check-in: 5047f537f2 user: randal_hicks tags: trunk
(Install and) load the assemblies from a NuGet package into PowerShell check-in: 5d990f9eee user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is just to show how to do it check-in: 33b5a292d5 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=AKAD_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=66baafcb-f027-4dab-a048-bfd234738747@AKAD.kaercher.com check-in: 2495747c8d user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
This script allows an administrator to install software from either a local folder on their administration PC or from a network share. Target computers to receive the installation are defined ahead of time in a text file. check-in: b8e7305315 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script allows you to perform application uninstalls remotely. The script prompts for an input file that contains target PCs (one on each line) and a search terms box. check-in: 0545734e22 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script provides a way to bulk delete profiles on a system. Utilizes the Delprof2.exe program. check-in: c9ef72bb8e user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Functions: New-PIN, New-Password, New-PassPhrase check-in: b74a8b3bbe user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This function lets you sends ICMP echo request packets (“pings”) to a range of IPv4 addresses using an asynchronous method. check-in: eb95d63fbe user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script is for use with MDT. It was written in order to re-image OEM laptops with a clean OS and re-use the preinstalled Windows product key. The script will attempt to pull the OEM product key from WMI and, if available, use slmgr.vbs to install that product key. The same Windows version and edition must be used, otherwise this script will fail. If an OEM key is not found in WMI, the script attempts to determine the version of Windows and use slmgr.vbs to install the generic key for the corresponding version. I have only listed the more common versions of Windows. check-in: 05f001b59a user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will list the local administrators of all accessible PCs on a network, save the results to an Excel spreadsheet (via Excel COM objects, so a local installation of Excel is required), and email the log file to an array of recipients. Also included in the results are the IP address and Serial number of the PC. Lines to be customized are: 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 25, 75, 77, and 117 check-in: e4c598d309 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will list the local administrators of all accessible PCs on a network, save the results to an Excel spreadsheet (via Excel COM objects, so a local installation of Excel is required), and email the log file to an array of recipients. Also included in the results are the IP address and Serial number of the PC. Lines to be customized are highlighted. check-in: 034036e4ec user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script is intended for use on Lenovo laptops with an OEM installation of Windows. The script will remove Lenovo-installed bloatware and unnecessary software. It has been tested on a variety of hardware, however, in its current form it is not complete. I have left some notes at the bottom for additional software that may potentially need to be removed. check-in: 6dad557c3c user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script is intended for use on HP laptops and desktops with an OEM installation of Windows. The script will remove HP-installed bloatware and unnecessary software. It has been tested and working on a variety of HP hardware. check-in: de2e3cb88e user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
TLDR: $hash.$name = $value is stupidly inefficient. check-in: 1f07f098aa user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
furaffinity.net check-in: 68648ca008 user: unknown tags: trunk
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways check-in: 612a86ef34 user: dvsbobloblaw tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: b60842531c user: siweb02 tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 070dff2043 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: 599a256c74 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
D:(A;;GA;;;SY)(A;;GA;;;NS) check-in: 7e331d703c user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Emulates the Python functions: Map, Reduce and Filter. check-in: 3a7ef64b71 user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
This is a script I wrote to automatically update email signatures. Reference this script in group policy. check-in: e84ef3f8f8 user: darkscrypt tags: trunk
Generates a random password of a specified length. check-in: fbbd20ea1b user: naveen tags: trunk
Generates a random password of a specified length. check-in: 31f94754b8 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Generates a random password of a specified length. check-in: 00cb0ef16b user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
The Get-ADGroupModificationsReport script, which were posted on http://poshcode.org/1402, are now enhanced in due to performance by storing each domain controllers security eventlog in a variable check-in: 8295b7995e user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Configure Dell OM racadm IP and MSI install if needed. check-in: 559b71bb3e user: Robert Bordeaux tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 2efdc2f299 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: 069a40c560 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
A demo for some fun native-console hooking in PowerShell ISE check-in: ed2baa9b86 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A demo for some fun native-console hooking in PowerShell ISE check-in: 50ddd4bb9b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get-Large-Pics.ps1 – scans a source directory’s pictures and stores the largest version (if larger than the original source) of each picture it can find in google image search in the target directory. Usage: get-large-pics.ps1 c:\pictures c:\results. Fixed to now analyze http header content length properties to find the largest instead of downloading all images check-in: fcd7013926 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Get-Large-Pics.ps1 – scans a source directory’s pictures and stores the largest version (if larger than the original source) of each picture it can find in google image search in the target directory. Usage: get-large-pics.ps1 c:\pictures c:\results. Fixed to now analyze http header content length properties to find the largest instead of downloading all images check-in: 8c454406c2 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Get-Large-Pics.ps1 – scans a source directory’s pictures and stores the largest version (if larger than the original source) of each picture it can find in google image search in the target directory. Usage: get-large-pics.ps1 c:\pictures c:\results. check-in: 99b3e944a4 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
a helper GUI to create RoboCopy commands check-in: b8b2e40df1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Restart wireless service and say it check-in: 3fba4dede1 user: hellorobo tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=BAYMAIL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SP DLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=IMMTZ@bayer.cnb check-in: ec4566e2bd user: change tags: trunk
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646302(v=vs.85).aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646272(v=vs.85).aspx check-in: 1c1eadfc81 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 51822636e9 user: Supernatendo tags: trunk
FormsLib.ps1 check-in: 0f3c930054 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: ac1ac64f4f user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: 96f3f53d1e user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Datagrid Xaml layout needed for Boots DataGrid binding example http://poshcode.org/2259 check-in: 4f1c1e4892 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
This script returns a path where antivirus has been installed. It doesn’t use WMI (thanks a lot to greg zakharov for this trick). check-in: 221b1c8328 user: Olivia Wild tags: trunk
This script produces report for McAfee AntiVirus on a set of remote computers. Writes output object containing Server, Product Version, Engine Version, and Virus Definition Version. check-in: 4a6a442df0 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 5fe7034ac3 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Restarts local or remote IIS AppPools check-in: 8e085957b5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sync Files and Folders with powershell check-in: 2498c5c082 user: SyncFolder tags: trunk
This function creates a web client that will ignore all SSL certificate errors. Useful for uploading (HTTP PUT, maybe POST as well) to an https web server using a self-signed cert. check-in: bfa6a3787a user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Sync Files and Folders with powershell check-in: f58c4a4d7f user: SyncFolder tags: trunk
Script creates unique scratch folders on the provided datastore for all ESXi hosts in csv file and sets the advanced host settings to correspond to this location. check-in: da50fd01a5 user: skinny tags: trunk
Script creates unique scratch folders on the provided datastore for all ESXi hosts in csv file and sets the advanced host settings to correspond to this location. check-in: 4279376d1a user: Kimberly Anderso tags: trunk
Get-GitInfoForDirectory Function – Git repo folder info gather function to Display Git Repo Status and Branch in the PowerShell Prompt. – Add Function to your Profile Script, and call from within the Prompt Function – Must have Git For Windows installed and its install directory added to the PATH check-in: 560d212c57 user: JayDeuce tags: trunk
Publish a module to a local folder to get the .nupkg check-in: 6886848554 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
test66 check-in: f951cdb645 user: jeffry tags: trunk
JEFFTEST check-in: bad0f5ec41 user: jeff3 tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=First+20Organization_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=user09045337@glueck.local check-in: 7232bb385f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Guesses the gender of a first name. Uses BabyNameAddicts.com, and works with most common names (not just anglo) ... check-in: e9eb1c0788 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Logoff all disconnected local users, inspired by this: http://poshcode.org/3285 check-in: 3837384533 user: LogOffUsers tags: trunk
Logoff all disconnected local users, inspired by this: http://poshcode.org/3285 check-in: b4d9f6178a user: unknown tags: trunk
kills trustedinstaller check-in: 1c498e0039 user: LunaHex tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: b96c400154 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
The script is intended for process end on any computer in a local area network. Class WMI is used. The rights of the manager to the local area network computer are necessary. check-in: 43812e20dc user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
I found this PowerShell Form Builder at TechNet (author: Z.Alex.) I made some very minor changes/modifications to suit my own personal preferences and to clean up some annoying output. It is sparse (an advantage in my view) and should take less than 10 minutes to learn the usage. check-in: 5f14ab77de user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
I found this PowerShell Form Builder at TechNet (author: Z.Alex.) I made some very minor changes/modifications to suit my own personal preferences and to clean up some annoying output. It is sparse (an advantage in my view) and should take less than 10 minutes to learn the usage. check-in: 56fcc8ea60 user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
Will alert on failed pings and again when recovered. check-in: 1b22b5ff3b user: themoblin tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 0e64006993 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
We have multiple domains. I added this function to my profile for each of our domains to easily connect to them using Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory. The function kicks you into a nested prompt to work in the domain that you connect to and lets you exit back out. It also modifies your foregroundcolor so you remember that you’re in a nested prompt. check-in: a4093c7f0f user: unknown tags: trunk
Function that return the console output of all running amazon instances check-in: d1658007cf user: unknown tags: trunk
Enables BitLocker on the OS drive. If BitLocker has already been enabled, extracts the recovery key if there is one present. check-in: 06050e32a2 user: Colin Squier tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: 5bc4ce7f2e user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: 502ef1c4d6 user: support tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: e5c0d022b7 user: chris seiter tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: c141a9dc00 user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: d9a613f091 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 60aee5b2e1 user: tst-wms-print-00 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 98e454c027 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: 53d24716b3 user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Check and md5 or sha1 hash in a “single line” of PowerShell. check-in: 3fa7cc4ca6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: d4b07d72b1 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Script creates unique scratch folders on the provided datastore for all ESXi hosts in csv file and sets the advanced host settings to correspond to this location. check-in: 4c999c28b3 user: Kimberly Anne A tags: trunk
Script creates unique scratch folders on the provided datastore for all ESXi hosts in csv file and sets the advanced host settings to correspond to this location. check-in: 6fab58ad83 user: Kimberly Anne A tags: trunk
Script creates unique scratch folders on the provided datastore for all ESXi hosts in csv file and sets the advanced host settings to correspond to this location. check-in: 77606850d8 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
quoted printable decoder (assumes you want to output strings as opposed to a byte buffer). check-in: 0f9b419d91 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: f998c6c265 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Update custom scratch location ESXi 5.1 check-in: 322e44e9b5 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
A wrapper around Get-FormatData that allows you to pipe types or objects into it. e.g. check-in: 50ccefdf92 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Add-SPSolution “WSP path url” check-in: 7d34b47880 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: 86db9c1a71 user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Allows you to copy items and display the native windows copy dialogue instead of having to use -passthru or fuss with write-progress check-in: 56e0798597 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
Allows you to copy items and display the native windows copy dialogue instead of having to use -passthru or fuss with write-progress check-in: 3e5101d687 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
A wrapper around Get-FormatData that allows you to pipe types or objects into it. e.g. check-in: 90c25f0b77 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Make write-host text appear as if it is being typed on a typewriter check-in: a519f24049 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
Make write-host text appear as if it is being typed on a typewriter check-in: 37b4f24968 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
Make write-host text appear as if it is being typed on a typewriter check-in: 1afb168025 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
Make write-host text appear as if it is being typed on a typewriter check-in: cc48947346 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
Make write-host text appear as if it is being typed on a typewriter check-in: 3d20ae966e user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
Make write-host text appear as if it is being typed on a typewriter check-in: 8ee3200909 user: Nathan Kasco tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 823d04c13d user: Daniel tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: c9ff03c515 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
I wrote this to install IE11 through Altiris. Though the install method works fine without using Altiris. The script installs all of the KB prerequisite and recommended updates for IE 11, which are specified in $updateMSUs for the x86 and x64 blocks of code. It then installs IE 11 without forcing a reboot. check-in: 1d33ea4a7a user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 72475c7cc0 user: Ermias tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: f649f23a9b user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
Get list of the loaded drivers without EnumDeviceDrivers function or WMI. check-in: 3e94197874 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: df3781a44c user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=202c27c8-d5792d45-c12579bb-48477d@MH.GRP check-in: f3cf013e81 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Here is the complete code, import pfx, add iis website, add ssl binding: check-in: 7e2777a1b8 user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
Beschreibung check-in: 469104c077 user: Chris916 tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: 341abbb319 user: Damien Ryan tags: trunk
I wrote a small function for parsing a Windows DNS Debug log. You can pipe both log-lines and filenames to this cmdlet. I’ve added 3 different types of log formats for it to handle. check-in: c508eff852 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI windows 8.1 check-in: 93e29edfb2 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
The upload is not complete, lines after line 1738 are missing :-( check-in: cf75eea8c9 user: Atamido tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: e4dbe54762 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
The Convert-MacAddress function takes a valid hex MAC address and converts it to another valid hex format. check-in: 971f341bc0 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Get-ImageMetadata lets you access the EXIF, XMP and other metadata about image files … this should only be taken as an example and a reference, not for solid production work — in other words, I won’t take the blame if you zero out all your jpgs trying to modify this to ReadWrite instead of just Read :) check-in: 4ba9542161 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
How to add a SSL Certificate to IIS with Powershell as well as set the SSL Binding for the site that’s using the certificate. check-in: 896dff79e4 user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
The Get-Strings cmdlet returns strings (Ascii and/or Unicode) from a file. This cmdlet is useful for dumping strings from binary file and was designed to replicate the functionality of strings.exe from Sysinternals Suite. check-in: 5f8e7e31f2 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Read all group policies from the domain, read out individual settings, and make them filterable and sortable check-in: b65376391e user: Atamido tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: c3a2042924 user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Trying to decrypt files with the key, I need to know why I keep getting errors,If PowerShell gives me this error “WARNING: Exception calling “Close” with “0” argument(s): “Length of the data to decrypt is invalid” then the file wont decrypt no matter how many times I try. If it doesn’t give me the error then after 10 to 15 No’s if finally decrypts the file. Can someone please tell me what’s wrong with the script. check-in: 3984c68017 user: unknown tags: trunk
Creates a port monitor inside of Operations Manager 2007. Usage is SCOM-CreatePortMonitoring.ps1 -serverName:‘TargetServerName.contoso.com’ -portNumber:‘80’ -pollIntervalSeconds:‘120’ -watcherNodes:“watcher1.contoso.com”, “watcher2.contoso.com” -displayName:‘Test URL monitoring’ -targetMP:‘Port Monitoring MP’ check-in: 90eae585f2 user: Jeremy Pavleck tags: trunk
Revert to the last VMware snapshot with variables for Vvcenter and VM check-in: 306c0ee6b5 user: TXGUY tags: trunk
Enumerates all CPU related tasks (filters out null CPU times) with the following properties: check-in: aad46f5d90 user: internetrush1 tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: c6925e38d1 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 92884fbcd8 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This script is taking a file in .txt with the Hostnames or IPs and performs an update to the VM Tools Policy from manual to “Upgrade VMware Tools on Power cycle”. check-in: 6ad57b37ea user: anksoswordpress tags: trunk
A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: deb98dabee user: Brian English tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 0a4e8ac644 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value (Fixed a bug in 2.0) check-in: 2a32305e85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: f61f0d8a98 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 43a3d035ed user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: e93f579dd7 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 3f939d224c user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: ed77278247 user: Ermias tags: trunk
Get a short url, using tiny-url api for shortening check-in: 2d5eb6e619 user: Alvaro Torres tags: trunk
A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value … check-in: 6b757ffc5a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: efd0b16496 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: 44ed6809be user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Found in my personal scripts archive (author: greg zakharov) check-in: 227603a829 user: Dana James tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 0c24ff62f4 user: username tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 4f69f84324 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: 00eaa5fb3e user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Original post found at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8436749.html check-in: f6a0f5492c user: govnyakha tags: trunk
Original post found at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8436749.html check-in: 1f9105a56b user: govnyakha tags: trunk
Two functions, one that emulates the pause functionality from cmd.exe, and one that gives similar functionality to more.com. Out-More is especially useful if you’re doing something like “gc somefile.txt | Out-More” because it starts outputting text to the screen immediately instead of waiting for the entire file to be read, which is what happens if you do “gc somefile.txt | more”. Out-More can also be used for other objects besides. check-in: 6779b37977 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script is a simple one that is meant to be scheduled on a periodic basis (we do it weekly). It looks inthe OU where we put our disabled AD users and removes users that have not logged in (inactive) for 400 days. This allows us to keep terminated employees disabled users for over a year for auditing purposes, but automatically cleans them out once the annual scope has passed. check-in: 1b809d098b user: DrDrewl tags: trunk
Original post at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8426907.html check-in: 4e16a2f366 user: govnyakha tags: trunk
Use this script to create Scrum issue labels for a GitHub repo. check-in: 433a432664 user: Ian Philpot tags: trunk
Use this script to create Scrum issue labels for a GitHub repo. check-in: 48bc477564 user: Ian Philpot tags: trunk
Example of elementary keylogger. check-in: f9ff234e5f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=72cb2d01-aa16a82b-c1257648-2bcaae@MH.GRP check-in: b6e417f135 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: 2cd9279fbd user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) check-in: fc0aecc32b user: Dormidont tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 9bd637a0f2 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 01e92f7fb0 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 5eed33e685 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: c1ba3a1f4b user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: d6bb9ebd7d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: b332d45dd8 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 62e0a0023d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: bc5a5bbd6a user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: ebfdee3271 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=f6feb9b4-e2216015-c12574e3-4f0fcd@MH.GRP check-in: 56aa08723e user: baraaa tags: trunk
Function to find organizational units linked to a given GPO check-in: fb98665a74 user: unknown tags: trunk
Makes use of Sysinternal’s psexec to get session data from qwinsta for both local and remote computers. check-in: 3882bf0153 user: hotsnoj tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=43e41419-4647a201-c1257e7e-63bb3e@MH.GRP check-in: 6f76242ab8 user: exchange tags: trunk
S:(ML;;NW;;;LW)D:(A;;0×120083;;;WD)(A;;0×120083;;;AC) check-in: 0c834df3aa user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
An update to the orignal Get-FileTail that replaces a specific int with a long to accommodate particularly large files. Original text: A PowerShell 2.0 function to do the equivalent of the ‘nix tail, including the continuous feature (tail -f). Notice this does not try to emulate the ‘nix command parameters, which never made sense to me. I’ll leave that to someone else. check-in: 6d7b9fa9ef user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
adapted from code by Kiron news://msnews.microsoft.com:119/FAEC38D1-62A8-47B1-A94E-A29A2CA4FE29microsoft.com check-in: 5507e982c1 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 584f30bc23 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Invoke-RestMethod example check-in: afac8c43bf user: unknown tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: a21925203c user: Test1 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 7b0bc8ab17 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Generic wrapper for the While statement that will execute a condition a given number of max tries, waiting a given number of seconds in between. check-in: 572b4af9bd user: unknown tags: trunk
More malware from http://undoacne(dot)xyz/dl.php check-in: 2d9bf3cccb user: madtomvane tags: trunk
I just want to rename the folder names in particular path where folder name starts with keep all characters by dropping if “12_” before the file name. I am able to rename it but not able to get log file for the following script. check-in: 909ba69e57 user: Srinu tags: trunk
Globalscape EFT Powershell module check-in: 19c9e827ba user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This code makes a tiny game; You must dodge all digits that will go appearing in the Screen. Use the Left-Right Keys to move yourself. When the game starts and asks you to press Intro to start you can put some commands; check-in: 7c3a434bc3 user: JohnSinnes tags: trunk
This code makes a tiny game; You must dodge all digits that will go appearing in the Screen. Use the Left-Right Keys to move yourself. When the game starts and asks you to press Intro to start you can put some commands; check-in: 010fbedbca user: JohnSinnes tags: trunk
A couple of functions to suspend and resume applications (like what you do with Resource Monitor). check-in: 90eca69b61 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Rebuilds Windows Indexing on a remote PC check-in: 3f3670abbd user: Aphexenator tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: e4bbde3848 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This script will remove all versions of java run-time, both 32-bit and 64-bit if the uninstall files in the bin folder of each version are present. If they are not then a version(s) could be left behind. We use this when a users system has it’s Java Run-time. When you have multiple versions of Java JRE installed in static mode and need to clear them up to level set and reinstall the new versions. No system restarts or log offs required. check-in: 9cf757209c user: John Delise tags: trunk
This function converts FSP’s to sAMAccountName’s check-in: e0fd8bf413 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 8b044f1517 user: deepwaterdiver tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: 1368613a2d user: mjohnson tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: 5490060956 user: mjohnson tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: fdfaa15afb user: mjohnson tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 73b8b2efd9 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 340fdd8287 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This script uses /n Software’s NetCmdlets, specifically the cmdlet “send-ping”, to continually ping a host, and log to a file whenever connectivity is lost. check-in: 7f777d28b7 user: Jacob Saaby Nielsen tags: trunk
Script for checking servers current free disk space and highlighting drives with low free space check-in: cbaf7edbd1 user: Don Schaffrick tags: trunk
Used for migrating a users network printer connections from one server to another. Useful when migrating your printers to a new print server and need don’t want to make your users remap their printers manually. If deployed with SCCM make sure to set the package to run as the user and not SYSTEM. check-in: 3000a54c10 user: Tony Sathre tags: trunk
Convert and import from delimited text files. Includes two functions: Convert-Delimiter and Import-Delimited. check-in: 0002c48ded user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is my latest profile script … it contains many things specific to my setup, but they should all be available here on PoshCode.org check-in: 3f92a6f09d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Set environment variables stickily. check-in: 26a1fe0f1f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Turns on Maintenance Mode for a specific computer monitored by SCOM (System Center Operations Manager). Ensure that the OperationsManager module is available on the computer from which this script is executed. check-in: 0d49b6ccf3 user: Austin Greca tags: trunk
a proof in concept as to why posh rocks check-in: 1b9ed1923f user: unknown tags: trunk
I tweaked Greg Zakharov’s script to remove the flicker (don’t redraw the background between bars), and then optimized it to only draw what’s necessary… check-in: 6b4049168e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Change the inheritance from parent with PowerShell check-in: 9adacce70a user: Vern Anderson tags: trunk
In order to use this module, you need the winscp .net framework: http://winscp.net/eng/docs/library check-in: e2d5b4356b user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
WinSCP wrapper module I created out of necessity that I put together through my own exploration of the objects and the WinSCP documentation/examples. check-in: 765373c654 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 7a32cf2673 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: dbab564bc6 user: jirka tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 68b1a9d007 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: b590649efa user: Anonymous tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 8929f10493 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: 9cecbef3b4 user: Test1 tags: trunk
Disable or Enable local user accounts based on csv or textfile. check-in: 4c5a39a62e user: Michael Wulff tags: trunk
Get local user accounts info in forms of a csv file with the following attributes: check-in: d9a731198a user: Michael Wulff tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=EXCHANGELABS_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=5db7eb6d37784f2eaccf09b2f90b75e8-katstewart+40coca-cola+2Ecom@namprd07.prod.outlook.com check-in: 38c9b82bbf user: Allison tags: trunk
Extension of sqlcmd or invoke-sqlcmd and invoke-sqlcmd2 to include things like ApplicationName, ApplicationIntent and other settings that would be in a connection string. check-in: 3a96cee944 user: Ben Miller tags: trunk
Compare files in multiple folders against a reference set to provide an early detection of Cryptolocker check-in: 1985b457d0 user: dfsdiag tags: trunk
#This script extracts the UNC paths from all login scripts associated to users. Can also be used to search ANY folder or files for UNC paths by tweaking the netlogonpath and netlogonfilestosearch arguments. check-in: 94919019e5 user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
Selects only objects containing a hostname that is pingable. check-in: 754425eacf user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
This script retrieves the UNC paths from all group policies in the domain. Useful during file server cutovers and renaings. check-in: 1d14720044 user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: c1d78aa81f user: Ermias tags: trunk
Locks the workstation’s display. Locking a workstation protects it from unauthorized use. check-in: cc2873abed user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: c9f2d5004c user: steven tags: trunk
Minor bugfix check-in: 21a7c17ec6 user: fsadf tags: trunk
Fetches the per-datastore disk utilization of a virtual machine. Is thin-provisioning aware and reports only the thin provisioned used space for UsedGB. check-in: 60a5b27c0c user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
This will send an SNMP trap to the specified manager (hostname). The script isn’t very flexible, but it’s a good example of how to build traps using SharpSNMPLib. External requirementss: check-in: 19c2f98c33 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
A script to get site information from a large forest. check-in: 0d10d2e1d8 user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
Display the FSMO role holders of each domain in your forest. check-in: 31011a915c user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
I fixed a few major problems I noticed in the original version. check-in: 11d159c35f user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
PowerShell RoboCopy Wrapper example code check-in: d18b1d9ce8 user: unknown tags: trunk
I fixed a few major problems I noticed in the original version. check-in: 4ffeadc85f user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
I fixed a few major problems I noticed in the original version. check-in: 13269410fd user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
Gets the last logged on user of a workstation. check-in: 8b491a2b1f user: dotps1 tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: a3985a5a16 user: David tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 1ea6074f93 user: David tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 68934cc9c1 user: David tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 77799dfbce user: David tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 9c9c185a9d user: David tags: trunk
Set the Send As permissions on an exchange 2007 mailbox. check-in: 80a184eded user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 9fdeee23b8 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Gets the last logged on user of a workstation. check-in: 1a6731dd86 user: dotps1 tags: trunk
This code is from a web scrape guide I’ve written on my blog. check-in: 487e946e03 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: cb1b2fb2df user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
This code will cleanup local profiles on a server/computer. It needs admin-rights to run. check-in: 810a855875 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
New-TextIcon allows you to create an icon made of text. This was useful for me when creating a NotifyIcon that contained the used percentage of memory on a VM host. Output to actual file optional using $Path. check-in: 01a35a4a54 user: chrissylemaire tags: trunk
A first draft at a logging function that can rotate log files as they “fill up” (that is, not by date, but by size). check-in: f2d491526a user: Tim Christin tags: trunk
So many holla dollas check-in: c03bcee436 user: unknown tags: trunk
Selects only objects containing a hostname that is pingable. check-in: 960df5300b user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: c501d971bf user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
Simple script to join multiple text files into one long string with delimiters ready to be split out again. Split-TextFile scrip still under development! check-in: 8bcd57fe94 user: RobertTheBruce tags: trunk
I saved Joel Bennett’s Read-Choice function as a module and wrote this function. I wanted to make it useful (especially to beginners) so it doesn’t look like a “normal” menu script, but Bennett’s function is so friendly that you could write a “normal” menu script without using variables at all. To create the module save Read-Choice in a file named ReadChoice.psm1 and save it in $PSModulePath\ReadChoice. check-in: a24a5753e4 user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: 884ea91eb3 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Selects a random element from the collection either passed as a parameter or input via the pipeline. check-in: 39b5baf902 user: unknown tags: trunk
A pure console screen saver in the vein of the popular CMatrix x-term screensaver. PowerShell 2.0 module, see blog post: http://goo.gl/5QkI5 check-in: 98b98f0619 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
The following changes were made: check-in: 9378188373 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Function to do a regex replace of all matches with an expression per match that has local variables check-in: d96be5e896 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: d73c0ae3ec user: Richard van Erk tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: 9f1a069536 user: Richard van Erk tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: 424ef5bd5d user: Richard van Erk tags: trunk
This script will delete all Active Directory User accounts that have not logged in within the number of days specified in the $NumDays variable. The script only deletes the Active Directory user accounts, not any associated Exchange mailboxes. The script also includes the Delete-ADUser function, which can be used separately from this script. All accounts that are deleted are logged in the “Removed-User-Accounts.log” file found in the local directory. The format of the log file is very basic, but effective. check-in: 8695d1a474 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Sets device volume to 10% if run between 22:00 and 07:00. check-in: 6c6bace1cd user: jpruskin tags: trunk
Send an email via the GMail SMTP server (or any server, really, but there’s some extra code in here and defaults that will make it work with Gmail so you won’t have to do research). NOTE: there’s a Send-SmtpMail in PSCX, but as far as I can tell, there’s no way to convince it to use SSL so I can’t get it to work with Gmail at all. check-in: 7f678a352f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Simple function that pings a host and returns a boolean. check-in: c4978fca4f user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
This advanced function will return information about the estimated token size and group memberships of the specified user. check-in: 140714d52e user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This is an enhancement on top of the [Environment]::GetFolderPath to add support for additional folders like QuickLaunch and the “Common” folders (CommonStartMenu, etc) by using the WshShell SpecialFolders enum from COM... check-in: e0ac23f921 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
(A;OICIIOID;GA;;;CO)(A;OICIID;0×1200a9;;;BU)(A;CIID;LC;;;BU)(A;CIID;DC;;;BU) check-in: 7fa96f35c5 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
O:BAG:DUD:AI(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;OICI;CC;;;S-1-5-21-3077527487-3191769811-4249184243-1112)(A;OICIID;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIID;FA;;;SY)(A;OICIIOID;GA;;;CO)(A;OICIID;0×1200a9;;;BU)(A;CIID;LC;;;BU)(A;CIID;DC;;;BU) check-in: b7b77d712a user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
A;OICI;CC;;;S-1-5-21-3077527487-3191769811-4249184243-111 check-in: 1e048da051 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 9f91081510 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: f2236afd43 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This will display a slideshow and prevent the monitor from sleeping (which may be useful for other purposes). Change the $folder variable to where pictures are located, and change $wait to the time between picture changes. You can move it to another monitor using windows hotkeys (win+shift+arrow). The SetThreadExecutionState p/invoke function with a parameter of (2) causes the display sleep timer to reset, so must be called in a loop to keep the screen active. check-in: 07d7c12008 user: james gentile tags: trunk
WinSCP wrapper module I created out of necessity that I put together through my own exploration of the objects and the WinSCP documentation/examples. check-in: d77951c867 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This is a modified version of the script included with the Clean Software Update Groups console extension for SCCM 2012R2 check-in: e34b6a6e35 user: Neighborgeek tags: trunk
This script produces report for McAfee AntiVirus on a set of remote computers. Writes output object containing Server, Product Version, Engine Version, and Virus Definition Version. check-in: 70c307bdff user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This will display a slideshow and prevent the monitor from sleeping (which may be useful for other purposes). Change the $folder variable to where pictures are located, and change $wait to the time between picture changes. You can move it to another monitor using windows hotkeys (win+shift+arrow). The SetThreadExecutionState p/invoke function with a parameter of (2) causes the display sleep timer to reset, so must be called in a loop to keep the screen active. check-in: ea49468731 user: james gentile tags: trunk
I need help using the greater than and less than symbol, and it needs to compare two different variables within the code. check-in: 04af99cfb7 user: Steven Leise tags: trunk
I need help using the greater than and less than symbol, and it needs to compare two different variables within the code. check-in: e542d76397 user: Steven Leise tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: b4f1db4ee4 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: d770f1f5a8 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Using Selenium in powershell for scraping data from Ruckus ZoneDirectors check-in: f9a18c6140 user: unknown tags: trunk
Module with functions to make it easy to query the SMS provider directly through WMI check-in: 10965baae7 user: unknown tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 6b6308c5ee user: karl prosser tags: trunk
New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… check-in: bc98e260a2 user: Simon64 tags: trunk
This is a fun script to take test with the help of input boxes. check-in: e4f2d8c938 user: Naveen Sharma tags: trunk
This script will help you report which users have whic roles in the O365 platform check-in: 637ab49ef5 user: Julien LABALME tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: e2da0eae34 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Not all objects which looks like OrganizationalUnit are them – some are Containters (e.g. User, Computers) – function corrected and extended to handle this kind of situations check-in: a76cece229 user: Andrew tags: trunk
Script Creates Form and Retrieves Remote (and Local) Computer Inventory. check-in: 5ba9d1778a user: Assaf Miron tags: trunk
Force .NET Framework optimization to happen (causes high CPU by mscorsvw.exe) check-in: 4a64597957 user: Scott Copus tags: trunk
Manages service certificate stores. check-in: 8ea6048e5e user: Mokstar tags: trunk
dhcp_bkp.ps1 is a script I came up with to backup DHCP Servers. I deploy this script using SCCM 2012 R2 with a help of two batch files. check-in: 110c3bcfb3 user: http tags: trunk
Used to get a list of User Profiles from a Target PC. check-in: 60ec0f8fe4 user: Chris Rakowitz tags: trunk
ieee check-in: fcaa1743a2 user: tester tags: trunk
Strips off the ’1-’ prefix from phone numbers stored in Active Directory. check-in: d22fc7f3d0 user: lukaszk tags: trunk
This script will go through your ITunes library and check the paths for each of the Tracks. If it doesn’t find a file at the specified location it will remove that track from your ITunes Library. check-in: 745ab3a44d user: Mark Schill tags: trunk
A function to print trace messages with timings. check-in: 3698273392 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 15adb3f3ad user: unknown tags: trunk
A deobfuscated version of http://poshcode.org/5933 check-in: 7f17a07642 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-1773758559-3836983732-668865386-6433 script will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: cd9ecaa706 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
“IMCEAEX-_o=EX-RESOURCE_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=IGodziszewska+5FGTSfa5” check-in: c9b92320f6 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: 94cccd3024 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A deobfuscated version of http://poshcode.org/5933 check-in: 4b102d7252 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: c010a0dbe1 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Script Creates Form and Retrieves Remote (and Local) Computer Inventory. check-in: a896c10e82 user: Assaf Miron tags: trunk
Just a simple learning tool … check-in: f41e4709f1 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Just a simple learning tool … check-in: 9303738f1f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 6d1935a6d7 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
An example showing how to get a file listing via ftp. NOTE: the listing comes back in (bad) html… check-in: dae4d0c2a9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is from a spam message. Trying to do some analysis on this but I’m a noob. Thought others might find this interesting. Work through the malicious PS code and figure out what it does, then blog about it. The file came from http://instamailserver.link/finito.ps1. I’d be interested in what you find/decode. Hit me up on twitter.com/madtomvane if you have more questions. check-in: ff7d7fe597 user: MadTomVane tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: 6dbfb41d5d user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: ec202d84d3 user: Ermias tags: trunk
This update adds a -SetName filter and fixes bugs with PS3 and PS4 (also adds a “*” marker on the shortest form if it’s not an actual alias) check-in: d8476f0820 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Minor bugfix check-in: 496d41cc6b user: dzmanto tags: trunk
Forked from Jaykul’s Xml Module 6.6 check-in: 045a669377 user: vercelj tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: 710f818de2 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 0f277b74d6 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Function takes search term and number of pages as input parameters. Depending on number of pages given check-in: 50d40c70aa user: Syslq tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: f63dc5ad55 user: Glenn tags: trunk
01,00,00,00,d0,8c,9d,df,01,15,d1,11,8c,7a,00,c0,4f,c2,97,eb,\ check-in: bfb3a5b376 user: bobby thing tags: trunk
Finds exchange mailbox folder unique ID for use with Exchange Web Service Managed API. At times you may want to work with a folder that is NOT a well known folder (Inbox,Sent Items, etc). This will get you the unique ID required to bind to that folder. check-in: c36f860403 user: Chad C tags: trunk
Function takes search term and number of pages as input parameters. Depending on number of pages given check-in: 1bc0519ea3 user: Syslq tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 55e695d458 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
This script generates an output file from a template and a driver table. Both of the inputs are files. The template file contains plain check-in: ed9e3e6a75 user: Walter Mitty tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: 032c6d1842 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Function to create ACE objects to simplify making changes to folder permissions. New-ACE function plus a usage example check-in: d6b793c0c1 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 570596492c user: jiayuhui tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: cc713b10d3 user: obaid tags: trunk
This takes the output from HP Configuration Collector for an EVA and converts it to useful CSVs for reporting. check-in: 8244752ce6 user: jgrote tags: trunk
Fair warning: This is a messy scrip, not even parameterized. It ain’t pretty. check-in: bc30086088 user: Steve Whitcher tags: trunk
Extract-zip got me thinking – I’ve had some global Zip functions in my .profile for a long ass time – here they are, I suggest if you want to allow “global” use of these, to add them to the global profile for powershell. I’m sure I copied them form some PS guru, but the whom escapes me… check-in: 7f5687368b user: Munsonisim tags: trunk
Extracts the contents of a ZIP file to a folder check-in: e3b82cc121 user: Thomas Freudenbe tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: 5f77ca4e69 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 4ecb0e314a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This script checks for any service that is not running that needs to be running. This script creates a temp file with a list of the services that are not running and when this is detected as having values the script imports the entries from the .csv and emails them to the appropriate individuals. This script was designed to be ran repeatedly as a scheduled task. check-in: 04d0a6715e user: David tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: a177e021d6 user: Jason Poad tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: 93857dea9a user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
MediaWiki API check-in: 155391dcac user: Serpen tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: 015c3d4e7b user: anti121 tags: trunk
“Throw” keyword is misspelled in ConvertFrom-Canonical param. check-in: 6dc457140d user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
With this function I can switch between IE and Firefox as default browser. It is just a start. There might be some more registry keys to be changed check-in: e2ef45f7ef user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: b45d6938ed user: zorion tags: trunk
Used for fetching an HP Procurve switch config via SFTP for backup and revision control. Made this because PCM is no longer free. VERY BASIC ERROR CHECKING, use at own risk. check-in: 538b9d86ee user: JGrote tags: trunk
Used for fetching an HP Procurve switch config via SFTP for backup and revision control. Made this because PCM is no longer free. check-in: df89c07dd5 user: JGrote tags: trunk
ConvertFrom-String Buddy check-in: a2f0762628 user: Robin tags: trunk
Deletes old shadow copies – runs as a scheduled task. Looking for a code review to improve upon what I have learned from the community. check-in: f9606d2e9c user: albvar tags: trunk
This is the Get-Number from MSDN Code, slightly altered for style and substance. check-in: 66d06a6d7f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 50b87f0098 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Port of Chris Veness’ JavaScript AES CTR (AES Counter Mode) Aes.Ctr.decrypt to PowerShell. It will decrypt text encrypted with the Aes.Ctr.encrypt function from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/aes.html which is used by many websites. .NET doesn’t support AES CTR mode natively so you have to do it manually with a little fudging. check-in: 0566cebbac user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Creates a graph using office web components showing the usage of all datastores check-in: 209193aed5 user: unknown tags: trunk
Query Exchange with PowerShell for free/busy data check-in: d229233ebd user: Atamido tags: trunk
Parses a Windows Event log entry by specifying EventRecordID and Log name and outputs XPath that can be used in an event filter/view or Windows Event Forwarding Filter check-in: 3f2eb1d94b user: Kurt Falde tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: fa5e1e2b5a user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: c78f54c483 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Trying to get failed WMI and successful wmi machines out into a variable… keep getting “positional parameter” errors when I try to create $wmicheckresults custom object (first time I’ve ever had to use a new object) ... ideally I don’t dump the results to file at all, but I can’t figure out how to get it OUT of the invoke-parallel scriptblock once it’s done it’s code..just disappears into the ether… check-in: ea03ce6113 user: unknown tags: trunk
Work in progress reinstall SCCM 2007 Client, invoke-parallel portion is broken :( check-in: 2ef266a238 user: unknown tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: c33f4bb0ac user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Function add an account/group to a WinRM-endpoint, by default the default PowerShell endpoint. See comment based help or this blog post for more information: check-in: 170d544934 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Out-HTML – converts cmdlets help to HTML format check-in: d68dac7080 user: Vegard Hamar tags: trunk
*D15644DAD6FB3335E867C34FA39B77B83A78BF77 check-in: a2b5062f34 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Two functions Get-AllRegkey and Compare-AllRegKey which will recursivly retrieve a key’s properties and subkeys, and their properties and subkeys, as an array of objects, across multiple computers. The Compare-AllRegKey function uses Compare-Object to compare the arrays returned from each computer to an array returned from a specified reference computer. check-in: 16522a67d4 user: whertzing56 tags: trunk
this script will check a list of IP’s versus the most common RBL’s online – it will mail results of each IP with a list of the blacklists it was found on. If you run it during the 9am -10am hours it will send Negitive emails also for a sanity check – check-in: c0603dd6ce user: OrbGod tags: trunk
Create a desktop.ini in your PowerShell folder setting the icon and messing with the display name. check-in: 8f04776686 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Backs up the configuration of a Cisco UCS 61xx/62xx fabric interconnect using the Cisco PowerTool cmdlets. Designed to run as a scheduled task. Instructions are included in the script. Brief blog post at http://batchlife.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/powershell-script-to-backup/ . You’ll have to make the usual changes to directories, email addresses, etc. Hopefully I didn’t make the instructions more confusing when I sanitized the script for server names and the like. check-in: 38aa79efbf user: monahancj tags: trunk
Sets the ISE Zoom level to a range between 20 and 400. check-in: c744f31a9b user: mwjcomputing tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: 9fdddf4e0f user: zorion tags: trunk
Measure-Command, but with iterations and stuff check-in: 9ad273a2a3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: fdfaf58a8d user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 662673ad7d user: Ermias tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: 45a5d03b39 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This function downloads sessions from Microsoft Ignite 2015. check-in: 24e6759e8a user: mwjcomputing tags: trunk
this script will check a list of IP’s versus the most common RBL’s online – it will mail results of each IP with a list of the blacklists it was found on. If you run it during the 9am -10am hours it will send Negitive emails also for a sanity check – check-in: efa1b0121b user: Munsonisim tags: trunk
This is a jacked up version of Lee’s Show-Object. Uses WMF and a customized tree view grid (Got the C# from MSDN some place, lost the link). Still pretty early on, will likely update it. check-in: 0f79739155 user: Jrich523 tags: trunk
This script gets database or databases from load server and backs up to FileShare. Checks target availability group, gets up to 3 replicas. Checks if DB is in AG already. For each database, removes database from Availability Group. Restores database to each replica, creates a new database IF does not exist. Adds databases back to AG. check-in: f90aff3bf5 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 6d93cc9a93 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
Export-Screenshot and Get-Screenshot let you get a System.Drawing.Bitmap of the full virtual screen or a cropped area of it, and save it to file … check-in: cfa5d6d3ae user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: e28d43b781 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 0bdfa62218 user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: 05907f970d user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
############################################################################## check-in: f36e7ebf9a user: Josh Einstein tags: trunk
Mandelbrot PoC check-in: 00fd875639 user: Zefram tags: trunk
REALLY validates given IP address and returns True/False. The original script didn’t allow ZEROS in the Ip address (eg: returned $false) check-in: 3400bec272 user: mow01 tags: trunk
Allows you to open a Webmin interface in IE from the command line, automatically skipping an SSL error and logging in with the provided username and password. I use this script as an external tool in mRemoteNG with the following powershell arguments line: “-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -WindowStyle Hidden -File “C:\Users\kim.shepherd\Scripts\Webmin-Login.ps1” -Username Username -Password Password -URL https://%Hostname%:10000” check-in: 1f86fa0f4a user: Kim Shepherd tags: trunk
Tool for helpdesk to query computers and get information about the computer and the computers owner/user. Can be compiled into .exe with built in credentials with Powerhsell Studio check-in: 14c87bdfd1 user: Brian C tags: trunk
Can someone explain to me what the following code is used to do? And how many it will produce? and How would the output be used? check-in: 63fc734ab0 user: VARRum tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: b8821a5050 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Actually this’s not mine script (you can find original post at https://github.com/gregzakharov/ps/blob/master/ps4/Get-SIVTAPIKey.ps1). It really works! check-in: 79a84b0773 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO. check-in: 894c3acc1d user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: 9b1eae8e46 user: Mark Buckley tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: bc2516f129 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
This simple function translates a wireless AP’s BBID (mac) through the SkyhookWireless API’s to return location information… check-in: 0f6a2b4518 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: de3d1fae0d user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: c184018c2e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
I wrote this a while back to be able to automate stuff on a hp san and ilo. It’s pretty much mritten ad-hoc so please feel free to improve on it. Anyway, might be useful for someone out there. The function send-command logs on to a telnet server and executes the piped in commands. check-in: 3fa2a9cb52 user: yavu305z tags: trunk
I wrote this a while back to be able to automate stuff on a hp san and ilo. It’s pretty much mritten ad-hoc so please feel free to improve on it. Anyway, might be useful for someone out there. The function send-command logs on to a telnet server and executes the piped in commands. check-in: 366f8b752e user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
This script changes the local administrator password. check-in: 0e4788ccad user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
01 00 00 00 d0 8c 9d df 01 15 d1 11 8c 7a 00 c0 4f c2 97 eb 01 check-in: 6bd9f582df user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: f5a4f2e000 user: Veronika tags: trunk
Tags alert with PrincipalName, Severity and MP name in Custom fields. check-in: 552a1b7967 user: unknown tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 852c3cc9d0 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Change the inheritance from parent with PowerShell check-in: 9e6f5c00bf user: Vern Anderson tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: 6e56deae8b user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 75a2c04246 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Buying groceries with PowerShell, because why not? ;-) check-in: 4496768f55 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This script generates an output file from a template and a driver table. Both of the inputs are files. The template file contains plain check-in: f7997aa94b user: Walter Mitty tags: trunk
This scripts converts Raw SID such as 010500000000000515000000A065CF7E784B9B5FE77C8770091C0100 into a standard SID output such as S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-72713 check-in: f07f243fa3 user: S-1-5-21-2127521 tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: 58812311f8 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
Extension of sqlcmd or invoke-sqlcmd and invoke-sqlcmd2 to include things like ApplicationName, ApplicationIntent and other settings that would be in a connection string. check-in: b8510f2a0e user: Ben Miller tags: trunk
WinSCP wrapper module I created out of necessity that I put together through my own exploration of the objects and the WinSCP documentation/examples. check-in: 8b6d4964bf user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Function to create ACE objects to simplify making changes to folder permissions. New-ACE function plus a usage example check-in: bbd060b724 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Encrypting and Decrypting passwords using securestring. Simple example. check-in: ff4a91425a user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Powershell function I made to generate a random password that enforces one of each of UPPER, lower, and number characters, with optional special characters. check-in: 59ac08011a user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Powershell example using Task Scheduler managed wrapper I drafted up some time ago. The task this creates is harmless; it just launches notepad.exe. you can run the code and examine the created task to see what you need to change to create a task that does something useful. check-in: 50c6aa6458 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
Converts an input string into its C ASCI Hex equivalent, useful for converting a string into an unsigned char array check-in: bbed48d094 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) check-in: ae9e1ab49b user: 931819 tags: trunk
The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) check-in: 9a00272929 user: Dormidont tags: trunk
As written it will poll Cisco routers and switches and if the snmp OID’s match it will pull out model, serial, and IOS version. The resulting spreadsheet contains IP, host name, serial, model, IOS version, and rack location. The script is heavily documented internally. See the script for more info. check-in: 5952b9cd8b user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: 8e8a9b2c65 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
ConfigMgr CI Detection script for detecting if WMI Wifi Connection Metric is greater than LAN check-in: 269ffbab6d user: brockie tags: trunk
ConfigMgr CI remediation Sets WMI IPConnectionMetric of laptop Wi-Fi adapter to 100 + IPConnectionMetric of the LAN adaptor. based of Richard Siddaway’s work from powershell.com forum. check-in: 0a7a369a06 user: brockie tags: trunk
Function for retrieving certificates from a CA instance. It can also return the public key, which I use to encrypt credentials in DSC resources (thumbprint is also returned). check-in: 71e01261a4 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: 117393c95b user: Damien Ryan tags: trunk
This PowerShell code performs a SOAP webrequest to the school check-in: c891fbe0b5 user: Paul Wiegmans tags: trunk
Can anyone help me here and explain the below code check-in: 6416ae180c user: Praveen tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 989c6445e6 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Search true log files generated by Robocopy for error / success messages check-in: d7c7e450c7 user: vanwyngaarden tags: trunk
Repost from http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?id=10475 check-in: 7b818072a9 user: unknown tags: trunk
This code searches your AD for servers that have active computer accounts within the last 30 days, pings them, and returns a list of Service objects for installed SQL instances. check-in: a96225b878 user: jgrote tags: trunk
Can someone explain to me what the following code is used to do? And how many it will produce? and How would the output be used? check-in: 684155b64b user: ThaBare1 tags: trunk
Uses [system.net.IPAddress]::parse, not [system.net.IPAddress]::tryparse. check-in: af059c9edd user: Allan B tags: trunk
Uses [system.net.IPAddress]::parse, not [system.net.IPAddress]::tryparse. check-in: 7711767af1 user: mow01 tags: trunk
Can someone explain to me what the following code is used to do? And how many it will produce? and How would the output be used? check-in: 4c1bd06f64 user: unknown tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 942df6b303 user: Ermias tags: trunk
A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder. check-in: 22b4d82c5d user: Bart Lievers tags: trunk
A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder. check-in: 6ffc26a8f4 user: Bart Lievers tags: trunk
A function to analyse Robocopy logs which are placed in a folder. check-in: d14d424e29 user: Bart Lievers tags: trunk
This code will cleanup local profiles on a server/computer. It needs admin-rights to run. check-in: 23d893ca30 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Latest version from http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2008/09/02/speeding-up-powershell-startup-updating-update-gac-ps1.aspx check-in: cd693e6121 user: unknown tags: trunk
This newer version of the ExBPA only creates HTML based reports for each server. This setup made the reports difficult to compile and notarize. So I made a parser to read the HTML and convert the pertinent data into CSV files. check-in: 866e03a1fa user: Josh Wortz tags: trunk
This newer version of the ExBPA only creates HTML based reports for each server. This setup made the reports difficult to compile and notarize. So I made a parser to read the HTML and convert the pertinent data into CSV files. check-in: 7200ab4da3 user: Josh Wortz tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: 4b5a72f6a6 user: cssdtvcom tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: 3d55397e9b user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
Example using objects… check-in: 321169a532 user: smaug9 tags: trunk
In this JSON module, I have a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: f69ba13f1a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Modification on several other methods, but this one doesn’t load any assemblies and will convert any +xx sequence to their ASCII equivalent. check-in: 05f9d5cfda user: Dan Jeuch tags: trunk
Get-OUComputerNames check-in: 113cae981a user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: 2dd3071de2 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: 34080b042e user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: b6cc2568c4 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: 2ffb99d129 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Ever wanted to start some threads on a block of code but hated the headache of creating, watching, and collecting job data? This is my attempt to put a bandaid on that issue. check-in: d150872079 user: Kenneth W Hightower JR tags: trunk
Creates a backup of the configuration of the network printers on a server or computer and exports it to a csv file. check-in: 2037430cee user: Ryan Tranchilla tags: trunk
I wrote a small function for parsing a Windows DNS Debug log. You can pipe both log-lines and filenames to this cmdlet. I’ve added 3 different types of log formats for it to handle. check-in: ee88d50f68 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 3d9f98c7de user: spadm tags: trunk
$menu = " check-in: 68c9d8b062 user: Klaus Schulte tags: trunk
Please note that the move-vm’s -datastore parameter ought to work but there seems to be a bug in it, hence the need for this script. ** check-in: 8c3ddd3736 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Creates an error record for throwing better/customized errors in scripts/modules. Based on the New-ErrorRecord from http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2011/09/14/custom-errors/ but simplified a bit. check-in: 0eb6d2ed7c user: CptNyan tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: d1c5ab5d8c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Funtcion to set NTFS compression for specified folder. check-in: af4b0dbb47 user: skourlatov tags: trunk
A pair with ConvertTo-CliXml — this version closes and disposes the string reader handle. Now works in PowerShell 3 and 4 as well. check-in: 02b5e36a4a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to get all logged on sessions (numbers) and coresponding users (domain name) on a local or remote system with WMI check-in: 7ab1f15b49 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Get ESX server serial numbers. check-in: 5332fcc33d user: thery tags: trunk
IMCEAEX_o=myAtea_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=45afeeb98bf6459899f196a007aeb2e3-magau+5FHB@myatea.info check-in: 4864520845 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Simple PowerCLI example to find old snapshots. Note that I would not actually use the techniques shown here, this script was intentionally written this way as a part of a training video in which I am building on techniques. check-in: 2122747fb6 user: Ridouan tags: trunk
Simple PowerCLI example to find old snapshots. Note that I would not actually use the techniques shown here, this script was intentionally written this way as a part of a training video in which I am building on techniques. check-in: 5e6bac05b3 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
PREVIEW – (STILL) UNFINISHED WORK ;-) check-in: c280616bb9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: 40fd73debc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The installation of PoshCode module and the upgrade of it, is broken. check-in: e45e532dc7 user: TheBigBear tags: trunk
Powershell 3 & 4 complain about this code having syntax issues. I tried ‘fixing’ it, but I am “stuck” now. I think I fixed the first six, but have one left that I just can’t figure, so I probably made a mistake when trying to fix the first six. check-in: 58e277f28d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Search a Word DocX document and highlight each instance of a pattern. check-in: b54b975252 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Demo of WPF with PowerShell v3 – using [class]@{ property = value }, flexible syntax, simplified where. Also using type accelerators. Not really smartest way to create WPF (no XAML – as bad as it sounds). So don’t treat this as very good example® or WPF in use. ;) check-in: c8f246c408 user: bielawb tags: trunk
Get-ProcessCount returns the number of running processes on local or remote machine. If it can’t find the requested process, it tries to guess what you want. check-in: 7dac5ea715 user: Bas Bossink tags: trunk
Start-Job help check-in: f79113d408 user: Letoric tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 6f5226e9df user: VertigoRay tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 49daa02315 user: JasonMArcher tags: trunk
Get ESX server serial numbers. check-in: 4d7a193d1a user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This function will allow you to query local or remote computer/s and determine if there are pending WSUS updates that need to be installed. A report is returned that can be exported to a CSV file if desired. check-in: 508d64b9b3 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Minor bugfix check-in: f8948f3c89 user: dzmanto tags: trunk
Function to verify if a domain controller is available, and if it’s not, another domain controller from the same site as the executing server which is online will be returned. check-in: 668a85e3b4 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
The equivalent of SetTimer/setInterval/setTimeout in PowerShell. check-in: 14b09eb44a user: Public Domain tags: trunk
this script will check a list of IP’s versus the most common RBL’s online – it will mail results of each IP with a list of the blacklists it was found on. If you run it during the 9am -10am hours it will send Negitive emails also for a sanity check – check-in: 1d14b2b21e user: Munsonisim tags: trunk
This script will take a list of IP’s in an input csv (Octet.csv) and check each IP at honeypotproject.org to see if the IP is listed. check-in: 15ddaa055e user: Munsonisim tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: c0cb13db3a user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Depends on “steroid” library (see https://github.com/gregzakharov/ps/tree/master/steroid for details). check-in: 841689bba0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: fcdae5b581 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: 5122aad00e user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: 2e72ccc1a6 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Uses WMI to create a new virtual machine check-in: c181816c18 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: 06a0e0bfe1 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: 1da8e50cf1 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Used to find Veeam error events where backup failed because of RPC errors [DoRpcWithBinary]. Outputs an array of the unique IP adresses it finds in the eventlog and finally appends the queried Veeamserver to the list check-in: 42628ff248 user: Robin Olsson tags: trunk
Script to copy standard vSwitch config across all host within the cluster check-in: 3845df3085 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Functions to create an RTF file only using Windows PowerShell check-in: 4f84d2d184 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
Author unknown. check-in: 415bc0be80 user: redyey tags: trunk
This module provides two functions: Get-AppxApp and Start-AppxApp, which allow you to explore and launch the “modern” apps for Windows 8+ check-in: 135d9b8e75 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This module provides two functions: Get-AppxApp and Start-AppxApp, which allow you to explore and launch the “modern” apps for Windows 8+ check-in: 5970f78268 user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
These functions convert a CSV file into an XLSX file. check-in: 0c6213d043 user: Travis Kuntz tags: trunk
Code to auto update the Address policy, GAL, OAB and storage groups and mailbox databases of an Exchange 2007 server check-in: 224d4ffe2f user: unknown tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: bac94a930d user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Got bored, decided to create this. check-in: cce17ff7c0 user: x0wllaar tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: d2c9d31aa3 user: RCookieMonster tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 59a3dad04b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Minor bugfix check-in: 00e8cc6164 user: obaid tags: trunk
I wanted a quick function that would tell me what policies were missing a specific group/account, and have the ability to resolve the problem. This function will display your query by default, and will apply the settings using the -APPLY parameter. Enjoy! check-in: 6fa3ab9812 user: JayneticMuffin tags: trunk
New-Passwordfile check-in: 8f3bfe20ab user: redyey tags: trunk
Send-XMLFile check-in: b64e138eb4 user: redyey tags: trunk
Color strings via Write-Host via Regular Expressions or simple matching via pipelining. The order precedence is set under the $patterns variable, so you can have overlapping matches, resulting in output such as, e.g.: check-in: 2ffce4c69b user: Daniel Cheng tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=sYra_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=Arnold+20R+2E+20+7C+20Crazy+20Domainsba9@internal.dreamscapenetworks.com check-in: 77a02006e3 user: 123123 tags: trunk
This is the “proper” version of Get-WindowsProductKey check-in: 053b5f1e4a user: akaNeo tags: trunk
Ping -t with list of servers names check-in: 67971a105e user: Krushna tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: b72acc3478 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
With this function I can switch between Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera and Safari as default browser. It is just a start. There might be some more registry keys to be changed check-in: cb3040131d user: Andy Myatt tags: trunk
With this function I can switch between Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera and Safari as default browser. It is just a start. There might be some more registry keys to be changed check-in: 5745cb7201 user: Andy Myatt tags: trunk
With this function I can switch between Chrome, IE and Firefox as default browser. It is just a start. There might be some more registry keys to be changed check-in: 30a2debc89 user: Andy Myatt tags: trunk
With this function I can switch between IE and Firefox as default browser. It is just a start. There might be some more registry keys to be changed check-in: 1761a6a5a5 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
This function will enable or disable CBT on a VM, and optionally apply the change by stunning the VM with a snapshot. It is useful when CBT needs to be reset or disabled en masse. check-in: fdadb15c7e user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: 3f5cdf5616 user: irvingriveramx tags: trunk
Returns the priority mail server (SMTP) to send email directly to the SMTP server of a particular domain/email address. Uses NetCmdlets (get-dns). check-in: da7886329c user: irvingriveramx tags: trunk
The script will launch Windows Update on your machine, and display the patches as they are being installed. Once installed, a result code will be displayed as well. If a reboot is needed, the script will take care of that automatically. check-in: 586924bdb5 user: JayneticMuffin tags: trunk
Generate random passwords with specific complexity requirements check-in: e1534529d0 user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
The script will launch Windows Update on your machine, and display the patches as they are being installed. Once installed, a result code will be displayed as well. If a reboot is needed, the script will take care of that automatically as well… change this check-in: 1f6dfc4c8c user: JayneticMuffin tags: trunk
Wanted to create an unzip function for single files with an option to delete the originating zip, and also have a function for scanning through a folder structure recursively and providing the same functionality… and here it is. check-in: b60933d48d user: JayneticMuffin tags: trunk
Script to create Datastore clusters and add datastores from csv check-in: dd46a11b1f user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Script to export Datastore information per Datastore cluster to csv check-in: e7e4ded6f7 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Import vCenter Folder structure incl VM relations check-in: 343ee9b5df user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Export vCenter Folder structure incl VM relations check-in: 1cfc6eecf7 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
This is submitted as a companion to the ConvertFrom-RomanNumeral function just check-in: c2cc882db2 user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
A simple script cmdlet that allows you to empty your recycle bin. check-in: e0ef1ac06e user: Mark Schill tags: trunk
I have encountered “real world” uses for functions like this. As an exercise I check-in: 6a541f7c68 user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
My revised version of Jan Egil Ring’s script, with the corrections noted by the commenters in his blog article. check-in: 14192c2667 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Simple function that returns the UNC path (administrative share) of a local path. check-in: 63137c7920 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Simple function that returns the UNC path (administrative share) of a local path. check-in: ded95ee2e1 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Simple function that returns the UNC path (administrative share) of a local path. check-in: 68fe568905 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
save script with .cmd or .bat extension and launch. this demo just shows current directory entries. check-in: fdc357a0d9 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script retrieves one or more facts from the Quizzle.me API check-in: 7488940b1f user: Chris Brown tags: trunk
this function calculates cpu usage through wmi object check-in: 5eca885104 user: unknown tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: 37b4b4ca23 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 716d8035a1 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
A Little Script for $PROFILE File to Add Support for Get-FolderSize. check-in: a1836d8f89 user: Piere Woehl tags: trunk
Custompsobject check-in: 609c05fcdf user: redyey tags: trunk
export all mailbox migration stats. check-in: 9a185a7d5f user: steve tags: trunk
Two functions for interacting with IMDB. Use Get-IMDBMatch to search for a movie/tv show based on the title, and pipe that to Get-IMDBItem for more information about it. check-in: a121987859 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Get-ProcessCount returns the number of running processes on local or remote machine. If it can’t find the requested process, it tries to guess what you want. check-in: 5590123b99 user: unknown tags: trunk
The following powershell code allows you to log into jira, create an issue, assign the issue to someone (yourself in this case), add two comments, resolve, and close. check-in: b66437c264 user: unknown tags: trunk
IMCEAINVALID-David+2EDowle+40ihotdesk+2Ecom@cloud.ihotdesk.local check-in: b23baeac6c user: Test1 tags: trunk
This script runs a variety of checks on server hardware to get status or basic information. It can check memory, perc events, firmware versions, gets service tags, shows summary hardware status, retrieves ESM log, and can auto load the omsa webpage. This is a basic overview of some dell WMI related namespace operations which can be easily extended as needed. To run the script, provide the name of the function you want to call and the remote machine name to check. Note: WMI namespace for Dell is installed with dell openmanage software, v4 and higher. check-in: 029c2a7b76 user: Nathan Linley tags: trunk
The VI Toolkit comes with a cmdlet to create user accounts, but it does not allow for you to specify shell access. This script goes to the VI SDK to get the job done. check-in: 4f6fd21bcc user: unknown tags: trunk
A couple of functions to suspend and resume applications (like what you do with Resource Monitor). check-in: ac71dc6ccf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Just a simple script to tie to a GPO to install .NET 4.5 and WMF 4.0 check-in: afa145b8df user: Zerfam tags: trunk
Just a simple script to tie to a GPO to install .NET 4.5 and WMF 4.0 check-in: 1b1209fd17 user: Zerfam tags: trunk
ETL From Shopping Cart to MOM check-in: a514d88a75 user: Zefram tags: trunk
ETL From Shopping Cart to MOM check-in: b6b80018c2 user: Zefram tags: trunk
Small script to export a CSV file containing a collections ID, Name and Limiting collection ID. This can be used as is to import into Microsoft Visio Org Chart wizard to produce a graphical representation of your collection structure. check-in: df608b09f0 user: Brian Skinner tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 67a655946d user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
HTML functions from the PowerShell Pack. check-in: 835bdf2092 user: rcookiemonster tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CAPIQCORPMAIL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=+2AApp+20Spec+20-+20TCS+20+E2+80+93+20Global@capitaliq.com check-in: cedf5deea7 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Displays active TCP connections and includes the process ID (PID) and Name for each connection. check-in: d3b0967203 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 41623f063d user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
This code is from a web scrape guide I’ve written on my blog. check-in: 59cff20bdb user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
A function to parse tables out of HTML files and return them as PowerShell objects. check-in: ef5eb79085 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: fd2fa4b685 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Stop service and associated Pid. Sometimes homegrown win32 services has its Pid still terminating gracefully in the background for quite a while. This function allows to wait indefinitely, or after some time, kill the associated Pid. check-in: 3fc0cbc394 user: Daniel Cheng tags: trunk
Regex match valid character string check-in: c785c9e93a user: Zefram tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=BLASTECH_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=413261bf342845a7885ba18612590371-Shane+20Anderson@blastech.com.au check-in: 11101b3aad user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Get CSV report for messages received in mailbox during a month check-in: dd254351db user: Andrei Moraru tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 2f77522023 user: glnsize tags: trunk
L33t, Couldn’t have been any easier. check-in: 6baeee3c10 user: 123456 tags: trunk
L33t, Couldn’t have been any easier. check-in: 0fd5ca1d0e user: 123456 tags: trunk
L33t, Couldn’t have been any easier. check-in: 20db3b7c86 user: VISIONED tags: trunk
L33t, Couldn’t have been any easier. check-in: fa15cc4c19 user: VISIONED tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: 72f9087e9c user: Andre Combrinck tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: 29d434b6d1 user: Andre Combrinck tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: 740b4eca78 user: Andre Combrinck tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: 6c028ac382 user: Andre Combrinck tags: trunk
Get-Weather parses and displays the current weather and forecast from the Yahoo! RSS. Simply enter your zipcode (or IXX code from Yahoo weather) and -c(elcius) if you don’t want Fahrenheit temperatures. check-in: 45951ef2af user: unknown tags: trunk
Generates an CSR certificate request powershell check-in: 5abc03b6fd user: Pavel tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: 70ec02b304 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Removes the alpha channel of a given ARGB Color in Hex with the specified background color and returns a new [System.Drawing.Color]. check-in: cd008a9f30 user: Felix Bayer tags: trunk
Configure Visio Graphics Services – just a small snippet for me to remember check-in: f5d5d70c07 user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 136844f707 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Iterate site, list and items and show permissions – only adds items with unique permissions to report check-in: ff36ee1186 user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
Iterate site, list and items and show permissions – only adds items with unique permissions to report check-in: 2bfb70197f user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
L33t, Couldn’t have been any easier. check-in: b3a500aa6b user: SunnyChakraborty tags: trunk
Flattens a hashtable, removing ‘unnecessary’ levels of nesting. check-in: 4b39ce1963 user: Ross J Micheals tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: 37decee4c2 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
<# check-in: ecbeb33757 user: DBAWithABeard tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: d9bd0b4a70 user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: 76a448f7d9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Mass User lookup Script to query user account name / UID and resolve a user’s first last name created by Morne Loubser. This simple light-weight script can resolve as many usernames as you’d like to in one go. There aren’t any sources that performs this function on the net, so this one is a definite keeper. The first of it’s kind to date to make it’s way onto the web. Can be used by both noobies and professional scripters. check-in: 7e262fd0a8 user: Morlokor tags: trunk
This is an example of how to use Timers, Events, and Jobs together in a way that doesn’t block the event, but does block the host. See the Example for … an example. More later when I have time to think of them ;-) check-in: 9a84ad86a2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A Whois script for powershell. check-in: 76fa610157 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 662940e8e8 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Added support for header to pass into the log, fixed FileCountLimit error proxy to out-file when non-default specified (remove from $PSBoundParameters), set output of $PSBoundParameters add/removal to $null to prevent output of boolean result. check-in: 29509b3510 user: Jim Ficarra tags: trunk
Corrected syntax to delete the FileCountLimit’th file. (Script was failing to write past the max # of files) check-in: 7b19c9199d user: Jim Ficarra tags: trunk
History: check-in: 883fe60af8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 436d63bc29 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
It’s like Test-WSMan but you can set the flags, so you can turn off CACheck and CNCheck (and I do, by default) check-in: 105afc3284 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Execute methods on vimService ESXi w/o using VMware assemblies. check-in: f0fbfc4981 user: waldo tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: 2b9907df97 user: ahygate tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: 28f75242f4 user: Test1 tags: trunk
This simple function exports the structure of nested groups in a similar way as folder and file structures are usually presented. check-in: d10d5f870d user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Same as functionality as http://poshcode.org/5536 but with a GUI on top. check-in: f5045261f8 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This simple function exports the structure of nested groups in a similar way as folder and file structures are usually presented. check-in: 14e7e81c93 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Run the following from the Exchange 2010 shell and it will give you a semi-graphical view on the status of any open move requests: check-in: 6d51f9849f user: themoblin tags: trunk
Opens a function in a text editor…. check-in: faf536422e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
another delete files script check-in: 136b1217eb user: chriskenis tags: trunk
A tool to find a text editor check-in: 35d27343f5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Install and run BGInfo at startup using registry method check-in: a96cf98936 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Writes a message to the console with colored foreground and background. Given messages are split on word boundaries into lines, and each line is padded to $Limit length in order to allow the background color of the message to extend to $Limit consistently. check-in: 577cba7d55 user: jpbruckler tags: trunk
Splits a file into many files based on a regular expression check-in: 440be607cf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pattern which shows: How to create a non blocking GUI Thread and how to write Data with PowerShell to GUI controls correctly from a different Runspace. check-in: d26582ab25 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Requires – Quest ActiveRoles Snapin check-in: 559bc7551b user: Steven Saehrig tags: trunk
Creates or updates registry keys to disable SSL3 and enable TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 check-in: f5dc06cba3 user: anonymous tags: trunk
opens a function in a text editor…. check-in: 6793472cc6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Late bound invocation for any methods/generic methods (or properties), including open generic members that would normally require awkward reflection and near-impossible manual generic type parameter inference. Pipe the type or instance, pass the method name as a string, the arguments as an object array and don’t forget to tell it if you want to call a static method. check-in: 2be2a9c7b8 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: f4695ab358 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 46296409fa user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: d1380ffec6 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 35a43669a4 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: 6d100f2f08 user: iamlei dee tags: trunk
A simple function to force current user logoff without warning. The function takes one computer name or a list of computer names. check-in: f41e75143b user: lieuhon tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=FIDELITY+20INTERNATIONAL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Sewnath+2C+20Genthaa8e@fil.com check-in: 1ba363ec4e user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
This complete module greatly facilitates backing up your Hyper-V virtual machines. check-in: e98db6a5f7 user: Brian Pruitt-G tags: trunk
See www.cosonok.com and CDOT-Check.ps1 check-in: 143fec7c60 user: vCosonok tags: trunk
See www.cosonok.com and CDOT-Check.ps1 check-in: 09046a4064 user: vCosonok tags: trunk
See www.cosonok.com and Set-DfsnForDR.ps1. check-in: 68ada878b1 user: vCosonok tags: trunk
Example extracting data from sysmon event logs. check-in: 8d0ebe28b5 user: rcookiemonster tags: trunk
I’m sick of searching for cars on KSL manually. check-in: ff15ea9d55 user: Zefram tags: trunk
I’m sick of searching for cars on KSL manually. check-in: 7a818fa6a0 user: Zefram tags: trunk
Get-Parameter is used to obtain all of the parameters for a cmdlet. It also returns info like aliases and whether a parameter is mandatory. check-in: 1742e6a38a user: halr9000 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: c64a77bb78 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Generate your own CA and sign your own certificates check-in: 99c5a7b2fc user: Andre Combrinck tags: trunk
This complete module greatly facilitates backing up your Hyper-V virtual machines. check-in: 2919f04ff5 user: Brian Pruitt-G tags: trunk
This complete module greatly facilitates backing up your Hyper-V virtual machines. check-in: 50e6951e62 user: Joel Webster tags: trunk
This script iterates through a list of servers and writes to Excel check-in: f8ecf59c09 user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
Our Appassure backup service will periodically hang and stop taking scheduled snapshots. This script runs on the Appassure server as a scheduled task every 15 minutes. If the last snapshot job is older than 75 minutes (a value that takes into account the less frequent snapshots that take place over the weekend) it sends an email alert and reboots the server. ‘ScriptEvents’ is an event log I created on teh Appassure server to log these automatic reboots. check-in: bf2833eec6 user: JeffH tags: trunk
help-84 check-in: da57f66241 user: Ermias tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 04926fd56a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 530507f161 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Get-Parameter is used to obtain all of the parameters for a cmdlet. It also returns info like aliases and whether a parameter is mandatory. check-in: cd42a4c5e8 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 9b32daf3ca user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 2c6151981d user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: bab9acf1dd user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Get a Full HTML computer Report from a list of computers or just one. The OutPath is the folder to store the report. It includes scheduled tasks, applications, services and more… check-in: f8867c3d4d user: Chris Weislak tags: trunk
adaptation of script to set local admin password thru SCCM check-in: 0f9a3dd98a user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Powershell JIRA REST method authentication and common functions… check-in: 9666323035 user: Chris916 tags: trunk
Get-OUComputerNames check-in: 61a5646520 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 084bf37c15 user: Ermias tags: trunk
This is a script to remove empty folders from a drive. I used it when i had to clear up a shared drive from a former company. check-in: 38ca4d8c4e user: Trevor Wilson tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 7d3e049fd0 user: 8i5i9 tags: trunk
usage : .\Get-OUComputerNames.ps1 “OU=TESTOU,dc=domain,dc=com” check-in: e3fcf1d5eb user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
This advanced function will return information about the estimated token size and group memberships of the specified user. check-in: 04707b216e user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Last module from class. See, I didn’t forget. check-in: 4f7a3cc349 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
I know there already are a bunch of approaches to this, but this is my somewhat hacky contribution to wpf with powershell. I wanted to be able to draw my ui in visual studio or blend and then use the xaml with my powershell script in a simple way. It certainly has room for improvements, but I think it has potential. I’m quite sure that there are other (nicer) ways to do some of the more hacky stuff. check-in: 3d0ab06a14 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
I know there already are a bunch of approaches to this, but this is my somewhat hacky contribution to wpf with powershell. I wanted to be able to draw my ui in visual studio or blend and then use the xaml with my powershell script in a simple way. It certainly has room for improvements, but I think it has potential. I’m quite sure that there are other (nicer) ways to do some of the more hacky stuff. check-in: e4a96753c8 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Migrating Printers from 2003 to 2008 check-in: 43f5abc691 user: Wesley K tags: trunk
Grab remote NIC settings, including Speed and Duplex. check-in: ee2805239e user: hugopeeters tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 69b29f048a user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ca105878dc user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Wednesday Elsa module check-in: 8fe6e00bf3 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
“Taking Data from SQL [INTO] CSV [EHLO] SMTP-Email” check-in: 03a2a7d552 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
Sets local account passwords on one or more computers. check-in: b9e2e7bea9 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Function to retrieve windows product info from registry with GUI check-in: 89bd922617 user: skourlatov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 885bb79ad8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Here is full description provided by the customer: check-in: e60972580c user: unknown tags: trunk
Remove diacritics from string : check-in: 7ae657e00e user: Grgory Schiro tags: trunk
This is a demo of one way you could implement handling Ctrl+C (CancelKeyPressed) without using PSEvent or PInvoke … check-in: 7c739f4e63 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
I found this script very useful. Enjoy!:) check-in: 8fa8be780d user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Analog of UNIX lspci basic functionality. check-in: dde8bef497 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
without wmi check-in: ed873d49d3 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Saturated addition, subtraction, multiplication, and casting from numeric types to integer types using clamping to handle overflows. check-in: 532daa9f3b user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Saturated addition, subtraction, multiplication, and casting from numeric types to integer types using clamping to handle overflows. check-in: 586de4aada user: Public Domain tags: trunk
This script refreshes a mirrored database. More details at http://sqldbawithabeard.com check-in: 2ba5bfd054 user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
Refreshes an Availability group database from a backup taken from a Load Server check-in: 8327949223 user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 4b6f9b217e user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: 3d5cbec8e7 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: debab2fd51 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Saturated addition and casting from numeric types to integer types using clamping to handle overflows. check-in: e0cb48c94a user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: 0ae3130b5f user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Generates an CSR certificate request powershell check-in: c585a8f81a user: Pavel_Kandratsyeu tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 28f17430d7 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Refreshes an Availability group database from a backup taken from a Load Server check-in: b6ca1d9232 user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
How to obtain file fragmentation data via PowerShell? That’s answer. check-in: 7af2c36e96 user: skourlatov tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes, updated for 32/64 bit view by Burt Harris check-in: 532fe43732 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes, check-in: 0584a5e412 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Modified Robbie Foust’s Get-Regex.ps1 to streamline code. This version requires PowerShell 3.0. check-in: 1ca4d6b314 user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
Modified Robbie Foust’s Get-Regex.ps1 to streamline code. This version requires PowerShell 3.0. check-in: e84bc5e646 user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
A Module to solve fileshare permission issues once and for all. Allows you to impersonate other network credentials for windows network authentication. check-in: 34b68d4193 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
lscpu is the great command but what if I just wanna see CPU model? check-in: d429db12e0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: b62b32931e user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Create a simple calendar with all your flights from TripIt account. Feel free to make your improvements. check-in: b612d4ef5d user: GTworek tags: trunk
A v2.0 function to recursively get the sizes of all subdirectories under a root path. check-in: 5e55f3e5f5 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
This cmdlet could help with the process of finding out if a group is used in Active Directory by finding out when the members of the group logged on last time. check-in: 2020826e5d user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This module provides two functions: check-in: cecd43490d user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
Very grateful to greg zakharov for this example. Good luck you, greg, in search of work. check-in: ec53bbc8e0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Made some improvements check-in: 029e997f79 user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
This script refreshes a mirrored database. More details at http://sqldbawithabeard.com check-in: 321125dafe user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 4735d73ed6 user: dasdas tags: trunk
compatibility: PowerShell 1.0, PowerShell v2.0 check-in: 023cb5cd83 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
A pure powershell script to run periodic updates to your DuckDNS IP Address. check-in: e5a6f3a69c user: GodEater tags: trunk
A snippet which will setup a job that repeats every 5 minutes at boot time. check-in: fa76f3973e user: GodEater tags: trunk
Your first steps at capturing packets from PowerShell with WinPcap via SharpPcap check-in: 7c8fb15637 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ea1d8272b4 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
A Module to solve fileshare permission issues once and for all. Allows you to impersonate other network credentials for windows network authentication. check-in: 1d1e92adcb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
There was a script written by TheMoblin http://poshcode.org/4651 that started a discussion at the Powershell forums http://powershell.org/wp/forums/topic/how-to-make-this-more-useful-for-my-situation/ as I was having issues getting it to work in my particular situation. Mike Robbins responded with the below code. My original description for this was incorrect and this is an updated description to ensure Mike gets the correct credit as it is well deserved. check-in: c232be3e83 user: xspader tags: trunk
This demo shows how to highlight text in RichTextBox with Dictionary<string, color>. Tested on PowerShell v2 check-in: a33570b080 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This is an update to the original script from TheMoblin http://poshcode.org/4651 for larger implementations for larger AD infrastructure. I had help with this from Don and Mike at Powershell.org forums. check-in: d658b06858 user: xspader tags: trunk
This is an update to the original script from TheMoblin http://poshcode.org/4651 for larger implementations for larger AD infrastructure. I had help with this from Don and Mike at Powershell.org forums. check-in: b0c7a7eaa0 user: xspader tags: trunk
This is an update to the original script from TheMoblin http://poshcode.org/4651 for larger implementations for larger AD infrastructure. I have help with this from Don and Mike at Powershell.org forums. check-in: 38f9314402 user: xspader tags: trunk
RESTful server in pure PowerShell. Does not require a webserver. Requires PowerShell v3.0. Further development of this project has moved to https://github.com/paruljain/powershell-webserver check-in: fb2af638b7 user: Parul Jain tags: trunk
Very simple function to improve the usability of WMI method check-in: 9bb56139e2 user: skourlatov tags: trunk
Recycle Bin Object check-in: 88d4a6252a user: skourlatov tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: a2025ed382 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: e692f83710 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
A function to set a sql connection string in a web.config file check-in: 1a80d9bd26 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: ffb5041480 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Gets the picture stored in the thumbnailPhoto attribute for the specified user/users and saves it to the path specified by the Path parameter. Path should be a folder, not a file. check-in: d091611844 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 618417dfc0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Stop service and associated Pid. Sometimes homegrown win32 services has its Pid still terminating gracefully in the background for quite a while. This function allows to wait indefinitely, or after some time, kill the associated Pid. check-in: cd1effcb8f user: Daniel Cheng tags: trunk
These functions retrieve information about tv show airdates. They are used as a part of my “home automation with powershell”-project. check-in: 6901c990fe user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This is a first stab at creating a little DSL to generate XML. Note that I used System.Linq.XML (and output an XDocument) instead of the old XmlDocument… This means you have to have .Net 3.5 (LINQ) installed. It also means that if you want to be able to use the output via PowerShell’s magic XML dot-notation, you have to cast it to XmlDocument, just write: [xml]$xml = New-XML ... check-in: 63cb36d230 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
93ef94849b2d23cc2b73a9a4aaecbdfc60e6f6fd71c38f7dffbd553c45b31c894b6e37e3ec4221ad5496aa7a67925f79d2866748e5e3e00758dbfa386523306e check-in: 1604dec8c8 user: socialhype tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CENTEGRA_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=REF0428@centegra.com check-in: 3f03b9ef8f user: Rohit tags: trunk
Set environment variables stickily check-in: 84347d7bc0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: f9352a789f user: unknown tags: trunk
Set environment variables stickily check-in: 07d0557bf3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Advanced Function to get local members. Some of text-fetching going on, but it will hopefully work on your machine aswell. check-in: 8bb0092947 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
D:AI(A;ID;FA;;;BA)(A;ID;FA;;;S-1-5-21-890363662-2940963259-810455757-8306)(A;ID;FA;;;S-1-5-21-890363662-2940963259-810455757-9657)(D;ID;FA;;;S-1-5-21-890363662-2940963259-810455757-6336)(A;ID;FA;;;SY)(A;ID;FA;;;S-1-5-21-890363662-2940963259-810455757-500)(A;ID;0×1200af;;;BU)(A;ID;FA;;;DA) check-in: ca21b3e8be user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Buying groceries with PowerShell, because why not? ;-) check-in: cd3f7bedc0 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Functions to copy and paste to the clipboard. check-in: 64768aaf3a user: Public Domain tags: trunk
In your server environments sometimes to get the details of printers on a print server people need to log-in to the print server, open MMC console, go to print management, add servers and then get to see the printer details. check-in: beb3801aa3 user: Anupam Majhi tags: trunk
Simple script for work with recycle bin check-in: e44b179e6b user: unknown tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: ef00bd53e9 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
Audit script by Alan Renouf, Usage: Audit.ps1 ‘path’ path needs to be in single quotes. The file needs to be a plain text list of computers to be audited one on each line. Output will be a htm file for each server with detailed system information. Any comments please contact me. check-in: 3e45b16a9a user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
A simple datastorage module for the #PowerShell IRC bot which serves as a simple example of how to use Beefarino’s SQLite Provider check-in: cea2bffc8a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script recurses through the directory in the $path variable checks which files check-in: cc47d4c2ea user: DBAWithABeard tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 2a49df9c07 user: leventilhan tags: trunk
Script for vSphere SysLog Collector. Uses IP address from directories created for each esxi host to do a DNS lookup and create shortcuts for those folders based on the returned DNS of the esxi host check-in: 10b162081d user: Cory Murdoch tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: e058429336 user: bonioctavianus tags: trunk
Script is commented for explanation of each step check-in: 52316bbabb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
A function to parse tables out of HTML files and return them as PowerShell objects. check-in: 01f048c079 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This module is a hack to add union types to PowerShell. check-in: ee7c3efd49 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: 79156ce49c user: testing tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: 6cbc3125f3 user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: a7d2e3ba9e user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: dfcc266c36 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: b9669ef17c user: Will Steele tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: af4d78d608 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: c18fdba42b user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Show-ConsoleMenu shows a vertical “menu” in the console and allows you to pick numeric items from it. check-in: 4fe8a658d7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Shows a vertical “menu” in the console and allows you to pick numeric items from it. check-in: 0173b6f242 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 6fb88d3112 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: f660cf43a5 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Retrieves harddrive model name without WMI check-in: 30f60b8586 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: cb1baac3e4 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
A function to set a sql connection string in a web.config file check-in: 958c25595e user: unknown tags: trunk
I could not find a solution that checks if a user is in local admin groups that can handle a situation if the user is there indirectly, that is a member of a group that is a part of the admin group. The below is what I came up with. The $env:USERDOMAIN part is iffy, since it depends on the account the script is run under, but that was enough for my purposes. Also it seems to detect the membership correctly even for local users and for users that are not local and not in the $env:USERDOMAIN domain, which is good check-in: d6916d0c8c user: zespri tags: trunk
Verify user is administrator check-in: 634e3b1691 user: skourlatov tags: trunk
Somebody says that there is no CompatUI (COM object) in Windows 7, someone says the opposite. I found it on my copy of Win7 but I’m not sure what it’s a standard library – probably it’s a rudiment of WinXP. check-in: f005d83981 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Simple function that determines whether a pair of IP’s are on the same subnet, given a specified mask. check-in: 227319893e user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder check-in: 116b98948c user: shauncroucher tags: trunk
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder check-in: ad336c6ee0 user: shauncroucher tags: trunk
Correctly works with reparse points check-in: 597c369559 user: Robespierre tags: trunk
Prints DLL exported functions list. check-in: 584178d9fb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Get what Windows features are installed, check if there is a Best Practice for it available, run the BPA and filter results for anything that isn’t informational and dump it to text file check-in: 8dee4f411d user: PWilkinson tags: trunk
Get what Windows features are installed, check if there is a Best Practice for it available, run the BPA and filter results for anything that isn’t informational. check-in: 0e7121c828 user: PWilkinson tags: trunk
Out-Wiki – converts cmdlets help to media wiki (wikipedia) format check-in: cdbdfdf28a user: unknown tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 5234bc5bd4 user: JGrote tags: trunk
CorpTools.psd1 check-in: b0623715ae user: Don Jones tags: trunk
Corp.format.ps1xml check-in: d898489223 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
CorpTools.psm1 check-in: e42532a8cd user: Don Jones tags: trunk
Final script module manifest check-in: 8f1ae0da4c user: Don Jones tags: trunk
Final script module check-in: 637286ba54 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
Final XML formatting view check-in: 81775d8234 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
This only works PowerShell v2.0 CTP2, and youll need to save it as AutoMount.psm1 in a directory under your documents folder like so (vista example): check-in: 2f8a3b8c16 user: unknown tags: trunk
Check All Active Directory Computers For IP Address check-in: 0ea7928242 user: unknown tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: e4c324a234 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
The following changes were made: check-in: 20a4cb8bfd user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Asks for full path of source file and target directory to recursively update all instances of file within target directory and its sub-directories. There is also an optional prompt to configure whether you want to be prompted for every file copy. No parameters are passed to the script. Run it, type/paste in your paths, and choose your overwrite confirmation choice. check-in: 8b9e039c6a user: redsolar tags: trunk
Reports the latest LastModified date of all the files within a folder. check-in: fee5a66388 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Finds and reports duplicate files between two folders. check-in: 9839f2dee4 user: dragonmc tags: trunk
Function/script to set settings in a RDP file for Terminal Services. Supports pipeline input and smart conversion of bools. check-in: 904721db75 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: 174ba41939 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Restarts local or remote IIS AppPools check-in: c86972bda6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: d640c63b5e user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Gets Unicode information about a character. If you have charmap.exe installed it will use its getuname.dll to get a descriptive string about the character. check-in: c4f01d0342 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
This function retrieves a trace of a package sent with the swedish postal service. This is part of a guide on how to write a web scraping cmdlet in PowerShell which can be read at: check-in: 6b7a51d26f user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
A script to use some web services for guessing languages and translating to English… check-in: d4502ba6fa user: Joel Bennnett tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: d62492f171 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Gets Unicode information about a character. If you have charmap.exe installed it will use its getuname.dll to get a descriptive string about the character. check-in: f08ae02973 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 1de1505faa user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
FInal module from class check-in: 2a7b37b705 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
A simple lync bot in powershell that will respond to set commands etc, was bored today. check-in: e33c57e10e user: Michael Diarmid tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 83f6b827ed user: dinhchi27 tags: trunk
A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: 280961aeb7 user: Brian English tags: trunk
Displays active TCP connections and includes the process ID (PID) and Name for each connection. check-in: df9d5ded87 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
need powershell 4.0 as powershell 3.0 has in issue with parsing rss/atom feeds. It skips every other item check-in: f8f681c075 user: Parul Jain paruljain tags: trunk
This function retrieves information about the owner/creator of a snapshot in vmware/vsphere along with some other properties. check-in: 38fcf17705 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: 3ca792179b user: Brian English tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 8a598f3830 user: Gabriel M tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 66b7c6f7c4 user: Gabriel M tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 1a19780e47 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: d4ce3fa56d user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
GAC path extracts dynamically check-in: e08f2c4da5 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: cd4cf11a78 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
This enables the Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational in the event log. Every time something is printed, details about the print job will be recorded into that event log. check-in: 339d95415f user: KevMar tags: trunk
Adds a scalar variables to the PowerShell type system. check-in: ff21a259cf user: Public domain tags: trunk
Bulk converts XLS ranges to PNG by using the clipboard. Reads config from XML. Now with working code… :P check-in: b4c65a3cab user: Egil Aspevik tags: trunk
Note – Works for ConfigMgr 07 and ConfigMgr 12 & requires PowerShell v3 check-in: e21c122d92 user: unknown tags: trunk
Function to send text messages (SMS) from Windows PowerShell using the Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in. check-in: 30b40e2226 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: e7f0e63a7b user: dinhchi27 tags: trunk
It parses the print log file for printer events related to printing. It is important that the log be enabled. If a log is cleared, then this data will be inaccurate. check-in: 21068af816 user: KevMar tags: trunk
PowerShell has numeric and string contexts: check-in: a6ace1b372 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Execute a SQL command against a database using Powershell. check-in: 00e8e82bb8 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Emulates Perl’s list context in PowerShell. check-in: 34abc4d7e0 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: 88db43efa6 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
In the ConfigMgr environment while performing Application Deployments. Sometimes Users don’t mention their machine names. check-in: c9ab14fd9e user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
In the ConfigMgr environment while performing Application Deployments. Sometimes Users don’t mention their machine names. check-in: bc8bd7abe0 user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
In the ConfigMgr environment while performing Application Deployments. Sometimes Users don’t mention their machine names. check-in: 216cb1329f user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
In the ConfigMgr environment while performing Application Deployments. Sometimes Users don’t mention their machine names. check-in: fd46fe85c0 user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
Usage: check-in: 554d6e43fe user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Usage: check-in: 5bc7cdfc31 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 021db28612 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Push Button Reset Script for Configuration Manager Task Sequences. check-in: 9522b29d6b user: BillAMoore tags: trunk
This is more or less a port of FORTH’s “see” command to PowerShell. check-in: 85a6ab48ef user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Library to discover Onkyo network connected home theatre receiver and then send remote control commands to change settings such as volume but also query current settings. Uses the Integra Serial Communication Protocol (ISCP). check-in: a895b61d5c user: Parul Jain paruljain tags: trunk
Screenshot at http://savepic.org/5445383.jpg check-in: 4977c982cb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 0c8d853d0e user: karl prosser tags: trunk
A PowerShell Module that exposes wrapper functions for the subversion svn.exe commands to update, commit, import, checkout, status, add, and delete. check-in: 686a956280 user: Frank Peter Schultze tags: trunk
Copy files to dated directory. check-in: 4f8426eeb8 user: unknown tags: trunk
Creates a blank profile check-in: 5e81cd22af user: jmh6182 tags: trunk
Obtain the correct SoapAction string when a webservice method is passed (read from a Soap request). check-in: 30725ceca6 user: Daniel Cheng tags: trunk
A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: 0edf69995a user: Brian English tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: a963369fc9 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
where it can generate final out put excel file? check-in: c30f3885d4 user: Steve Jarvi tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 13ec341be3 user: e7naa2 tags: trunk
Notifies other processes that the global environment block has changed. This lets other processes pick changes to ENV: without having to reboot or logoff/logon. A non-zero result from SendMessageTimeout indicates success. check-in: 07a0a8ebda user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Gets all Virtual Machines, and exports a CSV that shows their virtual disk capacities and type. Used in this case for sizing a VCB temp disk. check-in: aebe59f3aa user: jgrote tags: trunk
Hardware Inventory script to run on Windows Servers and output the JSON string to a CouchDB Database check-in: f2849c6675 user: VulcanX tags: trunk
This script will take members of an AD group and export their Exchange mailbox to a PST as well as export all Lync archives for the specified time period. The script can be ran manually or bet set to run as a scheduled task. Requires the Quest AD Powershell module as well as Lync, Exchange, and AD modules to run. check-in: 8fa8ad08d5 user: Jason M tags: trunk
This script will take members of an AD group and export their Exchange mailbox to a PST as well as export all Lync archives for the specified time period. The script can be ran manually or bet set to run as a scheduled task. Requires the Quest AD Powershell module as well as Lync, Exchange, and AD modules to run. check-in: 1db5d60898 user: Jason M tags: trunk
Function to find long filenames and the path they reside in. Uses Get-ChildItem and one instance of CMD.exe DIR. check-in: f50132d58d user: Mark Ince tags: trunk
Query a dynamic group configured in Quest ActiveRoles and return an array of each membership rule. check-in: 5434f3d542 user: vidrine tags: trunk
Add a new membership rule to a dynamic group configured in Quest ActiveRoles. check-in: de57d47ed2 user: vidrine tags: trunk
I want to get this importing my $AllMembers to my $List in Sharepoint. check-in: cea96f7c72 user: unknown tags: trunk
Force .NET Framework optimization to happen (causes high CPU by mscorsvw.exe) check-in: 7ca4facced user: Scott Copus tags: trunk
Trims text and signs it check-in: 58c88c2677 user: unknown tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: 3c46c019b0 user: kevinslade tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: f8f235c6cd user: kevinslade tags: trunk
Port of Perl 6’s gather/take but for appending to a string instead of to a list. check-in: 12207f7b29 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Port of Perl 6’s gather/take (which itself is a port of Mathematica’s Reap/Sow) check-in: 3fed878fc0 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: ba0e171cad user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Get input date string or get T-n or T+n dates in the specified format. check-in: 153958d43a user: Ferenc Toth tags: trunk
A little wrapper for PromptForChoice – this version is a major change to be much pickier. check-in: 9f10eccbd3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Just a little wrapper for PromptForChoice. check-in: 074286a8c0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
MKLINK – Make Symbolic File and Directory links. Useful for making symbolic links from powershell. check-in: 6db60abb46 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder check-in: bd5a5f9c20 user: shauncroucher tags: trunk
Just a little wrapper for PromptForChoice check-in: 19fefc54fa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 4689e03f0c user: Daniel tags: trunk
Looks for online information about file with it extension. check-in: dab7698723 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Fixed check-in: 68b09a28a5 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Looks for drivers in Sysinternals Autoruns way (with some specific information) check-in: 9dae751b55 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 62c97df182 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Port of Perl 6’s gather/take (which itself is a port of Mathematica’s Reap/Sow) check-in: d4a4299a63 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
There are a couple scripts that parse netsh commands. I didn’t see this one already done, so I couldn’t steal it. I suppose I could use some regex or something simple to cut the whitespace, so feel free to “fix her up”, but this got the job done (of putting the netsh output into an object). This is a snip from a larger script I wrote as a looping, recording monitor. I used this guy’s script for inspiration: http://poshcode.org/1731 check-in: 497a442218 user: Josh Popp tags: trunk
Looks for a file into PATH variable. check-in: 2d2e7d476b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Script originally developed for internal DBAs to get information on processor core counts, which is important for licensing. This script includes some basic error handling and full comment based help. Output properties are Computer, Socket (Designation), Core Count, Logical Processors, Hyperthreading Enabled, Description and Type (Physical/Virtual). check-in: 37093f1427 user: Kevin Kirkpatrick tags: trunk
Fix check-in: 00f2e57619 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 683a8be5c2 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Version which correctly works with Windows 8. check-in: 0743963426 user: Skourlatov tags: trunk
Fixed check-in: 7effae03de user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 2c8d513543 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Send a popup message to a user on a remote computer. check-in: 41b7637de8 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress check-in: f77d8f02f2 user: Steele Stenger tags: trunk
Script originally developed for internal DBAs to get information on processor core counts, which is important for licensing. This script includes some basic error handling and full comment based help. Output properties are Computer, Socket (Designation), Core Count, Logical Processors, Hyperthreading Enabled, Description and Type (Physical/Virtual). check-in: 329ebdfdd5 user: Kevin Kirkpatrick tags: trunk
Build a SQL Server connection string by specifying its parameters. check-in: 2ac17abc99 user: Paulo Morgado tags: trunk
Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress check-in: a16faf4a68 user: Steele Stenger tags: trunk
This is part 4 of a 6 part mailbox creation web site. check-in: f227fca79d user: Karl Mitschke tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: f84f7e0f87 user: unknown tags: trunk
EDIT: changed dcname to get the DC automatically (”$env:computername.$env:userdnsdomain”) check-in: 74ca0984bb user: Ty Lopes tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: b4769213ec user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Reads JPEG metadata check-in: 0a74c564b0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress check-in: 454c31fb43 user: Steele Stenger tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 4843516bab user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Day 5 example includes SupportsShouldProcess check-in: e21f8cf02c user: Don Jones tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 3375a79a91 user: dragonpat tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 9c50e0e35d user: dragonpat tags: trunk
Class lab 8 check-in: 6a71eb77f6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Lab 7 check-in: 198f19ee91 user: Don Jones tags: trunk
Script to setup a working environment for working with Apache Hadoop code on Windows. check-in: 1779bdf43f user: Mostafa Elhemali tags: trunk
:LOL: check-in: 5c945616e6 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: d44ff18ba6 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
This is part 2 of a 6 part mailbox creation web site. check-in: cc89873edf user: Karl Mitschke tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: efbe9d0bbd user: echosmith tags: trunk
The Function Set-RemoteService will set the State and StartMode for the Service on the Remote Machine. check-in: 1a5751c7cd user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
Function Get-ServerUptime will get you the Server LastReboot and will give uptime info. check-in: bd098b8178 user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
Function Get-ServerUptime will get you the Server LastReboot and will give uptime info. check-in: 68494d7faa user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
This script sends out “password is about to expire” notifications by e-mail. It can send out custom mailmessage depending on where your users are in Active Directory. This makes it possible to for example send out different instructions for password changes, or have them written in different languages. check-in: c287285d4b user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: d89890fdbf user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
The Function Set-RemoteService will set the State and StartMode for the Service on the Remote Machine. check-in: ee2b4f8ddf user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
The Function Remove-SCCMDPContent will remove a list of PackageIDs from a Distribution Point. check-in: 91b62a620a user: DexterPOSH tags: trunk
I’ve just started to work on a PowerShell module for the Infoblox Trinzic DDI appliance, this is a VERY early release with some functions that can manage DNS-records. check-in: 04b203845b user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This script is designed to work around a PowerPack export issue in PowerGUI 1.5.1 (fixed in subsequent releases): http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/08/06/script-to-export-column-selection/ check-in: 8e21812496 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Buying groceries with PowerShell, because why not? ;-) check-in: 5137bd96e0 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 50f660ddd1 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
NAME: Agent Job Status to Excel.ps1 check-in: 5357bca6ae user: SQLDBAWithABeard tags: trunk
I will post a module for Onkyo receivers when I get the time, this code is only meant as an example on how to figure out how different devices work and how to control them using PowerShell. check-in: 53aeffe7bd user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: d273ba3a5b user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
See original post at https://gist.github.com/gregzakharov/9877156 for examples. check-in: fdf8580f8d user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Script will help discover any service accounts that are currently being used. I have been using this script for about a month in production. While your mileage may vary this script is strictly read only, thus -confirm, and -whatif are not supported. check-in: c42bbd5667 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
See original post at https://gist.github.com/gregzakharov/9877156 for examples. check-in: ceeccf8447 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This example demonstrates how you can get the list of exported functions from the DLL. Be warned! This test file for x86 only. For x64 offsets will be different. check-in: 27556d5193 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script is a re-developed MSDN Sample using PowerShell. It creates an email message then sends it with a BCC. check-in: 67889b5a2c user: Thomas Lee tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: 5fe13ae5d0 user: famingxia tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: 8e0b0f6b73 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Script to download and install updates from Windows Update/WSUS. Reporting and rebooting may be customized. check-in: 8e238d45c8 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: cf182435d1 user: Ermias tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: ba8822662c user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Script will help discover any service accounts that are currently being used. I have been using this script for about a month in production. While your mileage may vary this script is strictly read only, thus -confirm, and -whatif are not supported. check-in: 90ec2cce8b user: Glenn Sizemore gesize tags: trunk
This cmdlet retrieves weather forcasts from SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) through their API. (See: http://www.smhi.se/klimatdata/Oppna-data for information in swedish). check-in: c8a6a243a6 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Function Add-Counter (adds Count NoteProperty to pipeline input to keep a running row count for display); sample usage: check-in: 84cbfb14a3 user: BillBarry tags: trunk
This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: d4bf2990e5 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Why I did not use $env:windir\Assembly for accessing to GAC? Good question. I’m sure that the best way to get GAC path is extraction it from Evidence from some loaded assembly in current domain. check-in: 66da75a8cb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: b85029ba7c user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Specify target host and root directory. The script will then recursively check for all folders and report on their NTFS permissions. check-in: c562659f99 user: vidrine tags: trunk
Sacamos informacin de los usuarios de la infraestructura. check-in: 5f0bfee4e7 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. check-in: c63024319e user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
This demo shows how to highlight text in RichTextBox with Dictionary<string, color>. Tested on PowerShell v2 check-in: 66e25f4826 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 06a097b47f user: echosmith tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: c82f66638e user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Checking file if it has been packed with something like UPX. check-in: d4a6da4fe0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
The script below has 3 different components & was designed for use by our Service Desk. When a user is terminated, the script will remove them from Lync, remove all mailbox information (forwarding rules etc) in Exchange 2010, disable Ad object, remove group membership & move to “Disabled Users” OU. check-in: eb75d18dc4 user: David Woods tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: c3dc848103 user: echosmith tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=GLOBAL+20COMMUNICATION+20NETWORK_OU=LATAM+20-+20AG_cn=Recipients_cn=andrea02svlc@gcn.local check-in: 24df3e1189 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
COMMENT: check-in: e67b38545e user: Stephen Wheet tags: trunk
From my profile. Uploads given text to Pastebin, and either puts the URL of the new paste into the system clipboard, or (by passing a switch) opens the new paste in your default browser. Allows you to slect visibility, language, and expiration time (defaults to Unlisted, Nothing, and 1 Day). Requires you to provide a valid PasteBin Developer Key in a script variable. check-in: ea23651066 user: Matthew Sessions tags: trunk
This function retrieves the (Unicode) text from the clipboard. check-in: 7b273f8066 user: Matthew Sessions tags: trunk
Build a SQL Server connection string by specifying its parameters. check-in: 09f043eaf6 user: Paulo Morgado tags: trunk
Converts objects properties into key-value hashtable check-in: 9d83b3142b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: a1ed699810 user: RCookieMonster tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 84eb110249 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
basic disk report tool that generates an excel report. check-in: 85f7165efe user: archpy tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: 0bbc44a8ae user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
$check.installed not refreshed after feature instlled check-in: bec366f299 user: unknown tags: trunk
Convert and import from delimited text files. Includes two functions: Convert-Delimiter and Import-Delimited. check-in: c96dc15213 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: 920f3bb520 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: a2ef3b9eaa user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them. check-in: 21d6030fd5 user: Ravig tags: trunk
Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them. check-in: 0fc59c2b8c user: unknown tags: trunk
Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them. check-in: 915d2f7226 user: unknown tags: trunk
CredSSP is a security provider to help delegate credentials from a client computer to a target computer. In PowerShell, we can use CredSSP to overcome the double-hop authentication problem. Getting the current CredSSP configuration settings for client and target computer is a bit of a pain, though. My function Get-WSManCredSSPConfiguration helps with gathering the current CredSSP configuration on both local and target computers. check-in: 2e297838ee user: Victor Vogelpoel tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.99k.org) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: cf8d187de9 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 9b335a75e5 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script will trap events such as USB insertion, file changes, registry key check-in: 7ef9878999 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 5a4f9cceb2 user: binauralz tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: a77d94174a user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
another way to retrieve mime type check-in: 79170cebab user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 16e63c5b9e user: unknown tags: trunk
PowerShell script to installs Firefox add-ons (extensions) check-in: 46fb716614 user: Scott Copus tags: trunk
This function sets the access rights on properties of AD-groups. Used to delegate access on one group to another. In my case used to delegate the accessgroup of a shared mailbox in Office 365 to another group which contains the owners. This enables them to control the members of the access group through a powershell form. check-in: 529b62738e user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 99e7ce6f1d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Basic script that gets mac addresses (NetBIOS table) from a list of remote hosts. check-in: cbd8a8d482 user: Qodosh tags: trunk
Basic script that gets mac addresses (NetBIOS table) from a list of remote hosts. check-in: bec0449e8f user: Qodosh tags: trunk
Quickly create a JPG barchart of VMware stats which can be adjusted in the variables, Office components will be needed. For more examples and comments please check http://teckinfo.blogspot.com check-in: 1854817900 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
This code can be added to an AWS instance to set the default password of an EC2 instance. It stops the need for using keys to set the windows password. It needs to be set in the “User Data” section when building the Instance. check-in: c4035a952a user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 6c9aa94814 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get’s FC adapter WWN’s listed per vendor of ESXi hosts per Cluster check-in: 3a49199eba user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 49dc55e312 user: 1231507051321 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 6f65cc172d user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=FIRSTCAPITALREALTY_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=nancy+2Ebrooks@FirstCapitalRealty.ca check-in: b08a59222d user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
This doesn’t work any longer – Twitter has retired the v1 API. check-in: 8aa599e229 user: ReviewNursing tags: trunk
Wait function to pause a script loop until the number of sVmotions is below the specified number. For VMware, but easy to convert I would think. check-in: 703bfba685 user: monahancj tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper, requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: e7a5f102cb user: unknown tags: trunk
This function will return all the parameters defined in a param() portion of a script as well as any default values, variable type information, HelpMessage text, ValidateSet items, and mandatory settings if present. check-in: 0e71e8f5b7 user: Zachary Loeber tags: trunk
Tested on Exchange 2010 check-in: a3d9157c6a user: themoblin tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. Plugin for wmiexplorer (copy this file into “Plugins” folder in $PSScriptRoot directory) check-in: 7d0bbaa04c user: Janny tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 3a949b9c5a user: Janny tags: trunk
I found it [here](https://github.com/gregzakharov/X/blob/master/ProductKey/source.cpp) and it works. check-in: d36f194d3e user: bO_obleak tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: ebb80f67d4 user: cofgis tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 21ab60b14d user: St3v3o tags: trunk
This is a simple script to get the number of physical drive, their type and Storage on remoter computers check-in: 71a357d938 user: Ravig tags: trunk
This is a simple script to get the number of physical drive, their type and Storage on remoter computers check-in: 77bc4303a2 user: unknown tags: trunk
Download all images from privately shared Google Picasa web album in full resolution Version 1.1 check-in: 7b44139642 user: Parul Jain paruljain tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 8252bddeb0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 0016326332 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: a97e59fc07 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 06dbbffe33 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From greg’s repository on github. check-in: 38412d73b8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 8295bbfaef user: Carsten Kr tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: c1f98d8cf4 user: Carsten Kr tags: trunk
From SAPIEN blog post by Jeff Hicks: http://blog.sapien.com/index.php/2008/07/28/searching-word/ check-in: d69d0d4338 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 7cc2e15824 user: Carsten Kr tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 9464f1fe34 user: unknown tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 8a4f9ad633 user: unknown tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6431f24a16 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Download all images from privately shared Google Picasa web album in full resolution check-in: 9d30d109f6 user: Parul Jain paruljain tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 928491e144 user: unknown tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: f2ac0bdcc5 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=SGMDC08_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=User5bc47bfd@sigma.net.tr check-in: acc549ad07 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Pseudocode solution suggestion on sqlsetup parameter automation check-in: e334f8b9cd user: Daniel Sorlov tags: trunk
A simplistic way to parse an HTML table into objects check-in: 1a8d70a38a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is not my script, author is greg zakharov. I found this script very useful for me. check-in: 659d0c5131 user: kakto_Oz tags: trunk
Uses QAD cmdlets to retrieve distribution list restriction attributes and then provides a list of users which can send email messages to the group. check-in: f385a01ad8 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
ethicshotline@navarre.com,ethicshotline@speedcommerce.com check-in: 13d3c56436 user: Ermias tags: trunk
New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… check-in: 1bda0cea17 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
since this post i’m out on github :) check-in: 5f0313b434 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 5d5b2262d6 user: Kirk Munro tags: trunk
WMIExplorer screenshots (launched on WinXP – http://savepic.org/4970354.jpg and http://savepic.org/4957042.jpg) check-in: 43addfdc9a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This will send an SNMP trap to the specified manager (hostname). The script isn’t very flexible, but it’s a good example of how to build traps using SharpSNMPLib. External requirementss: check-in: 70a2ccfd4b user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. check-in: 8a3b6976e4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Dynamically creates a return of whatever type of file / directory is given. Covers CSV’s txt, log, or other Get-Content related files. check-in: a563549641 user: internetrush tags: trunk
Just a simple function to show how to query Office 365 via powershell check-in: cf0bf71c7e user: Jeremy D Pavleck tags: trunk
shows results of a command in different command shell window check-in: 9c90e85bc4 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Prints full path for each file in a directory check-in: fd195d3e59 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Just an idea for how to handle web requests in PowerShell check-in: 89d0871466 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Put and get large files to and from a Hadoop cluster check-in: 9690d13436 user: Parul Jain tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. check-in: e24309a007 user: Franck tags: trunk
A simple datastorage module for the #PowerShell IRC bot which serves as a simple example of how to use Beefarino’s SQLite Provider check-in: 190ba8c6e9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
GPO replication status across Domain Controller. check-in: a8bd44247c user: Manuel TOUSSAINT tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: ed59b3fe3c user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
A function to return the Abuse Email address from arin.net with IPv6 support. check-in: 2c9d196090 user: Josh Wortz tags: trunk
A function to return the Abuse Email address from arin.net. check-in: be25e9a74b user: Josh Wortz tags: trunk
something like sigcheck check-in: dd05f111e1 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: 5878202585 user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
A simple example of how to use Beefarino’s SQLite Provider check-in: 73561999ea user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
incompleted check-in: 7e53d2874c user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
hey guys. why you duplicate ugly code for retrieving product key? everything can be done much easier. check-in: d977d38fd2 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
imitates sysinternals sdelete tool check-in: a79390c17a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: 2da2a60210 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
A function to return the Abuse Email address from arin.net. check-in: d1df1b98c0 user: unknown tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: e1eec057e8 user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
This script takes the output from the “ls vdisk full xml > vdisks.xml” HP EVA/P6000 and parses it into a form that can be imported into XML for reporting purposes. check-in: 1747c8d7ad user: jgrote tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: 84bea84b6c user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Measure-ScriptCode calculates some code metrics like the number of lines-of-code, comments, functions from script or module files it is fed. The script is PowerShell 3 or later only because of use of AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). check-in: f69f9e2c20 user: Victor Vogelpoel tags: trunk
A simple function for connecting a UNC path to a specified Windows drive letter. Some other things I’d like to see added: check-in: 51ade8f40e user: mtown_nerd tags: trunk
A couple of helper functions to make comparing things easier… check-in: 2f63b3d0f5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Made some improvements check-in: 2bf9f18b5d user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Get-PEManifest and Get-PEHeader some fixes check-in: b1690196bf user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This PowerShell Script will compare all of the files in the same directory on two or more different computers. It will compute the MD5 hash of a file and use that to compare check-in: 375b250ede user: Brian tags: trunk
Simple function that returns the UNC path (administrative share) of a local path. check-in: 9eef76be4b user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: 4de0ca1967 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: ec2d00a07c user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: a719ef66a6 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0a23b15d50 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
The infamous ellipsis function lets you pick out a single property, rather like using Select -Expand … except it runs in about 2/3 the time. check-in: 022e2706c2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Returns the corresponding device path for each drive letter check-in: 3dff6bd2a6 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
first fix for Expand-PEInfo (http://poshcode.org/4764) check-in: 6fe1874394 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
this is just a preliminary version check-in: 142817f06e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Inspired from http://www.vtesseract.com/post/16203019395/more-powershell-fun-star-wars check-in: f82436d310 user: James Vahanian tags: trunk
this is simplest (and correct) way to dump mainifest of PE check-in: 79103eabd4 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
i’m continuing to experiment with powershell :) check-in: 71f0009e5e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
New-TypeAlias, Get-TypeAlias functions for adding and querying type accelerators. Compatible with powershell 3.0, 4.0 check-in: dea9c45290 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on hide of TeamViewer windows check-in: 68b76c4cc8 user: quay776 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 09243643ea user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: f98a699723 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
I use this script to delete shadow copies older than 30 days from our file and print servers. I have it installed on Server 2012 Core Servers. check-in: a09f029b70 user: Wayne Johnson tags: trunk
Actually, this is only an idea and I’m not sure that it’ll be useful because I usually use Sysinternals ProcDump tool (hello, Mark!) check-in: 20e676ff03 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: e2023ec2ed user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: e1bb6f2efe user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on hide of TeamViewer windows check-in: d0b8dd1621 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of all guests in the target Virtual Center and then create a csv check-in: 5b98ab38ae user: Omarr tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of all guests in the target Virtual Center and then create a csv check-in: ae42e0d0ab user: Omarr tags: trunk
previous version of this script just builds a graph of processor utilization into powershell host, but how about something more dynamic and customizable, mmm? so i rewrote my Get-ProcessorGraph function. check-in: d6d609b625 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: c89bc58cea user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Updates group policy on remote domain computer,(Can be modified easily to include all computers or a list.). I wrote this for our field techs, simple but useful. check-in: 792893327c user: Johnny Reel tags: trunk
This script uses the Cisco IPSEC VPN client to connect to a VPN gateway and immediately RDP to a device. check-in: 303d53c441 user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
Get and Set-WriteFilter to manage embedded write filters remotely check-in: 744eca7b5c user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: e821cc786e user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
how can we zip and upload a file to a FTP cloud through powershell? check-in: 720525cacb user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: 46afe2a334 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Example of elementary keylogger. check-in: c36d8b80b9 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
My command prompt, as always. I leave this in a separate script file and invoke it from my profile. That way I can RE-invoke it to reset my prompt if I have to mess with it for some reason. check-in: 416de07688 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The Division check-in: eb540d6a78 user: 098Hill tags: trunk
Basic streaming binary hex dump viewer in powershell. check-in: e8f287e367 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Screenshot at http://savepic.org/4840591.jpg check-in: 0293dbd688 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Script to put several machines into maintenance mode on your OpsMgr2012 instance. check-in: 6330b2c6f7 user: NinjaTechie tags: trunk
Powershell really needs lexical variables and automatic lexical closures. ScriptBlock.GetNewClosure is a heavyweight hack (it captures the entire scope chain every time you call it) around lexical variable capture so here is a lighter weight hack. check-in: c44c0c23f6 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Shows CPU utilization till $host height size check-in: bd961cb63f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Retrives USB devices from HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR check-in: 8ef0b0553a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: b32e99f0e1 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Creates copy of existing group in Active Direcory domain with members and other properties. check-in: faabff79f3 user: Dalibor Zacek tags: trunk
This script queries WMI to find basic monitor size information. It then performs some math on these attributes to come up with the size of all monitors attached to a local or remote device. check-in: a213a38bcb user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
If you’re a developer, installation packager or a ConfigMgr admin this script can be used to convert a product code to a GUID. This comes in handy when reverse engineering product installations. check-in: 42f135c149 user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
Quickly pull files copied and size from robocopy log summary check-in: b4f2b15414 user: Steele Stenger tags: trunk
Automatically refreshes a webpage. Only works in Internet Explorer…sorry. check-in: bd21468b86 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
A simple function that returns where a remote Windows device is a thin client or a desktop. check-in: 99f4d20439 user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
The following changes were made: check-in: 9561578689 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
This script queries the entire forest and a) dumps all GPO names with last modified and GUID to \All_GPOs and b) Compares the current run check-in: 9090946b30 user: Agnostracised tags: trunk
Enumerates mailbox folder permissions for all folders in all mailboxes check-in: 538d7fa8b9 user: themoblin tags: trunk
Output text to a new PowerPoint slide check-in: 9433b3cb08 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Port of Chris Veness’ JavaScript AES CTR (AES Counter Mode) Aes.Ctr.decrypt to PowerShell. It will decrypt text encrypted with the Aes.Ctr.encrypt function from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/aes.html which is used by many websites. .NET doesn’t support AES CTR mode natively so you have to do it manually with a little fudging. check-in: 269f2a17e3 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
A concept for testing PowerShell’s regular expressions. See http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?id=8973 for details. check-in: 34455db61c user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: b7276b7b77 user: unknown tags: trunk
script to wrap arround mstsc.exe and start multiple rdp sesions in one command check-in: 40444098bc user: AllanData tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: a0772d30e5 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 3ee41d4542 user: xxxxxx tags: trunk
Added “lazy” filter – Ctrl+F (just input one char at a time) and query tool (experimental feature)/See screenshots for the details http://savepic.org/4767656.jpg and http://savepic.org/4755368.jpg check-in: fff3e2e5c8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Simple one liner that emails the status of a service(s) to a recipient. check-in: 8ab9f5ab7e user: Johnny Reel tags: trunk
Migrates users settings roaming profiles and home directories to another server. check-in: 3d9f9f72a7 user: themoblin tags: trunk
forthebetterr check-in: fe70f4e236 user: forthebetterr tags: trunk
The Division check-in: cee47d7aef user: 098Hill tags: trunk
When moving very large mailboxes, the connection can time out. check-in: 4c76fa95f3 user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
VERSION 1.4 — The default cert setting must be put in an external .PSD1 file! check-in: cc78b0b6b8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Fixed issues with namespaces/Methods and properties of classes now are placed at one ListView for quick navigation/Now it do not use Get-WmiObject cmdlet to access wmi objects/See screenshot at http://savepic.org/4765709.jpg check-in: 900fbb670b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Invoke generic method definitions (including static methods) from PowerShell. check-in: 9e80060b0f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: e8f7eda4be user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Show weather information in the lower right corner of the desktop. check-in: bcefda9bdb user: Mosser Lee tags: trunk
Sends an email on event trigger ID 21 and 23 (logon and logoff). Useful for auditing access to a server. check-in: 8faee206e4 user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
Creates ramdom file with null length. Just for fun. check-in: 1a759dd176 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Now it looks like http://savepic.org/4783435.jpg check-in: 951eee5b95 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Copies shared folders from one server to another. Run on the new server (as administrator). check-in: 40018f1020 user: themoblin tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 365c614111 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to update a property value within a Java properties file check-in: c11aab4b3e user: Michael Craig tags: trunk
Make a phone call from Powershell and pass TextToSpeech variables like ComputerName, DiskFreeSpace. check-in: ac5a8cd4a1 user: Sunny Chakrabort tags: trunk
Search Exchange tracking logs using jobs and remoting. check-in: 355adc2e9d user: evetsleep tags: trunk
All bugs are mine. check-in: 145794bd44 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 1473535daa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates random file with extension which has assosiation (just for fun). check-in: 163693626f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
If you use the dark color scheme in VS, you’ll find that the powershell tools syntax highlighting is unusable. While it is possible to update the colors by hand in visual studio’s options, this is a pain in the ass. Here’s a script to run in the NuGet console that will set the token colors to something usable. The scheme is persistent. check-in: 53da4015a1 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Some helper functions for getting/setting the output buffer and command history size in PowerShell.exe native. check-in: c5470146c4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
i would like group my ad obj report scripts to one file. i started with some functions about users and computers. i have a request to check my code to poit errors and what i could write better. thx for any tip and info! check-in: d542b12359 user: Voytas tags: trunk
The Division check-in: 42ebc1cf1f user: haegar2013 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 94767fd093 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
An example of a client/server that works in PowerShell check-in: 3e0bfc339c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Fixed some issues check-in: 477399ce5b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 508a9591c4 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 922aa197fa user: Jason B tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 0e9dfe4d8f user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Fixed check-in: 90f19a1017 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Compare files in multiple folders against a reference set to provide an early detection of Cryptolocker check-in: b3ae84c0de user: dfsdiag tags: trunk
Windows Server Backup Script. Backs up to NAS location, include facility for rotation and email notification check-in: edfd9a227d user: James Day tags: trunk
Combines two technics to get last boot system uptime check-in: 36bc41777c user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Creates hex dump of a file check-in: 684b38a12f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 220caf000b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Prints “human-readable” information for specified drive check-in: c4e8281673 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script “copies” shares and share permissions from one computer to another. The drive letter can change between computers, but the path(s) on the drive may not. This script does not copy the data; for that you will need another solution, such as xcopy or a decent SAN that can do it for you. It works on OSes as old as Windows 2000, and at least as new as Server 2008 R2. It probably has a hundred possible improvements. check-in: 9cdf4fe5a6 user: Sysiphus tags: trunk
App-V 5.0, create friendly folder names for packages. Requires PowerShell Community Extensions. check-in: 1059c6d716 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 394caa82d8 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: 0fd45836cb user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Adding Group Policy Preferences printer with SDM GPAE (Group Policy Automation Engine) including Item-Level targeting check-in: fff351fe50 user: Bobsys tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 10ae1b965b user: jsamuel12 tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 749c2bd9db user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
As you know PowerShell v3 has [accelerators] type but PowerShell v2 has not this feature. So why do I have to endure this omission in PowerShell v2? check-in: 0bf8c72619 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646302(v=vs.85).aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646272(v=vs.85).aspx check-in: 0a37c9e748 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Get the capacity of your installed RAM with the Win32_PhysicalMemory WMI class. check-in: cc5e18dbb4 user: Florian Frank tags: trunk
Get the capacity of your installed RAM with the Win32_PhysicalMemory WMI class. check-in: fa7ec44704 user: Florian Frank tags: trunk
Three ways (that I personally know) how to check if user has admin rights. check-in: 24a7a2d91d user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Old bash script… check-in: c00891f291 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
If ‘tree’ pocket has not been installed that you can use next script but note that it gets only directories. check-in: 961b0e96f8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Sometimes I have to deal with Bash, so… check-in: 84fd6ea798 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
VERSION 1.3 check-in: ddab94cbe3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.principal.wellknownsidtype.aspx check-in: ba487f8238 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: e09dc4868e user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
Why? WHY IT NEED USE WIN32_PROCESS TO CHECK PARENT PROCESS FOR ANOTHER PROCESS??? There is PerformanceCounter class in the System.Diagnostics namespace which can help you determine parent process for a process easily. check-in: d5a1b22fcd user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
The Install-ISPackage script installs an Dtsx file to a SQL Server store using the command-line utility dtutil. check-in: 0f366bf725 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A pair with ConvertTo-CliXml — this version closes and disposes the string reader handle. Now works in PowerShell 3 and 4 as well. check-in: eb1a0a62eb user: Poshoholic tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Requires PowerShell 2+ (now works in 3.0 and 4.0) check-in: 067c93a183 user: Poshoholic tags: trunk
quick way to do processes a ton of jobs, for example ping 100 boxes at once check-in: 8a6e1b3f96 user: Justin tags: trunk
quick way to do processes a ton of jobs, for example ping 100 boxes at once check-in: ab07c8336f user: Justin tags: trunk
Standalone script adapted from SQL Server Powershell Extensions (sqlpsx) http://sqlpsx.codeplex.com. Defines SQL Server backup and restore functions. check-in: 646e152f6a user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Fixed and redesigned check-in: 26b89759ba user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 81278e5da5 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Just concept of PowerShell GUI quick guide. Consists from cmdlets help info and ‘about’ pages. Please, report about bugs. check-in: dc0ae62510 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Actually, Start-Process cmdlet with -Verb RunAs can help you run process with admin’s rights, but… I do not like this cmdlet. I wanna something useable, so I wrote a prototype of something that looks like runas in cmd (or sudo in bash). check-in: 7ea16fa99b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Another password generating function. This one will always include all the character types you want, and the password will always be random. check-in: afd0191020 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Returns a shuffled / randomised / randomized version of an input string check-in: dec79bbf82 user: David Johnson tags: trunk
Let me know about bugs. Oh! and follow me on twitter @gregzakharov=) check-in: 6bf5e59eeb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This demo looks for files in PATH variable (extensions are from PATHEXT) and presents path for a file in two ways: full path (which mode) and only path for a file (where mode). For example, enter in TextBox field something like ‘notepad’ and click ‘Search’. check-in: d03f051cb9 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Active Directory, bulk create OU’s with defined sub OU’s check-in: fde08b15d5 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Uses QAD cmdlets to retrieve distribution list restriction attributes and then provides a list of users which can send email messages to the group. check-in: 945636365c user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Prints calendar for specified month of year. Please, let me know about bugs. check-in: 23e3aba465 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Not for regular use, this is just a demo with using COM object to check new letters on gmail. check-in: 04b6a9a2ad user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
a configuration management script for when changes occur to a vmware view environment. Change the color codes to suit your needs. check-in: e6f4ae5746 user: Lubinski tags: trunk
Uses netsh command to get all the computer’s wifi profiles (including clear text passwords) check-in: f6d0e7360a user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. check-in: 655f372d04 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This code will cleanup local profiles on a server/computer. It needs admin-rights to run. check-in: aad7ad9ebc user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: 7ed6cf7dff user: chris seiter tags: trunk
UNIX which and whatis tools analog. check-in: dc05543776 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: 406033ff6b user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Advanced Function to get local members. Some of text-fetching going on, but it will hopefully work on your machine aswell. check-in: 10295f986d user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Automation of SCOM Gateway Certificate Renewal (you need to configure autoenrollment separetly) check-in: e162a1aa7b user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Converts pictures to byte arrays and saves a copy of the new file on disk. check-in: 14848c5c6b user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
This module can control a Tellstick Net with powershell. check-in: e7aa61dd3d user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
I wrote a small function for parsing a Windows DNS Debug log. You can pipe both log-lines and filenames to this cmdlet. I’ve added 3 different types of log formats for it to handle. check-in: d7be450cbf user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
PowerShell form that can create master lists for later use in Quests Notes Migration Tool… check-in: 297709ec70 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Update custom scratch location ESXi 5.1 check-in: ec99011a65 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Twitch chat image scraper. check-in: 040392caf6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Win32_Process doesn’t have %CPU usage so this queries Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process for high cpu processes. Then queries the processes to get owner information and other properties. check-in: 3649db6dd2 user: anonymous tags: trunk
Very simple script to create an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with Windows Powershell with variable substitution. Yes this could be a very basic Mail Merge type document WITHOUT the use of Microsoft Word check-in: e4b88cb5df user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
Very simple script to create an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with Windows Powershell with variable substitution. Yes this could be a very basic Mail Merge type document WITHOUT the use of Microsoft Word check-in: 9e9b6fa9af user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
This function handles WMI Events based on a query against remote systems. No polling, no looping or do-whileing. Includes sample queries. check-in: bd32abcafe user: Steve Jarvi tags: trunk
A one liner that parses the output of NET.EXE’s VIEW command. NET.EXE VIEW displays a list of computers in your current domain by default, to display another domain change it to read NET.EXE VIEW /domain <domainName>. check-in: d12b37aff1 user: testing tags: trunk
A one liner that parses the output of NET.EXE’s VIEW command. NET.EXE VIEW displays a list of computers in your current domain by default, to display another domain change it to read NET.EXE VIEW /domain <domainName>. check-in: 6d1a9f188c user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
This script will help you replace old VMware portgroups with new ones and switch all VMs over to these new port groups with no downtown or network traffic loss. Originally written to take an environment with nonsensical, non-standardized port group naming to a proper standard. This required supporting files as are listed in the script description. There are portions that need to be filled out with relevant info to your environment, these are also outlined in the comments. check-in: 2908bfc460 user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
Checking Security Group Nesting Strategy (ie: G.U.DL.), searching Circular Nesting or only graphically reporting Nested Security Groups, ADSecurityGroupMembers.ps1 helps on those tasks exploring group member property and generating a Graphviz file. check-in: dbaca95ca5 user: Axel Limousin tags: trunk
X’434e3d5072696e74657220496e7374616c6c202d20485120323220456173742c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41637469616e63655f55736572732c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d5365727669636547726f75705f4c796e63456e61626c656455736572732c4f553d5365727669636547726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41494d4c6f67696e332c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d5a69704c69705f5265766965776572732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41637469766553796e632055736572732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4346204578656320436f6d6d69747465652c4f553d476f6f676c6520506f7374696e69204163636573732047726f7570732c4f553d5370656369616c2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053657276696365204163636f756e74732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d53656e696f72204c6561646572732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d43415041434954595f444153485f55534552532c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41637469766553796e63204d6f62696c65204465766963657320416c6c6f7765642c4f553d496e666f53656320456e7469746c656d656e742047726f7570732c4f553d5370656369616c2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053657276696365204163636f756e74732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41445f4d554e495f4d67722c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41445f5446495f4d67722c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d41445f45434d5f4d67722c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4a616e6e6579204d616e61676572732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d5068696c6164656c70686961204465706172746d656e747320284e6f205068696c61204272616e6368292c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4d6f726e696e67205472616465204e6f74652c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4649434d5472616465446174612c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4571756974795472616465446174612c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d46432044415348424f4152442050524f44554354494f4e2055534552532c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4571756974792026204f7074696f6e732073656e642061732c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d426c6f6f6d626572672055736572732c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d426c61636b626572727920557365727320322c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d446973747269627574696f6e20436f6d6d69747465652c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d42726f6b657261676520547261646520417070726f76616c732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d445220544f6e65204170702c4f553d6369747269782075736572732067726f7570732c4f553d5465726d696e616c20536572766572732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d44522047656e6572616c204170702c4f553d6369747269782075736572732067726f7570732c4f553d5465726d696e616c20536572766572732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4452204f324b33204170702c4f553d6369747269782075736572732067726f7570732c4f553d5465726d696e616c20536572766572732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4953205374656572696e6720436f6d6d69747465652c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d446570742e204d616e6167657273202d205068696c6164656c706869612c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d465341205472616e736974205061727469636970616e74732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d45786563757469766520436f6d6d69747465652c4f553d53656375726547726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d50616365736574746572e280997320436c75622c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4a4d534f54432c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4272696f2055736572732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d52657365617263682d312c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d526567756c61746f72795743436f6e74616374732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4d616e6167656d656e7420436f6d6d69747465652c4f553d53656375726547726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d426c6f636b2c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d506572736f6e6e656c204368616e67652c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4a4d53424c4f434b2c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4a4d535048494c4c592c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d45766572796f6e655f452d4d61696c2c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4d657461766965772c4f553d53656375726974792047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532053656375726974792047726f7570732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d5068696c6164656c706869612c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d4d65746166696c652055736572732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d5068696c6164656c70686961204641732c4f553d446973747269627574696f6e2047726f7570732c4f553d4a4d532045786368616e6765204f626a656374732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d416c6c205265676973746572656420456d706c6f796565732c4f553d44657061727465642055736572732c4f553d4a4d532053657276696365204163636f756e74732c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’;X’434e3d52656d6f7465204465736b746f702055736572732c434e3d4275696c74696e2c44433d4a4d534f6e6c696e652c44433d636f6d’; check-in: 9646459354 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 62b38cd129 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Functions to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Rijndael symmetric key algorithm check-in: 6833b136ae user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will go through your ITunes library and check the paths for each of the Tracks. If it doesn’t find a file at the specified location it will remove that track from your ITunes Library. check-in: 67c3689e17 user: Mark Schill tags: trunk
Added Try block and missing brackets for sample GUI from post made by Vinith Menon. check-in: a7f90f8119 user: BrianK tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: d57f052d52 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: 69e8cdf5fb user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 2ae558fca4 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
A Module to solve fileshare permission issues once and for all. Allows you to impersonate other network credentials for windows network authentication. check-in: 43aea21893 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=PORTMED_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=brady+2Eanderson@portmed.org check-in: 16cfe4ab06 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
just a quick re-write of gmagerr’s Powershell Template script to enable his template to create Powershell ISE help-comment based structure which I often use; I just put this function into an add-isemenu custom menu array. Thanks to gmagerr for the structure I just added a couple of things (most of which work fine!). thx for the base gmagerr. check-in: 06d42b3e4b user: biryani tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 7c89b93864 user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 0e72990b8e user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 11d1cb1fda user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
Provides same functionality as cliconfg.exe GUI. Although there is a WMI provider to add client network aliases, the differences between SQL version make it diffult to use. This method creates the registry key. If the host is running 64-bit architecture, it will add a matching alias for the 32-bit SQL client also. check-in: 18fc79dbe4 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: aa7cd6d5a7 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This is a customizable application launcher that saves configuration across multiple executions, and allows you to launch applications with credentials from a different domain in your current forest. check-in: 729dc6b675 user: Geoff Guynn tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 4b5fb4d250 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
# check-in: 5131b10ce9 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: d037999507 user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: e3ef9c3fcf user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: ae72c9957c user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 7574ea7aac user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Get-Parameter is used to obtain all of the parameters for a cmdlet. It also returns info like aliases and whether a parameter is mandatory. check-in: 13c5d57a99 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 4692bd13dc user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: c7cfa33639 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: b766696cb8 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Returns $true if the Windows Firewall is enabled, $false if it is disabled. check-in: 4cf6010080 user: rfoust tags: trunk
NAME: Drop-SQLUsers.ps1 check-in: 3a67e9c1cd user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2012/10/15/pstip-get-your-reboot-history/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PowershellMagazine+%28PowerShell+Magazine%29 check-in: 98c58efd5f user: Fishee tags: trunk
This is command line script that invoke cscript by itself to download a file. Just save this code with CMD or BAT extension and lanch, for example, with next way: CmdWget E:\arc http://download.sysinternals.com/files/Autoruns.zip – this allow you to download autoruns.exe tool of Sysinternals into E:\arc directory. Note that directory shoul be exist and you do not need specify name of file which you want to download, script saves file with name that specified in url (url is sensitive for register). check-in: 792fc93274 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: f69af65443 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: fa61b81298 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 01737ec7d5 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: afa204d20b user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: 68de7807b5 user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Poor man’s network scanner check-in: 21268a3554 user: unknown tags: trunk
What is MUICache and why it necessary to ask your favorite search engine, for example, Google, Bing and etc. I just updated version of my old script which is analog of eponymous Nir Sofer’s tool (Hi, Nir! How are you?) In this version: 1)MUI added; 2)added ability to display icons of items; 3)Russian localization. Please, report me about founded bugs! check-in: bd98dbf158 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
#Created by Ty Lopes check-in: fc57d2cd83 user: Ty Lopes tags: trunk
Script creates one-way connections between one sending member server and a list of receiving member servers. The group schedule is used. check-in: 0826b77780 user: J Palmero tags: trunk
Script creates one-way connections between one sending member server and a list of receiving member servers. The group schedule is used. check-in: 100afbeee9 user: J Palmero tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 34c231a8e3 user: obaid tags: trunk
A demonstration of how to do menus and commands in ShowUI that works with ShowUI 1.4 check-in: 8fcfa37d98 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Import certificate files to the cert store check-in: 701e28a1ad user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
<dl><dt>Description</dt> check-in: 73135c4991 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Import certificate files to the cert store check-in: 55edc62822 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Import certificate files to the cert store check-in: af0c846e8a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Here is a quick script I created to convert files to ASCII character set. This came about because I found Out-File was creating files as Unicode and Add-Content was writing ASCII (Even though the help says it defaults to Unicode). So writing to the files with Add-Content would use the wrong encoding and add garbage to the log files. I changed all my code to include the -Encoding ASCII parameter, but had thousands of files encoded as Unicode. (Note: To see what format it is, open in Notepad and select Save As… it will be listed at the bottom). It replaces the file with a new ASCII encoded file so I also added some logic to capture and set the original file timestamps. This is my first draft so I’m sure there is room for improvements. Such as error handling and adjustments so the input parameters don’t have to be so exact, but it works and thought I would share. -=Levon check-in: 9eff237e50 user: Levon Becker tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: 09f51b2c2b user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Simple Function to get powershell version check-in: b3924f9d72 user: angry birds rio tags: trunk
Simple Function to get powershell version check-in: 9e49d76a35 user: Powershell Jedi tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: ccf8910cba user: hello tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 397f224ac0 user: JesusBorbolla tags: trunk
<dl><dt>Description</dt> check-in: 3ef191b6bb user: halr9000 tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: fb21b9ff75 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 29d457cee3 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: 1f98e2da50 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
A Whois script for powershell. check-in: bf7c6e2065 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A Whois script for powershell. check-in: d19f89a628 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
<dl><dt>Description</dt> check-in: b03d55bf7c user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Remember locations under defined labels and navigate back to those locations with the label. check-in: 3858c8d0be user: D3M80L tags: trunk
Remotely force WSUS Check on Servers within your network. Powershell remoting must be enabled. check-in: 1486127abe user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Enable Powershell Remoting allowing access for all trusted hosts check-in: 1cae681a56 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Generate a new PowerShell module from a few scripts. check-in: 69a92fdfe3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 1b534e5f3f user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Send a WakeOnLan packet to computers check-in: f1cb15564d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A new Bing module that supports command-line search against the new datamarket APIs. check-in: e5a3e38c8d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This module replaces Get-Credential with a better version that supports customizing the prompt dialog. check-in: c4ab6172ef user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: 4c1f5d1e0e user: Test1 tags: trunk
The beginning of a Module for EFT server. PowerShell functions that use the SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer class to invoke methods and properties of the EFT server. check-in: 687e44f487 user: DoNotNotTouch tags: trunk
VERSION 1.1 check-in: fbef68647a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to create a Tab delimited Excel .xls File from Objects. check-in: 9c951cac17 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
A multithreaded remote registry gathering function. Includes the ability to return both a specific subkey value or an entire key of subkey values in a custom psobject. check-in: 23ff37c417 user: Zachary Loeber tags: trunk
A multi-threaded, windows asset gathering function. check-in: 8d745461b6 user: Zachary Loeber tags: trunk
Move mailboxes from one mailbox database to another mailbox database or balance them across a group of mailbox databases. check-in: 559665fd4e user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
Uses Get-StorageReliabilityCounter method to obtain information about the temperature of the physical disks check-in: 5e467e6eed user: akaNeo tags: trunk
Replaces Get-Credential, with options to set the dialog title and message, as well as defaulting the domain and username, and offering the option to prompt in-line in the console, and to get generic (non-domain) credentials (without a leading “\”). Better in every way than the built-in Get-Credential ;) check-in: 53c6e7bef4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Wrappers for the Get-AuthenticodeSignature and Set-AuthenticodeSignature which properly parse paths and don’t kill your pipeline and script when you hit a folder by accident… check-in: 742626ff38 user: unknown tags: trunk
Replaces Get-Credential, with options to set the dialog title and message, as well as defaulting the domain and username, and offering the option to prompt in-line in the console, and to get generic (non-domain) credentials (without a leading “\”). Better in every way than the built-in Get-Credential ;) check-in: 26ec4bf730 user: Joe Hayes tags: trunk
Will capture failed and Successful logins for a remote server for the last 24 hours and email to user. Utilizes Get-eventlog for Server 2003. Change variables on lines 5-13 check-in: 7a7ad58c41 user: Robert tags: trunk
Will capture failed and Successful logins for a remote server for the last 24 hours and email to user. Utilizes Get-eventlog for Server 2003. Change variables on lines 5-13 check-in: e0fa6b8054 user: Robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 08cccaaa02 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
A multi-threaded, windows asset gathering function. check-in: caa49f5b5a user: Zachary Loeber tags: trunk
List all the members of the “AssociatedOwnerGroup” of each site (including root site) of each Site Collection of each Web Application in the farm. check-in: b4edb4d7bf user: Lucas Araujo tags: trunk
Improved version of http://poshcode.org/2352. Nobody seems to know how that should be used. See also MSDN for FindPrivateKey documentation. check-in: b53837bda8 user: HQJaTu tags: trunk
Dot Sourced PSISE Snippet Editor Form check-in: f206ab29fd user: unknown tags: trunk
Will capture failed and Successful logins for a remote server for the last 24 hours and email to user. Utilizes Get-eventlog for Server 2003. Change variables on lines 5-13 check-in: f86a221e52 user: Robert tags: trunk
Will capture failed and Successful logins for a remote server for the last 24 hours and email to user. Utilizes Get-eventlog for Server 2003. check-in: 8eab56c542 user: Robert tags: trunk
Script changes the storage profile on al VMs in the vApp, this triggers a relocate action per VM moving it to a other datastore or other storage system. check-in: 843a649bf7 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: 0a653dae01 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: 0fa4f1c476 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Originally posted by Keith Hill on microsoft.public.windows.powershell. check-in: fff5e1e04d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Creates a symbolic link just like mklink.exe but doesn’t rely on having to call it like ‘cmd.exe /c mklink.exe’. check-in: ad106c0592 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 71083ab402 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 6ad008911f user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 070014872d user: Anonymous tags: trunk
The following changes were made: check-in: 278d399629 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Function to get all logged on sessions (numbers) and coresponding users (domain name) on a local or remote system with WMI check-in: 07661c7c7a user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
Author: check-in: 86c59da84e user: steelestengergm tags: trunk
Flashview App from SMA has several bugs, drops out from full screen, freezes and crashes. I have had most success with Windows 32bit and can only get it to reliably work for a whole day continuously by launching with this script. check-in: 37df5dda69 user: MatthewPainter tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: e4e4386cf1 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Create/Insert/Extract Well formatted and indexed based64 payload of files check-in: b968396427 user: Nicolas Tremblay tags: trunk
Create/Insert/Extract Well formatted and indexed based64 payload of files check-in: 8609f96099 user: Nicolas Tremblay tags: trunk
Create/Insert/Extract Well formatted and indexed based64 payload of files check-in: f17d12b3a4 user: Nicolas Tremblay tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 7deb7a6325 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: ae1d85cc64 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: d1c38df3fd user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: b4a36e94fa user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: e88b1567d8 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 2048f2251d user: Anonymous tags: trunk
Where-like function works as a pipeline console filter. check-in: 02558a9c7e user: sibroller tags: trunk
Reboot a cluste or stand-alone server. For cluster, reboot each node one by one. Verify that RDP works for each server, verify all SQL Server instances can be connected, and all databases are in healthy state. Send email with the result of rebooting. The script works for Windows Server 2003 and later versions. This script requires Powershell3.0. check-in: 00e89ac20d user: William Wang tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 8cc87c7955 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: be0f07106b user: karl prosser tags: trunk
A simple df (disk free) function for PowerShell check-in: c284a845fe user: unknown tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: fc3c03aac3 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Where-like function works as a pipeline console filter. check-in: 37abeb7d04 user: unknown tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: 5c6fc334b7 user: Damien Ryan tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 12fa0db6b9 user: Les Papier tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: bc7fce381f user: Gyorgy Nemesmagasi tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: a02b132f68 user: Adam Driscoll tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: 5335dfcaff user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 29aba11ea8 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 3bdf0352cc user: Anonymous tags: trunk
Find-String and Highligh-Matches work together to do formatted output of matches in strings check-in: 93fd2b540a user: unknown tags: trunk
‘Get-exif’ doesn’t seem to exist. There are various solutions suggested for this, but I could not find a way to get FNumber and Focal Length in 35mm. So I have parsed out ‘exif’ output in this script. check-in: ac8e16f453 user: unknown tags: trunk
Another modification to Get-PerformanceHistory to allow it to work in PowerShell 1.0 and still show averages. check-in: 1c18f4680e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 556b373eb2 user: 8i5i9 tags: trunk
A simple script to download and install Java 7 u 25. Yeah, you could use chocolatey but I don’t want to install it. check-in: 4bbf905c51 user: DoNotNotTouch tags: trunk
Causes a blue screen on Windows 8 machines. Run at your own risk!! The reason is due to an access violation caused by passing in a null value to the access mask of the CreateDesktop function. check-in: 40f17b1cdc user: adamdriscoll tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 187da153ac user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
Generate an extmap.xml for a DLL. This is used for assembly library caching in Silverlight. check-in: f71a658b05 user: Chui Tey tags: trunk
Generates External MAML Powershell help file for any loaded cmdlet or function check-in: 40ee392041 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Reading temperature data from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center check-in: 6ee792713e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A collection of functions for working with the script repository: check-in: 0cafc050e9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves command names to include the module (make sure you load modules you need), resolves parameter aliases, etc. (Works in PowerShell 3 CTP1 too). check-in: edd9f00c0f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Just launch script to see what’s about this script. Press F12 to hide window it and show it again. Use Escape to close Window. check-in: d4c1e46e84 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17171531/powershell-string-to-array/17173367#17173367 check-in: 8f4cf5804b user: Dang_it_Bobby tags: trunk
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMS_gateways check-in: c22aea7730 user: dvsbobloblaw tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: 988b00b22e user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Replaces Get-Credential, with options to set the dialog title and message, as well as defaulting the domain and username, and offering the option to prompt in-line in the console, and to get generic (non-domain) credentials (without a leading “\”). Better in every way than the built-in Get-Credential ;) check-in: 4c30d01004 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get the system uptime of the localhost or a remote host. check-in: 704cd963e2 user: Tony Sathre tags: trunk
Clear displayNamePrintable attribute on AD user objects check-in: 13128a1ed1 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
This is a demo of one way you could implement handling Ctrl+C (CancelKeyPressed) without using PSEvent or PInvoke … check-in: 362bbd731d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… check-in: ad29ef3e58 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: 793d937ca1 user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
a quick script to re-create Exchange 2013 performance counters, more information check: http://www.ntsystems.it/post/Exchange-2013-clean-install-but-many-MSExchange-Common-106-errors.aspx check-in: 1f83696024 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: 1877604882 user: robyn tags: trunk
Proxy function for New-Object that allows you to specify a CLSID in the ComObject parameter. Example: check-in: 8a8a22ec26 user: Matt Graeber tags: trunk
Update vmtools check-in: 1e7a06c6bd user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
This function get the local group membership on a local or remote computer using ADSI/WinNT. By default the function will run on the localhost ($env:computername) and will query the group “Administrators”. check-in: c709b984bd user: LazyWinAdmin tags: trunk
Get the system uptime of the localhost or a remote host. check-in: 464232cd09 user: Tony Sathre tags: trunk
Specify target host and root directory. The script will then recursively check for all folders and report on their NTFS permissions. check-in: dea4adf75d user: vidrine tags: trunk
Simple PowerCLI example to find old snapshots. Note that I would not actually use the techniques shown here, this script was intentionally written this way as a part of a training video in which I am building on techniques. check-in: 263e06740c user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Script to find on which host a particular VM is running when vCenter is down check-in: 3f003eb53b user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Get-NetView check-in: 8df0043a08 user: Daniel tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by PowerGUI. check-in: b9aa9498c4 user: Poshoholic tags: trunk
Functions to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Rijndael symmetric key algorithm check-in: e10d78b8a8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is how I would go about recursively getting AD Group Members. check-in: 1c25c6cd40 user: ERROR_SUCCESS tags: trunk
http://www.mytechinterviews.com/sub-array-with-the-largest-sum check-in: d8a4cd3d86 user: BobLobLaw tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 272975fb4f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: ebc26dbe9c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: b88d5f9535 user: unknown tags: trunk
custom directory creation using UI in power shell check-in: a71dc5eea4 user: himanshu tags: trunk
############################################################################################# check-in: eb4bb599fe user: SQLDBAwithabeard tags: trunk
Wrapper script for executing a T-SQL call and optionally returning a delimited file. Informational/Error messages are written to the Application EventLog. Purpose of script is run T-SQL commands from external scheduler (UniCenter, AutoSys, etc.), log messages to EventLog and return success/failed status. check-in: d72b45740c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Gets creator, creation date and lastbackup information per VM and adds it as values of a custom attribute check-in: e21e1452a9 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
Another fun script that used PowerShell v3 ASTs. Have fun! check-in: f1403f85a5 user: bielawb tags: trunk
This function will enable or disable CBT on a VM, and optionally apply the change by stunning the VM with a snapshot. It is useful when CBT needs to be reset or disabled en masse. check-in: 25706761c4 user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
Fast (using text) and easy to get large Fibonacci numbers. The 5000th fib takes like 15 secs for my computer. Wonder how many loops that is? ALOT! check-in: 4e3c53d4d5 user: DVSPUPOP tags: trunk
Pulls label-value pairs from text. Note that this version is still REALLY optimistic, and assumes that your label-value pairs are each, always, on their own line … but it exposes the Get-Captures separately so you can write any regex you like (with named captures). check-in: c49b323008 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pulls label-value pairs from text. Note that this version is REALLY, REALLY optimistic, and assumes that your label-value pairs are each, always, on their own line. check-in: 810eb32bf2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pulls label-value pairs from text. Note that this version is REALLY, REALLY optimistic, and assumes that your label-value pairs are each, always, on their own line. check-in: 18a28be982 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pulls label-value pairs from text. Note that this version is REALLY, REALLY optimistic, and assumes that your label-value pairs are each, always, on their own line. check-in: b1cac2c0cf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Invoke-Sqlcmd2 : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter ‘ConnectionString’. Cannot convert the “System.Col check-in: d138c8f7e8 user: unknown tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: ac06746fbb user: Atamido tags: trunk
Function to report uptimes for single/multiple hosts as objects. Useful if not very original. check-in: 1b30accbbd user: 81stPerson tags: trunk
How-To Extract MS Cluster Resources and Create Powershell Commands out of them. check-in: 39d2734076 user: unknown tags: trunk
I found Managed DirectX on one of my computers, so I thought write about how to play MP3 files with it. But note, this script has been tested on WinXP only. For example: check-in: 5ed219314c user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
The first version of a Start-Demo script (module) for ISE from PowerShell 3+ check-in: 8a0175650a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Windows PowerShell script to map a network printer based on Active Directory group membership. check-in: 8eee1ef4aa user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
First of all this is a great script! Is there a way to extend the size limit? check-in: 021c679311 user: unknown tags: trunk
Displays active TCP connections and includes the process ID (PID) and Name for each connection. check-in: 32b22ae18e user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
Uses the ILSpy assemblies to decompile .NET assemblies on the fly using a simple PowerShell advanced function. It can be chained together with Get-Member calls. check-in: 6140c16d63 user: Adam Driscoll tags: trunk
Uses the ILSpy assemblies to decompile .NET assemblies on the fly using a simple PowerShell advanced function. It can be chained together with Get-Member calls. check-in: f87abc4658 user: Adam Driscoll tags: trunk
This is very simple module that you can use with PowerShell v3. It’s using PowerShell Abstract Syntax Tree to import functions from any script without running any code. check-in: 9862e5953a user: bielawb tags: trunk
Export top n Deadlock graphs for all databases of a given SQLServer (SQL2008+) Instance check-in: bd3ed77a72 user: alzdba tags: trunk
This demo shows how to highlight text in RichTextBox with Dictionary<string, color>. Tested on PowerShell v2 check-in: c8f8412bc1 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This demo shows how to highlight text in RichTextBox with Dictionary<string, color>. Tested on PowerShell v2 check-in: 626cbb34e1 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Get-DellWarranty (Uses new Dell API; the old Get-DellWarranty scripts screen scrape their site and no longer work because they changed the formatting of the tables. This relies on their API service so in theory it should be maintained by Dell and remain working. The script itself has an array of computer names at the top and will cycle through each system and query that warranty information. Based off of all warranty lines, the highest warranty is tracked and outputted as well. The Get-DellWarranty function itself is configured to accept a -servicetag or -serialnumber parameter or accept piped input, and outputs an object that contains objects of warranty entitlement lines. check-in: c933b7b0d1 user: Dane Kantner tags: trunk
A cmdlet to run a script/scriptblock under a different culture (language). Useful for testing localization. check-in: ff9a46990e user: unknown tags: trunk
This script generates a pseudo dialog for the next twilight movie. check-in: 41ac9850c1 user: dvsdeedee tags: trunk
Add VM to DRS group function check-in: 80f08e4896 user: unknown tags: trunk
Find who created a VM check-in: 1bcbc84304 user: unknown tags: trunk
Now Snippet Compiler looks like this (see screenshot at http://my.opera.com/samplez/blog/2013/04/18/snippet-compiler) and has some new features such as “Quick Save” and etc. check-in: 9da1706234 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Now Snippet Compiler looks like this (see screenshot at https://files.myopera.com/samplez/files/SnippetCompiler_300.jpg) and has some new features such as “Quick Save” and etc. check-in: d28fad70b8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Author: Ranger6 aka Bitspider on Twitter check-in: 32b16d227b user: Ranger69 tags: trunk
Powershell script to get data from Exchange server check-in: 8ee4c61e1c user: unknown tags: trunk
Powershell script to get data from Exchange server check-in: ccc7c90938 user: unknown tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.1 check-in: ed73e90819 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
Ex2010_MBDB_Info check for Check_MK check-in: c4003360ae user: unknown tags: trunk
Script to compress files from command line. check-in: a259de2e2c user: Shadow tags: trunk
Show all the comments from a script, and ONLY the comments. check-in: c3cc7ad912 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Quick script to get compressed or partitioned SQL Server tables using sqlps provider check-in: 1740b73506 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Script to get the LastBootUpTime of a computer. check-in: d40f728a98 user: DVSBOBLOBLAW tags: trunk
A few wrapper functions to make working with the SSH portion of SharpSSH easier: New-SshSession, Invoke or Send Ssh commands, Receive output, all with support for “Expect” ... which means we’ll continue reading from the ssh output until we see the expected output, and then stop. check-in: c0b7ac6397 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 477a5d366b user: Daniel tags: trunk
This PowerShell function returns a list of the Active Directory FSMO role holders for one or more Active Directory domains and forests. This function depends on the Active Directory module, specifically the Get-ADDomain and Get-ADForest cmdlets. This module can either be installed locally, via the Remote Server Administration Tools or imported via Implicit remoting prior to running this function. More information about this function can be found on my blog site: http://mikefrobbins.com/2013/04/11/use-powershell-to-find-where-the-current-fsmo-roles-are-assigned-in-active-directory/ check-in: a3426cb561 user: Mike F Robbins tags: trunk
Syncs the system time with that of a remote time server. Uses NetCmdlets. check-in: 13922b9727 user: boggers tags: trunk
Syncs the system time with that of a remote time server. Uses NetCmdlets. check-in: 284416b06b user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
Syncs the system time with that of a remote time server. Uses NetCmdlets. check-in: a7ad647e6a user: Lance Robinson tags: trunk
What is a FileCop? It’s a script that shows extended data of files such as hashes, streams and etc. in compact GUI style. Note that script has been tested on Win2K3, so I do not have any idea about its workability on other systems. Please, let me know about bugs. check-in: b234d5014b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Combine powershell and ImbBurn to burn all the iso’s in a directory. Useful for burning the 7 vista iso files etc. check-in: 558b2d96ff user: Michael tags: trunk
I really am still working on this replacement for the WASP module ;-) check-in: 32d2f69b84 user: Jaykul tags: trunk
Guns N’ Roses Sweet Child O Mine script (inspired by Christophe Cremon) check-in: 15af5132f1 user: Sean Buss tags: trunk
This is a simple little script that will read in your favorites and sort them into folders based on the hostname in the URL. check-in: 5dde9732b7 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This is a simple little script that will read in your favorites and sort them into folders based on the hostname in the URL. check-in: 0b2762b5ab user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Shows fields, properties and methods in public classes in loaded assemblies. This is just demo. check-in: 944a144f19 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Super Mario Bros Theme in PowerShell :-) check-in: 0d8b5559b0 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Use [/e | -e | e] argument to open and [/c | -c | c] to close. check-in: 7ff5a775d4 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Just for fun! check-in: 5b71cd584e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
To close app: check-in: 0bd48b5080 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
To close app: check-in: 1ed7a60e35 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This console application demonstrates PInvoke way to work with buffer. check-in: 03f3e078c9 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
It’s just for fun because it does not correctly work (if you want stable code then use New-Object “Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, [Drawing.Color]]) check-in: 53b472cb0a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
ConvertFrom-PropertyString 3.7 can convert ini files, property files, and other flat key-value data strings into PSObjects. check-in: 9223aeafbc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Use the wide unicode versions (FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW) to report a directory listing of all files, including those that exceed the MAX_PATH ANSI limitations check-in: cdd286859b user: Wayne Martin tags: trunk
Fixed bug with output textbox (other improvements are in progress). check-in: c657bdb6ed user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 041c3eb6c4 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 0213b24305 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Parses an Apache redirect file to identify broken entries. check-in: 0670521e9a user: anonymous tags: trunk
Some improvements for GUI. And there are some known bugs with output compiling directory (fixing in progress), also I removed code which highlight code in RichTextBox (because it’s unstable). check-in: 09479a5658 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
RESTful server in pure PowerShell. Does not require a webserver. Requires PowerShell v3.0 check-in: 7c410b6942 user: Parul Jain tags: trunk
Modified the script to fix a few typos. check-in: a2593ba13d user: unknown tags: trunk
I wrote this for our first line team, they aren’t the best with Powershell so I wrote a GUI that would help them find which user has a specific email address in Office 365. check-in: 9b8d2a17e0 user: Adrian Woodrup tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on top of other windows check-in: ec1530322f user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
Use this to create a .url file which can then be opened in your default browser using the Invoke-Item cmdlet. Usage: New-UrlFile $url # or invoke-item (new-urlfile $url) check-in: 097624294a user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Converts an input string into its C ASCI Hex equivalent, useful for converting a string into an unsigned char array check-in: 8a717fc18f user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
script to wrap arround mstsc.exe and start multiple rdp sesions in one command check-in: f16a18efea user: AllanData tags: trunk
script to wrap arround mstsc.exe and start miltiple rdp sesions in one command check-in: ac726b3177 user: AllanData tags: trunk
A first draft at a logging function that can rotate log files as they “fill up” (that is, not by date, but by size). check-in: 6528b24380 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Discovers DHCP online servers and if SystemRoot\Windows\System32\DHCP\Backup exists, copies the folder on each server to a network share (\\network\share\hostname). check-in: 45f6bcde7d user: R Derickson tags: trunk
It’s useful if you offen use Alt+Space to manipulate host data (copy\paste). check-in: 813b01b55a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This powershell script can be used to reset alerts on a SharePoint site. This may be necessary if scheduled alerts are arriving an hour early or late due to daylight savings time. This script was inspired by: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/877d2abd-fce9-4545-b223-7637936dd888 which while as a side effect will reset the alerts, however it does a lot more than restarting the alerts. check-in: 36024ac8ca user: AlanO tags: trunk
TEST ME check-in: 8f28746494 user: unknown tags: trunk
MSagent speech script with voice selection and interluded speaking check-in: c83c01d646 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Map network drive using powershell to call wscript.network. psdrive just does not act the same as a mapped network drive. I finally wrote these to connect to specific servers and directories to move files around. check-in: 181f796cc4 user: 4wheels tags: trunk
enumerate + add + remove users or groups to any local group on a local, single or multiple remote computers check-in: 43bb8feb8c user: chriskenis tags: trunk
A pair with ConvertTo-CliXml — this version closes and disposes the string reader handle. Now works in PowerShell 3 and later as well. check-in: d13083eab4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Requires PowerShell 2.0 or later. check-in: f20a565c31 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates config bundle backup for ESXi hosts. Works where 80 is blocked to ESXi host check-in: da3f11501c user: Jimmy Hester tags: trunk
Gets Sophos weekly scan time stats from the generated log file remotely using WMI. Log file name may need to be changed for your environment. Doesn’t require access to Sophos Admin console. check-in: 61c5ffc036 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Just for fun script for converting image files to excel. Very slow, try 50×50 images first check-in: e587c2ffb2 user: AxCoder tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: e4eaf61cd6 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
Downloads the all or the last video episode of Defrag Tools show from Channel 9 check-in: 8e9c1e07ab user: Carlos Perez carlos_perez tags: trunk
Demo of WPF with PowerShell v3 – using [class]@{ property = value }, flexible syntax, simplified where. Also using type accelerators. Not really smartest way to create WPF (no XAML – as bad as it sounds). So don’t treat this as very good example® or WPF in use. ;) check-in: eaa3a09258 user: bielawb tags: trunk
Downloads the all or the last video episode of Defrag Tools show from Channel 9 check-in: 7f9a12e68b user: Carlos Perez carlos_perez tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: 47e35fc380 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Extracts a mail store. check-in: 2c89ddee33 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Creates config bundle backup for ESXi hosts. Works where 80 is blocked to ESXi host check-in: b5fc458a99 user: Jimmy Hester tags: trunk
Creates config bundle backup for ESXi hosts. Works where 80 is blocked to ESXi host check-in: ddb62084f9 user: Jimmy Hester tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: b7a53f6c16 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Given a SQL Saturday session number, will retrieve and parse the sessions from the corresponding SQL Saturday event page. If you provide a value for the $getUnscheduled attribute, it retrieves the unscheduled sessions, otherwise the default is to retrieve the scheduled ones. check-in: 6d01c30bed user: Eli W-H tarwn tags: trunk
Will alert on failed pings and again when recovered. check-in: 011c810c95 user: James tags: trunk
Will alert on failed pings and again when recovered. check-in: 320875e8ee user: James tags: trunk
Just for fun (my original post http://my.opera.com/samplez/blog/2013/03/18/paint-board) check-in: 71c30f7e92 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Just for fun (my original post http://my.opera.com/samplez/blog/2013/03/12/powershell-drawing-with-powershell) check-in: d7a674d9aa user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
You can sort Get-Process cmdlet output in PSList style, of course if you has administrator privileges :) [My original post] (http://my.opera.com/samplez/blog/2013/03/18/get-process-eq-pslist) check-in: 0bc0540fb6 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Find creation date and creator of VM check-in: a1facd8f85 user: unknown tags: trunk
Remove local profiles from Windows 7 or above. check-in: 6d453fc2b1 user: Richard Gagg tags: trunk
RunAsAdmin is an application to help adhere to the best practice of least privileges. It creates an .exe that the user can double click and it will execute a program with elevated privileges. Users must be in a local group in order to execute the process. For complete details visit: http://techjeeper.com/?page_id=112 check-in: 01bc6d87c5 user: Cody Dean tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.1 ( Conflate-Line improved ) check-in: 6fe5eace9e user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Will alert on failed pings and again when recovered. check-in: 21a2949651 user: James tags: trunk
GUI (WPF) script, that is wrapper on remote endpoint – configuration file for said endpoint can be found in post on my blog explaining it (http://becomelotr.wordpress.com/) check-in: 685dc7a966 user: bielawb tags: trunk
Creates a Persistent PopUp (or Progress Message) that stays up while your script does other things. check-in: 1f20bb4dfa user: Denis St-Pierre tags: trunk
Creates a Persistent PopUp that stays up while your script does other things. check-in: 0db265bce1 user: Denis St-Pierre tags: trunk
Run PowerShell Script from an ASP.Net web page check-in: 7d08251a5d user: unknown tags: trunk
GUI Replacement for PowerShell’s Write-Progress command check-in: 66f7b3b198 user: Denis St-Pierre tags: trunk
GUI Replacement for PowerShell’s Write-Progress command check-in: 5910ffc9a7 user: unknown tags: trunk
Discovers DHCP online servers and if SystemRoot\Windows\System32\DHCP\Backup exists, copies the folder on each server to a network share (\\network\share\hostname). check-in: 63ad5548fc user: R Derickson tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: eee25f0dec user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
A set of functions I’ve been working on to allow easy use of Access DBs with PowerShell. A work in progress, but thought they were at a point where others might find them useful. check-in: e8366690e5 user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
This script will synchronize the NTP settings across all ESX hosts in all clusters in a specified Virtual Center instance. check-in: 440ced160b user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
Test md5/sha1/etc file hashes. check-in: 3a01cdcd0a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: f47474c4a5 user: kevinslade tags: trunk
The Get-HPAgentVersion function gets the HP PSP/SPP version. check-in: 1437546658 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Use the wide unicode versions (FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW) to report a directory listing of all files, including those that exceed the MAX_PATH ANSI limitations check-in: 0c5c77cd42 user: unknown tags: trunk
Disable VMware hotadd and hotplug feature to prevent accidental removal of VM nic or disks check-in: efcf4c7ae7 user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
This is a Windows startup script with pop-up notifications and checks to assure things are not executed if already running or set. It can be run as a personal startup script or as a domain startup (with some editing). It’s another updated version of the one I posted here previously. check-in: e3a7c69451 user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: 0a574bb411 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This script are used to set a random password for Active Directory users in a specified Organizational Unit. It stores the results in a csv-file. check-in: 8de2b8b2d7 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 27c389f37a user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
01000000D08C9DDF0115D1118C7A00C04FC297EB0100000038E0073A45F0CA4BB5EB5855EFD39A2C000000000200000000001066000000010000200000005870AD66D8E09E9D67E5AF7F03F1FAB2B5529B29938467442A8232AD455F9599000000000E8000000002000020000000F7D020B7010BA0349470C14355821C3E5E894CA7786AB063F7380248EA5E4F7F1000000004BD22EF8317103D54E3AE15B0602D3A4000000065A70573F8ECCB76E09B190F225A3D032397848328732EFD35128514FB460E21AF109C0F8193840C4FD8F1D18CB0FDD24FC67DEA1A9EA0A817BE895AE63BE70F check-in: e701f1f271 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This script “copies” shares and share permissions from one computer to another. The drive letter can change between computers, but the path(s) on the drive may not. This script does not copy the data; for that you will need another solution, such as xcopy or a decent SAN that can do it for you. It works on OSes as old as Windows 2000, and at least as new as Server 2008 R2. It probably has a hundred possible improvements. check-in: d94e8ebb7b user: Sysiphus tags: trunk
The beauty of IIS web.config files is they are just text files. This function can be used to update values such as computer names in connection strings or any other matched string. Note that the replace function is case sensitive. check-in: 806fbf1bed user: anonymous tags: trunk
Export all ASP generated events in the application event log to a .evtx file. Note that a separate file will be made for each “provider” or .Net version installed. check-in: cb62e84930 user: anonymous tags: trunk
Site Collection by Site Collection backup of SharePoint 2010 Farm. Script is as is and use at your discretion. I take no credit for the script, other than modifying it for my purposes. I took bits of scripts from 2 sites http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Backup-all-collections-in-726514cb and the other i cannot remember. check-in: 04baef5608 user: shilezi tags: trunk
Dynamically adjusts the length of the path displayed in your prompt based upon the width of the window check-in: 565fd57349 user: Andy Levy tags: trunk
Calculate the entropy of a byte array. check-in: b5862a6a9d user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Calculate the entropy of a byte array. check-in: c75b18bd14 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: ab1a4ade44 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: e598f716c2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Audit Folders/Shares and Export to Excel check-in: 8bfefdb13e user: DigitalAsylum tags: trunk
Provides a GUI console for creating single or multiple folders in the Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Console using a CSV import. Useful in automating bulk folder creations within the Config Manager 2012 SP1 Console. check-in: bb87bf025c user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a Fifteen game on VB.NET. For russian students only;)! check-in: a15111a8ed user: kaktuzzz tags: trunk
Social Media Scripting Framework – Twitter Library check-in: a6e4e0aa14 user: Carlos Veira Lorenzo tags: trunk
This is my first attempt at simulating Conway’s ‘the game of life’ in powershell. check-in: 4a984d1650 user: sqlchow tags: trunk
The function queries any CIM server, called CIMOM, that supports the CIM-XML interface. It creates an XML message to encapsulate the CIM query, converts the message to byte stream and then sends it using HTTP POST method. The response byte stream is converted back to XML message and name value paris are parsed out. SMI-S is an instance of CIM, and is thus also fully supported. check-in: a96423a56e user: Parul Jain tags: trunk
This is old code on C# (written on v2). The code demonstrates how to put the computer into standby, hibernation, how to restart and turn it off (and logoff). check-in: 1e75a9e3ad user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Two functions for create and remove additional drives. check-in: 21461c37d8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++ (v2.03: moved some useless strings). check-in: c19174e091 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Extended version of benae’s script at http://poshcode.org/3979 check-in: 8f0ea49b2f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
HTML report output for all (= default) or specific GPO (piped from Get-GPO) with folder size check-in: fa52fa127a user: chriskenis tags: trunk
function whoami check-in: 9e3dffc1be user: William tags: trunk
R.Vantrease – Function to return the following; DisplayName, Name, Clustered, InstanceID, FileVersion, Version, VirtualName(If Clustered), Instance, Port, ServiceState, ServiceAccount, Edition, AuditLevel, LoginMode, PhysicalMemory, Processors, Product, ProductLevel, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Build, Release, NamedPipesEnabled) check-in: 217b4649d5 user: Rich Vantrease tags: trunk
Function to return the following; DisplayName, Name, Clustered, InstanceID, FileVersion, Version, VirtualName(If Clustered), Instance, Port, ServiceState, ServiceAccount, Edition, AuditLevel, LoginMode, PhysicalMemory, Processors, Product, ProductLevel, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Build, Release, NamedPipesEnabled) check-in: e6aab04b2c user: Rich Vantrease tags: trunk
function Get-MonthAccountCreated check-in: 24b7c5d2d8 user: sepeck tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 4a6e80ee93 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++. check-in: 1df2f3d1c9 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
If you want to get an off site backup of your VM’s but dont have a 2nd office and dont want to rely on tapes, then use Veeam, Amazon AWS and a few powershell snapin’s to get your VM’s into the cloud. This solution costs a fraction of a DR budget and the VM’s can be powered on and running in an hour. check-in: 8e2ca9321e user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
Very simple script that stops a service and waits for it to stop before rebooting. This script can be edited so it runs on every reboot or can be run manually to reboot. check-in: f946d41130 user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
Very simple script that stops a service and waits for it to stop before rebooting. This script can be edited so it runs on ever reboot or its run to reboot. check-in: f174b5db95 user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
Upload bucnh of files to SVN repository check-in: 949c3cc0e7 user: benduru tags: trunk
(Fun)Function to create a random list of Names (surname, givenname). check-in: 0e748e1e45 user: baschuel tags: trunk
This is a Windows startup script with pop-up notification and checks to assure things are not executed if already running or set. It can be run as a personal startup script or as a domain startup (with some editing). It’s an updated version of the one I posted here previously. check-in: 515725e399 user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
Use this function to send an HTML Formatted Email that is based on an XSLT template. This function is based on a blog post by Erik McCarty (http://ewmccarty.spaces.live.com). check-in: 8c49654155 user: Enter your zip code here tags: trunk
I’ve tweaked New-SshSession to read the default prompt, means you can just New-SshSession; Invoke-Ssh ls … and go on with life. check-in: c64fa71706 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
extract unique list of ip addresses from single or mulitple smtp logfiles (w3svc) check-in: 65d89cea80 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
This function allows you to search AD for computers by computer name. Once you find the computer you want it displays info about that computer to you. The info is: Name, IP, OS, exc… check-in: ca33ab2fa2 user: TONYBOB tags: trunk
This script will rename a sequenced set of files in a directory. check-in: 9b3ed7a505 user: Sean Wendt tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: 0077c4df4b user: Jeff B tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=EXCHANGELABS_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=5db7eb6d37784f2eaccf09b2f90b75e8-katstewart+40coca-cola+2Ecom@namprd07.prod.outlook.com check-in: d947569b8d user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
This Script will create a csv file with all the users that are disabled in AD but still have licenses in Office 365, it will then email the script out and perform a clean up. check-in: 0ca6474e6d user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
This code can be added to an AWS instance to set the default password of an EC2 instance. It stops the need for using keys to set the windows password. It needs to be set in the “User Data” section when building the Instance. check-in: eafd2db9f5 user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
If you need to migrate a VM to a different Datastore but do not have the vMotion license (cant migrate while the VM is powered on), this script can be scheduled to run out of hours and will move the VM’s Datastore and set the disk to thin prov check-in: 22a0afdd0e user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
Winter Scripting Games 2013 – Practice Event #1 check-in: 6a76286f46 user: LazyWinAdmin tags: trunk
Winter Scripting Games 2013 – Practice Event #1 check-in: f84b951c2d user: LazyWinAdmin tags: trunk
A demo for some fun native-console hooking in PowerShell ISE check-in: 8447c10e3c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Performs the functional equivalent of a Hyper-V Quick Migration by suspending a VM, moving it to a new host, and resuming it. This does not require vMotion licensing. It works by providing required VM objects via the pipeline or the second argument, and specifying the Destination host in the first argument, so you can use whatever query you want to build a list of VM’s to send to the command. check-in: 29fbd0a92b user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
This function allows you to search AD for computers by computer name. Once you find the computer you want it displays info about that computer to you. The info is: Name, IP, OS, exc… check-in: 6f0359ab62 user: D-Money tags: trunk
I really am still working on this replacement for the WASP module ;-) check-in: 08f5bca9ff user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A module to let you fetch and read help for modules you don’t have! Now Get-ModuleHelp works without specifying the ModuleName, and you can easily fetch help for modules from remote servers. check-in: 40eefd71d4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This complete module greatly facilitates backing up your Hyper-V virtual machines. check-in: 0aa2eb1e04 user: Joel Webster tags: trunk
A complete set of XML functionality (especially if you don’t have PSCX), including reading and writing xml files (import-xml, export-xml), selecting (via xpath), updating, transforming and creating new xml documents. check-in: e6a85f2630 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
ye old remote ip config script but now with pipeline processing check-in: 79b9d9ad56 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Want to know what type of access a user has to Exchange server? check-in: e0c0ea4e6b user: Osnilton K M tags: trunk
Basic Cisco UCS fault report check-in: 1abd3bdb7a user: monahancj tags: trunk
EN: Send a webquery to Schoolmaster Magister web service and request data check-in: d76685c844 user: Paul Wiegmans tags: trunk
Convert a raw security descriptor from SDDL form to a parsed security descriptor. check-in: b69247e7ae user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
An upgrade to Joel Bennetts wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: e7d1c75e7c user: Joel Bennett and tags: trunk
Convert a raw security descriptor from SDDL form to a parsed security descriptor. check-in: 33263aa640 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Hello, check-in: dc7e6ce42a user: Brandon Murphy tags: trunk
Get DeviceID of all ActiveSync Devices for all Mailboxes with an ActiveSync partnership, then set the Mailboxes ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs to the retrieved DeviceID. check-in: 2c0c6f581a user: oriyahoo tags: trunk
Creates a backup of the configuration of the network printers on a server or computer and exports it to a csv file. check-in: 7c4beab5f8 user: Ryan Tranchilla tags: trunk
PREVIEW – (STILL) UNFINISHED WORK ;-) check-in: f601c34c51 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A quick and simple module for storing stuff in AppData\Local check-in: 4d3f0b4192 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Comprobamos que SG del mailbox lleva mas de x dias sin hacerse, y de ese lanzamos un full. check-in: 8bae0b81a8 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
En exchange 2007, una vez balanceado el nodo. Es neceario realizar un backup full sobre cada SG. check-in: b0e283b47f user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
Ooops, wrong button. please delete check-in: ac6f5ddc86 user: Jonas Hallqvist tags: trunk
A function/CMDlet that simulates the DU command in Linux/Unix. Descriptions are provided in the Help entry for this module. check-in: bbfa8cb30a user: Jonas Hallqvist tags: trunk
A function/CMDlet that simulates the DU command in Linux/Unix. Descriptions are provided in the Help entry for this module. check-in: 33eaf76a78 user: Jonas Hallqvist tags: trunk
A function/CMDlet that simulates the DU command in Linux/Unix. Descriptions are provided in the Help entry for this module. check-in: ac2f9e259a user: Jonas Hallqvist tags: trunk
Specify target host and root directory. The script will then recursively check for all folders and report on their NTFS permissions. check-in: 5237009a3f user: vidrine tags: trunk
Very simple, basic script to show how you can utilize v3 syntax to build GUIs with very little code… :) Not useful AT ALL. ;) You can move it around with left mouse button and close with right. :) check-in: 7b9f931fd4 user: bielawb tags: trunk
Bootstrap Powershell psake and ‘patch’ it if necessary. Use and modify as desired. check-in: 13b0341cfd user: CodeMonkeyKing tags: trunk
A PowerShell function to test that an antivirus product is working. check-in: db82f31ef1 user: Chris Campbell tags: trunk
A function to invoke a switch statement, in order to allow splatting to be used with switch check-in: 95b875cb88 user: Kyle A Eppler tags: trunk
A PowerShell 2.0 Growl module for Growl For Windows (Updated for PowerShell 2 RTM) check-in: 8f0ad7a67a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0a4fc83312 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Add voice to your Powershell script check-in: 14378326a3 user: Mike Hays tags: trunk
A function that returns the actual URL from a http redirect. Accepts pipeline input but does nothing useful with errors. check-in: 3290977726 user: Chris Campbell tags: trunk
Cmdlets that gets the full path to inkscape.com or inkscape.exe and the directory InkScape is installed to. check-in: afb311d0a6 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Script to open IE to a video of Rick Astley (or any specified URL) check-in: 8a3036260b user: obscuresec tags: trunk
Quick and dirty script retrieves vmware host with a specific network and change the subnet of each guest. Does not work if there are 2 ip addresses defined on one NIC, but since there was only one of those servers i could not bother to adapt the script :) check-in: 354f12a96e user: Ton Siemons tags: trunk
This is a very quick and dirty script to import non-exported Machines into hyper-v. For example if you have a data disk with vm’s and your system disk fails. This can “reimport” the machines without need to recreate the virtual machine config with all the work that implies. Switches needs to be recreated in addition to this so network connections will be broken by default. If you have snapshots you will need to add in links and ACLs for that also. Not supported and not recommended for production. check-in: 80c6da1c4c user: unknown tags: trunk
Marshals data from an unmanaged block of memory in an arbitrary process to a newly allocated managed object of the specified type. check-in: 06c5351dc5 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
I wrote this a while back to be able to automate stuff on a hp san and ilo. It’s pretty much mritten ad-hoc so please feel free to improve on it. Anyway, might be useful for someone out there. The function send-command logs on to a telnet server and executes the piped in commands. check-in: 93587d0066 user: TJC57 tags: trunk
I wrote this a while back to be able to automate stuff on a hp san and ilo. It’s pretty much mritten ad-hoc so please feel free to improve on it. Anyway, might be useful for someone out there. The function send-command logs on to a telnet server and executes the piped in commands. check-in: 1dea1d77b3 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Correction of : Creates directories for every day within a given time period. check-in: d0f9097407 user: dirdays tags: trunk
Get-NTStatusException returns a friendly error message based on the NTSTATUS code passed in. This function is useful when interacting with Windows Native API functions with NTSTATUS return codes. check-in: 35748ffb57 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Get DeviceID of all ActiveSync Devices for all Mailboxes with an ActiveSync partnership, then set the Mailboxes ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs to the retrieved DeviceID. check-in: fa805a7956 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: b1bdbee710 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This function get the local group membership on a local or remote computer using ADSI/WinNT. By default the function will run on the localhost ($env:computername) and will query the group “Administrators”. check-in: a80116d57b user: LazyWinAdmin tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 1aa17a756d user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: 31ef79ef2c user: anti121 tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: ba082d03b5 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Copy Data between Folders including a Progressbar check-in: c099fcf2e0 user: unknown tags: trunk
Wrapper script for executing a T-SQL call and optionally returning a delimited file. Informational/Error messages are written to the Application EventLog. Purpose of script is run T-SQL commands from external scheduler (UniCenter, AutoSys, etc.), log messages to EventLog and return success/failed status. check-in: 5c7cca79fb user: dolmer tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: e15d353ba9 user: kevinslade tags: trunk
13vIQtSdw25DI check-in: ed3a26d936 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Create Excel list of File Shares from Remote Windows Server (PoSH one-liner) check-in: 8ba8bbf396 user: therobotdave tags: trunk
Print variables defined in the script (excludes global vars) check-in: 84ed7f4fde user: Ryan Smith tags: trunk
A crazy example of how you can extend PowerShell! This has two options for getting full help: check-in: d16ed61474 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerShell Script to verify Process Count Check & Email alert check-in: 53ae7a8884 user: Sankeerth Ankala tags: trunk
clear exchange 2003 attributes from AD users check-in: f3fb19edbd user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Simple function that pings a host and returns a boolean. check-in: 42aae22a1e user: mafpc366 tags: trunk
Place this at the head of a ps1 script to ensure that if it’s run in a 32 bit shell (like the NuGet package manage console for example) that it will be relaunched in a 64 bit powershell process, and will it will also pass along any arguments to the child process (please use primitives like string, bool etc for arguments as they are being marshaled to another win32 process – live objects will not work.) check-in: f2fb0a898e user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Functions for entering and exiting an activation context. This provides support for registration free COM in PowerShell. check-in: a2df8f96f8 user: Adam Driscoll tags: trunk
It just needs presents under it… check-in: 8df3483777 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Generates a self-signed certificate authority and a code-signing certificate using OpenSSL check-in: 7e01cd8242 user: Anton Yordanov tags: trunk
Generates a self-signed certificate authority and a code-signing certificate using OpenSSL check-in: 3cc3a1f107 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Do you create javascripts outside of visual studio and are constantly forgetting to include them? Does that break your deployments or automated build? This script will check your csproj file and your scripts directory and let you know which javascripts are missing from your csproj. check-in: a75a024fc9 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Add entries to the Windows hosts file. The function checks first to see if the entry exists in the file. If the entry does not exist, the function adds the entry and verifies it was added. Please feel free to add improvements. The function Utility.Time-Stamp is another helper function I use to denote the current Time. It can be found here: http://poshcode.org/2795. check-in: aa54bb3306 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
Killing processes in disconnected terminal service sessions check-in: 78976b8a35 user: unknown tags: trunk
When moving very large mailboxes, the connection can time out. check-in: 903dd8fc89 user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
Script to replace special quote characters when copy – pasting from Word or from blogs. check-in: 8320dbe74c user: P Sczepanski tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on top of other windows check-in: 205e1e6d44 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
If this helps you, please tweet it! check-in: 89be2d485a user: Matt Schmitt tags: trunk
Uses the Cisco UCS PowerTool (http://developer.cisco.com/web/unifiedcomputing/pshell-download) to list server names, NICs and associated VLANs. Goes well piped out to format-table -auto Server, Vnic, Vlan check-in: db2530cc5b user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Function to download the current Sysinternals Tools from: http://live.sysinternals.com check-in: 981e3f60d5 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature – interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++ (some bugs fixed). check-in: 21d63f9e16 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This file was too large, i guess i need to post it some where else. check-in: 2c0227bbc5 user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
When moving very large mailboxes, the connection can time out. check-in: 52b3efa1e0 user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
Please: If you download and like, please tweet it. check-in: 33ebfc84aa user: Matt Schmitt tags: trunk
With the ablity to change between core, minimal, and GUI as the interface with Windows Server 2012, I put this together to make it easy to switch between the different types. It will install or uninstall the necessary features to get to state that you supply the script. check-in: 70dd0c997f user: Na_pope tags: trunk
If you download or use, please tweet it or email me. Thanks! check-in: e4a4d60412 user: Matt Schmitt tags: trunk
Script for forwarding and unforwarding email in Office 365. This script makes doing the tasks easier, without having to use OWA. It saves time by not have to go into OWA to forward an email, when I get the request. I’m new at PowerShell (taking my first class next week), so I know there might be better ways of doing this. However, this works for me and I think it I did pretty good for just starting out. check-in: b0b7db4fe9 user: Matt Schmitt tags: trunk
Never fails a user calls in or enters a helpdesk ticket with, I cant log in. This is a script provides everything I need to determine why: Password Expired? Account Locked? If Locked, which DCs? Are there other users that are locked, that havent noticed yet? check-in: 7bc0a8763b user: Matt Schmitt tags: trunk
clear exchange 2003 attributes from AD users check-in: 7ee8c075c5 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
get and or set proxy thru remote registry check-in: a29144b509 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
This update adds an indicator (” *”) in the format file for the default parameter set. check-in: 8cd1d3baf7 user: JasonMArcher tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 19a67c8613 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 5ed4562f69 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=Hong+20Leong+20Intercompany_ou=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=Office365+20RichardLoh@apcprd03.prod.outlook.com check-in: c710d3c565 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Convert-SchemaGUID allows to convert the Active Directory Schema GUID or AD Extended Rights GUID to convert to readable name. check-in: 39ae1cc13a user: P Sczepanski tags: trunk
Search-AD without need to install Quest Active Role commandlets or install Active Directory Management Gateway. check-in: 14f6e965be user: P Sczepanski tags: trunk
Comprobamos el estado de los cluster de windows. check-in: 4827fc1928 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
Sacamos un listado de los mailbox en una organizacion exchange 2007. Y realizamos una compresion del resultado check-in: 5263657ad5 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
Sacamos el numero de dispositivos active sync en una organizacion exchange 2007. check-in: 8de4976c10 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
This function runs a T-SQL Statment and output an object with the T-SQL Print Messages using .NET Events check-in: 80d59ce619 user: Laerte Junior tags: trunk
This function runs a T-SQL Statment and output an object with the T-SQL Print Messages using SMO Events check-in: 4463758396 user: Laerte Junior tags: trunk
This function runs a T-SQL Statment and output an object with the T-SQL Print Messages using SMO Events check-in: b26cab665e user: unknown tags: trunk
Exchange Automatic Replies Administrator – A GUI Front-end to the Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration and Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration cmdlet available in Exchange 2010. This script mimics the GUI available in Outlook. Perfect for Helpdesk or Sysadmins that hate the command-line, but want an easy way to set another users’ Automatic Replies (Out of Office) status. Has not been tested with Exchange 2013. Works in PowerShell 2.0 and 3.0. It currently requires the Management Tools be installed on the same computer as the script. check-in: 153df5dd2b user: Bryan Jaudon tags: trunk
get Mailbox Store Info per Exchange 2003 server check-in: 8ef77684a4 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Finds and Replaces multiple entries, in multiple files. check-in: 4c589ecce8 user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
The Install-ISPackage script installs an Dtsx file to a SQL Server store using the command-line utility dtutil. check-in: 1d1cb81132 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 7d9e70c212 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
[One-liner] Sets all the local adapters to point to OpenDns.org’s DNS Servers check-in: e3ae34a7a9 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Backs up the configuration of a Cisco UCS 61xx/62xx fabric interconnect using the Cisco PowerTool cmdlets. Designed to run as a scheduled task. Instructions are included in the script. Brief blog post at http://batchlife.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/powershell-script-to-backup/ . You’ll have to make the usual changes to directories, email addresses, etc. Hopefully I didn’t make the instructions more confusing when I sanitized the script for server names and the like. check-in: 64bb10f3b5 user: monahancj tags: trunk
This script is intended to use IIS logs to audit OWA/Activesync logs for syncing of mail from an iPhone or a palm device. This script is not perfect, nor the prettiest thing in the world but it works. It could be further added to parse for windows mobile devices. If it was really slick it would grab all the unique values in the DeviceType= portion and then automatically include all mobile types. You can email the results to yourself in $To varible. check-in: 26cd5d9f31 user: Dan Dill tags: trunk
Takes file-name and outputs fileobject with two more properties check-in: ef71ff2026 user: Stan Miller tags: trunk
Get-installed is a powershell cmdlet for examining installed applications check-in: fc9ed91a90 user: Stan Miller tags: trunk
Invoke-ISPackage.ps1 script is a wrapper around dtexec.exe to run an SSIS package. check-in: e84577517b user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Invoke-SqlCmdExes.ps1 script is a wrapper around sqlcmd.exe to run a T-SQL query or stored procedure and optionally outputs to a file. check-in: caf2ee3f96 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This scripts converts Raw SID such as 010500000000000515000000A065CF7E784B9B5FE77C8770091C0100 into a standard SID output such as S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-72713 check-in: 04dc7222fe user: Francisco Puig D tags: trunk
This scripts converts Raw SID such as 010500000000000515000000A065CF7E784B9B5FE77C8770091C0100 into a standard SID output such as S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-72713 check-in: fdb37afb26 user: Francisco Puig D tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 2286a0e324 user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 3a85a46616 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
A function for recursively getting a list of unique users that are members of a Domain Group. check-in: 319bbaa1c1 user: z3r0c00l12 tags: trunk
A function for recursively getting a list of unique users that are members of a Domain Group. check-in: 36c9439bd2 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
A bunch of functions for working with .ini files… (Updated to gracefully handle ini files with only one section by detecting if $sections is an array of matches or just a single match) check-in: b303c2ef5e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: 82c31debbb user: kevinslade tags: trunk
This function returns an object that contains all the properties of a user object. This function works for small groups as well as groups in excess of 1000. check-in: d42afbbcfc user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
The Install-ISPackage script installs an Dtsx file to a SQL Server store using the command-line utility dtutil. check-in: 3e7ee019ba user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Takes file-name and outputs fileobject with two more properties check-in: 03b59828d8 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-installed is a powershell cmdlet for examining installed applications check-in: a42db539b4 user: Stan Miller tags: trunk
Get-Attachments from Lotus Notes Mail database. It will go through all the email for “today” and download it to a folder you specify. check-in: 0e47deeb55 user: Chris Weislak tags: trunk
This module provides two functions: check-in: 461ba29223 user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
For PowerShell 3: Export and Import DefaultParameterValues, optionally overwrite existing ones check-in: 99134354a4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
find combination of files in combination of folders check-in: 0ef3ee1316 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
find combination of files in combination of folders check-in: e4c1198220 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Displays Capslock status icon in the Taskbar Notification area. Shows balloon tip if status has been changed. check-in: 6ff57c866f user: Bryan Jaudon tags: trunk
Displays Numlock status icon in the Taskbar Notification area. Shows balloon tip if status has been changed. check-in: eabfd33df2 user: Bryan Jaudon tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 6283f8d36b user: tomas tags: trunk
GUI front-end for Send-MailMessage set up as a Testing program. Useful for Email Administrators who want to send a quick test email. check-in: 2c1bdf5f5a user: Bryan Jaudon tags: trunk
Export top n consuming sqlplans via avg_worker_time (=cpu) for all databases of a given SQLServer (SQL2005+) Instance check-in: 28bd0e407c user: alzdba tags: trunk
IronPython script for retrieving MS products. There is how to get Windows key in following example. check-in: e39607e156 user: Mark NElson tags: trunk
Export top n consuming sqlplans via avg_worker_time (=cpu) for all databases of a given SQLServer (SQL2005+) Instance check-in: 56512e66c1 user: alzdba tags: trunk
This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature – interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++. check-in: c1affaced5 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature – interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++. check-in: 66f4210ed4 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
An example of a script method with mandatory parameters check-in: 74e86b403a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
An example of a script method with mandatory parameters check-in: 4988bc5dc7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get information about free/used space on Windows server mount points (regular drives are also supported) using Get-MountPointData — click that link for more information. check-in: 08fe85df98 user: Joakim Svendsen tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 0d405cad1a user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. check-in: 26045bddce user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. check-in: 7845b25bf2 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
bullshit check-in: d52e664b8e user: unknown tags: trunk
Shows information about locally installed help files for your modules, alongside the available version online should you run update-help. This is for powershell 3.0 only. With thanks to Shay and Alexandair for useful snippets. check-in: e2440df4aa user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
A bunch of functions for working with .ini files… check-in: de32d3a417 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get items from SharePoint Lists check-in: ecde9fba0f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to compare result sets from SQL Server queries. I wrote it to help with ensuring that original and modified code returned the same results. Currently only works with similarly shaped results sets (i.e. those with the same number of columns). check-in: bc3ff32d53 user: Josh Feierman tags: trunk
Check Hyper-V Settings for Time Synchronization Status from within a VM Hosted on a Hyper-V Host check-in: 87a7d51616 user: Vinith Menon tags: trunk
A script which wraps some magic modes for merging folder trees around Copy-Item. There is no overwrite or keep newest version, dont copy empty folders and some options to control the logging of the operation. It is intended run with PowerShell V2 and V3. I intend to blog about it after intense testing on http://pauerschell.blogspot.de/ check-in: 10c3b577f6 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A script which wraps some magic modes for merging folder trees around Copy-Item. There is ‘no overwrite’ or keep newest version, don’t copy empty folders and some options to control the logging of the operation. It is intended run with PowerShell V2 and V3. I intend to blog about it after intense testing on http://pauerschell.blogspot.de/ check-in: d0a1352ea5 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Takes a fixed format CSV and pumps out clones from a template. Easily modified to do clones of a VM or create new VMs. Some of the restrictions mentioned in the notes appear to be fixed with VMware ESX v4.1. check-in: fbc07d08a9 user: monahancj tags: trunk
A pure console screen saver in the vein of the popular CMatrix x-term screensaver. PowerShell 2.0 module, see blog post: http://goo.gl/5QkI5 check-in: ea7e54f7e8 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Gathers data from Exchange mailbox servers. check-in: 23ba8313db user: Karl Mitschke tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: 59610dd12a user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 06130444a6 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is a script to remove empty folders from a drive. I used it when i had to clear up a shared drive from a former company. check-in: b361446c1f user: Trevor Wilson tags: trunk
#Ty Lopes – Calgary – Oct 2012 check-in: be72d2dda1 user: Ty Lopes tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: 7ff0fcca73 user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
Writes log files in a System Center format, readable by Trace32. I haven’t yet tested functionality with CMTrace, but based on what I can find, it should work. check-in: 7f2003e53c user: John Bruckler tags: trunk
Its about time I added something to this site instead of leaching all of the great scripts. check-in: 1acc262ee5 user: Ty Lopes tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: fa3c1abee5 user: roger tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: 5407dd4c39 user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: fc6d1fd882 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: 6c1403f7da user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Inverts the mouse wheel scrolling in Windows (to match the way it works in OS X) check-in: 1e20d778f6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The Split-Job function provides easy multithreading at the command line or in a script. It was created from a system administrator’s point of view and is compatible with PS v1. Supports importing functions, variables and snapins. For history and background please visit http://www.jansveld.net/powershell. check-in: 9befcf55f0 user: Stephen Mills tags: trunk
Enumerate users of a given local group. Uses WMI. Outputs strings, sorry about that. check-in: 555bc2d1b6 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Gathers and sorts all of the service profile associations for a list of UCS clusters. Very handy for scanning growing UCS environments for all of your associations. check-in: 043ca8ab1a user: Josh Atwell tags: trunk
Function will combine common .CSV files into one large file. CSV files expect to have same header. check-in: d508e57cb4 user: Josh Atwell tags: trunk
validate cmdlet and function check-in: a306414d20 user: Walid Toumi tags: trunk
Functions to view/enable/disable LDAP query logging on a DC and parse eventlog message from logged queries. check-in: 9eab1ff081 user: Patrick Sczepanski tags: trunk
Functions to view/enable/disable LDAP query logging on a DC and parse eventlog message from logged queries. check-in: 9e30e7fb17 user: Patrick Sczepanski tags: trunk
I wrote this scrip to find and zip database trace files. There are switch parameters to search subdirectories recursively as well as removing the original trace file. check-in: a2f13573dc user: Kevin Bullen tags: trunk
Use of export-csv -Append check-in: 1893f17544 user: unknown tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 9dfdb300d0 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Ever wonder what kind of chassis your computer thinks it’s running on? Have a need to know if you’re RDP’d into a physical or virtual system? This script can probably answer the question for you. This script was adapted to PowerShell from a VBScript I’ve had for a while. It uses WMI to determine the Chassis type and translates the reported numerical code into decipherable text. – Thought i would rewrite this code using the switch function rather than elseif. Easier to read and less code to write. check-in: c8b468eb6d user: Owen08 tags: trunk
I needed to deploy some DLLs to patch a program. This will copy files to a computer and log it in excel. The logging is the only weak link in this script because it uses the credentials of what ever user is running the script. I even included a backout function in the event you need to revert your changes. check-in: d35d31f137 user: HughS tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: 3eaa64d1e9 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: 3ee247e3b5 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: 40bb918380 user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
Hello, check-in: 84664cf181 user: Brandon Murphy tags: trunk
Provides same functionality as cliconfg.exe GUI. Although there is a WMI provider to add client network aliases, the differences between SQL version make it diffult to use. This method creates the registry key. check-in: 8365332841 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Quickly convert a .NET type’s static methods into functions. (bugfix update: $type.Name -> $type.FullName) check-in: 15cfef6a99 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
copy, clean and dedup DNS zones, working code, check-in: 2687b81a39 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
copy, clean and dedup DNS zones, working code, check-in: 9a58bd630b user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Get-Parameter is used to obtain all of the parameters for a cmdlet. It also returns info like aliases and whether a parameter is mandatory. check-in: 24cc8a3de2 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Quickly convert a .NET type’s static methods into functions. check-in: ac4d3996c9 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Trim working set for a PID. check-in: 597db2ff55 user: SunnyChakraborty tags: trunk
Report-RecipientCounts.ps1 check-in: 97d21c7260 user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
Queries the Dell Website for a list of service tags and returns the warranty information as a custom object. check-in: a1fea14f3e user: jasser tags: trunk
Queries the Dell Website for a list of service tags and returns the warranty information as a custom object. check-in: 8843904c8e user: jgrote tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 99402f52da user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script removes all existing permissions and assigns the appropriate domain permissions. Also the Owner is set to BUILTIN\Administrators check-in: 8111debbb4 user: Littlegun tags: trunk
Completely redoes Home Directory Perms check-in: 9687c8b381 user: Littlegun tags: trunk
Checks all Exchange Queues in an Organization check-in: e782ebaf66 user: Littlegun tags: trunk
This script checks services on Exchange Servers and restarts them if needed. check-in: 2e557b8b9e user: Littlegun tags: trunk
A few helper functions for generating some random data (in some specific formats/types) check-in: 5d08cddd6e user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Improved version of http://poshcode.org/2352. Nobody seems to know how that should be used. See also MSDN for FindPrivateKey documentation. check-in: 4cd367d5a9 user: HQJaTu tags: trunk
The kitchen timer with a kitchen sink -full of features check-in: 0931e661d0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 9f1b4e7c01 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
A script for creating clones of one or more svn repositories. It can only clone multiple repositories if they only differ by one substring (e.g. they all are svn repos on google code, sourceforge, codeplex, or some other forge.) check-in: abaf38da37 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: 10421cf32d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
viewAllTemplate.ps1 check-in: 31dde5f63e user: brodobrey tags: trunk
createSiteFromTemplate.ps1 check-in: 046f32d9a7 user: brodobrey tags: trunk
tst.ps1 check-in: 3b705f42b6 user: brodobrey tags: trunk
CreateSite_tmp.ps1 check-in: 67f268956f user: brodobrey tags: trunk
Disable-SSLValidation is built as a workaround for Invoke-WebRequest errors when attempting to get content from a site using a self-signed SSL certificate. check-in: 5cb40bb314 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
This is a script which I have used to prepare my lab environment with Hyper-V 3.0. I have updated the script after upgrading my test machines to Windows Server 2012 RTM last night. (9/5/2012) check-in: eb28ea6752 user: Huajun Gu tags: trunk
This is a script which I have used to prepare my lab environment with Hyper-V 3.0. I have updated the script after upgrading my test machines to Windows Server 2012 RTM. The example shows how to create a virtual machine on a remote Hyper-V server. check-in: 8b7cf1a8d8 user: Huajun Gu tags: trunk
This is a script which I have used to prepare my lab environment with Hyper-V 3.0. I have updated the script after upgrading my test machines to Windows Server 2012 RTM. The example shows how to create a virtual machine on a remote Hyper-V server. check-in: ae1afec0b2 user: Huajun Gu tags: trunk
This function performs an ROBOCOPY command with the well known parameters `Source`, `Target`, `Files` and `Optinos`. The ROBOCOPY result is converted to a easy to read PSObject. check-in: 955339d76f user: Claudio Spizzi tags: trunk
Disable-SSLValidation is built as a workaround for Invoke-WebRequest errors when attempting to get content from a site using a self-signed SSL certificate. check-in: bbf1a0f8a6 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Retrieves from a list of SamAccountName (txtfile) the accounts that are disabled in a forest. check-in: 85a9016cf7 user: Cisco tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: 06130613db user: Robert tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: cc4661a6f6 user: Robert tags: trunk
Script courtesy of Jaykul, I’m just reposting. This script will decode the passwords for all accounts in the Psi profile labeled “default”. check-in: fdc189f288 user: jvarga tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 55eb9b9502 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Uses cdb.exe from the Debugging Tools for Windows to create a sample-based check-in: e653c203fa user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
The script takes about 100 counter paths, and pushes the raw value to a mongo database. check-in: a04c0d0ad0 user: SunnyChakraborty tags: trunk
Insert event logs to mongodb. check-in: 574d149d86 user: SunnyChakraborty tags: trunk
This function creates or updates a combined Startmenu folder, which you can attach to you toolbar (cf. http://www.howtogeek.com/107711/how-to-get-the-classic-start-menu-back-in-windows-8/) or my blog http://pauerschell.blogspot.de/ check-in: 1c1f43e054 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Finds the datastore within a cluster with the most free space. check-in: 4f595f5059 user: monahancj tags: trunk
This script takes a list of Active Directory security group membership from XML, checks a baseline, and emails results. Code can be taken from this to create the baseline XML as well. Thanks to A.Metzger for fixing empty group membership bug. check-in: 95f5ba38d2 user: Steve Jarvi tags: trunk
Report on all email addresses per mailbox. Optionally remove regex matched addresses. Add any custom address thru parsing any prefix in the loop of SMTP domains. check-in: 80f40ccd4d user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: bcdee50046 user: Ermias tags: trunk
This script is called from a scheduled task running under an account with the recipient role. Gets identities from a distribution group in AD, here named xc2010move but it can be anything you like. This way anyone with permissions to add users to this group can initialize a migration and with the right permissions users can even add themselves to this group (add\remove Self as member). check-in: 42e7189f23 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
This function/script monitors the size of a file and all of its sub-directories. It can also monitor one specific file but the user must specifiy the exact path in that case. Usefull for making sure that disk space on a server doesn’t fill up unexpectedly. check-in: 8248ea8d09 user: Paul Kiri tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 54aab29100 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: c2e19ff594 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Rewrite of http://poshcode.org/3460. check-in: b04b1e0acf user: Jules_74 tags: trunk
a function to batch import Exchange 2010 GAL photos… find the related post on ntsystems.it: http://www.ntsystems.it/post.aspx?id=e28854e0-e628-4fc7-850b-83d0458d9ab7 check-in: 1db9955228 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
Rewrite of http://poshcode.org/3460. check-in: 7a7e02277c user: Jules_74 tags: trunk
DHCP Failover/Watchdog script. check-in: 10bace1eaa user: vocatus tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 3c0f6b194a user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
this script is called from a scheduled task running under an account with the recipient role check-in: 936c28d3d8 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
A complete set of XML functionality (especially if you don’t have PSCX), including reading and writing xml files (import-xml, export-xml), selecting (via xpath), updating, transforming and creating new xml documents. check-in: 60d18e914d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a VERY simple Powershell Function to test if the SCCM 2007 Agent is installed on a machine or not. check-in: a59be25842 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
A function to facilitate use of background runspaces in Powershell. check-in: 95db35bd32 user: Josh Feierman tags: trunk
This clock is digital. No fancy sweeping movements and animations here, but you do get to see the date and day of the week, and you can easily play with fonts and colors to suit your desktop … check-in: a4719dea5a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a sample profile to explain profiles on my blog. Please check out: http://www.ntsystems.it/post/My-PowerShell-Profile.aspx if you have any idea/hint/question check-in: d5e08d4017 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
A ShowUI function for generating Mailboxes with a quick form check-in: e4a89f4b73 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
a WMI driven script to set IP Configuration from remote check-in: 6525a51b0d user: chriskenis tags: trunk
user home drive migration script (in progress but nearly complete) check-in: 414158ae99 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
user home drive migration script (in progress but nearly complete) check-in: cbb0bd56d9 user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Invoke the specified command (with parameters) in cmd.exe, and import any environment variable changes back to PowerShell check-in: fb117a5b7b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
ConvertFrom-PropertyString 3.0 can convert ini files, property files, and other flat key-value data strings into PSObjects. check-in: e39fed5cfe user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
IronPython script for retrieving MS products. There is how to get Windows key in following example. check-in: f9cb97bacb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
a WMI driven script to set IP Configuration from remote check-in: 94edb2936f user: chriskenis tags: trunk
Content of the Get-PingStatus-Help.xml file uploaded for Kirk for troubleshooting reasons check-in: f69afba9b0 user: Andreas tags: trunk
Add directory to Environment PATH variable permanently. Apply changes immediately without requiring reboot. check-in: a5c69e2866 user: mnaoumov tags: trunk
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO. check-in: 9a2be276e7 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 671bc3e861 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Hello check-in: fac0114a95 user: Brandon Murphy tags: trunk
Replaces Get-Credential, with options to set the dialog title and message, as well as defaulting the domain and username, and offering the option to prompt in-line in the console, and to get generic (non-domain) credentials (without a leading “\”). Better in every way than the built-in Get-Credential ;) check-in: 84cc739e6d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Replaces Get-Credential, with options to set the dialog title and message, as well as defaulting the domain and username, and offering the option to prompt in-line in the console, and to get generic (non-domain) credentials (without a leading “\”). Better in every way than the built-in Get-Credential ;) check-in: a23c0d575a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This code allows for the secure storing of an active directory password and then using it for connecting to exchange or active directory. This snippet will prompt the administrator for a username only, collect the password from the securely stored file, and then assemble a powershell credential object for use. check-in: bc818c1049 user: Lubinski tags: trunk
This code allows for the secure storing of an active directory password and then using it for connecting to exchange or active directory. This snippet will prompt the administrator for a username only, collect the password from the securely stored file, and then assemble a powershell credential object for use. check-in: 6dd5ad9bd6 user: Lubinski tags: trunk
Calculates the Gregorian Easter date for a given year. check-in: edcaaf78f8 user: michaelvdnest tags: trunk
Calculates the Julian Easter date in the Julian calendar for a given year. check-in: 5471048556 user: michaelvdnest tags: trunk
Requires mGet-DatastoreList.ps1 check-in: 57dbd74b9a user: monahancj tags: trunk
A version of the VMware Get-Datastore cmdlet that filters out datastore we don’t want to put VMs on. It filters by type of datastore and our naming conventions for the datastore naming indicating what kind of data is on the datastore. Line 9 will have to be updated for your own environment. check-in: efee04ebc2 user: monahancj tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: 9f4f5a5f66 user: anti121 tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: c36d638731 user: anti121 tags: trunk
Compare the ACLs for two users for a folder tree check-in: dd0d96baa9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: e189cb9f10 user: Test1 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 4c784d478c user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Performs a binary rotate right operation on an unsigned 32 or 64-bit value. check-in: 1bfed5b501 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: 8ab8c5bdf3 user: navadavuluri tags: trunk
The script requires an input file, supplied as an argument to the script. The first line of this file contains an email address, subsequent lines contain VM names, one per line. The script connects to vCenter, queries for given performance stats (get-stat) and then generates a HTML report, which is then emailed to the recipient. The script can be scheduled via scheduled tasks (when supplied with a credential file for vCenter created with http://poshcode.org/3487) or run interactively. check-in: f11dee136d user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
Get DeviceID of all ActiveSync Devices for all Mailboxes with an ActiveSync partnership, then set the Mailboxes ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs to the retrieved DeviceID. check-in: 59784c7271 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
Get DeviceID of all ActiveSync Devices for all Mailboxes with an ActiveSync partnership, then set the Mailboxes ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs to the retrieved DeviceID. check-in: 0023bf94e6 user: thomas torggler tags: trunk
With this function I can switch between IE and Firefox as default browser. It is just a start. There might be some more registry keys to be changed check-in: 388cd2cdc9 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: ac82becfa1 user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
**Modified line 49 to output the log information in tab delimited format for export to a CSV file. check-in: e61ad5494b user: Pat Richard tags: trunk
Quest – Dynamic Group 005 – Convert Normal Group to a Dynamic Group check-in: 7bdfca1c37 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Quest – Dynamic Group 004 – Display a Dynamic Group’s Queries (membership rules) check-in: 7438fc5391 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Quest – Dynamic Group 003 – Modify a Query (membership rule) in a Dynamic Group check-in: f3181b36da user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Quest – Dynamic Group 002 – Add a Query (membership rule) to a Dynamic Group check-in: 870b15f4f5 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Quest – Dynamic Group 001 – Convert Normal Group to a Dynamic Group check-in: 2904e00e3d user: Vidrine tags: trunk
This script takes a list of Active Directory security group membership from XML, checks a baseline, and emails results. Code can be taken from this to create the baseline XML as well. Thanks to Koldkutspecial for fixing empty group membership bug. check-in: 186c23d9ce user: Steve Jarvi tags: trunk
The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) check-in: f9dc73f554 user: Dormidont tags: trunk
The script requires an input file, supplied as an argument to the script. The first line of this file contains an email address, subsequent lines contain VM names, one per line. The script connects to vCenter, queries for given performance stats (get-stat) and then generates a HTML report, which is then emailed to the recipient. The script can be scheduled via scheduled tasks (when supplied with a credential file for vCenter created with http://poshcode.org/3487) or run interactively. check-in: e969913d92 user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 4d24959588 user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 4079a44a52 user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: 527f097916 user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
The script saves a username and password, encrypted with a custom key to to a file. The key is coded into the script but can be changed if required. The key allows the password to be decrypted by any user who has the key, on any machine. If the key parameter is omitted from ConvertFrom-SecureString, only the user who generated the file on the computer that generated the file can decrypt the password. check-in: c627d3e4c1 user: Samuel Mulhearn tags: trunk
This script will disable all Active Directory User accounts that have not logged in within the number of days specified by the $NumDays variable. All accounts that are disabled are logged in the “Disabled-User-Accounts.log” file created in the local directory. The formatting of the log file is very basic, but effective. check-in: 3fc6b8ff78 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: d5ae11d894 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
This function is prepared for Hyper-V 3.0 since we don’t have a native cmdlet in the module. check-in: ad7e23bc4b user: Huajun Gu tags: trunk
Gets stuff from SharePoint lists and turns it into objects. check-in: 774196cef6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A quick little script to get members of a Distribution Group to sync with MailChimp instead of using Active Directory. check-in: 8932cff6db user: Tozzi June 2012 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0523156306 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
My replacement of Copy-Item addresses 3 problems. 1) if $dest doesn’t exist, it creates a directory 2) $exclude works on all levels 3) It handles wildcards in $src (in the filepart, this extends the solution to 2) in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/731752/exclude-list-in-powershell-copy-item-does-not-appear-to-be-working. Wildcards in the directory part of $dest are supported, but I do not recommend this use. This is a workaround for my personal needs, it does not try to use include. Note this solves the defect of Get-Childitem which doesn’t return the relative path and the object simultaneously in case of wildcards in $path. check-in: d6d2ebe7d5 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 25427a51c1 user: malay tags: trunk
Check if PowerShell version 3 or higher is installed check-in: e8ffec08a6 user: Adam Mendoza tags: trunk
A complete set of XML functionality (especially if you don’t have PSCX), including reading and writing xml files (import-xml, export-xml), selecting (via xpath), updating, transforming and creating new xml documents. check-in: 0ea7298389 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A script to help you figure out what scope you are in “right now” (you have to always call it like: . Get-Scope $MyInvocation) check-in: 50f1d3fd5c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The Get-NistNtpServer function retrieves the list of NIST NTP server names, IP addresses, locations, and status. check-in: 156d150312 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
This module provides 3 Cmdlets : Get-Route, Add-Route and Remove-Route. check-in: 3af921fec3 user: fdibot tags: trunk
Just a short function I wrote based on FTP Upload and download examples. Requires and absolute path to the file on the FTP server that you wish to remove i.e. ftp://ftp.someserver.com/filetodelete.txt check-in: 7dc1ce171a user: xandertrystin tags: trunk
PowerShell 3 Script to call a Jira REST Service. Does HTTP BASIC Pre-Authentication (a plain Invoke-RestMethod does not work) check-in: 4bfd364cf7 user: Markus Essl tags: trunk
PowerShell 3 Script to call a Jira REST Service. Does HTTP BASIC Pre-Authentication (a plain Invoke-RestMethod does not work) check-in: ec6b68d90e user: unknown tags: trunk
Returns AD group membership, including nested groupmembership (excluding circular nested groups). check-in: 4cd8841824 user: Jules_74 tags: trunk
A function to be called by ISE AddOnMenu to move files to other tabs (runspaces) check-in: 8819e7ad33 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Simple script to backup DHCP settings and config to a DFS Share. This is coded for an AD Environment that has 1 DHCP on a Domain Controller per Site. It is very easily customized and has very basic error handling. In the case of a DC failure and no System State was backed up, you can get a site up and running atleast. check-in: 5f283a3035 user: VulcanX tags: trunk
Sorry, new to poshcode, I found Joels’ blog and wanted to point out that shifting by 0 bits is not supported by the function, its the pipelin logic handlign at fault really. check-in: 46b05e6335 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This will allow you to create a log to a file share of AD logins. This creates two files one based on logins to the computer, and the other is based on the username. check-in: 4b663721ae user: Alan Oakland tags: trunk
Remove duplicate Notes from Outlook. I had many duplicate notes after a bad sync with my smartphone. This removed them. check-in: 4570bc05ea user: MichaelJ tags: trunk
Use this to view VM that have been decommissioned and turned off for more than 2 weeks so that they can be deleted. check-in: c6a0342d38 user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
A function to test a user’s credentials. Return true/false. Works for local or domain user accounts. check-in: 39baccd671 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries. check-in: eacb1bea28 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: 8d3134f6aa user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Bulk Storage vMotion by cluster (staggered). check-in: 1e100893ae user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
This is a simple weather forecast widget that shows the current temperature and forecast. Don’t forget to change the $woEID to the right one for your location. check-in: f408952c5c user: johnp tags: trunk
Use to get ESXi host versions check-in: dada7f0495 user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: 4283d96d81 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Use to get ESXi host versions check-in: 2a539c90cb user: Clint Jones tags: trunk
Sometimes our terminalserver sessions become unstable, session didn’t check-in: 2d0a0269ee user: unknown tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: d589f58f28 user: Administrator tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 214297fce9 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
Script to loop through text file of servers, check status of SQL Agent Jobs, add to an excel file and email check-in: b11401f8ea user: Rob Sewell tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: a75eea6537 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A function to get a sql connection string in a web.config file check-in: 42824d9520 user: unknown tags: trunk
Takes a series of objects (like the converted input from csv) where there are a series of objects (rows) that actually define the same object, and there is (at least) one property which is a unique identifier (and appears on each object), and there are two properties which are a name and value pair defining additional properties ... and outputs new objects which merge the objects and add the name-value pairs as new properties. check-in: dbb811d9f0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: e46c855d76 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Reflector is no longer free. Except it kind of is. This script will download it for you. Booya! check-in: 5911cd9291 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: f3e0791f89 user: robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: d4606e7662 user: robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 82daefb634 user: robert tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: 25d4df31f1 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Gathers lots of statistics about Exchange 2010 databases, and sends an email with both a html table, and also CSS graphs representing disk usage. check-in: 32da8fe8d4 user: rfoust tags: trunk
This is an advanced function I found that I’ve been using as a Show-Msgbox Function. Enjoy :) check-in: 0fc7ebb4ad user: Dyspareunia tags: trunk
Test md5/sha1/etc file hashes. check-in: 469b45aa4e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates a VMFS datastore via powershell by specifying the target LUN ID check-in: 1389dfb146 user: Ed Goad tags: trunk
Count-CachedMode.ps1 check-in: 6060c30928 user: unknown tags: trunk
Count-CachedMode.ps1 check-in: a93d392d54 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-CASConnectLogEntries.ps1 check-in: 00fc4e85bd user: unknown tags: trunk
I created this function to generate a new PowerShell Script template. It will prompt for the name of the script you want to create (don’t need to add the .ps1 extension) and the email (don’t need to add email) then it will create the template in the C:\Scripts directory (Dir should already exist) check-in: 3863b5ca93 user: Thijs Dirk tags: trunk
second version of set ip config thru WMI, check-in: 06636768cb user: chriskenis tags: trunk
This is a simple weather forecast widget that shows the current temperature and forecast. Don’t forget to change the $woEID to the right one for your location. check-in: 5c9aa0c416 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Load an Excel document into an Excel COM object for processing as input. These functions can be modified to start reading the data at a specified row count. The data/headers do not need be on the first row. check-in: 3c37a6fe43 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 5e46b729b8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Extracts the contents of a ZIP file to a folder check-in: e27f50573e user: Thomas Freudenbe tags: trunk
&#65279;Download video-files from the specified RSS-feed URL, based on HTML scraping and a regular expression for finding the download URL.Joel Bennett`s Get-WebFile function from poshcode.org, which provides progress status during download, is used for downloading the files. check-in: f504417bc1 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Produces HTML report of the NTFS & share permissions for each share on a system. Administrative shares such as admin$ are excluded. check-in: e6f824dca1 user: grolo tags: trunk
This is a personal startup script with pop-up notification and checks to assure things are not already running. check-in: 8f6f95883d user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
16ca876b7bb7ac8c2f362b521a49984d check-in: b12fcb9c87 user: 158815871610 tags: trunk
With help of this function you will be able to force nice display of numeric data. check-in: ee938f8ab4 user: BartekB tags: trunk
Set the resource limits on VMs automatically based on the number of vCPUs and vRAM assigned. This is useful as a preliminary pass at resource tiering. check-in: 807bbcee3c user: Ed Goad tags: trunk
Uses the Cisco UCS PowerTool (http://developer.cisco.com/web/unifiedcomputing/pshell-download) to list server names, NICs and associated VLANs. Goes well piped out to format-table -auto Server, Vnic, Vlan check-in: 716e17d0a3 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This function will run code on a remote computer under the currently logged on user credentials. Knowing there password is not required as it will impersonate the windows token. check-in: a804b75a84 user: Grant Carthew tags: trunk
This function will run code on a remote computer under the currently logged on user credentials. Knowing there password is not required as it will impersonate the windows token. check-in: 137d732c3d user: Adam Listek tags: trunk
This function will run code on a remote computer under the currently logged on user credentials. Knowing there password is not required as it will impersonate the windows token. check-in: 3b13c72c19 user: Adam Listek tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: 457d72673d user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Wrappers for Write-Host and Write-Verbose that support indenting, including automatic indenting based on stack depth. check-in: 16a79a91a6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This scripts converts Raw SID such as 010500000000000515000000A065CF7E784B9B5FE77C8770091C0100 into a standard SID output such as S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-72713 check-in: 7f6956ffbf user: Francisco Puig D tags: trunk
Whois Lookup information returning an OBJECT!!! save as Whois.ps1 and run at your leisure check-in: b37cd54b2d user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
This ASP page takes an input from a form from a html page. The input is the displayname (or part of a displayname) of an account in Active Directory. It returns a number of fields, but the one I was mainly interested in was the msds-Principalname, which is only available in AD 2008. As we’re not 100% AD 2008, I hard-coded this page to hit a Windows 2008 Domain Controller. I also needed the msds-Principalname field with “winnt://” in front of it, which is why the output loop looks a bit strange. check-in: 58b7f62cba user: Paul McDonnell tags: trunk
Imports an Excel spreadsheet to a SQL Server table using OLEDB check-in: 86a2916730 user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=SYNERGIEMAIL_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=B2e+2Esbond@synergieit.co.uk check-in: ba66bded82 user: tayo dada tags: trunk
Takes ASN types integer, octet (string), octet (byte array), and OID (string) values and encodes into byte array using Basic Encoding Rules (BER). BER encoded values are used for SNMP, X.509 certificates, etc. check-in: 8a01d11856 user: Parul Jain, paruljain tags: trunk
Initiates a countdown on your session. Can be used instead of Start-Sleep check-in: adbdfcfcc9 user: Josh_Atwell tags: trunk
Findup – Find duplicates C# version. Compares files sizes and SHA512 hashes to identify duplicates. New regex Include/Exclude feature. Should be compiled with Visual Studio 11 (beta as of now), as older Visual Studio C# compilers seem to have a bug that causes crashes on long file names. check-in: ee1ac95eff user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Powershell to modify Excel check-in: 7af9fa78b9 user: Trevor tags: trunk
Powershell to modify Excel check-in: d8cd74028d user: unknown tags: trunk
Initiates a countdown on your session. Can be used instead of Start-Sleep check-in: e4002c3fae user: Josh_Atwell tags: trunk
Get Local Security Groups and their Members from Remote Computers. check-in: 816036b16e user: unknown tags: trunk
http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/) functions. check-in: 6515488e75 user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
Findup – Find duplicates C# version. Compares files sizes and SHA512 hashes to identify duplicates. New regex Include/Exclude feature. Should be compiled with Visual Studio 11 (beta as of now), as older Visual Studio C# compilers seem to have a bug that causes crashes on long file names. check-in: b7a2f410d8 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Make a phone call from Powershell and pass TextToSpeech variables like ComputerName, DiskFreeSpace. check-in: ad4f11359a user: Sunny Chakrabort tags: trunk
Make a phone call from Powershell and pass TextToSpeech variables like ComputerName, DiskFreeSpace. check-in: 482f926cbf user: Sunny Chakrabort tags: trunk
The Backup-DatabaseObject function backs up a database object definition by scripting out the object to a .sql text file. check-in: 4dde77b722 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Findup – Find duplicates C# version. Compares files sizes and SHA512 hashes to identify duplicates. New regex Include/Exclude feature. Should be compiled with Visual Studio 11 (beta as of now), as older Visual Studio C# compilers seem to have a bug that causes crashes on long file names. check-in: 21e10ca96e user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Quickly tests if a given web server (specified by Url parameter) is running a WebDAV service. Should work against any server platform that supports the WebDAV RFCs. check-in: 6959a51dbc user: halr9000 tags: trunk
The function queries any CIM server, called CIMOM, that supports the CIM-XML interface. It creates an XML message to encapsulate the CIM query, converts the message to byte stream and then sends it using HTTP POST method. The response byte stream is converted back to XML message and name value paris are parsed out. SMI-S is an instance of CIM, and is thus also fully supported. check-in: 508a68019c user: Parul Jain tags: trunk
APCOBO016 check-in: c44bb2fa45 user: jgrote tags: trunk
A PoSh script to batch feed email address, firstname and lastname to the MailChimp API (MCAPI) check-in: 3c7382350d user: Ant B 2012 tags: trunk
Made some improvements check-in: 7c599e96b9 user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Made some improvements check-in: 873ff725c7 user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
McAfee Web API module functions. [Set001] check-in: 1aaf493280 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: a290902bed user: JGrote tags: trunk
Findup – Find duplicates C# version. Compares files sizes and SHA512 hashes to identify duplicates. New regex Include/Exclude feature. Should be compiled with Visual Studio 11 (beta as of now), as older Visual Studio C# compilers seem to have a bug that causes crashes on long file names. check-in: 059a09a112 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Function was originally posted by the PowerShell Team on 2007/02/25 @ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2007/02/25/pause.aspx check-in: 32e1ea0622 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Function uses the Microsoft SQL cmdlets ‘Invoke-SQLcmd’ to connect to a SQL database and run a SELECT statement. check-in: a24916eae7 user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Function uses the Microsoft SQL cmdlets ‘Invoke-SQLcmd’ to connect to a SQL database and run an UPDATE statement. check-in: cd4454f55d user: Vidrine tags: trunk
Script connects to a SQL database and runs a query against the specified table. Depending on table record values, an Active Directory user object will have it’s password reset. Once, the account is reset the SQL record is updated. check-in: 3c7d91388a user: Vidrine tags: trunk
The Get-SqlWmi function gets port, instance and service account wmi information for all SQL instances on a computer. check-in: 6ef5e27f76 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 743dd3f0f6 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Remove diacritics from string : check-in: 0cf1a21594 user: Grgory Schiro tags: trunk
Find duplicate files. This version is orders of magnitude faster than the previous. check-in: 48e11c182d user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Requires PowerShell 3.0. This is intended as the definitive Get-Delegate function: Create delegates for any methods, static or instance, with any signature, using an intuitive syntax. Create using explicit delegate types, or by specifying a parameter type array to select the correct method overload. Full help with examples inluded: get-help get-delegate -full | more; use -verbose for additional detail of the conversion process. Includes test functions below. check-in: 1a2c39d992 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
This script has been wrote especialy for WinXP and MS Office 2k7 (that’s why there is no any garanties what it’ll be work at later MS products) to restore lost activation keys. check-in: bb6233436e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This is an example of using System.Drawing.Drawing2D (just for fun) ;) check-in: f8291c1a41 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script dumping registred COM objects names, sort and write them into a log. check-in: 1590121951 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Replacement of Write-Host function to work around an issue where use of Write-Host can cause an eventual problem with launching EXEs from within the same Powershell session. See https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/496326/stability-problem-any-application-run-fails-with-lastexitcode-1073741502 for more info. check-in: fbeeafcdaa user: unknown tags: trunk
Replacement of Write-Host function to work around an issue where use of Write-Host can cause an eventual problem with launching EXEs from within the same Powershell session. See https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/496326/stability-problem-any-application-run-fails-with-lastexitcode-1073741502 for more info. check-in: 09bcea5bc6 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a utility that uses 3 CSV files as drivers to name backups, associate them with files or folders, and to specify a number of versions to retain for each. Backups are deleted on the next run of the utility. 7zip is required. check-in: 4a6301391d user: steve_o tags: trunk
jtremeer check-in: 398466e1ac user: halr9000 tags: trunk
jtremeer check-in: b3d502563a user: halr9000 tags: trunk
jtremeer check-in: d8a0d6d08d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
jtremeer check-in: 96e0efbfef user: halr9000 tags: trunk
See http://csharpening.net/?p=1068 check-in: fc5c4f85ac user: Adam Driscoll tags: trunk
tnkASk4LO9Cp56KE1VHFiQ== check-in: 2c6a16c82a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This PowerShell code performs a SOAP webrequest to the school check-in: 553507d325 user: Paul Wiegmans tags: trunk
This script generate a HTML report show all ACLs asociated with a Folder tree structure starting in root specified by the user check-in: 753cd55090 user: Vladimir tags: trunk
Get-FailingDrive works with SMART to determine if your hard drive may be failing. If it determines that the hard drive might be failing, a warning is displayed along with a collection of information about the potentially failing drive. See my blog post for more details: check-in: d943c853d3 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Change the inheritance from parent with PowerShell check-in: af52851124 user: Vern Anderson tags: trunk
A script for finding installed .NET versions on remote workstations or servers. See the full documentation at powershelladmin.com ( http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Script_for_finding_which_dot_net_versions_are_installed_on_remote_workstations ). check-in: a94244bc72 user: Joakim tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: 15a12dce5d user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO. check-in: 05e4192ff4 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Runs a command in a powershell instance that hosts the CLR v4.0. If the current runspace is already hosting the 4.0 CLR, the command is invoked inline. check-in: df0e111dc0 user: beefarino tags: trunk
An autoload function script (save as Get-HardlinkInfo.ps1, after you use it the function will be in global namespace) that returns hardlink information (siblings) for the given file. Most recent version lives at https://github.com/PProvost/dotfiles/blob/master/powershell/Get-HardlinkInfo.ps1. Can be used in a custom types.ps1xml and format.ps1xml to display whether a file is a hardlink in your directory listings. check-in: c109d3a4c6 user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
This script enables or disables the remote CLI services on a host. It accepts multiple hosts through the pipeline, useful for enabling or disabling SSH on several hosts at once. check-in: fded32dac5 user: jgrote tags: trunk
Shows how to use SupportsShouldProcess and Confirm check-in: 22701d8556 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Temporary listing for an update to ConvertTo-ISEAddOn for ShowUI 1.3 (for PowerShell ISE 3) check-in: 4e6bbcdc3c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 873eb1be57 user: Ermias tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: a19d3f14a3 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
This is a little script I wrote to logoff all users on the box except for myself. Clearly it can be cleaned up a little, making it more flexible, but thought I would share anyways. check-in: 7f530b047e user: Nigel Stuke tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=DCM_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Bynoe+2C+20Lance54d@dundeesecurities.com check-in: dd6f1f417d user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
PREVIEW – UNFINISHED WORK ;-) check-in: 4b56886a48 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Just for fun script for converting image files to excel. Very slow, try 50×50 bvfges first check-in: 0df7d17fe9 user: AxCoder tags: trunk
Dear scripters, check-in: 0690cc91b2 user: Klaus Schulte tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: 9c60b87de7 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: b0919a93ff user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: d12e67ddc6 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 4befa54ee0 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
For PowerShell 3: Export and Import DefaultParameterValues, optionally overwrite existing ones check-in: 96d1d67ecd user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
For PowerShell 3: Export and Import DefaultParameterValues, optionally overwrite existing ones check-in: 8a377ee94e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Queries the Dell Website for a list of service tags and returns the warranty information as a custom object. check-in: 01c005684f user: jgrote tags: trunk
Read in an IIS *log file saved in format W3C. check-in: ec17d0c0c5 user: JAMES RU8SSELL tags: trunk
Returns the encoding type of the file; uses Byte Order Marker (BOM) if exists else analyzes files contents to determine encoding. check-in: 5420e06e50 user: DanWard tags: trunk
Returns the encoding type of the file; uses Byte Order Marker (BOM) if exists else analyzes files contents to determine encoding. check-in: f26aaffaf4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Mount NFS datastore using reference host – DNS or IP check-in: bbdb4d3cdf user: David Chung tags: trunk
Enable Powershell Remoting allowing access for all trusted hosts check-in: 35af92e6fe user: St3v3o tags: trunk
In any directory containing a large number of ZIP/RAR compressed Web Page files this procedure will search each individual file name for simple text strings, listing both the source RAR/ZIP file and the individual file name containing the string. check-in: c2650cd988 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: 73ba369e20 user: Achilles tags: trunk
This script generate a HTML report show all ACLs asociated with a Folder tree structure starting in root specified by the user check-in: a4f96bc2d9 user: listACLpsq tags: trunk
Very simple script to create an RTF (Rich Text Format) file with Windows Powershell with variable substitution. Yes this could be a very basic Mail Merge type document WITHOUT the use of Microsoft Word check-in: 079e63bb68 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
Requires Powershell 2.0 & the grouppolicy module. check-in: 792c38797e user: Clint tags: trunk
If there are a large number of, for example, saved Web Pages (mht,htm,html,pdf) stored in compressed ZIP or RAR files, it can be very difficult to locate any particular one. check-in: e3ed7ea3be user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
If there are a large number of, for example, saved Web Pages (mht,htm,html,pdf) stored in compressed ZIP or RAR files, it can be very difficult to locate any particular one. check-in: 34feb9ddda user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: ec1ab2543f user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
CruiseControl.Net build script template with detailed logging via the CCNETListenerFile check-in: f8a90b19ff user: unknown tags: trunk
A simple script to create VApps within vSphere check-in: 7fe87eb01c user: Ant B 2012 tags: trunk
If there are a large number of, for example, saved Web Pages (mht,htm,html,pdf) check-in: 7267e4a881 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
The Get-SqlWmi function gets port, instance and service account wmi information for all SQL instances on a computer. check-in: c3160ad619 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Gets MSSQLSvc service principal names from Active Directory check-in: 6cddf6cf91 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A simple function for connecting a UNC path to a specified Windows drive letter. Some other things I’d like to see added: check-in: 2ef3c0b47a user: mtown_nerd tags: trunk
Log file managment advanced function/ module. Supports WriteHost, Pipleline, Encoding, BlankLines, Datestring formatting and others. check-in: 0d1faaff70 user: Mike Ling tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). Output strings are determined from the possible values in the System.Text.Encoding enumeration (ASCII, BigEndianUnicode, Default, Unicode, UTF32, UTF7, UTF8) and are valid values for the “-encoding” parameter in cmdlets like Set-Content, Out-File, etc. check-in: 794cfd082d user: RyanFisher tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.ilovesharepoint.com/2008/12/call-wcf-services-with-powershell.html check-in: 1f30192885 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.ilovesharepoint.com/2008/12/call-wcf-services-with-powershell.html check-in: ab02558dba user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: 698c2bd3dd user: RyanFisher tags: trunk
Get-WebFile by Gwen Dallas converted to an advanced function for use as PS module. check-in: afc5144003 user: Mike Ling tags: trunk
If CharacterSet is $null [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding throws an error. This is the case if the content type is not text e.g. application/xml. check-in: cf7e803908 user: Gwen Dallas tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.ilovesharepoint.com/2008/12/call-wcf-services-with-powershell.html check-in: 052c322375 user: Alexey tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: e6c5727019 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Build VMs using CSV file created by Set-VMBUILDCSV.ps1 GUI script. check-in: ab2f5ced7c user: David Chung tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CMA_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=Alain+20Dewitf0d@easyconsult.be check-in: 93bf185e30 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… branch 3.7.3 – tries to prevent problems involving bad URL formatting check-in: db33f4ae9c user: Gwen Dallas tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… branch 3.7.2 – try/catch for file path errors. check-in: eebf91e0f0 user: Gwen Dallas tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: aa6676738c user: mjohnson tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.iLoveSharePoint.com – small correction – extraneous [void] removed. check-in: 6b6f949706 user: cglessner tags: trunk
This script will compare the bios/firmware/driver/OMSA versions of a remote server against the Dell SUU update package. To use it, get a copy of the latest Dell SUU. Inside the SUU file structure, look for catalog.xml in the repository. This file will be read to determine the latest versions, and compare it to the currently installed versions on the remote machine (reporting any differences). The output can be used to easily push updates as well, since the update file name is returned in the results. check-in: 6e60bfd985 user: Nathan Linley tags: trunk
Use this function to send an HTML Formatted Email that is based on an XSLT template. This function is based on a blog post by Erik McCarty (http://ewmccarty.spaces.live.com). check-in: 822e04136c user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Plink to map ISO on iLO check-in: 87a66bd8a5 user: David tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: b90f91ea3c user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: 25be4eb865 user: BillBarry tags: trunk
An upgrade to my wget script which can output the downloaded html to the pipeline. Get-WebFile can download text or binary files, automatically determine file names, and present a progress report for large files… check-in: 27940fda31 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
GUI interface that helps you update host profiles faster. check-in: 00d12d1cd9 user: David Chung tags: trunk
ESXi virtual machine VLAN check on two NIC configuration ESXi server. check-in: 1b3d851357 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
This script will compare the bios/firmware/driver/OMSA versions of a remote server against the Dell SUU update package. To use it, get a copy of the latest Dell SUU. Inside the SUU file structure, look for catalog.xml in the repository. This file will be read to determine the latest versions, and compare it to the currently installed versions on the remote machine (reporting any differences). The output can be used to easily push updates as well, since the update file name is returned in the results. check-in: 25eaa0c57f user: Nathan Linley tags: trunk
Search users by email, last name or username. Give status of user. Create and reset password, unlock user and enable user. check-in: a949cb6090 user: Tektility tags: trunk
My command prompt, as always. I leave this in a separate script file and invoke it from my profile. That way I can RE-invoke it to reset my prompt if I have to mess with it for some reason. check-in: df153333ed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A script to convert MAML help to HTML. check-in: cabfd02a30 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Debug Regex operation when matching any string check-in: c50124e916 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script is a proof of concept. Further work needs to be done. It requires the user to enter a valid username and password for a gmail.com account. It then attempts to form an SSL connection with the server, and, retrieve the first email. Unfortunately it returns random results. Perhaps someone can improve upon it with some more sockets knowledge than I have. check-in: d3734fe973 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
Wrapper script for executing a T-SQL call and optionally returning a delimited file. Informational/Error messages are written to the Application EventLog. Purpose of script is run T-SQL commands from external scheduler (UniCenter, AutoSys, etc.), log messages to EventLog and return success/failed status. check-in: 841f1e3934 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 305d826d2e user: Ermias tags: trunk
I really am still working on this replacement for the WASP module ;-) check-in: 47350de046 user: shakila tags: trunk
Extract all Parameters for a cmdlet from GET-HELP, list them in a single column check-in: 5ab612d012 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
A script to convert MAML help to HTML. check-in: 6cae18c3d4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
I was having a great deal of difficulty in properly enumerating software applications on remote machines, so I wrote this function to help ease the problem somewhat. Among the many methods of gathering this information that are available, I had the most success using the “SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall” registry key as an information source. In order to use this function, the Powershell instance must support .Net 4.0 or greater, which is fairly straightforward if you follow these instructions. check-in: e16a26fccc user: Geoffrey Guynn tags: trunk
Debug Regex operation when matching any string check-in: 29b22020e0 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Read the first few characters of a file … fast. check-in: 90e5628915 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A test that checks for hostname, ip, domain, ping, wsman (with credssp if you wish) remote reg RPC and RDP check-in: d35a4dd96a user: Juan Carlos tags: trunk
The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) check-in: 0c700029b3 user: Dormidont tags: trunk
set-FSRMQuotaBasedOnSQL check-in: 8d8b7a24e7 user: ziembor tags: trunk
A test that checks for hostname, ip, domain, ping, wsman (with credssp if you wish) remote reg RPC and RDP check-in: 0bf4d83ed4 user: Justin tags: trunk
Backup any recently changed PowerShell scripts to a USB drive. check-in: e9d8a7cf62 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
I really am still working on this replacement for the WASP module ;-) check-in: 94cc72b800 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: e888e8170c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: 265031418c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script generate a HTML report show all ACLs asociated with a Folder tree structure starting in root specified by the user check-in: 9d7bd81b55 user: Santi Fernandez tags: trunk
This is a script that reports movie library statistics, it’s hard coded to work on my two lan computers so you will have to do some hacking if you want to get it to work. check-in: 475e7e50fc user: James Gentile tags: trunk
This function returns an object that contains all the properties of a user object. This function works for small groups as well as groups in excess of 1000. check-in: 691ddf15c1 user: Chris tags: trunk
The PowerShell Talk – Demo 2, VM Easy Bake, XenServer check-in: 7c599787e0 user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: c38d374741 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Wraps a pre-existing PowerShell cmdlet in a binary Workflow Activity and outputs a DLL that can be used in Visual Studio. check-in: f6e91ef8d6 user: Adam Driscoll tags: trunk
This script is a simple one that is meant to be scheduled on a periodic basis (we do it weekly). It looks inthe OU where we put our disabled AD users and removes users that have not logged in (inactive) for 400 days. This allows us to keep terminated employees disabled users for over a year for auditing purposes, but automatically cleans them out once the annual scope has passed. check-in: 3c2367737c user: DrDrewl tags: trunk
SarbanesOxley (SOX) compliance auditing often requires proof of review of the Windows Security Log and Remote Connections. This script captures Server 2008’s event logging and sends it to a csv for review and/or longterm archiving. The Security filter below encompasses the Account Management, Audit Policy CHanges, Failed Logins, and Audit Cleared filters. I left them for possible granular reporting in the future. check-in: 80eca8ecc4 user: DrDrewl tags: trunk
Completely based on Shay’s version, just one line added. For more information: check-in: 74c7896b26 user: Makovec tags: trunk
A script for updating the message relay server used by a Sophos client. check-in: c5d9dbd836 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
Aaron Nelson asked via twitter: “hey beefarino or JeffHicks is there a way to GCI -Recurse on a directory and basically do an Out-WindowsMediaPlayer? #PoorMansPlayList” check-in: 4ff0292815 user: beefarino tags: trunk
Corrected the enhanced error handling, added window display option, corrected interactivity of hidden windows, added header area, wrapped in a function. check-in: cf67516046 user: obsidience tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire. check-in: 11edcb8490 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Backup any recently changed PowerShell scripts to a USB drive. check-in: 18beeb767a user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Backup any recently changed PowerShell scripts to a USB drive. check-in: aeee4d70a7 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Pings a host until it responds, tries to connect to the RDP port, and then when that succeeds, launches a remote desktop connection via mstsc.exe. I discuss this version here http://www.justaprogrammer.net/2012/01/07/making-an-rdp-connection-to-a-server-you-just-rebooted-with-powershell/ check-in: e6d2aa955f user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Quick and simple, send an email to AD accounts expiring before a specified date. The $body is specific to my org needs, but simply customize this to suit. Give values to $smtp,$from,$subject etc and away you go. check-in: 65ca8bdc2f user: andrewjh tags: trunk
Quick and simple, send an email to AD accounts expiring before a specified date. The $body is specific to my org needs, but simply customize this to suit. Give values to $smtp,$from,$subject etc and away you go. check-in: e8f5fb6e49 user: andrewjh tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to retrieve the current weather information for a given country/city. check-in: 7e93b83c16 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Backup any recently changed PowerShell scripts to a USB drive. check-in: f9b9536ee0 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Script to update subnet mask for all devices connected to a specific network. Specify network and new subnet mask and run on each device. check-in: f6f779164a user: Mitch tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 0a40460605 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
Quick and simple, send an email to AD accounts expiring before a specified date. The $body is specific to my org needs, but simply customize this to suit. check-in: 9345a7f1c1 user: andrewjh tags: trunk
A code-generating and emitting magic function for creating type-safe struct classes for use in PowerShell! check-in: 825fbaf3b9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: b5ff6c7ac1 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Scrape AJAX driven websites example using Watin and HtmlAgilityPack. check-in: c562c02cdc user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Function to report uptimes for single/multiple hosts as objects. Useful if not very original. check-in: f622ba6816 user: 81stPerson tags: trunk
Just a short function I wrote based on FTP Upload and download examples. Requires and absolute path to the file on the FTP server that you wish to remove i.e. ftp://ftp.someserver.com/filetodelete.txt check-in: 6978f0df45 user: xandertrystin tags: trunk
Script for running unit tests over WCF services to get code coverage for the whole service stack check-in: 955a5a1fa4 user: sixeyed tags: trunk
Quick and simple, send an email to AD accounts expiring before a specified date. The $body is specific to my org needs, but simply customize this to suit. check-in: 61bd214f3e user: andrewjh tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 88c80874e3 user: glnsize tags: trunk
The Get-NistNtpServer function retrieves the list of NIST NTP server names, IP addresses, and locations. check-in: d48d7d2795 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Retrieve the Set-StrictMode session setting. Use as a Module (psm1) and expose any of the user’s settings, but the ‘latest’ parameter cannot be retrieved at present. check-in: 25941643fc user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Retrieve the Set-StrictMode session setting. Use as a Module (psm1) and expose any of the user’s settings, but the ‘latest’ parameter cannot be retrieved at present. check-in: f995f65521 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Reloads all the file tabs in ISE (PS3CTP2) check-in: fae9168895 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
DELL Welcome to your computer come sit in front of me nice Harley Trike check-in: 7cc82a794f user: Mike Hays tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire. check-in: 742aadb6ee user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire. check-in: 3b2712e2ca user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire. check-in: c7eeeadca3 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
I needed to write a script to generate a VMware guest inventory so I needed to know what was available within the PowerCLI interface and where to find it. So I wrote this script to dump everything it could find about a single VMware guest. It has proved very useful to me. I hope others will also find it useful. check-in: 23e374bb1f user: Bruce Shreffler tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire. check-in: f5020dc167 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
The script leverages Powershell’s .NET, COM and ADODB functionality to automate the creation of Excel workbooks pre-populated with data retrieved from a SQL2008R2 database using stored procedures. check-in: c8328b20cc user: Kent Finkle tags: trunk
Set any text file to a fixed number of lines. Useful for maintaining files such as the PS Transcript log. Now option added to remove blank lines. check-in: 8ed533d68e user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Read in an IIS *log file saved in format W3C. check-in: d639988164 user: Mark Shevchenko tags: trunk
This script will rename a sequenced set of files in a directory. check-in: 4a0425ce9d user: Sean Wendt tags: trunk
Provides details for every large list in the farm. As it is utilitarian, this script does not provide periodic status updates, though it could be programmed to do so. check-in: 8586e1748a user: Peter tags: trunk
Import Bulk Group Policies by only specifying the import directory. All group policies will be imported to domain. Script is currently only able to be run from Server 2008 R2. check-in: 05cedc8a71 user: Adam Liquorish tags: trunk
Script to print to a HTML formatted table user details for a workstation. User details include AccountLockoutTime,Enabled,LastLogon,BadLogonCount,LastPasswordSet,LastBadPasswordAttempt,PasswordNotRequired,PasswordNeverExpires,UserCannotChangePassword,AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption. check-in: cae1579956 user: Adam Liquorish tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: 463e54837a user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or F2) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 6fc6872f6e user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: fc790e128d user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
File Access scanner for ACL and Applocker policy. Scan a particular file/folder for write/execute access for ACL and Applocker based on the rights of a supplied user. Can be used to test the success of an applocker policy. Or to simulate what access a particular user would have. Scripts will also show direct membership and inherited membership for a user. Output is a table formatted in html. The following user types can be used; domain,local and domain cached. The domain cached can only be used when you are logged in as the cached user. Access Denied Exception errors may be produced when attempting to scan a folder that the particular user doesnt have access to( Errors are not fatal and will not effect the script outcome). check-in: 9a333dc626 user: Adam liquorish tags: trunk
Out-HTML – converts cmdlets help to HTML format check-in: 023abc9796 user: Vegard Hamar tags: trunk
The new WASP module is getting closer, but this still isn’t quite it ;) check-in: 229b5b7c87 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The new WASP module is getting closer, but this still isn’t quite it ;) check-in: 8322dbdbec user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script is created to file from all branch office servers. check-in: 78e3dcf1ce user: Ritesh Parab tags: trunk
This script is created to file from all branch office servers. check-in: 79ad3b9447 user: Ritesh Parab tags: trunk
Function/script to launch Remote Desktop sessions from command line, RDP file or pipeline using Terminal Services Client. check-in: b39a7c2cff user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: f212b67851 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 234b120e49 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This is a self service end user script for updating/adding their Active Directory user account thumbnailphoto attribute. The script resizes the original file to the recommended dimensions and file size. check-in: 38bbb8ddda user: Nathan Linley tags: trunk
This is the Console version of the ISE Run-Script function posted earlier. Typing ‘Run example’ from the command line will run and log the start and end times of ‘example.ps1’ check-in: 83f3fb3918 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 012382037f user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
A Theme for PowerShell ISE 3 CTP2 following the solarized theme with a dark background. See also “the Set-SolarizedHostColor script“http://poshcode.org/3081 and the Install-Solarized script for PowerShell.exe check-in: 75cd4f5353 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Convert a console shortcut (e.g.: to PowerShell.exe) to the Solarized color scheme(s). check-in: 7aaa43844b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
a pomodoro module in PowerShell allowing you to run Pomodoros in powershell with sounds being played, and live update in the progress bar check-in: 4379ff8a8e user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: 1caaaedbf6 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Description check-in: 303db81363 user: Victor Flores tags: trunk
The New-PemFile function creates a new PEM file by using the content from certificate files. check-in: 35d71c4cf0 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Today I had spent a lot of time troubleshooting one module. After few checks I realized that it was simple typo that prevented PS from seeing my module in correct way. So here is function for you to avoid same problems… ;) check-in: 90abcec3aa user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
Today I had spent a lot of time troubleshooting one module. After few checks I realized that it was simple typo that prevented PS from seeing my module in correct way. So here is function for you to avoid same problems… ;) check-in: b6efe67b56 user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
proxy-function to get-childitem check-in: ae6ca2d071 user: walid toumi tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: 128b468283 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
A script to ping servers (gets the servers from a text file) & report whether they are online or offline, to check free disks space on all servers and to report on any services which are set to automatic startup but are in a stopped state. It puts all this on a nicely formatted excel sheet, then saves a copy as H:\dailychecks\checks_todaysdate.xls (so if I’m not in I can review it later). It also launches my web browser (my home page is set to my company’s site) so that I can check the site is up, and it imports the exchange modules as I intend eventually to add another sheet to check Exchange services, when I can figure out how to do it. check-in: 73993cf14a user: Fred Fulford tags: trunk
Script used to perform user entitlement audits based on an XML report containing local groups, members of the local groups and systems that house the local groups. The script joins that data to data containing users and global groups grabbed directly from AD using the Quest AD Cmdlets and outputs the final report in CSV. Sorry that not everything is documented as I’d like it to be. check-in: 43874edbfc user: Alex Scoble tags: trunk
A module that wraps iscsicli.exe to provide basic iSCSI management capabilities check-in: db7eb4b324 user: beefarino tags: trunk
A module that wraps iscsicli.exe to provide basic iSCSI management capabilities check-in: 5ddfc25942 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is my first real PowerShell script, not sure if anyone has done anything like this before (I’m sure it has been done) but I figured Id share it anyway. Makes use of a function I found on here by Nathan Hartley called Get-NetView. check-in: 76d4d4522f user: pnorms tags: trunk
This is my first real PowerShell script, not sure if anyone has done anything like this before (I’m sure it has been done) but I figured Id share it anyway. Makes use of a function I found on here by Nathan Hartley called Get-NetView. check-in: c56454084e user: pnorms tags: trunk
This is my first real PowerShell script, not sure if anyone has done anything liek this before (I’m sure it has been done) but I figured Id share it anyway. Makes use of a function I found on here by Nathan Hartley called Get-NetView. check-in: 6349ea5403 user: pnorms tags: trunk
Makes use of Sysinternal’s psexec to get session data from qwinsta for both local and remote computers. check-in: 60553dae2a user: hotsnoj tags: trunk
Finds the length of time a session has been “locked”. check-in: 43e4e36021 user: hotsnoj tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 1d80f76d97 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
A PowerShell client for NaturalInputs.com to parse natural language dates into (optionally recurring) calendar event objects. check-in: c91fb311c2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: 03c3c7ad66 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Added hidden window, with Export/Import-Clixml to pull results into current window check-in: 69f0a265d8 user: rbellamy tags: trunk
Added hidden window, with Export/Import-Clixml to pull results into current window check-in: b4cf7a0fdb user: pezhore tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: f1c95e17df user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Get-Path converts relative paths to drive or PSProvider -qualified paths. check-in: 01751951d9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Let’s fill the logs of the US House and Senate servers with the message we don’t want SOPA or E-Parasite! check-in: ce1212f7a3 user: hotsnoj tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: f913971941 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Get-FileHash.ps1 check-in: bcb7d41e06 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0484a362ee user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Set the “user Cannot Change Password” property on an active directory user object check-in: 141be63488 user: Erik McCarty tags: trunk
Filters for backing and removing SQL Server linked servers or linked server login mappings check-in: ed7fea70dc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Get seller orders from Amazon’s MWS web services … with items optionally included. check-in: c3c1b20c72 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get seller orders from Amazon’s MWS web services … with items optionally included. check-in: bc24b7481e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get seller orders from Amazon’s MWS web services … with items optionally included check-in: 51048edc0b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
List all the members of the “AssociatedOwnerGroup” of each site (including root site) of each Site Collection of each Web Application in the farm. check-in: e24568ce44 user: Lucas Araujo tags: trunk
Starts the WIMM emulator, if you are developing for http://dev.wimm.com/ check-in: 1791d0daf1 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: e35f4b6640 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: f1befb23c8 user: Brian English tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: 92f96c6ddc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This is nice, but a bit over complicated for my liking… Here are a few others that may be of help to someone. check-in: e6efedfea0 user: administrator tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: 3ac1fda36e user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: c5987abedb user: anti121 tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: e58ca86ea4 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
Start up the .Net 4.0 Cassini Webserver. Useful for those of us who like to avoid opening visual studio check-in: f890c76e2c user: George Mauer tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: d7ded013f8 user: BORGKLS1 tags: trunk
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder check-in: 6267ec5f43 user: shauncroucher tags: trunk
Hardware Inventory script to run on Windows Servers and output the JSON string to a CouchDB Database check-in: 9ace58081a user: VulcanX tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: 3b02493ebc user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
PowerShell module that allows scripters to define argument transformation attributes in simple PowerShell syntax. This is an extension developed by beefarino of my ScriptTransform example at http://huddledmasses.org/more-custom-attributes-for-powershell-parameters/ and now supports re-defining transforms without restarting PowerShell. check-in: 0d8aca7497 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: a30e7f1b9b user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
PowerShell module that allows scripters to define argument transformation attributes in simple PowerShell syntax. This is an extension developed by beefarino of my ScriptTransform example at http://huddledmasses.org/more-custom-attributes-for-powershell-parameters/ and now supports re-defining transforms without restarting PowerShell. check-in: a861201ac2 user: beefarino tags: trunk
PowerShell module that allows scripters to define argument transformation attributes in simple PowerShell syntax. This is an extension of Joel’s ScriptTransform example at http://huddledmasses.org/more-custom-attributes-for-powershell-parameters/ check-in: 758cc56a5e user: beefarino tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: c4f4b42006 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: f1dd34567e user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 4d71ed7ebb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Because people keep asking questions on IRC where the answer seems obvious… check-in: a4eb383a85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This will pull a list of computers from AD and copy a folder to that system. check-in: e11c820729 user: HughS tags: trunk
This is a sample script to read emails from an Inbox using Exchange Web Services. The code is a basic port of the C# found here: http://omegacoder.com/?p=454. The EWS SDK is a dependency: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=c3342fb3-fbcc-4127-becf-872c746840e1 check-in: bf393d68fc user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Adapted from New-LinkedClone.ps1 from Hal Rottenberg. This version takes a third parameter called SnapName that allows a user to statically assign the snapshot that the clone should be built from. check-in: 6b163ec490 user: Cameron Smith tags: trunk
Posting on behalf of James Brundage of http://blog.start-automating.com/. Here’s his quote from email: check-in: f12809edd9 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Deploys a file to a list of computers pulled from AD and creates a shortcut on each users desktop. check-in: 8b2f7e69c3 user: HughS tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 32f2181385 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Create a computer login on a SQL server, optionally forcing the issue by removing any pre-existing account. For some reason, we run into this all the time with renamed computers… check-in: b9ab241fd5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A bunch of AD-related functions … I’m only pasting this because I can’t find another Get-ADComputer or Get-NTAccountName check-in: f20dd4a1e1 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A bunch of AD-related functions … I’m only pasting this because I can’t find another Get-ADComputer or Get-NTAccountName check-in: ea9c36ba1a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A bunch of AD-related functions … I’m only pasting this because I can’t find another Get-ADComputer check-in: 6e47adfac8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Demonstration script for getting file names and last update times into a SQL Server table. check-in: fd68fd37a9 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: 56aeba2927 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
Windows Script to collect Hardware information on a local system and Convert it to a JSON String and Upload that to a CouchDB Database check-in: a70202d76b user: VulcanX tags: trunk
Get-OUComputerNames check-in: b98b97d219 user: Admin tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: ffdada57a9 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
Here is a Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1 that causes PowerShell_ISE to save all files in ASCII encoding instead of Unicode Big Endian. Adapted from Oisin Grehan’s script at http://www.nivot.org/nivot2/post/2010/05/21/PowerShellISEHackingChangeDefaultSaveEncodingToASCII.aspx#comment. check-in: 06e3380fdf user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
R.Vantrease ver 1.0 – The source control I use does not understand the default encoding that PowerShell_ISE saves scripts in (Unicode Big Endian), so I wanted a way to quickly convert my scripts to a friendlier encoding. I wrote the following little ditty to convert all the PowerShell scripts and module files to ASCII encoding. check-in: 5e48338c3b user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
Email list of AD Accounts with PasswordNeverExpires Set check-in: fa9b707856 user: VulcanX tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: ff093d06da user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Ever wonder what kind of chassis your computer thinks it’s running on? Have a need to know if you’re RDP’d into a physical or virtual system? This script can probably answer the question for you. This script was adapted to PowerShell from a VBScript I’ve had for a while. It uses WMI to determine the Chassis type and translates the reported numerical code into decipherable text. – Thought i would rewrite this code using the switch function rather than elseif. Easier to read and less code to write. check-in: 44ffe95c83 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
A couple of functions to suspend and resume applications (like what you do with Resource Monitor). check-in: c2360ee6f8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Splits files and combines them. Nowhere near ready for use though. Just a toy I was working on. check-in: 17c4d41aa0 user: HughS tags: trunk
Split a file into smaller files. check-in: f6f37927be user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
Strips off the ’1-’ prefix from phone numbers stored in Active Directory. check-in: 6ba7345604 user: David Retherford tags: trunk
A function to make it easier (in PowerShell 2) to enforce rules about variables (without making them parameters). check-in: ef0e8f1d3b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
For PowerShell 3: Export and Import DefaultParameterValues, optionally overwrite existing ones check-in: e7333dee85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Set a printer as default for any user who has ever logged onto any given computer in a domain. check-in: 5f985a25d2 user: Brad Blaylock tags: trunk
Set a printer as default for any user who has ever logged onto any given computer in a domain. check-in: c3a5e25d4e user: Brad Blaylock tags: trunk
Set a printer as default for any user who has ever logged onto any given computer in a domain. check-in: eeb9d5242f user: Brad Blaylock tags: trunk
This script, given a root path, will start a transcript with a unique and standardized file name. You can throw a call to this at the end of your profile, and you’ll always have a transcript of every session (if the host you’re using supports starting a transcript). check-in: 86dbb023b8 user: Scott Percy tags: trunk
This script gets all pc’s or servers from a OU and runs GPUpdate /force on these machines. check-in: e8fa231359 user: afokkema tags: trunk
Function to retrieve selected information about all SQL Server Instances on a given server. Will work remotely if the Server supports integrated security and the user has rights on the SQL Instance. check-in: d1e253e998 user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
The Test-EmptyFolder function tests if a specified folder is empty by checking if it check-in: 356a639142 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
This code does the same thing as Sysinternals AutoLogon.exe. However this allows for automation of the task. check-in: 244abb880e user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
This code does the same thing as Sysinternals AutoLogon.exe. However this allows for automation of the task. check-in: 3b35a37f2a user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Converts aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves command names to include the module (make sure you load modules you need), resolves parameter aliases, etc. (Works in PowerShell 3 CTP1 too). check-in: d73f90707e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Emails a report of Exchange 2010 mailboxes over their size limit. check-in: 305335b131 user: Chris Brown tags: trunk
This is a sample script to read emails from an Inbox using Exchange Web Services. The code is a basic port of the C# found here: http://omegacoder.com/?p=454. The EWS SDK is a dependency: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=c3342fb3-fbcc-4127-becf-872c746840e1 check-in: 98ff8057c5 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This function returns information about disk volumes, works on Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Win2008, WinVista, Win7. Can be used in a pipeline with -Raw switch or stand-alone. check-in: 2614a3e0a7 user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
This function returns information about disk volumes, works on Win2K, WinXP, Win2003, Win2008, WinVista, Win7. Can be used in a pipeline with -Raw switch or stand-alone. check-in: 16be16f540 user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: a93774c24f user: Richard Vantreas tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: eaabbf7972 user: glnsize tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: ad000ec04b user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: 5a0f410d3a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 77121aec04 user: Charlie tags: trunk
Enable LegacyV2RuntimeActivation so that BitsTransfer and SQLPS will work in the new .Net 4 PowerShell ISE (this config file is REQUIRED for PowerShell 3 CTP1 to work with those modules and other down-level .Net 2 modules). Save as C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell_ise.exe.config check-in: b0f5ac34e4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 9fb6bb9564 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Requires the ShowUI module available to download from here: http://showui.codeplex.com/releases/view/73603 check-in: 3b0db04517 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Requires the ShowUI module available to download from here: http://showui.codeplex.com/releases/view/73603 check-in: cc94d1a844 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will copy the group membership from an existing user account to a new user account. This script relies on functions that I source in, so you’ll need to grab my code from http://scripts.patton-tech.com/browser/powershell/production/includes/ActiveDirectoryManagement.ps1 check-in: cc2aa13ae3 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Function may be useful for people who want to play with CTP1 for PowerShell 3 but need to use v2 scripts (and prefer ISE over PowerShell.exe) check-in: 2052014833 user: BartekB tags: trunk
Get the Free RAM from a system check-in: 53025af1c6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get the Windows Experience Rating check-in: 321907318e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Download and install Google Chromium if there is a newer version available. check-in: 882d37f05c user: MJWJ1 tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 0f279c76c2 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
This function converts FSP’s to sAMAccountName’s check-in: bf1972c95b user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 3c09d567c1 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: fad282b8a4 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
I’ve been doing some work lately with PowerShell Add-ons and figured I’d add a couple that I’ve been working on. check-in: 748af32620 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of all guests in the target Virtual Center and then create a csv check-in: 4727faf879 user: Omarr tags: trunk
The Get-TheVillageChurchPodcast function returns objects of all the available sermon podcasts from The Village Church. The objects can be filtered by speaker, series, title, or date and optionally downloaded to a specified folder. check-in: 06518b3d1c user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries. check-in: acf8515f02 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The Convert-MacAddress function takes a valid hex MAC address and converts it to another valid hex format. check-in: aa9ba264a0 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
The Reset-OutlookLivePassword function resets an Outlook Live (Live@edu) acccount password. check-in: 540531c226 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
The Get-MacAddressOui function retrieves the MAC address OUI reference list maintained by the IEEE standards website and check-in: 65ef5c4898 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: c0a924a3c2 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
The Get-MacAddressOui function retrieves the MAC address OUI reference list maintained by the IEEE standards website and check-in: 37b6a509f2 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: 2b1a6d107a user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Ever wonder what kind of chassis your computer thinks it’s running on? Have a need to know if you’re RDP’d into a physical or virtual system? This script can probably answer the question for you. This script was adapted to PowerShell from a VBScript I’ve had for a while. It uses WMI to determine the Chassis type and translates the reported numerical code into decipherable text. check-in: e87bfd48cc user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will create (using COM) an MS Excel spreadsheet of all the software installed on the local machine. Basic information about the software, as provided in the registry, is also included. When the script has completed the data collection, all columns are set to “Auto Fit” for width and blank rows in the spreadsheet are removed. check-in: 906ef2479a user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This is a function that queries the domain for the password policies that are set via Group Policy. Output objects include Min Password Length, Min Password Age, Max Password Age, number of passwords remembered (for password history restrictions), Lockout Threshold, Lockout Duration, and the Lockout Counter Reset time. check-in: ee08c1a464 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will delete all Active Directory User accounts that have not logged in within the number of days specified in the $NumDays variable. The script only deletes the Active Directory user accounts, not any associated Exchange mailboxes. The script also includes the Delete-ADUser function, which can be used separately from this script. All accounts that are deleted are logged in the “Removed-User-Accounts.log” file found in the local directory. The format of the log file is very basic, but effective. check-in: 197ab8718a user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will disable all Active Directory User accounts that have not logged in within the number of days specified by the $NumDays variable. All accounts that are disabled are logged in the “Disabled-User-Accounts.log” file created in the local directory. The formatting of the log file is very basic, but effective. check-in: aa6c8c83a0 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 997668c4c1 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This script will list all computer objects (and some information about them) into a CSV file. The Ping Status and various information items are determined through WMI. Some filtering is done for special characters that regularly appear in the Operating System Caption entry and the hardware Vendor entry. This is largely the same as the List AD Computers XLS script, but is intended for use on systems that do not have Excel installed. The CSV file that is produced can easily be imported into Excel and re-saved as an XLS at a later time if required. check-in: 3d9244bb91 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
This is essentially a snap-in for an existing script that leverages Active Directory. Typically, you’ll be working with AD objects in your own domain; however, in some instances you may need to work with AD objects that are in a different domain within your forest. This code snippet allows the flexibility to drop in an existing domain-based script and either run it on all domains in the forest (no command line arguments) or a single domain in the forest that matches a command line argument placed into a Where-Object filter. check-in: 8eae27c97e user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder check-in: 8731ef0559 user: shauncroucher tags: trunk
The first couple of functions for sending data to Paraimpu from PowerShell. It’s the first step in letting PowerShell participate in a network of things… check-in: e065d569c3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
In this JSON module, I have a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: 575fe22812 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates a random password with the specified length and number of non-alphanumeric characters. Returns clear text or a secure string depending on whether switch AsSecureString is specified. check-in: 898666f303 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
A Script that demonstrates how to create a Microsoft Access database in powershell without Microsoft Access installed. It works in 32 and 64 bit instances of powershell. check-in: 6f24701c6b user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A function to test a user’s credentials. Return true/false. Works for local or domain user accounts. check-in: 925ce200e7 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
A function to test a user’s credentials. Return true/false. Works for local or domain user accounts. check-in: a4d21b5290 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
A function to test a user’s credentials. Return true/false. Works for local or domain user accounts. check-in: 5ec204eb4d user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
A function to test a user’s credentials. Return true/false. Works for local or domain user accounts. check-in: 81efbe2fbf user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
A function to test a user’s credentials. Return true/false. Works for local or domain user accounts. check-in: 02916f5f8c user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Get-FailingDrive works with SMART to determine if your hard drive may be failing. If it determines that the hard drive might be failing, a warning is displayed along with a collection of information about the potentially failing drive. See my blog post for more details: check-in: 602ebb2ada user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Check md5/sha1/etc hashes check-in: 7704ac09d5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script gets a list of all Group Policy Objects in the domain filtered on the value of GPOSettingName. For each GPO if the Extension Name matches GPOSettingName the Extensions are then reported back. check-in: 1aa504ccd8 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This is to demonstrate how to shutdown the machines you started while be reading the sample 2. check-in: 6db6d20e70 user: Alexander Petrovskiy tags: trunk
This script works in conjunction with an Event Trigger on the PrintService event on our print servers. This script queries the Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational log for EventID 307, and returns the drive letter from the most recent event. check-in: 48566b2051 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Added the ability to retrieve (Default) values for keys. check-in: db382e8bb7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This sample register all the virtual machines laying as folders on a ESXi host. check-in: dd8c388ab9 user: Alexander Petrovskiy tags: trunk
Heres a function to quickly look up the latest version of the bogon list maintained by Team Cymru from within PowerShell. check-in: f725f9be72 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
A complete set of XML functionality (especially if you don’t have PSCX), including reading and writing xml files (import-xml, export-xml), selecting (via xpath), updating, transforming and creating new xml documents. check-in: 371e9dd006 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
How can you automate your ESXi tasks having only bare ESXi software? May cmdlets in such case don’t work or work with serious limitations. To fulfill though partially the lack of ‘bare ESXi’ management tools, the ESXiMgmt module has been written and tested. check-in: 00e804b745 user: Alexander Petrovskiy tags: trunk
Simulate user activity to prevent desktop lock or screensaver for specified period of time check-in: bf42beb9d4 user: 129RQW tags: trunk
Simulate user activity to prevent desktop lock or screensaver for specified period of time check-in: aaf865c51f user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Shows a vertical “menu” in the console and allows you to pick numeric items from it. check-in: 6f0a9c711a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Added a useful Show-ConsoleMenu (which is also usable outside the buffer box), but this one is coded for 10 items or less. check-in: 5d62c113b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Immediately toggle the current user’s Internet Explorer proxy settings on/off. Uses a ‘hidden’ Internet Explorer process to trigger the application of the new proxy setting once its been changed in the registry. Accepts a single command line parameter “disable”. If no parameter is given, the proxy is “enabled”. check-in: 7e71ce2905 user: Dan Smith tags: trunk
Immediately toggle the current user’s Internet Explorer proxy settings on/off. Uses a ‘hidden’ Internet Explorer process to trigger the application of the new proxy setting once its been changed in the registry. Accepts a single command line parameter “disable”. If no parameter is given, the proxy is “enabled”. check-in: a407d85bf0 user: Dan Smith tags: trunk
Immediately toggle the current user’s Internet Explorer proxy settings on/off. Uses a ‘hidden’ Internet Explorer process to trigger the application of the new proxy setting once its been changed in the registry. Accepts a single command line parameter “disable”. If no parameter is given, the proxy is “enabled”. check-in: be5e334995 user: Dan Smith tags: trunk
Just a little wrapper for PromptForChoice check-in: c51e95499e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script takes an IPv4 address (optionally with subnet mask or mask length) and searches the subnets in active directory from most significant to least significant. Which ever subnet matches the IP address first will be returned in distinguished name format. If no subnets match, the script will return Subnet_not_assigned check-in: 5af26aa968 user: Nathan Linley tags: trunk
Returns the directory that current script is running in. check-in: 343217e918 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Although Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 includes a FailoverClusters module, it only works on a machine running cluster service and NOT against Windows 2003/2008 clusters. This script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class. Base class properties are extended with additional info from association classes. check-in: 103f41e04c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The Write-Output in the function Get-AccessRecordSetStructure, doesn’t return anything for me. Replacing Write-Output by return fixes the problem. check-in: cca27bc265 user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
A very simple example of reading and writing from and to a SQLite DB using Powershell. check-in: 51213fe4b2 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
A very simple example of reading and writing from and to a SQLite DB using Powershell. check-in: 751bf69042 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Write multiline overwriting messages, typically for iterating through long file names. check-in: 38a7a635d8 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
ChkHash.ps1 – ChkHash.ps1 can create a .XML database of files and their SHA-512 hashes and check files against the database, in order to detect corrupt or hacked files. check-in: 3d1533e17f user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Return a list of computers with their serial numbers. For Dell computers the Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber property is the service tag of the computer. This identifies the computer on the Dell support site, and with it you can get the proper drivers/manuals and warranty information. check-in: d1f1ba281a user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script searches ActiveDirectory for computers. It then queries each computer for the list of users who are in the local Administrators group. check-in: 1907eff01b user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script searches ActiveDirectory for computer accounts, for each computer account it removes the specified user account. check-in: 101127f68c user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Gets local group memebers check-in: 2636112c8a user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Gets local group memebers check-in: e051c4db6f user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
anand@xx.com check-in: 26907e434f user: Ermias tags: trunk
Two functions Get-AllRegkey and Compare-AllRegKey which will recursivly retrieve a key’s properties and subkeys, and their properties and subkeys, as an array of objects, across multiple computers. The Compare-AllRegKey function uses Compare-Object to compare the arrays returned from each computer to an array returned from a specified reference computer. check-in: ea52b0e69c user: whertzing56 tags: trunk
This function returns an object that contains all the properties of a user object. This function works for small groups as well as groups in excess of 1000. check-in: f8fa583145 user: hclarke tags: trunk
It’s silly, it’s stupid, it’s fun check-in: a59bcb9475 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: d4e4e48d1b user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
An interactive graphical filter for pipeline objects for ShowUI check-in: e04a9abea6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
My updated version of my original binary clock. check-in: c93c24b5db user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
My updated version of my original binary clock. check-in: d83b71b4e9 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Add entries to the Windows hosts file. The function checks first to see if the entry exists in the file. If the entry does not exist, the function adds the entry and verifies it was added. Please feel free to add improvements. The function Utility.Time-Stamp is another helper function I use to denote the current Time. It can be found here: http://poshcode.org/2795. check-in: b0f93363a1 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
Add entries to the Windows hosts file. The function checks first to see if the entry exists in the file. If the entry does not exist, the function adds the entry and verifies it was added. Please feel free to add improvements. check-in: c60bab14af user: Will Steele tags: trunk
This is another Must Have upgrade, because I screwed up the last one ;-) check-in: e3282ec24e user: JasonMArcher tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: 6b7c417fb4 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: a65191a482 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
This function returns an object that contains all the properties of a user object. This function works for small groups as well as groups in excess of 1000. check-in: 7c35927875 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This is a simple weather forecast widget that shows the current temperature and forecast. Don’t forget to change the $woEID to the right one for your location. check-in: 1c3e295873 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
cls check-in: 306fd13498 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a little tweak of Ravikanth’s Script to generate a dialog for adding menu items in PowerShell ISE. All I did was just clean it up a little bit following a few guidelines: check-in: 5997764e47 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a little tweak of Ravikanth’s Script to generate a dialog for adding menu items in PowerShell ISE. All I did was just clean it up a little bit following a few guidelines: check-in: 910f49a8e5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a very simple function that returns a DateTime time stamp. I use it in scripts for noting times when actions occur like this Write-Host “$(Time-Stamp): Attempting to create directory.”; It’s a lot shorter than writing out the whole thing. You can also alias it to simplify the process: New-Alias -Name ts -Value Time-Stamp;. This way I use Write-Host “$(ts): Attempting to create directory.”; It outputs: 2011.07.17 05:01:10: Attempting to create directory. You can alter the value in the ToString to change the way the time stamp is formatted. check-in: 32c218cf20 user: Will Steele tags: trunk
Update to original password generator form (http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/54c3832a-4d20-4d6e-81ac-2d6f7bc10bfe). Uses WPF as opposed to Windows Forms to create the front end UI. Able to generate passwords and allows printing of the form or just display the password. Password is copied to clipboard so you can paste it into a password reset dialog. Password is also cleared from clipboard when form is closed. check-in: c904d8fe52 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This Exchange 2010 MailboxImportRequest cmdlet is to help identify imports that may never complete successfully or are taking a long time to complete so they can be suspended and other imports in the queued can complete in a timely manner. This version fixes pipeline input support and improves type handling. check-in: 8ef406fc64 user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. By default it connects to port 135 with a timeout of 3secs. check-in: a443f7427f user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Open the sln file in the given directory hierarchy. Present a list if there is more than one. check-in: 31539d790f user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Start up the .Net 4.0 Cassini Webserver. Useful for those of us who like to avoid opening visual studio check-in: 4ee1afeef3 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
This is the log backup script to be used with the Async Backup Script http://poshcode.org/2787 check-in: eee5c67dba user: Justin tags: trunk
This will run multiple backup jobs at the same time. This script IS cluster aware. check-in: cca56f3119 user: Justin tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: d78e12b9f0 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 5ec6fdb39c user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
Add-SharePointLibraryFile – Uploads a file to a SharePoint library via HTTP PUT. check-in: 5f2d98b3ba user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
This Exchange 2010 MailboxImportRequest cmdlet is to help identify imports that may never complete successfully or are taking a long time to complete so they can be suspended and other imports in the queued can complete in a timly manner. check-in: 6e825b697f user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
A first attempt at a generic graphing function using commands from WPFToolkit’s DataVisualization dll check-in: 03259b354e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Uses ShowUI to display a binary clock. Hotkeys H, T and D toggle Help, Time and Date text and +/- keys resize. Click and drag anywhere to move. Double-Click to close. This was inspired by Boe Prox’s post at: http://learn-powershell.net/2011/07/06/building-a-binary-clock-with-powershell/ and the release of ShowUI 1.1 check-in: c7943818d8 user: Ryan Grant tags: trunk
Extended version of Hal’s original “dirtoday” script via twitter https://twitter.com/#!/halr9000/status/88211937720156160 check-in: 8c7379cc33 user: bmorriso tags: trunk
Extended version of Hal’s original “dirtoday” script via twitter https://twitter.com/#!/halr9000/status/88211937720156160 check-in: ba1fb990ba user: bmorriso tags: trunk
Fix for redirect loops check-in: 3d68b781c3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Install and run BGInfo at startup using registry method check-in: 1bca9bc6fa user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Converts Image Files to icon files check-in: 3292638469 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Add-PrinterDriver is a PowerShell function to install all printer drivers from a specified print server. The function is primarily targeted at Remote Desktop Services (formerly Terminal Services) Session Host servers. check-in: 083fc9d936 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Get the MAC Address of an existing IP using SendARP request. check-in: c13ddbc9f3 user: bar971it tags: trunk
Force $duds to be an array so for small documents exceptions aren’t thrown. check-in: fa197b7bfc user: unknown tags: trunk
3014c106d0704f92677d34a02c29cc96 check-in: 1014582848 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Check if all the services with StartMode AUTOMATIC are actually Running check-in: 7ac3c57558 user: LazyWinAdmincom tags: trunk
Check if all the services with StartMode AUTOMATIC are actually Running check-in: 2084a1394a user: Xavier C tags: trunk
There are a couple scripts that parse netsh commands. I didn’t see this one already done, so I couldn’t steal it. I suppose I could use some regex or something simple to cut the whitespace, so feel free to “fix her up”, but this got the job done (of putting the netsh output into an object). This is a snip from a larger script I wrote as a looping, recording monitor. I used this guy’s script for inspiration: http://poshcode.org/1731 check-in: 4138e035f3 user: Josh Popp tags: trunk
List active directory attributes from schema check-in: 297f1f9e58 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
List active directory attributes from schema check-in: 6536c752e7 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
List active directory attributes from schema check-in: 5c3835c78a user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
This module allows you to Get, Enable and Disable the software rollback settings on your computer or computers. This is useful when working with certain patches and software installations that require the software rollback to be enabled. check-in: d86fe4a7b6 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
A function for creating tied variables using Robert Robelo’s idea to create breakpoints that update the variable values. check-in: e8b1c89c4e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Download and install Google Chromium if there is a newer version available. check-in: 15a03b0338 user: MJWJ1 tags: trunk
Version: 0.1 check-in: 3658976898 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Version: 0.1 check-in: 7b5c748a05 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Version: 0.1 check-in: a8e8b13dd0 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 0d9897862e user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
A script for ShowUI 1.0 — using Quest’s active directory cmdlets to retrieve user information and allow you to select one of the groups they’re a member of. Could be extended to populate a bunch of form fields from active directory and even allow updating them… check-in: e7bd27003a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 54dbd0b3fe user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
Mounts a NFS datastore to several vSphere 4.X hosts with PowerCLI. The script assumes you are already connected to a VI server. check-in: 1d2ebcd501 user: eprich tags: trunk
Get-Path converts relative paths to drive or PSProvider -qualified paths. check-in: ad529fefa0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
kyletboat3 check-in: 4c0a2d1cfc user: kyletboat3 tags: trunk
A series of functions to verify Agent, SQL, SSIS, SMB, WMI services or connections. Useful when troubleshooting data center firewall configuration. check-in: 6b5ecc9aee user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A script that makes an encrypted Powershell script. check-in: 97f847be8a user: RYBAT tags: trunk
This function backs up eventlogs on a remote computer, where the recordcount for a given log is greater than zero. check-in: 3712439e28 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This advanced function allows you to transfer or seize the FSMO roles to a specified Domain Controller. Has support for -Whatif and -Confirm to avoid making a mistake with transferring the roles. Also can display the current owners after the action has completed using -PassThru. check-in: 6e212063db user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This advanced function will get all FSMO role owners for each domain in a forest. Returns an object that contains the collection of FSMO role owners. check-in: b30db51c4b user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This advanced function will get all FSMO role owners for each domain in a forest. Returns an object that contains the collection of FSMO role owners. check-in: b9b4f77ed8 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function backs up eventlogs on a remote computer, where the recordcount for a given log is greater than zero. check-in: 32ca21866e user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This advanced function will get all FSMO role owners for each domain in a forest. Returns an object that contains the collection of FSMO role owners. check-in: d6da8a2b5f user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
A series functions to verify Agent, SQL, SSIS, SMB, WMI services or connections. Useful when troubleshooting data center firewall configuration. check-in: 7baf5499c5 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The beginnings of a function for handling ETS exceptions thrown by types which are not CLS Compliant when you try to output them. check-in: 23aeee80ad user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Build a SQL Connection String using specified parameters check-in: 7569a72090 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
After connecting to your VI server, we get a list of virtual switches on the datacenter and from that we pull out the VHostID that matches the server we passed in at the command-line. Using the VHostID we return a list of networks objects on that server. check-in: e00f37f44b user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: d0c02d2874 user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
This script pingscan a subnet for running machines (full parallel) and executes (full parallel) any command on these machines check-in: ef28ec561a user: Carsten Krueger tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: 8f614e9064 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 735ae7975d user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Displays active TCP connections and includes the process ID (PID) and Name for each connection. check-in: 68a7e19306 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
Creates new self-signed code signing certificate and installs it to current user’s personal store. Supports Windows XP and higher. check-in: 84a95785d5 user: vpodans tags: trunk
This is a template intended for creating a wizard with PowerShell code from scratch. The sample consists of two sections, the template itself and the wxample of its use. check-in: 7ac65ae6e0 user: Alexander Petrovskiy tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 27f914d640 user: SddrCErrR tags: trunk
hashtable to object function. check-in: 9ef0d2dd60 user: nQPuDDji tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: 403ad4ed4d user: chris seiter tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 2ca0df4224 user: Ivan F tags: trunk
This is the file you need to load Quest’s Active Directory snap-in as a module. Just put this in a folder with all the dlls … check-in: cbb03c0a43 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Quickly tests if a given web server (specified by Url parameter) is running a WebDAV service. Should work against any server platform that supports the WebDAV RFCs. check-in: 5bfd8d46f1 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
WPF GUI to watch TechED 2011, NA sessions check-in: 06a50eb3ff user: Ravikanth tags: trunk
This module uses PSexec,vbscript and PowerShell to install patches on local or remote systems. This does require PSexec to be in the same directory as where you are running the function within this module. Save as a .psm1 file. check-in: b5fbe3dade user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is the sister script to a bigger project. I will have the full script and uses on my blog vnoob.com soon check-in: e8125ee623 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: b2a812053e user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
How to add a SSL Certificate to IIS with Powershell as well as set the SSL Binding for the site that’s using the certificate. check-in: bffd24dc9f user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
I wrote this a while back to be able to automate stuff on a hp san and ilo. It’s pretty much mritten ad-hoc so please feel free to improve on it. Anyway, might be useful for someone out there. The function send-command logs on to a telnet server and executes the piped in commands. check-in: 2a66cac1ac user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Downloads the current sysinternals from \\live.sysinternals.com\tools and then updates your path environment variable to include the location saved to. Along with that it sorts, and removes duplicate entries in the path variable. If you call get-sysinternals without any args the local directory will be systemroot\Sysinternals\ Otherwise, the files will be put in the specified path. check-in: 0f38c009f5 user: vbjay tags: trunk
Downloads the current sysinternals from \\live.sysinternsals.com\tools and then updates your path environment variable to include the location saved to. Along with that it sorts, and removes duplicate entries in the path variable. If you call get-sysinternals without any args the local directory will be systemroot\Sysinternals\ Otherwise, the files will be put in the specified path. check-in: 6eb9bb8e2d user: vbjay tags: trunk
Downloads the current sysinternals from \\live.sysinternsals.com\tools and then updates your path environment variable to include the location saved to. Along with that it sorts, and removes duplicate entries in the path variable. If you call get-sysinternals without any args the local directory will be systemroot\Sysinternals\ Otherwise, the files will be put in the specified path. check-in: 9a34cb677e user: vbjay tags: trunk
This script is pretty simple, it connects to a remote computer and grabs the BIOS class. It then connects to the Dell support page for the remote computer’s ServiceTag. If the computer is a Dell, it grabs the BIOS revision listed on the page. The inspiration came from reading the Scripting Guy blog about comments. (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/05/16/add-excellent-comments-to-your-powershell-script.aspx) check-in: ff534b88b7 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script is pretty simple, it connects to a remote computer and grabs the BIOS class. It then connects to the Dell support page for the remote computer’s ServiceTag. If the computer is a Dell, it grabs the BIOS revision listed on the page. The inspiration came from reading the Scripting Guy blog about comments. (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/05/16/add-excellent-comments-to-your-powershell-script.aspx) check-in: 554a091fa1 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script is pretty simple, it connects to a remote computer and grabs the BIOS class. It then connects to the Dell support page for the remote computer’s ServiceTag. If the computer is a Dell, it grabs the BIOS revision listed on the page. The inspiration came from reading the Scripting Guy blog about comments. (http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/05/16/add-excellent-comments-to-your-powershell-script.aspx) check-in: 0bdf7befed user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
This script uses current Show-UI and SQLite to query a copy of your Firefox Bookmark Database for Bookmarks tagged with combinations of 1 to 3 keywords. It uses the WPF 4.0 Datagrid. (Improvements in Eventhandling of Hyperlinks are welcome) check-in: 9335fb6eef user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 9d909157bc user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Purpose: This script can be set as a scheduled task to run every 30minutes and will monitor all exchange 2010 queue’s. If a threshold of 10 is met an output file with the queue details will be e-mailed to all intended admins listed in the e-mail settings check-in: 6f721e8bfd user: Paperclips tags: trunk
Very simple script that will create file list from -Path in simple UI generated using Show-UI. ToolTip show size and last write time of a file, and once clicked – it will pass fullname down the pipe. It was created mainly as a attempt to use some animated effects in Show-UI. check-in: bf31e8c790 user: BartekB tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: a59144cb6e user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This is an update to my “Speech.psm1” script module for doing voice/speech recognition. With this version, speech macros will be executed asynchronously, so it doesn’t tie up the shell for the duration :) Of course, if the shell is actually BUSY, it will delay execution of macros. See usage examples at the bottom of the script. check-in: 8fcd3dba57 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A set of functions I’ve been working on to allow easy use of Access DBs with PowerShell. A work in progress, but thought they were at a point where others might find them useful. check-in: 449248f40a user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
A demonstration of how to do menus and commands in ShowUI (it works against the Latest Changeset d7ad095858eb right now, so you can just hit the download link on the right of that page). check-in: 66a2a8fea6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This Advanced Function will look to see if the current user context running a command/script is an Administrator or not. If not, a menu is presented to the user to either continue or enter alternate credentials. The function will either return a credential object of the alternate credential or a string type stating that the current user context will be used. check-in: f5f4d53a6a user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is a flexible multiple-input prompt for Show-UI (it works against the Latest Changeset ‘d7ad095858eb’ right now, so you can just hit the download link on the right) check-in: 3901cff930 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout. Put closing connection in finally block. check-in: 15a0dc019e user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
I noticed that WPF has LinearGradient and RadialGradient. Wanted something more… square in size. First tried to use something that allowed me to build brush easy, but it was hard to change it into something portable. So I just used New-Object and now you can use it in WPK, PowerBoots or Show-UI, whichever you prefer. ;) This script is building actual function and shows some demo usage + load required assemblies and makes sure we are in STA (some controls barfed at me when I tried to leave it -MTA). I only hope it’s not done already… ;) Corners are rounded, so that it looks more soft. check-in: df93d0dd33 user: BartekB tags: trunk
Invoke generic method definitions (including static methods) from PowerShell. check-in: c10daadadf user: Oisin tags: trunk
The Get-MyPublicIPAddress script uses DNS-O-Matic, an OpenDNS resource, to retreive the public IP address that represents your computer on the internet. check-in: 45b50c1d72 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
New-Choice Update check-in: 8e36ee1f15 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Creates a Choice Dialog for end users. It will return the string that the user chose. check-in: 9176ad4232 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
This function returns an object that contains all the properties of a user object. This function works for small groups as well as groups in excess of 1000. check-in: 8b366a7556 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Heres a function to quickly look up the latest version of the bogon list maintained by Team Cymru from within PowerShell. check-in: bb382272a1 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
This function returns an object that contains all the properties of a user object. This function works for small groups as well as groups in excess of 1000. check-in: 97a4e1d94f user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Invoke generic method definitions (including static methods) from PowerShell. check-in: 691d2635ba user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Convert a Windows PowerShell shortcut to the Solarized color scheme(s). check-in: 7983109e5a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: b2144145dd user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
An interactive graphical filter for pipeline objects… (a sample script for Show-UI which works right now on changeset d7ad095858eb) check-in: 2a91e3e42d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Imports certificate in specified certificate store. check-in: ea49577b56 user: anti121 tags: trunk
Get PowerShell numbered scope in anytime!!! check-in: 213c07c6df user: ingted tags: trunk
Enumerate through the default folder within Outlook and calculate size of each sub-folder and produce a final total size. check-in: ada53f5dfe user: marcadamcarter tags: trunk
Converts objects to custom PSObjects with robust type support. Allows converting data from Import-CSV etc into type-safe pseudo structs … check-in: ea03176103 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts objects to custom PSObjects with robust type support. Allows converting data from Import-CSV etc into type-safe pseudo structs … check-in: a4061d8f92 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts objects to custom PSObjects with robust type support. Allows converting data from Import-CSV etc into type-safe pseduo structs … check-in: f9ce36867d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get PowerShell numbered scope in anytime!!! check-in: ccfa44e0cd user: ingted tags: trunk
Attempt to resolve the path to an Application using Get-Command or the “App Paths” registry key or the start menu search. check-in: d18f1d4109 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: d95871d728 user: Ermias tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: 246a851cfa user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Script to retrieve the leader boards from the 2011 Scripting Games as objects. New version fixes an error with regex that caused usernames with periods or other non-english characters to be excluded (Thanks to Scott Alvarino for noticing this). Also added rankings, which unfortunately causes PowerShell to default the display to a list format, but I assume that any PowerSheller looking at the leaderboards is capable of piping the output to “Format-Table -AutoSize” :) check-in: 6f13bec683 user: Scott Alvarino tags: trunk
Script to retrieve the leader boards from the 2011 Scripting Games as objects. New version fixes an error with regex that caused usernames with periods or other non-english characters to be excluded (Thanks to Scott Alvarino for noticing this). Also added rankings, which unfortunately causes PowerShell to default the display to a list format, but I assume that any PowerSheller looking at the leaderboards is capable of piping the output to “Format-Table -AutoSize” :) check-in: c575b20582 user: Alex McFarland tags: trunk
ACE.psm1 is a module for getting data from Microsoft Office Access (*.mdb and .accdb) files and Microsoft Office Excel (.xls, *.xlsx, and *.xlsb) files. check-in: a153fadb9b user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
From a great function in Powertab (on Codeplex). check-in: 2986e97d10 user: bar971it tags: trunk
My variation for SG 2011 Leader Board watcher. :) Using regex + xml. Lets you specify -Top and -Name, so that you see person even if she/he is not (yet ;) ) in top. :D check-in: 267698e099 user: BartekB tags: trunk
Function to retrieve score information for the 2011 Microsoft Scripting Games. check-in: 5bc0876fa2 user: Mike Hammond tags: trunk
The Split-Job function provides easy multithreading at the command line or in a script. It was created from a system administrator’s point of view and is compatible with PS v1. Supports importing functions, variables and snapins. For history and background please visit http://www.jansveld.net/powershell. check-in: e66aef07e1 user: Arnoud Jansveld tags: trunk
The Split-Job function provides easy multithreading at the command line or in a script. It was created from a system administrator’s point of view and is compatible with PS v1. Supports importing functions, variables and snapins. For history and background please visit http://www.jansveld.net/powershell. check-in: 6aaafd7339 user: Arnoud Jansveld tags: trunk
The Split-Job function provides easy multithreading at the command line or in a script. It was created from a system administrator’s point of view and is compatible with PS v1. Supports importing functions, variables and snapins. For history and background please visit http://www.jansveld.net/powershell. check-in: b0ef0d4d15 user: Arnoud Jansveld tags: trunk
Tails a File, but does not work. No output to screen, not even an error when not setting number of lines variables. check-in: 5a36207184 user: William Stacey tags: trunk
Find duplicates in <directories/files> comparing size then SHA-512 hash of files. Usage: finddupe.ps1 <directory/file #1> <directory/file #2> ... <directory/file #N> [-delete] [-noprompt] [-recurse] ; -delete will prompt to delete duplicates. -delete and -noprompt together will delete duplicates without prompting. -recurse looks in all subdirectories of all listed directories. The first file in a duplicate pair will not be deleted ever. check-in: e4e92dbecf user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Get-ImageMetadata lets you access the EXIF, XMP and other metadata about image files … this should only be taken as an example and a reference, not for solid production work — in other words, I won’t take the blame if you zero out all your jpgs trying to modify this to ReadWrite instead of just Read :) check-in: 85f75bc467 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Here is a quick script I created to convert files to ASCII character set. This came about because I found Out-File was creating files as Unicode and Add-Content was writing ASCII (Even though the help says it defaults to Unicode). So writing to the files with Add-Content would use the wrong encoding and add garbage to the log files. I changed all my code to include the -Encoding ASCII parameter, but had thousands of files encoded as Unicode. (Note: To see what format it is, open in Notepad and select Save As… it will be listed at the bottom). It replaces the file with a new ASCII encoded file so I also added some logic to capture and set the original file timestamps. This is my first draft so I’m sure there is room for improvements. Such as error handling and adjustments so the input parameters don’t have to be so exact, but it works and thought I would share. -=Levon check-in: 06089a5f9b user: Levon Becker tags: trunk
Here is a quick script I created to convert files to ASCII character set. This came about because I found Out-File was creating files as Unicode and Add-Content was writing ASCII (Even though the help says it defaults to Unicode). So writing to the files with Add-Content would use the wrong encoding and add garbage to the log files. I changed all my code to include the -Encoding ASCII parameter, but had thousands of files encoded as Unicode. (Note: To see what format it is, open in Notepad and select Save As… it will be listed at the bottom). It replaces the file with a new ASCII encoded file so I also added some logic to capture and set the original file timestamps. This is my first draft so I’m sure there is room for improvements. Such as error handling and adjustments so the input parameters don’t have to be so exact, but it works and thought I would share. -=Levon check-in: 90d053ecc9 user: Levon Becker tags: trunk
Here is a quick script I created to convert files to ASCII character set. This came about because I found Out-File was creating files as Unicode and Add-Content was writing ASCII (Even though the help says it defaults to Unicode). So writing to the files with Add-Content would use the wrong encoding and add garbage to the log files. I changed all my code to include the -Encoding ASCII parameter, but had thousands of files encoded as Unicode. (Note: To see what format it is, open in Notepad and select Save As… it will be listed at the bottom). It replaces the file with a new ASCII encoded file so I also added some logic to capture and set the original file timestamps. This is my first draft so I’m sure there is room for improvements. Such as error handling and adjustments so the input parameters don’t have to be so exact, but it works and thought I would share. -=Levon check-in: 2c8464a4e7 user: Levon Becker tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. check-in: 173b63586d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Displays a custom dialog box for a timeout period. The dialog box contains a message, two buttons and a countdown timer. The button text and other options are set through the parameters. The WSHShell.Popup has a bug so replace it with this script. check-in: b2078a8a4e user: Grant Carthew tags: trunk
Initialize-WindowsInstallPoint check-in: 5232da3026 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
A function that simplifies calling methods with named parameters to make it easier to deal with long signatures and optional parameters. This is particularly helpful for COM objects. check-in: a7b4ec09b5 user: Jason Archer tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 6e9c8a1585 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Get and Set functions for SNTP check-in: eb1b591b74 user: a Monkey tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 5d0bc2dea3 user: Winfred tags: trunk
posh entry check-in: 3c011d8fa3 user: Marc Carter tags: trunk
Emails a report of Exchange 2010 mailboxes over their size limit. check-in: 9555bcc87b user: Chris Brown tags: trunk
This is a Powershell v2 module that takes NMAP XML output and formats it into custom powershell objects, allowing you to manipulate NMAP output data in Powershell. It operates similarly to import-csv. check-in: 8762b7de49 user: Jason Fossen tags: trunk
Functions to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Rijndael symmetric key algorithm check-in: d18da12495 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Functions to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Rijndael symmetric key algorithm check-in: 9028e3e087 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Uses the Haversine equation (you know you LOVE spherical geometry) to calculate distance between two points on the earth. check-in: 0ba3a887f0 user: callias tags: trunk
Search and browse to url in an instapaper csv. check-in: 043b58d825 user: Adminian tags: trunk
A powershell script that will create the CREATE DDL for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: 760bf9d067 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Some functions for drawing mini-buffers. Please try the two Test functions included: Test-DisplayBox and Test-BufferBox check-in: 216a8245ed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A powershell script that will create the CREATE DDL for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: 16fb3f4479 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A powershell script that will create the CREATE DDL for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: 3d7d444d92 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A powershell script that will create the CREATE DML for any object in a SQL Server database. It requires the open source Atlantis.SchemaEngine.dll available at http://www.atlantis-interactive.co.uk/blog/post/2011/02/24/Free-SQL-Server-Schema-Synchronisation-Engine-announcing-the-release-of-the-AtlantisSchemaEngine-source-code.aspx check-in: c51ed6d496 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A script that scripts a stored proc in SQL server. check-in: 9074d8ead2 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A script that scripts a stored proc in SQL server. check-in: abf71a8c92 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
A script that scripts a stored proc in SQL server. check-in: 4440f10fe0 user: Justin Dearing tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: a89c20d3cf user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Get an attachment from an exchange e-mail. check-in: d22b83702a user: George Mauer tags: trunk
AnalyzeScript opens a dialog box for user selection; checks that input is a powershell script; parses and agrigates the script components. check-in: e568420376 user: Paul A tags: trunk
AnalizeScript opens a dialog box for user selection; checks that input is a powershell script; parses and agrigates the script components. check-in: dc9d1166ca user: Paul A tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: 4e58443b98 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Read in an IIS *log file saved in format W3C. check-in: 56c3d7a509 user: Mark Shevchenko tags: trunk
Read in an IIS *log file saved in format W3C. check-in: a802a5d486 user: unknown tags: trunk
different examples of how you can access properties with a custom where function check-in: 38929b1aef user: karl prosser tags: trunk
different examples of how you can access properties with a custom where function check-in: 8f29baa863 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Logging function for Powershell v2. Needed to address current Powershell logging limitations. See a discussion about said limitations here: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/2011/03/powershell-automatic-logging/#comment-2899 . check-in: cc8c9d38b8 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
This function will allow you to retreive the contents of a hosts file on a local or remote system. This can be used with one or more systems. check-in: a70951df0d user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
As written will manually apply all settings associated with a local WSUS server. Ideal for use when you need to force a non-domain system to point to a domain based WSUS server. check-in: 4b683b8d04 user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
This function will allow you to retreive the contents of a hosts file on a local or remote system. This can be used with one or more systems. check-in: ea054b98d4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Originally written to regenerate the init.txt file for server based Halo 1 PC multiplayer games. It may however be easily edited and used to randomize any array or group of arrays. check-in: cc20bc00d6 user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
AutoArchive Script check-in: a5c6cc2fff user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
This function will allow you to retreive the contents of a hosts file on a local or remote system. This can be used with one or more systems. check-in: f9d93afacb user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: ec8ffc043a user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Creates an event handler for monitoring either process creation or deletion. This requires to be run as administrator. check-in: e0f79a02a9 user: Ravikanth tags: trunk
Creates an event handler for monitoring either process creation or deletion. This requires to be run as administrator. check-in: 5877966bb6 user: Ravikanth tags: trunk
Queries DNS to return the host name and associated IP addresses, given either an IP address or a host name via the pipeline or parameter (accepts arrays). check-in: 9ee2692d1b user: Nathan Hartley tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: bf94c883c7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
As written it will poll Cisco routers and switches and if the snmp OID’s match it will pull out model, serial, and IOS version. The resulting spreadsheet contains IP, host name, serial, model, IOS version, and rack location. The script is heavily documented internally. See the script for more info. check-in: 29115fd95a user: Kenneth C Mazie tags: trunk
Give as input a cmdlet name. Output is a set of properties about each parameter, including: name, parameter set, aliases, ismandatory, and CommonParameter. Thanks to LucD for the technique. check-in: 3e10580577 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This function will allow you to query local or remote computer/s and determine if there are pending WSUS updates that need to be installed. A report is returned that can be exported to a CSV file if desired. check-in: 8db30724ff user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 3b86ce9bf4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 317da19173 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function will allow you to query any server hosting SQL and return the file sizes for the each Database file(MDF) and Transaction Log file(LDF). This does not return back the file locations for each database. I have tested this on SQL 2000, 2005 and 2008. check-in: 002b0a0511 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
#a function to count how many items there are, whether its an array, a collection, a hashtable or actually just check-in: 2df993104f user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Script demonstrates automated SQL database restore using SQLPSX SQLServer module that relocates files to default directory and kills all connections to database. check-in: fe318ed71c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Script demonstrates automated SQL database restore using SQLPSX SQLServer module that relocates files to default directory and kills all connections to database. check-in: 0d20c62472 user: unknown tags: trunk
Basic authentication class, with really simple dumb cookie set. check-in: 891c1636d3 user: unknown tags: trunk
I saw few questions about this functionality on VUG, so I decided to give it a try and create function that would allow user to created object with nested objects. I needed to have also possibility to define type of nested object, so I’ve used key in hashtable to define it, if exists. Works fine now with Windows.Forms :) Meanwhile I’ve noticed Karl already produced another script that does similar things. Oh, well, maybe that will be also handy for somebody. :) check-in: 451e3d18a4 user: BartekB tags: trunk
Just a slight remake of a previous ‘Edit-File’ advanced function. check-in: ce90ffe7b7 user: Smobutter tags: trunk
Just a slight remake of a previous ‘Edit-File’ advanced function. check-in: 98cad7d2c9 user: Smobutter tags: trunk
I saw few questions about this functionality on VUG, so I decided to give it a try and create function that would allow user to created object with nested objects. I needed to have also possibility to define type of nested object, so I’ve used key in hashtable to define it, if exists. Works fine now with Windows.Forms :) Meanwhile I’ve noticed Karl already produced another script that does similar things. Oh, well, maybe that will be also handy for somebody. :) check-in: ff9cd14417 user: unknown tags: trunk
this function takes nested hashtables and converts them to nested pscustomobjects.it can also contain arrays of hashtables, and it will turn those hashtables in the arrays also into PScustomobjects check-in: dd3ef45e69 user: unknown tags: trunk
This will return the specified website’s X.509 certificate either as an object or a file (if the -OutputFile parameter is specified). See included comment based help for documentation. check-in: cc7056aa4e user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: f12b3a76e6 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: d4af3817db user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Get-PSExecutionPolicy.ps1 uses WMI to query remote registry for PowerShell path and exeuction policy settings. Because WMI is used works from x86 to x64 machines. check-in: 93913f6eab user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This script enables you too search AD for SMTP addresses that are possibly in use, using the QUEST PowerShell PSSnapIn and searching the “proxyAddress” attribute of objects. The output details either that the SMTP address is not found in AD or you get details of the object that owns the SMTP address. check-in: 421452b816 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
Joins array elements together using a specific string separator check-in: bd2e83a607 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Given an ESX host, produce a report of read and write latencies for all attached LUNs. check-in: ac0abd1824 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: 96ea24c532 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is a Powershell wrapper around the CreateShortCut method of the WScript.Shell COM object. I’ve added a feature to set the “Run as Administrator” flag. This feature is used on OS versions with UAC. check-in: e7d2555c6f user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
where-in and where-propertyin are filters that allow to pass through pipeline object that are in a specified array/collection, or that have a property that is in an array or collection. They also can take a scriptblock that can be used to implement a comparision when the relationship isn’t exact. in that scriptblock the variable $__ is created to represent the item in the collection being compared with the pipeline $_ object. see examples embedded. check-in: b1737686f6 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
a demo of using some build in dotnet attributes to store some powershell METADATA (hashtables) and extract that. check-in: 1ab9caf26c user: karl prosser tags: trunk
PowerBot is my IRC bot written in PowerShell script using SmartIrc4Net There’s a bit more to it than this, but this is the basic script, and all you have to do is add your own commands! Of course, you could also add your own additional message handlers and make a chatter-bot or whatever you like. Please share your mods back here! check-in: b661aae4d5 user: james tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to retrieve the current weather information for a given country/city. check-in: 73bd74e62f user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to retrieve the current weather information for a given country/city. check-in: b19c1152a9 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 12379df108 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Prompt replacement based on a script by iainsimpson (http://blogs.technet.com/iainsimpson/archive/2008/02/20/custom-powershell-prompt.aspx). check-in: 0bcf6441ab user: callias tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: d6a4d6086a user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 9781d477c4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 495fd6611f user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will trap events such as USB insertion, file changes, registry key check-in: 3f63214c04 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script will trap events such as USB insertion, file changes, registry key check-in: 05bedb1316 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 9edc145181 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function allows you to download the contents of a webpage to display on a PowerShell console. &#65279;Also included is a switch to show the size of the web page. check-in: 1cc40ab5fe user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This function allows you to download the contents of a webpage to display on a PowerShell console. &#65279;Also included is a switch to show the size of the web page. check-in: 1e2fc1e1ca user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to query a web site and retrieve information about the web site and whether it is available or not. check-in: 0902fff4f8 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: cef7e3bfdc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sets Application Compatibility flags for an application. (Same as on the Compatibility tab of the properties.) check-in: 21c171935b user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
Sorry, but for now this is an all-in-one link creating/editing function: GET-Link and then call methods on it … feel free to polish it up and paste back. All credit goes to Ian Clegg for writing 90% of this code. check-in: a99d842149 user: unknown tags: trunk
Example on how to use Proxy Cmdlets in combination with object events. check-in: 3b2bb10413 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Example on how to use Proxy Cmdlets in combination with object events. check-in: d22c3dec6d user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Module to extend PowerShell ISE functionality. Adds two GUIs (one to play with token colors, second to get command from history back to commandpane), and three functions that may be useful when using ISE (Edit-Function, Add-MyMenuItem and Expand-Alias). Comment-based help included. Have ISE – Fun! ;) check-in: c4c838e6da user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
Very simple module that’s add ‘cd -’ functionality. It basically keeps track of folders you have visited (using prompt function) and make those available in Set-PrevLocation function. Alias cd- make it (almost) feel like original. You can add argument [int] that will limit list’s length. If you have other modules that modify prompt: keep in mind that it will restore prompt function on removal but will use state that existed when it was imported… So any changes done in between will be probably lost. check-in: a1e2614bae user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
A simple implemenation of the Experimental.IO LongPath library from the Microsoft Base Class Library project as a module. check-in: c292ea5524 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 8a723a26e4 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This is a Powershell v2 module that takes NMAP XML output and formats it into custom powershell objects, allowing you to manipulate NMAP output data in Powershell. It operates similarly to import-csv. check-in: 71ef087140 user: Jason Fossen tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: 2fcd0124e9 user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
Wrapper script for executing a T-SQL call and optionally returning a delimited file. Informational/Error messages are written to the Application EventLog. Purpose of script is run T-SQL commands from external scheduler (UniCenter, AutoSys, etc.), log messages to EventLog and return success/failed status. check-in: b9399825b6 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
The new WASP module is getting closer, but this still isn’t quite it ;) check-in: f4028addcf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Queries the Dell Website for a list of service tags and returns the warranty information as a custom object. check-in: 1e6a513458 user: jgrote tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: d9d3aa22bb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: f3398d0857 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: 2cfb8b382d user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Here’s a first simple hit on how to use the Experimental.IO LongPath library from the Microsoft Base Class Library codeplex project. Will list files and/or folders (recursively) ... check-in: c845c6c8aa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get one or more performance counter objects. check-in: 3f7fb18061 user: tojo2000 tags: trunk
PowerShell functions to export and import WLAN profiles in Windows Vista/Windows 7 check-in: 32cf196e03 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 034011d604 user: DEEPSEADC01 tags: trunk
A way to easily edit textual variables and environment variables: Edit-Variable env:path check-in: c8935f0fb3 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script creates a WMI Class Win32_AddRemovePrograms (and, on 64bit systems, a Win32_AddRemovePrograms32 for 32bit apps) which are backed by the registry provider. They can then be queried to list installed apps (and versions) and perform much faster than running the same queries using the PowerShell Registry provider. Additionally, they can be used in GPO policies, etc. check-in: db369ae37e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sample of calling RichCopy.exe for massively parallel file copy. Great when copying many small files over long distance, to overlap latency delays. Same as Windows 7 ‘robocopy.exe /MT:64’ but works on Windows XP and Server 2003. check-in: e05dcb20e4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Here is a handful of functions that I use to manage netapp appliances. The code could be improved in several ways, but I think it is a good starting point and functions as a good set of examples for those interested in using the ontap SDK in powershell. check-in: 65dc3bda91 user: Jason Ochoa tags: trunk
Restarts local or remote IIS AppPools check-in: 749e4cece8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Restarts local or remote IIS AppPools check-in: 0579fd5f88 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 76ac0f0af5 user: unknown tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 64022f7fdc user: arodd tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 5e3f5f4552 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will download a file showing the download progression as it completes check-in: 9219b35b45 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
A wrapper for DataSvcUtil to generate web service proxies in-memory for OData services like NetFlix (which are not handled correctly by PowerShell’s built-in New-WebServiceProxy). check-in: a10d9a407d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 722f21cbe2 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Module to extend PowerShell ISE functionality. Adds two GUIs (one to play with token colors, second to get command from history back to commandpane), and three functions that may be useful when using ISE (Edit-Function, Add-MyMenuItem and Expand-Alias). Comment-based help included. Have ISE – Fun! ;) check-in: 9453e05f57 user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
GUI script that helps to workaround problems with desktop sharing by non-admin person and running process as admin. In default scenario UAC kicks in and will show user/password prompt to non-admin user rather than remotely connected IT person. This script separates alternating credentials and elevating, so IT person can enter credentials first, and remote user gets only yes/no prompt. GUI code generated using PrimalForms community edition and re-written a bit. If you have any comments please ping me via twitter (@bielawb) or e-mail (bartb at aster.pl) check-in: dbd4440bf0 user: unknown tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI (Version 2.0) – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: b5cf47c91e user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: be5a230b92 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Derived from Oisin’s New-ScriptBlockCallback, this is an example of how to do asynchronous sockets in PowerShell. The two functions below enable simple “expect” scripting of socket communications. check-in: 8cbe0ede8b user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Deploying a VM with Static IP in 3 steps check-in: 6a815811f3 user: Nedko Nedev tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bdbd8c257c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This code is a script that sets the width of a div according to client’s monitor resolution. Very useful when we have a varied audience check-in: e96e7a3b6b user: youikar tags: trunk
Requires mGet-DatastoreList.ps1 check-in: 017847744f user: monahancj tags: trunk
A version of the VMware Get-Datastore cmdlet that filters out datastore we don’t want to use for VMs by type of datastore and our naming conventions for the datastore naming indicating what kind of data is on the datastore. Line 9 will have to be updated for your own environment. check-in: 389ccbb881 user: monahancj tags: trunk
This is a batch file … with a PowerShell script inside. It’s my answer to all those “compile your .ps1” solutions that are floating around. Why would you do that, when PowerShell still has to be installed? check-in: 8fddfecb03 user: unknown tags: trunk
Function, which creates vDS in vSphere PowerCLI check-in: be42bec8ac user: Pavel Dimitrov tags: trunk
Forces Replication of all DCs in the current Logon Domain. check-in: 2acefd710c user: Chris tags: trunk
Converting datareader to dataset check-in: 66f8b48c56 user: unknown tags: trunk
ASP.NET – Using httpContext check-in: 064f65d83f user: ti4funcom tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: d0844c40fa user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
The .NET framework has the System.Net.IPAddress class which can be used to validate a string as an IP address. I wanted to do the same with IP masks as well and came up with this script. check-in: a207a21dc9 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
The .NET framework has the System.Net.IPAddress class which can be used to validate a string as an IP address. I wanted to do the same with IP masks as well and came up with this script. check-in: a19ff21d7c user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: 55e9a4bdae user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: 93bb718f82 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: 6794ee471e user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Make it easier to use Watin automation via PowerShell check-in: ab0a953841 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerZip – PowerShell Module that allows you to zip files check-in: dc37563026 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerShell Module to manage Windows Scheduled Tasks check-in: eb5e1dbdc6 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
PowerShell Module to manage Windows Scheduled Tasks check-in: dcc883a574 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionally delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 8690e49588 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
A Windows PowerShell-script for generating an HTML-report for DFS-R SYSVOL and sending it via e-mail. check-in: bf12bf6f2f user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Although Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 includes a FailoverClusters module, it only works on a machine running cluster service and NOT against Windows 2003/2008 clusters. This script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class. Base class properties are extended with additional info from association classes. check-in: 4851d4f35c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A module manifest Wrapper for Microsoft’s Operations Manager Shell. Requires Operations Manager Shell on build machine, but resulting module can be copied/used on clients w/o Operations Manager installation. check-in: b3236d39aa user: unknown tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: 41cd1c3aec user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Get the name of the current (or last) transcription file used in the current session. Requires powershell v2.0. Some things to note: check-in: f6e15ba5d6 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Download and install Google Chromium if there is a newer version available. check-in: 5e3860c614 user: MJWJ1 tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 5a36adfc16 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
journal mailboxes check-in: 9d613fd8b7 user: unknown tags: trunk
evac mailboxes check-in: 9b15575665 user: unknown tags: trunk
It just needs presents under it… check-in: 3bddad9f46 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script to create a backup report from Netbackup jobs check-in: b8e965a486 user: Martijn Jonker tags: trunk
A simple stream-reader implementation suitable for simple interactive script task … check-in: 10d0a308e9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Pipe filter which empties working set for any received System.Diagnostics.Process object check-in: 24839b7655 user: amirul tags: trunk
A pure console screen saver in the vein of the popular CMatrix x-term screensaver. PowerShell 2.0 module, see blog post: http://goo.gl/5QkI5 check-in: 2adadaaa5d user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Simple Windows form to connect to Live@Edu for the purpose of searching for accounts and resetting their passwords. check-in: 62b52cc8a5 user: unknown tags: trunk
A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. check-in: 49b916ba8e user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
Add voice to your Powershell script check-in: 8dc57650fa user: Mike Hays tags: trunk
A wrapper class for shell shortcut files from vbAccelerator which makes it easy to read & write shell links. check-in: 5682f37451 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is another Must Have upgrade, because I screwed up the last one ;-) check-in: db24ad1bce user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sow nothing, reap nothing. check-in: df82ac9a5a user: Matt Wilson tags: trunk
Easy Migration Script for VMware Using PowerCLI (Version 2.0) – The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: 7544b409a1 user: Richard Yaw tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: df76589f25 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This will perform a basic netstat.exe command and “objectize” its output. check-in: 2ac864da20 user: glnsize tags: trunk
A function to retrieve available Control Panel Applets along with a description. check-in: 245e324c66 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will allow you to set the password for an account on a local or remote machine/s. A report is then generated when done along with an error log. Scripts accepts pipeling input for the computer/s. If any errors are encountered, a log will be generated as well. check-in: c5a9a67edc user: geraldo tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionally delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 9a5493bb34 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Bulk change account passwords without requiring elevated permissions. check-in: 802279d299 user: unknown tags: trunk
Test-Port creates a TCP connection to specified port. check-in: 7bc7b3b706 user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 879a5645cb user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Another version to compare 2 SQL Tables. Uses code to exclude specified columns from SELECT * check-in: ca48ffbb26 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Compare 2 system.Data.DataSet each containing 1 table check-in: 101dba4b89 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Compare 2 system.Data.DataSet each containing 1 table check-in: 2ad9a16684 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: e8be142074 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Powershell iTunes is a Powershell script which lets you control iTunes over Powershell. check-in: 2bf0b8d154 user: tmaurer tags: trunk
Module gives functions for managing RemoteApp on Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2. check-in: 3a93297aac user: unknown tags: trunk
function whoami check-in: 9b49d7ba2e user: William tags: trunk
Suffering from Monday morning due to server failure. Maybe an excuse should be automatically added to mails sent from members of my team. check-in: ad6da4ec26 user: unknown tags: trunk
The beginnings of a complete rewrite … I’m actually going to recreate the functionality (but not the API) of my HttpRest module based on Hammock … this is just the first function. check-in: 4e3d0f8560 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is the second release, but still very raw. Supports OAuth via Installed Application Authentication (a modified form of OAuth where the consumer fetches access tokens using a username and password instead of a request token) ... now includes a sample app for fetching stuff off Yammer. check-in: dd61e66498 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 0a614ef776 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
This advanced function will allow you to set the IIS log location on a server or servers. You can specify a single site or perform the task on all sites. Also supports -whatif in the function. check-in: c3d5a29648 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This advanced function can be run against a single server or multiple servers to find the location of the log files for each website configured in IIS. This has been tested against II6 and IIS7. check-in: 8b8313da9d user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Example of how to use Treeview Hierarchical databind using Boots. It took me a while to figure this out. Thanks JasonMArcher for your help! check-in: 8d5239849c user: unknown tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: e0652b8732 user: Andy Helsby tags: trunk
Splits a string (by default, on whitespace), and allows you to pick and chose which pieces are returned. Something like “cut” in bash… check-in: 1c1e5f9816 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Uses WMI to create a new virtual machine check-in: cc11e14b10 user: unknown tags: trunk
Convert a URL Encoded address most commonly found in bounce messages into an X500 address that can be added as an alias to the appropriate mail-enabled object. check-in: 7eef78c7ff user: Jon Webster tags: trunk
This module allows you to manage WSUS from PowerShell. Save code as a .psm1 file and use the Import-Module command for this module. You can approve/decline updates, perform synchronizations, add/remove clients from a target group, create/delete Target groups and much more with currently 40 advanced functions. For more information about this module, please see my blog http://boeprox.wordpress.com/ check-in: 853e31ea12 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This module allows you to manage WSUS from PowerShell. Save code as a .psm1 file and use the Import-Module command for this module. You can approve/decline updates, perform synchronizations, add/remove clients from a target group, create/delete Target groups and much more with currently 40 advanced functions. For more information about this module, please see my blog http://boeprox.wordpress.com/ check-in: d73b33c4f5 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
MKLINK – Make Symbolic File and Directory links. Useful for making symbolic links from powershell. check-in: 0670b5cf39 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. check-in: 31560b2bea user: Dirk Bremen tags: trunk
Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. check-in: f7ddb7c5fb user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts a collection of PowerShell objects into a multi-dimensional array. The first row of the array contains the property names. Each additional row contains the values for each object. check-in: b7e0bf24f3 user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 7a20820c66 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
This script uses query.exe to query local or remote computers and returns back the current logon sessions. This script will only work on Vista and above client OS’s and Windows 2008 and above server OS’s unless a Windows 2003 server is configured as a Terminal Server. check-in: dd1f9e0435 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 9366c30c97 user: James Gentile tags: trunk
Calculate prime numbers … check-in: ea3f818574 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
hashtable to object function. check-in: 751dd6dd13 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Resolves OID value to a Friendly Name and vice versa. The cmdlet resolves both well-known OIDs (used in Internet PKI) and Active Directory forest specific registered OIDs. check-in: 03726de51d user: unknown tags: trunk
Script to create a NLB-cluster for the CAS/HUB-roles in Exchange Server 2010. check-in: 65c5822cad user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This is an old script I had lying around. It has NOT been updated in a long time :) check-in: d347a8daf9 user: unknown tags: trunk
COMMENT: check-in: d9c4f9615a user: unknown tags: trunk
UPDATED 2010/10/28: Visually create an instance of an enum with an easy to use menu system. Supports both single value enumerated types and bitmask (flags) enums. Also supports dynamic inline help for enumerated values (help works with powershell.exe host only – ISE is buggy.) PowerShell 2.0 required. This uses uses the new to v2 IHostUISupportsMultipleChoiceSelection interface. check-in: 15922c65d6 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Findup – Find Duplicates, and optionall delete them. C# version of the powershell script FindDupe.ps1, C# version is probably 100 times faster though. check-in: 6e77b15a2f user: James Gentile tags: trunk
hashtable to object function. check-in: a063be42c1 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Visually create an instance of an enum with an easy to use menu system. Supports both single value enumerated types and bitmask (flags) enums. Also supports dynamic inline help for enumerated values (help works with powershell.exe host only – ISE is buggy.) PowerShell 2.0 required. This uses uses the new to v2 IHostUISupportsMultipleChoiceSelection interface. check-in: 4ce0512d52 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Based on poshcode.org/753 – minor mods to support new mandatory authentication parameters in Lab Manager 4.x. check-in: 377bc54890 user: oldsienna tags: trunk
PowerBot is my IRC bot written in PowerShell script using SmartIrc4Net There’s a bit more to it than this, but this is the basic script, and all you have to do is add your own commands! Of course, you could also add your own additional message handlers and make a chatter-bot or whatever you like. Please share your mods back here! check-in: 553c13b114 user: avianses tags: trunk
Module for communicating with FTP server check-in: b05236610f user: Noldorin tags: trunk
This sample was put together with Jaykul’s help and bits and pieces were taken from the Sample.ps1 distributed with PowerBoots. It requires the current changeset of PowerBoots. Not the 0.2 beta. check-in: 91005b80ab user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Change the extension on files check-in: 2977437172 user: unknown tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: fdeff8f60c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: 8495e982b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get the Windows Experience Rating check-in: 6768fc45ba user: unknown tags: trunk
More C# than PowerShell. A script to return DHCP client leases from a DHCP server. check-in: c757834749 user: unknown tags: trunk
Updated for current PowerBoot (latest chackin) check-in: eb29e7aee0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sample ScriptingAgentConfig.xml for working with the Exchange Server 2010 Scripting Agent cmdlet extension agent. check-in: 761e8fd537 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This sample was put together with Jaykul’s help and bits and pieces were taken from the Sample.ps1 distributed with PowerBoots check-in: cf60e73d41 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
help needed check-in: e44793599a user: unknown tags: trunk
An attempt to resolve namespace clashes without overwriting functions … check-in: c460643976 user: unknown tags: trunk
A pair with ConvertTo-CliXml — this version closes and disposes the string reader handle. check-in: 14f48d81bb user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Requires PowerShell 2.0 check-in: c43d642d7a user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
A Write-Output replacement with the option to output collections that don’t unwrap. check-in: 7ced72fad0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
By way of demonstrating how the -Confirm parameter affects $ConfirmPreference and thus the output of cmdlets called in a script. check-in: 7f1644ee78 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enhanced error handling check-in: c1352251ba user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Yet another find text in text files, this time with context, too. check-in: da9e50e683 user: David Mohundro tags: trunk
Sets a very subtle windows transparency for powershell. check-in: 673ea1e5f8 user: Jachin tags: trunk
I wrote this based on ConvertTo-CliXml. This takes a xml string from the pipeline and converts it to objects. check-in: 8aaab5a669 user: David Sjstrand tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Probably needs v2 powershell (not tested in v1). check-in: 59e1affc90 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Provides an easy way to change the text encoding on a lot of scripts at once. check-in: 09359ed9d1 user: Jason Ferris tags: trunk
Collection of functions to Shutdown, Reboot, Logoff, Standby(sleep) or Hibernate your computer. check-in: d0f0a83bf1 user: TJdot tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout. check-in: 6d11f0c83d user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Opens the MSDN web page of an object member: type, method or property. check-in: 51462a6c7b user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO. check-in: 960a23975d user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: 0499519f90 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A module for updating the machineKey element in some or all of the web.config files on a server at once. check-in: e9d2e1dd52 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A demo script which work against remote session output as well as local output: check-in: 98e90b1b53 user: unknown tags: trunk
I created this function to generate a new PowerShell Script template. It will prompt for the name of the script you want to create (don’t need to add the .ps1 extension) and the email (don’t need to add email) then it will create the template in the C:\Scripts directory (Dir should already exist) check-in: 8249cddfcc user: unknown tags: trunk
Generate Cryptographically Random Bytes, using RNGCryptoServiceProvider, and optionally format them as strings. check-in: 3a35ec2ff9 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: cac862858b user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
An example of making “custom objects” with strongly-typed properties, custom enumeration/validation and error messages. check-in: bf25145342 user: unknown tags: trunk
The Easy Migration script enables you to manually VMotion and SVMotion virtual machines very quickly and easily. You don’t have to specify the resource pools and it reduces the amount of mouse clicks required. There is also an Undo feature. check-in: d6d1520f44 user: unknown tags: trunk
Based on poshcode.org/753 – minor mods to support new mandatory authentication parameters in Lab Manager 4.x. check-in: 2efb859dd5 user: oldsienna tags: trunk
Generates a simple dataset based on the files in the current directory. I whipped this up while answering questions about databinding because I needed to be able to create multiple DataSets/DataTables easily, without needing an actual database. check-in: 7873b821dd user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Description check-in: 0f0effd51d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Datagrid Xaml layout needed for Boots DataGrid binding example http://poshcode.org/2259 check-in: 959c686d73 user: foureight84 tags: trunk
Bind DataGrid to an object array using Powerboots check-in: 08adb241ef user: foureight84 tags: trunk
This is the final version of PoshCode ISE addon for uploading scripts to PoshCode.org from PowerShell ISE. You can upload scripts in two ways. First method is to select all or part of the script and upload it by pressing CTRL+ALT+C. And, the second method is to just press CTRL+ALT+C. This way you can upload all contents without any selection. check-in: d9f09c8f31 user: ravikanth_chaganti tags: trunk
TreeView check-in: 0373144083 user: unknown tags: trunk
PowerShell ISE addon for PoshCode script uploads check-in: a93e6880eb user: unknown tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 381daac6d5 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Find matching members in a local group check-in: 72a2ecd081 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
This script will help detect vulnerable configuration for the Padding Oracle check-in: 749f49a6e9 user: Jerry George tags: trunk
Some functions for drawing mini-buffers. Please try the two demo functions included! check-in: a1e10e5f74 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Password gerneration function originally posted on PoshCode.org by Sean Kearney. Without any arguments, Get-NewPassword generates an 8 character password with upper, lower, and numeric characters. It can accept 2 options, the first is password length (up to 94 chars) and the other is complexity (1 to 4). I had to modify the code so that it wouldn’t create repeating characters. The code may be ugly, but it’s because I am a network admin and not a programmer. I hope it helps someone. check-in: 288aac4271 user: johnwcannon at gmail dot com tags: trunk
Function to test if a file is writable. Uses the .openwrite() method to test and returns a boolean. check-in: c460768058 user: JimbobNet tags: trunk
Function to test if a file is writable. Uses the .openwrite() method to test and returns a boolean. check-in: 0ec2ff5c23 user: JimbobNet tags: trunk
Script to translate Service DACL’s into HRL (Human Readable Language) :) check-in: 985e9083da user: Claus T Nielsen tags: trunk
Export 2007/2010 usermailbox to PST located on File Share check-in: 656b7cdbc6 user: unknown tags: trunk
You can just copy paste this entire script to your PowerShell ISE profile script. This script will take care of saving your ISE preferences such as color schemes, font styles, etc. You can change any of these values and this script will take care of storing and re-storing those preferences everytime you open ISE. check-in: 1379b003c2 user: Ravikanth Chaganti tags: trunk
This script will create a new System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 Collection. check-in: 37800c74d1 user: Andy S tags: trunk
This invokes a command exclusively check-in: 9cc8c844d0 user: bassamf tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: c370d94e07 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d29c2fed70 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6a6147bca6 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 347d24e7ba user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 262e6b56f3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: c4c2560eec user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: fba69200ab user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0d70bfe86c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6d2914124f user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: b2a527d175 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: b231d9a0a1 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: c24bef6a13 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 8526abbace user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0b638f8c75 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 8b5f9c61e9 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 60e4e3d337 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9af81476f3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0b26434a8c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9af5f81f4e user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9eeb6cd01e user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 78a552f9c6 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9c9d278d68 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9956e37e2b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: e0174ed8c2 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 17a9e92447 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: a589343eba user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ecad39612f user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: a8a5a7144c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 2ff3dcd205 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 231719387a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 320bcf34f1 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6b41d99eca user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 69685c6c3d user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 8da651434e user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ae854ebfb9 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 98e35b771c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d4a2e8c740 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: fcdf4a3a32 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: a67d796c4c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 7377999218 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: dbf79e3fb4 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 88fa6ad47b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: b0abba9373 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d997dc9e05 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 3dfba10b0a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: f2f5f6017f user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 52ccb53c5b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d62ad63f2a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bba4f6e13a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ef95f0999d user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ee4f22a7fe user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: dec706c655 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: f985b273a3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 21c8affae4 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bff95b023f user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 28cedd0aa3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: e4873ad3c8 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 3d63760bc3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d81d875030 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 858f5724b4 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d5b9482cc3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: e64ee469f2 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 343b954e1c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6b73529a34 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 4541ab35a7 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bc3416d557 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 2a3d71e629 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: c22107875b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 149a2d1cae user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 4b27884ee7 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6c49431de9 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 76886b5164 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 7e7f74ed46 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0b867601ae user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 06bddc8c83 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 58fb5474ab user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: ef5798fbdf user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 79c9a1e12b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 37ba8f78c0 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: cdb91a83c5 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 17a43306eb user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 3e2bfc94b8 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 503bbd5349 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 5b1659394a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9e23ce0edf user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 1f210a23c1 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d0fc3074b1 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: d9512c3c9b user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: deff60274a user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 42c8cdfc31 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bd085a29fa user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 5dbfc3b835 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 31268d8dc3 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: a5b069147c user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 9a19a76b74 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 38aabab23e user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 8c77eb2bc2 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 4537f544fc user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: c9e9c7b800 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: bb7cf29030 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 94b16c4eb9 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Audit Folders/Shares and Export to Excel check-in: eb7c103e37 user: DigitalAsylum tags: trunk
This script allows you to convert one or more CSVs into an Excel file with each CSV being a new worksheet in excel. The worksheet name will be the name of the file with the exception of the extension. So a file called test.csv will be named ‘test’. CSVs can be piped into the function or you can use the -inputfile parameter to accomplish this. check-in: b52c1f67a4 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Use this to upload one or more files to a SharePoint document library. Should also work with any WebDAV service, although that hasn’t been tested. The filename parameter expects fileinfo objects. Easiest way to do so is to pass them on the pipeline from Get-ChildItem. This script is a refinement of a technique that I first saw here: http://blogs.flexnetconsult.co.uk/colinbyrne/PermaLink,guid,a326572f-8f78-4c80-86d5-1fe52cbd6fe5.aspx. check-in: 5220f14b40 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Find an Application on remote list of computers. check-in: 70efc53d75 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
Creates a SQL Server table from a DataTable using SMO. check-in: c748193495 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: 2f15a2ed96 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Writes data only to SQL Server tables. However, the data source is not limited to SQL Server; any data source can be used, as long as the data can be loaded to a DataTable instance or read with a IDataReader instance. check-in: ded2d97798 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Power Shell 1 script used to grab mailbox stats for a Exchange 2007 server. It saves the information into a .csv file by changing the $OUTFILE variable. check-in: 1440602e65 user: Hinkle tags: trunk
Creates a DataTable for an object, based on script by Marc van Orsouw check-in: a6fae1ee0f user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
This function can send WOL packages. Note that this a modified version of code already floating online. You need to specify the Mac address as a string. Optionally use -Ports (0,1000) to specify the udp ports. (use -verbose to show which pacakges are being send). check-in: ff2effcac2 user: FrankSpierings tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout. check-in: 00797fa518 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout. check-in: ef485bb9b8 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A DOS cmd script to show how your arguments look to “native” console apps check-in: d8df007c55 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will allow you to set the password for an account on a local or remote machine/s. A report is then generated when done along with an error log. Scripts accepts pipeling input for the computer/s. If any errors are encountered, a log will be generated as well. check-in: 89078e96e1 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This script will allow you to set the password for an account on a local or remote machine/s. A report is then generated when done along with an error log. Scripts accepts pipeling input for the computer/s. If any errors are encountered, a log will be generated as well. check-in: af16d2fa36 user: unknown tags: trunk
http://georgemauer.net/blog/enabledisable-fusionlog-powershell-script/ check-in: 35db00eb65 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
My current (WPF 4 compatible) PowerBoots-based Presentation Module. REQUIRES PresentationFrame.xaml and, of course, PowerBoots check-in: 0e305c74b8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A required file for my PowerShell Presentation module check-in: b39cb9df82 user: unknown tags: trunk
A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value. check-in: 4e2c37c193 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Generates a self-signed certificate authority and a code-signing certificate using OpenSSL check-in: 0fd9fc6f95 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
just a quick re-write of gmagerr’s Powershell Template script to enable his template to create Powershell ISE help-comment based structure which I often use; I just put this function into an add-isemenu custom menu array. Thanks to gmagerr for the structure I just added a couple of things (most of which work fine!). thx for the base gmagerr. check-in: 8febf5243d user: biryani tags: trunk
I’ve tweaked New-SshSession again, this time it supports multiple parameter sets (including one with the password in plain text, and one which takes a PSCredential). check-in: 889dd55cb9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
In this JSON module, I have a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: c27af2ca7c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Upgraded more functions to PowerShell 2.0 [CmdletBinding()] check-in: a8e65ba498 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is my profile script … it contains a few things that are specific to my setup (particularly: which modules I load, and the scripts which I Autoload), but they are all available here on PoshCode.org :-) check-in: f530b18341 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
My command Prompt — I recently added a “Pastable” option so that I can safely copy-paste a commandline and have it run without having to manually edit out my prompt. check-in: d656a92e90 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
You need to download and unpack LoreSoft.MathExpressions.dll into your Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Libraries or tweak this module. check-in: ebf442b08f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
I created this function to generate a new PowerShell Script template. I’ve modified it to prompt for the file name, eMail, and finally you can add a comment. The tricky part was trimmimg the comment so it would wrap properly. I use this all the time. Enjoy. check-in: b3aa09b0ed user: gmagerr tags: trunk
This Script allows testing of newly sequenced App-V apps without having to specify the file:// URL in the OSD, or distributing via the App-V infrastructure or SCCM. It scans a directory and loads all XML manifests for app-v packages in that directory, overriding the default distribution URLs. check-in: b046a59e70 user: jgrote tags: trunk
Check to see if users passwords will expire in X days and send them an email notification. This script was written using the Active Directory cmdlets bundled with Server 2008 and Powershell 2.0 check-in: 9cc3e07463 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Add a type property to the VirtualHarddisk object to associate a disks type…. too big to past into twitter :D check-in: fa63524da9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Power Shell 1 script used to grab mailbox stats for a Exchange 2007 server. It saves the information into a .csv file by changing the $OUTFILE variable. check-in: f73175edc4 user: Hinkle tags: trunk
Script to run daily send/receive reports in .csv format on a Exchange 2007 server using Power Shell 1. check-in: d2d1c62fa7 user: Hinkle tags: trunk
COMMENT: check-in: a19fff10ed user: Stephen Wheet tags: trunk
COMMENT: check-in: dddc967069 user: Stephen Wheet tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: ffb9b4efc9 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Remotely force WSUS Check on Servers within your network. Powershell remoting must be enabled. check-in: 805a8644c9 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Update AD Security Group with users that have attribut X set. This script does all updates on the PDC emulator. check-in: 62a96998e8 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Check to see if users passwords will expire in X days and send them an email notification. This script was written using the Active Directory cmdlets bundled with Server 2008 and Powershell 2.0 check-in: a0ce6aace5 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 3593e26413 user: St3v3o tags: trunk
Invoke generic method definitions (including static methods) from PowerShell. check-in: 3cafa218f1 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get-FileEncoding function determines encoding by looking at Byte Order Mark (BOM). check-in: bc382390a3 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A simple function for connecting a UNC path to a specified Windows drive letter. Some other things I’d like to see added: check-in: 702162cc21 user: mtown_nerd tags: trunk
Displays private fields of passed object. This function is useful only if you want to want to see what is under the hood in powershell check-in: 9bf3e91c05 user: Andrew Savinykh tags: trunk
Splits a string (by default, on whitespace), and allows you to pick and chose which pieces are returned. Something like “cut” in bash… check-in: ef604b8ed8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Enable aero “glass” effects for the regular powershell 2.0 console (not ISE) – vista or above, powershell 2+ and aero-compatible gfx card. check-in: 4502475d88 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Takes a fixed format CSV and pumps out clones from a template. Easily modified to do clones of a VM or create new VMs. Some of the restrictions mentioned in the notes appear to be fixed with VMware ESX v4.1. check-in: 56de1423e0 user: monahancj tags: trunk
ConvertFrom-PropertyString 3.0 can convert ini files, property files, and other flat key-value data strings into PSObjects. check-in: c4c2f2f34b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Notifies other processes that the global environment block has changed. This lets other processes pick changes to ENV: without having to reboot or logoff/logon. A non-zero result from SendMessageTimeout indicates success. check-in: cce4780579 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
A function to migrate a single user in the Active Directory Migration Tool, based on the sample script Invoke-ADMTUserMigration.ps1: http://poshcode.org/2046 check-in: e20f247bab user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
A function to migrate a single user in the Active Directory Migration Tool, based on the sample script Invoke-ADMTUserMigration.ps1: http://poshcode.org/2046 check-in: 60723522bd user: unknown tags: trunk
This is an example on how to script the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) using PowerShell. check-in: b53178488b user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Enable .Net 4 and \\UNC path modules for PowerShell, PowerShell_ISE and even wsmprovhost.exe by using this app.config. check-in: a993c35e9d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Enable .Net 4 and \\UNC path modules for PowerShell, PowerShell_ISE and even wsmprovhost.exe by using this app.config. check-in: 21de747283 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A wrapper for DataSvcUtil to generate web service proxies in-memory for OData services like NetFlix (which are not handled correctly by PowerShell’s built-in New-WebServiceProxy). check-in: 402a535ad7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function that allows me to query DNS on my internal servers for Domain Controllers check-in: 8d4801c26d user: unknown tags: trunk
A wrapper for DataSvcUtil to generate web service proxies in-memory for OData services like NetFlix (which are not handled correctly by PowerShell’s built-in New-WebServiceProxy). check-in: 9dbf477e26 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: d9522ce826 user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
A few miscellaneous enhancements to HttpRest for pipelining urls, and the beginning of documentation … check-in: 8bbf433859 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Checks whether MSDTC is enabled for network access. By default MSDTC network access is disabled. This feature is needed by SQL Server Linked Servers check-in: 1a8263fceb user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Gathers data from Exchange mailbox servers. check-in: ccb20a215b user: Karl Mitschke tags: trunk
Get-EmptyGroup: Function to find empty groups in Win2000/2003/2003R2/2008 domains. check-in: a0be759133 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script has a function that allows you to take a screenshot of the entire desktop or of an active window. Also includes option to save the screenshot to a file. check-in: 3d53b085b5 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Generating error report bundle for VMware PowerCLI / vSphere check-in: b29f5c4fec user: unknown tags: trunk
Generating error report bundle for VMware PowerCLI / vSphere check-in: 6aea18b059 user: unknown tags: trunk
This function will determine whether the local operating system architecture is 64-bit. This has been converted to PowerShell from the original C# code produced by Stefan Schultze check-in: de7cce50cb user: George Howarth tags: trunk
Error handling with PowerCLI 4.1 check-in: 78322f13a3 user: Yasen Kalchev tags: trunk
Deploying a VM with Static IP in 3 steps check-in: 4e2dc318ec user: Nedko Nedev tags: trunk
Deploying VM with static ip in 3 steps check-in: 8b8c25dd0d user: Nedko Nedev tags: trunk
Deploying a VM with Static IP in 3 Lines check-in: f6644c54ed user: Nedko Nedev tags: trunk
4 lines of PowerShell to wrap that C# class and show you how to use it… (with Add-Type -Path) check-in: a536bf2c3a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A C# class (use with Add-Type -Path) that encapsulates the desktop APIs… check-in: 78095fa0c1 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Enumerate the Parameters of a command by ParameterSet, including DynamicParameters check-in: 1c0f701bbb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script was written to test comment based help. In current version supports only v2 comments. Only minimal tests, so there may be some bugs… check-in: 72f621265b user: BartekB tags: trunk
Deploying VM with static IP in 3 lines check-in: 519d09f6d4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Deploying VM with static IP in 3 lines check-in: 7f70145421 user: unknown tags: trunk
There are problems with displaying modal dialogs from PowerShell in XP SP3. When the ShowDialog() method is called, the dialog is not modal and is behind the PowerShell window. To solve this problem, you need to add a class that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window and instantiate that class with the handle to the main window of the running process, and then pass that handle as a parameter to the ShowDialog() method to make the dialog act modally. check-in: a23bab7826 user: George Howarth tags: trunk
Set’s the screen resolution on the primary monitor using Win32 API check-in: b6a3565b1a user: unknown tags: trunk
A simple image resizer … check-in: 89e0b9ee25 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to send text messages (SMS) from Windows PowerShell using the Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in. check-in: 9af2add2d7 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This is a .ps1xml file for use with Update-TypeData … it adds methods onto the COM object for GetProperty (including support for parametrized properties), SetProperty, and InvokeMethod. check-in: e4a187e741 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 35cb78fbd2 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Search for PowerCLI 4.1 incompatible type references check-in: 5119643e21 user: unknown tags: trunk
Create Outlook signature based on user information from Active Directory. Settings for versioning, template-files, enforcing for New and ReplyForward are stored in the registry. check-in: 71c051147f user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Create Outlook signature based on user information from Active Directory. Settings for versioning, template-files, enforcing for New and ReplyForward are stored in the registry. check-in: 42b4f36c5c user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Function, which creates vDS in vSphere PowerCLI check-in: 588c946b33 user: Pavel Dimitrov tags: trunk
Create VMKernel on vDS with New-VMHostNetworkAdapter vSphere PowerCLI 4.1 check-in: e088e67781 user: unknown tags: trunk
Thin provisioning with PowerCIL 4.0 version check-in: 53e5003af7 user: unknown tags: trunk
Converts a hashtable to a string representation of the hashtable definition. Useful in persisting hashtables to .NET Isolated Storage check-in: 4f7d645d03 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Function to prompt user for file path input. Can create a open file type dialog or a save file type dialog by either specifying either “Open” or “Save” for the -Type parameter. Either a file path string is returned or null if the user canceled the dialog. check-in: b978706f43 user: anti121 tags: trunk
Gets the daily Woot! deal (www.woot.com) and emails it. check-in: 5d22c18cf1 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
For more information: check-in: 691568b4ae user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
Fixed minor issue (original: http://poshcode.org/1817) where a cmdlet doesn’t have built-in parameters (e.g Exit-PSSession) check-in: 4d85ee02a4 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a script that should be dot sourced to use each function. You can choose to build a configuration file that the Get-PerfCounter will use to decide what type of counters to look for. Use Build-PerfConfig with the -assist switch to launch a command line helper to choose the type of counter. A GUI selection using windows forms is currently being built. check-in: 3b746ef0bf user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
Use SSRS ReportViewer with PowerShell, use parameters and catch navigate event check-in: 77f39b3d92 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enable or disable assembly bind logging (per-machine) check-in: 7c73ef1215 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: 745d693756 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 0a50189813 user: Kent Finkle tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: cc78f3ddf9 user: Kent Finkle tags: trunk
Version 1.1 check-in: afb2769a72 user: George Howarth tags: trunk
Enable .Net 4 and \\UNC path modules for PowerShell ISE by using this app.config. Save as C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell_ise.exe.config check-in: a5a390aa45 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: d2b107f413 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
The improved code-signing module with automatic cert picking and finding. check-in: 934cdf7a78 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Changes: Added a -Module parameter to Set-AuthenticodeCertificate to make signing whole modules easier. check-in: f3f75e6840 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Version 1.0 check-in: 6e1e8e5aee user: George Howarth tags: trunk
ConvertFrom-PropertyString can convert ini files, property files, and other flat key-value data strings into PSObjects. v2 changes the output so that if there are multiple instances of the same key, we collect the values in an array check-in: f9c7d62c95 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
**********EDIT: See Carter’s Example, it’s way simpler: http://poshcode.org/1559********** check-in: d1a0f7fa31 user: jgrote tags: trunk
This function will, when used at the end of pipe, produce colourful output for any format-table’d data. It has some bugs in it (problem with columns which name is right-aligned, kills pipe), but maybe someone will pick up from here and fix those. ;) check-in: 1a7793ab12 user: unknown tags: trunk
A really bad roll-dice script to do ‘bad things’ to vmware snapshots taken on the pipeline. check-in: b7a84f19df user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
A really bad roll-dice script to do ‘bad things’ to vmware snapshots taken on the pipeline. check-in: 54d0c2f238 user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
Using the DataOnTap toolkit get the different protocol latencies for a specified volume. check-in: 7724f86462 user: glnsize tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: b6a6df54ca user: Halr9000 tags: trunk
Convert and import from delimited text files. check-in: 216326bcd0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A really bad roll-dice script to do ‘bad things’ to vmware snapshots taken on the pipeline. check-in: d45b1f1071 user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: 53a9f2b44b user: unknown tags: trunk
A Function which can be added to a Script or $PROFILE which generates password from 1 to whatever characters long with controlled levels of Complexity specified by the User check-in: a252dc3fdf user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
In an interesting design choice, Get-Process lets you work with processes on remote machines, but Stop-Process does not. This cmdlet uses WMI to stop a process on a remote machine. check-in: 559a1880bf user: unknown tags: trunk
A wrapper around Move-Item which moves a whole folder tree and creates backup copies if the files already exist in the destination. check-in: a1bd4ebf04 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A simple “assert” for testing check-in: a7fc54802b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The Start-ComputerJobs cmdlet runs a specified scriptblock within a maximum number of simultaneously spawned Powershell jobs. check-in: 08869afcc3 user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
Use Reflection and IL to emit arbitrary delegatesfrom PowerShell script check-in: d23aa805cc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. check-in: 1f5c37de8c user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Function to import security certificates. check-in: 5a94dc8aa9 user: anti121 tags: trunk
Gets all Virtual Machines, and exports a CSV that shows their virtual disk capacities and type. Used in this case for sizing a VCB temp disk. check-in: 6b9bd5ea5a user: jgrote tags: trunk
Script to download and install updates from Windows Update/WSUS. Reporting and rebooting may be customized. check-in: 668cdbee8d user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Recursively copies all files and folders in $source folder to $destination folder, but with .copy inserted before the extension if the file already exists check-in: ecf27634e0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This cmdlet allows you to open a file in a new file tab within your current Powershell tab. You can pass a collection of files to open more than one file. check-in: 1c8d80f797 user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
Invoke the specified command (with parameters) in cmd.exe, and import any environment variable changes back to PowerShell check-in: 62ef524aca user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Added -File parameter to ConvertFrom-JSON and corrected handling of arrays check-in: d9e5f708ad user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Added -File parameter to ConvertFrom-JSON check-in: da4c134738 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Invoke the specified command (with parameters) in cmd.exe, and import any environment variable changes back to PowerShell check-in: 22cc06167b user: unknown tags: trunk
Gets all Virtual Machines, and exports a CSV that shows their virtual disk capacities and type. Used in this case for sizing a VCB temp disk. check-in: 307cdfb3b7 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: 6dbea7c276 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Remotely query select machines for system information the easy way. check-in: c82230de20 user: Alex Smith tags: trunk
ConvertFrom-PropertyString can convert ini files, property files, and other flat key-value data strings into PSObjects check-in: 48039d41bc user: unknown tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: 884db05e3c user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: e326b102e3 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
See my blog post about this http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/rdc-remoteapp-how-does-user-change-their-pass for the original info. For those that do not want to click through: check-in: 09aa656f91 user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
A fix for JSON that returns no items. check-in: 8c2c6ec534 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Identical to Version 1.1, but code-signed. check-in: f7dfac6b23 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Gathers data from Exchange mailbox servers. check-in: 73752f43c9 user: Karl Mitschke tags: trunk
get utilization from all network interfaces check-in: 611698f150 user: Jason Ochoa tags: trunk
A code-generating and emitting magic function for creating type-safe struct classes for use in PowerShell! check-in: fe9bcd4e17 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Snipped of my powerpoint movie creator. This is not general purpose code only a sample for entertainment. Scrubbed to take out some meaningful strings, I’ll try to post something better another time. check-in: c639b7a6c1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Remove the folder or folders from computer on your network. check-in: 0fd425f9e9 user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
A simple module to temporarily replace the stock PowerCLI networkadapter cmdlets until they work with vdSwitches. Based off LucD’s functions http://www.lucd.info/2010/03/04/dvswitch-scripting-part-8-get-and-set-network-adapters/ check-in: 9f5e4d6ff3 user: glnsize tags: trunk
I came across an article on the “Microsoft Active Directory PowerShell Blog”, it has a great script for analysing nested group memberships. Unfortunatly to use the PowerShell script you need to be running Windows 2008 servers for the Active Directory cmdlets to be available. So not put off I converted the script to use the Quest cmdlets available with the “Quest Active Roles Management” PSSnapIn. You will need to have these installed for the script to function. check-in: 36352e2b00 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
A complete rewrite of my wget script to use HttpWebRequest and Response to figure out the filename, added some unwrapping because a couple sites had quotes around the file names. check-in: 9c4b6c3efc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
My rewritten XML DSL now has better element name handling than last time, and handles null attribute values a little more gracefully. NOTE: if you think that the statement you’re using to pass an attribute value could be null, you should really be very explicit and pass it using the colon syntax like this: -attribute:$value. Also, I fixed a bug when you only have one element. check-in: 18055579b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A C# source file created by running make-shell to create a SQL Server minishell check-in: 536696cddd user: unknown tags: trunk
Uses QAD cmdlets to retrieve distribution list restriction attributes and then provides a list of users which can send email messages to the group. check-in: d3edf06bea user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Uses QAD cmdlets to retrieve distribution list restriction attributes and then provides a list of users which can send email messages to the group. check-in: b41f992013 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Changes: Major improvements to Get-UserCertificate and Get-AuthenticodeCertificate check-in: 740d613818 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Identifying knowledge base article by its id number taken from string or filename. check-in: 80265a46e8 user: Kris Cieslak tags: trunk
A script to use some web services for guessing languages and translating to English… check-in: 045637e65b user: Joel Bennnett tags: trunk
search users in the local administrators group on computers domain network check-in: c16f385114 user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
A function to install single-file modules (create the folder, make sure the file is named the same as the folder, etc). check-in: f5e827e311 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Updated from other people’s attempts. Useful for calling programs (notepad.exe, etc) or for running powershell scripts in an elevated prompt (use the -ps flag) check-in: 394c12dc21 user: pezhore tags: trunk
Updated from other people’s attempts. Useful for calling programs (notepad.exe, etc) or for running powershell scripts in an elevated prompt (use the -ps flag) check-in: 62656f5dd9 user: pezhore tags: trunk
Just a little wrapper for PromptForChoice check-in: df205d9266 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: 15ed6e9897 user: Damien Ryan tags: trunk
Figure out the real url’s behind the shortened forms created by snipurl, tinyurl, twurl, is.gd, ... check-in: 92ddb09d7a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This module makes it easier to create and remove type accelerators in PowerShell 2.0 check-in: 5d003827bf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script to create a NLB-cluster for the CAS/HUB-roles in Exchange Server 2010. check-in: c44c29eed2 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
A Module to solve fileshare permission issues once and for all. Allows you to impersonate other network credentials for windows network authentication. check-in: 4ab4830aec user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Like Set-Blur, except it runs on Windows XP … you know … without the blur check-in: 66f8e18f55 user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to mess with opacity, as demonstrated: !http://HuddledMasses.org/images/PowerShell/SetBlur.png! check-in: 927af30bf0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to join a domain check-in: 73c3ef148d user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Enumerates the constructors of a type with the parameters that they take, so you can figure out what your options are when calling New-Object. Now outputs fully paste-able syntax ;) check-in: 9493565b94 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Autoload function like the Korn shell — can inject functions to modules. check-in: 1134c99f88 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Not quite finished effort at a script intended to spit out the parameters of a cmdlet. I’m sure there’s a better but this is…adequate for now. check-in: c365f25d27 user: unknown tags: trunk
Pertains to the following check-in: 06cf87068c user: TylerT tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: b755275fec user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Version 1.1 of my JSON module. I has a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: c3cd49f13d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A Module to solve fileshare permission issues once and for all check-in: 8e09f69b47 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Create a desktop.ini in your PowerShell folder setting the icon and messing with the display name. check-in: 4102f942ce user: unknown tags: trunk
Automated paste from PowerShell console check-in: cd66e1c4b7 user: Jaykul tags: trunk
Script to spread mailboxes alphabetically across mailboxdatabases based on the first character in the user`s displayname. check-in: 3ddc24bc7f user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Script to use when migrating mailboxes to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Cross-Forest. Prepares user objects already moved to the target forest using Active Directory Migration Tool or other tools, and then invokes the mailbox move request. check-in: 38d8f18f0e user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on top of other windows check-in: 6d3cbea137 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
#Publish FF Entry using PowerShell script check-in: 6eefc8dd8d user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
My command Prompt check-in: e974814f4c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This short script converts Time settings and displays a “productivity” Report with a goal of 81%. check-in: 33d6d04e7f user: mazakane tags: trunk
a small script to find changed files between 2 to foldertrees. Added call to diffmerge (from VS 2008) check-in: df5bbf8f73 user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: 3e21ff0f85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Stores script configuration on computer. This one is generic and would work with any PowerShell script/tool. A more PowerGUI specific one can be found at: http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2010/05/07/storing-powergui-add-on-configuration check-in: 959b25d9aa user: unknown tags: trunk
This code determines the IP address of a virtual ESXi VM in what might just be the dumbest way possible, namely by taking a screenshot of it, OCRing the results and extracting the IP. For educational purposes only. Unfortunately it’s pretty slow due to some cmdlet slowness. Requires PowerCLI 4.0 U1, PowerShell v2, and Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) to be installed and configured. check-in: b1f0287aef user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Written to provide an easy method to perform easy batch check-in: 927f3f3d73 user: Jason Ferris tags: trunk
Written to provide an easy method to perform easy batch check-in: 83b4f0e88c user: unknown tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: 1cce010c3f user: Richard van Erk tags: trunk
Create PSObjects from hashtables. Supports converting nested hashtables, and joining multiple pipelined hashtables into one object using Join-Object check-in: f63615010a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Performs a join of all properties from two objects. Supports scriptblock evaluation, pipeline joining, etc. check-in: 3d988636fd user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
For more information: check-in: 7c3be5babf user: unknown tags: trunk
Today I had spent a lot of time troubleshooting one module. After few checks I realized that it was simple typo that prevented PS from seeing my module in correct way. So here is function for you to avoid same problems… ;) check-in: d624785806 user: Bartek Bielawski tags: trunk
This script runs a variety of checks on server hardware to get status or basic information. It can check memory, perc events, firmware versions, gets service tags, shows summary hardware status, retrieves ESM log, and can auto load the omsa webpage. This is a basic overview of some dell WMI related namespace operations which can be easily extended as needed. To run the script, provide the name of the function you want to call and the remote machine name to check. Note: WMI namespace for Dell is installed with dell openmanage software, v4 and higher. check-in: 0b9af82535 user: Nathan Linley tags: trunk
This script will check if the specified Microsoft Office Excel Addins are loaded, and if not load them. check-in: 0727dc421b user: David Valdes tags: trunk
The Get-ADGroupModificationsReport script, which were posted on http://poshcode.org/1402, are now enhanced in due to performance by storing each domain controllers security eventlog in a variable check-in: ee1f13a437 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Restarts applications using a ManagementEventWatcher to watch for an InstanceDeletionEvent … use at your own risk ;) check-in: bdbcdbb61b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: 20d3aa81bd user: Shane Powser tags: trunk
Get-Weather parses and displays the current weather and forecast from the Yahoo! RSS. Simply enter your zipcode (or IXX code from Yahoo weather) and -c(elcius) if you don’t want Fahrenheit temperatures. check-in: b8c5eeaa32 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
My sudo script runs commands or apps elevated without prompting. But it’s awfully hacky :( check-in: 878c14468e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Script to use when migrating mailboxes to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Cross-Forest. Prepares user objects already moved to the target forest using Active Directory Migration Tool or other tools, and then invokes the mailbox move request. check-in: bccba7c898 user: unknown tags: trunk
Presents the user with a .NET GUI box to collect subnet (10.30.49), starting node (1) and ending node (254). Uses this info to collect information from every PC on that subnet within that node range and then outputs data to a spreadsheet. Example shown outputs to OpenOffice Calc but I have a seperate one for Excel output. This is one of my first attempts at really useful scripts. Im sure there are some things that could have (should have) been done differently or better. check-in: cbbcd3d901 user: Brad Blaylock tags: trunk
Presents the user with a .NET GUI box to collect subnet (10.30.49), starting node (1) and ending node (254). Uses this info to collect information from every PC on that subnet within that node range and then outputs data to a spreadsheet. Example shown outputs to OpenOffice Calc but I have a seperate one for Excel output. This is one of my first attempts at really useful scripts. Im sure there are some things that could have (should have) been done differently or better. check-in: 222bd8b7a7 user: Brad Blaylock tags: trunk
Enabling/Disabling network adapter. Works on Windows XP and higher. check-in: 9908d48c23 user: Kris Cieslak tags: trunk
Send an email via the GMail SMTP server (or any server, really, but there’s some extra code in here and defaults that will make it work with Gmail so you won’t have to do research). NOTE: there’s a Send-SmtpMail in PSCX, but as far as I can tell, there’s no way to convince it to use SSL so I can’t get it to work with Gmail at all. check-in: a33202810c user: unknown tags: trunk
Log SharePoint content deletions in all sites fora specified web application. Motivation was to determine content deletion dates to easily find the right backup for a selective restore. check-in: 25aad2facc user: cglessner tags: trunk
Restarts applications using a ManagementEventWatcher to watch for an InstanceDeletionEvent … use at your own risk ;) check-in: f4fa5ccb6e user: unknown tags: trunk
A function to set an IP Address check-in: 8b15a5f024 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
Creates self-signed signing certificate and installs it to certificate store. check-in: 047161d4b8 user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
Creates self-signed signing certificate and installs it to certificate store. check-in: 68f6df740d user: unknown tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout. Fixed minor issue closing connection. check-in: c07af1680f user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout check-in: a44e91197b user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A simpler version of http://powershellcentral.com/scripts/178 which just bridges atom to a jabber chat check-in: 95cc05ce74 user: unknown tags: trunk
Implements SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd and addresses bug where querytimeout does not work correctly https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/551799/invoke-sqlcmd-querytimeout-0-still-times-out check-in: 2b343f47c6 user: unknown tags: trunk
A cool prompt function. Insert code into your profile script (“C:\Users\%username%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1”). Must use Consolas font in powershell (set font, then restart powershell) for special characters to appear correctly. Displays path + uptime in title, example prompt as: jgentile@quadbox&#9679;~\powershell&#9658; check-in: f389be45a9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Find duplicates in <directories/files> comparing size then MD5 of files. Usage: finddupe.ps1 <directory/file #1> <directory/file #2> ... <directory/file #N> [-delete] [-noprompt] [-recurse] ; -delete will prompt to delete duplicates. -delete and -noprompt together will delete duplicates without prompting. -recurse looks in all subdirectories of all listed directories. The first file in a duplicate pair will not be deleted ever. check-in: 81a639842d user: James Gentile tags: trunk
quick code example for a discussion on posting code. code lifted from http://sev17.com/2010/04/t-sql-tuesday-005-ssis-reporting/ check-in: e09a25dd76 user: unknown tags: trunk
Creates a bridge between (any) MUC chatroom and a Jabber user — by default it joins the #PowerShell channel at IRC.FreeNode.net and echos everything said there to you, and everything you say to it … to the chat room. Really quite useless, except as a demonstration. check-in: cd398b2467 user: Joel Bennnett tags: trunk
Skip -every 3rd, or -upto 3 at a time, or the -first 3, or the -last 3 or any combination of the above … check-in: eb5ebf5241 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
My first attempt at the Autoload functionality of the Korn shell check-in: b2d30011c2 user: unknown tags: trunk
push-module will import a powershell v2.0 module and ensure that when the module is removed using remove-module, the functions the module clobbered are restored. UPDATE: previous version restored (promoted to global scope) clobbered functions that were visible from push-module function scope; this is wrong – it should only restore global functions. check-in: 62f384e984 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Get-Help proxy function with URLs for PowerShell Core Help Topics when using the ‘Online’ parameter. check-in: c9521f278b user: unknown tags: trunk
A script to handle “Pause“ing output command without polluting your buffer check-in: f38af03eb9 user: unknown tags: trunk
A PowerShell script that demonstrates working with SSIS using the SQL Server PowerShell Extensions module SSIS. check-in: ca0de180da user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Quick script signer using the last avalable codesigning cert in MY cert store check-in: 7e2540101d user: unknown tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: f255abed70 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: 54b47ce82c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts a file path to a relative path based on a specified folder check-in: a7e65d2908 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A better xsl stylesheet for log4net. Auto-refreshes, maintains scroll position. check-in: ada8a8e87c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is like a (very simple) “more” script for PowerShell … the problem with it is that you’re paging by a count of objects, not by how many lines of text they’ll output … so the paging doesn’t really work except for format-table output … unless you specify it manually. However, this script provides you with “an option” if you want to have paging and still be able to use a script to color the output based on context or syntax. check-in: 2b5a1b18d0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Skip -every 3rd, or -upto 3 at a time, or the -first 3, or the -last 3 or any combination of the above … check-in: 84b4f6e2c6 user: unknown tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: f132d2c4ad user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: f58f094115 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A stylesheet for viewing log4net xml files (which is a bit of a trick, anyway) check-in: ffb18c808c user: unknown tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: 7bbb1f8225 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A trivial Log4Net implementation which (optionally) causes Write-Host, Write-Verbose, Write-Warning, Write-Debug, and Write-Error to log their output when called from (any) script. check-in: 09bfe023d6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
An example config for Log4Net check-in: 59c37f9797 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A wrapper for $Host.UI.PromptForChoice (fixed a copy-paste error) check-in: 475f120458 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
I just added a bunch of tricks, including Ghosting windows (and unghosting), as well as messing with aero peek check-in: 4415a85950 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A wrapper for $Host.UI.PromptForChoice check-in: 64ce942d99 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Attempt to resolve the path to an executable using Get-Command or the “App Paths” registry key — returns an ApplicationInfo object check-in: c346895f8e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Use this cmdlet to retrieve the directory objects that are members of a certain group in Active Directory. check-in: 27bf09367f user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
Use this cmdlet to retrieve the directory objects that are members of a certain group in Active Directory. check-in: c4073f97cc user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
Getting a list of installed programs on computers in the network except the following vendors: check-in: 7462ad385c user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
Uses MacroScope/Antlr to parse SQL query for tables and table aliases check-in: 3a0f3ef4b1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Retrieve data from factual.com. Note: Requires you to establish an API key before you can use it. check-in: 08bad3c516 user: unknown tags: trunk
Simple script that uses netsh to show wireless networks. check-in: 976b985ae5 user: Kris Cieslak tags: trunk
My old bytes module with some extra functions from SANS all wrapped up into a single module. check-in: 9deaf4b1c6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
My old bytes module with some extra functions from SANS all wrapped up into a single module. check-in: c888cde013 user: unknown tags: trunk
ISE-FileName module v 1.0 check-in: bec8fee27a user: unknown tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: 35c955fabf user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.1 check-in: 8cfacd29dd user: poetter tags: trunk
Retrieve Online Cmdlet Help — Fix a type check check-in: 35ca6a85ba user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Fetch the HEAD for a url and return the ResponseUri. Good for service-independent short-url lengthening ;) check-in: 34ad8291d7 user: unknown tags: trunk
Audit Folders/Shares and Export to Excel check-in: 7f88c964e3 user: DigitalAsylum tags: trunk
A complete rewrite of my wget script to use HttpWebRequest and Response to figure out the filename, added some unwrapping because a couple sites had quotes around the file names. check-in: 3bd47f47b2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Like Select-Object -Expand, but with recursive iteration of a select chain check-in: d5edde9b56 user: unknown tags: trunk
Check if the AD object/path exists. Accepts DN, SID, GUID, UPN, samAccountName, Name or Domain\Name. Returns $true or $false. check-in: 2f2b8cd894 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: 6ad692019f user: unknown tags: trunk
Helpers for working with .Net classes: Get-Constructor, Get-Assembly, Add-Assembly, Get-Type check-in: 009c084075 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Create a new script from a series of commands in your history… or copy them to the clipboard. check-in: 48c18aa5b8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A script to do replace strings in text files. Yes, this is just a wrapper around (gc) -replace | sc check-in: 3caa326506 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: b918329257 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Attempt to resolve the path to an executable using Get-Command or the “App Paths” registry key — returns an ApplicationInfo object check-in: 2c5e598810 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Format-PoshTable puts the output in a WPF DataGrid (inline in PoshConsole, popup otherwise) check-in: b848ed446b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Takes an array of RSS feed URLs and gets the site URL and title.. check-in: 549f7dff33 user: unknown tags: trunk
All descriptions on the web which show how to do this so far have left the email attachment open which means if the script is continuing after the email and you wish to use the file you have attached you will not be able to as it will show as locked, use this example to close the attached file correctly using .Dispose() check-in: 80069fbb04 user: THOMAS tags: trunk
Set-WinSchedule gives a GUI to select a schedule and schedules a task using schtasks. This is a beta. There are still a lot of features to implement. Please read through the synopsis->Description to see the list of features that I hope to get in a final release. check-in: c37ae2251e user: Tome Tanasovski tags: trunk
A function to get a file listing via FTP and parse it into objects. check-in: a9b6b797f3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A complete rewrite of my wget script to use HttpWebRequest and Response to figure out the filename check-in: 4fe73469aa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
An example showing how to get a file listing via ftp. NOTE: the listing comes back in (bad) html… check-in: 7aa44e25a4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A very simple stream-reader implementation (with no error handling) suitable for simple interactive script task … check-in: 01d1a33801 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A proof of concept module implementing partial application (not currying) of functions and cmdlets in powershell. This is a functional language technique often used in languages like Haskell, ML etc. check-in: cb6955222c user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
PowerCLI to upgrade guests tools, hardware and record to CSV check-in: a83a572f46 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script is intended to use IIS logs to audit OWA/Activesync logs for syncing of mail from an iPhone or a palm device. This script is not perfect, nor the prettiest thing in the world but it works. It could be further added to parse for windows mobile devices. If it was really slick it would grab all the unique values in the DeviceType= portion and then automatically include all mobile types. You can email the results to yourself in $To varible. check-in: 2c1c95bafe user: psukus tags: trunk
Where I work, we don’t use AD for roughly 30-60 servers. There are multiple identical local windows accounts on various servers, and when a person leaves the company, those accounts need to be deleted by hand. This group of scripts performs the following tasks: check-in: d4475e0099 user: niklas tags: trunk
My rewritten XML DSL now has better element name handling. See Blog Comments check-in: f985fb27e5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get observed IP address ranges and VLAN IDs from an ESX host’s physical adapter. Sample use at the bottom. check-in: 7c9a331d78 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Create a new script from a series of commands in your history… or copy them to the clipboard. check-in: d53df340bf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Produces a report of the number of and names of VMs created broken down by month and year. check-in: 528208f2c9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Never content to leave well-enough alone, I’ve rewritten my XML DSL with 100% less cruft. New-XDocument no longer requires the “xe” command as long as the name of your XML Element doesn’t coincide with that of a PowerShell command (if it does, you need the “xe” on the front), and namespaces can be referred to by short name like dc:creator to keep things simple. Please review the examples on New-XDocument as this is a breaking change. check-in: 104df129fb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Manage ASP.NET MemberShip, Role and Profile Provider with PowerShell. Especially useful with SqlMembershipProvider. I use it to manage SharePoint users with form based authentication (FBA). check-in: 17b23bd9e5 user: cglessner tags: trunk
Export-CliXml and Import-CliXml only work with files. This is an implementation for sending CliXML directly to the pipeline. Probably needs v2 powershell (not tested in v1). check-in: e22722223b user: unknown tags: trunk
Manage ASP.NET MemberShip, Role and Profile Provider with PowerShell. Especially useful with SqlMembershipProvider. I use it to manage SharePoint users with form based authentication (FBA). check-in: 275680b813 user: cglessner tags: trunk
Create a new script from a series of commands in your history… or copy them to the clipboard. check-in: 06f66b5be0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerShell-module with the ability to pin and unpin programs from the taskbar and the Start-menu in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. check-in: 221f4a5ec9 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
This script expands on Dmitry Sotnikov’s blog post on creating demo Active Directory environments. http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2007/12/14/setting-demo-ad-environments/ check-in: 4143434605 user: Ted Wagner tags: trunk
A simple CSV validator framework supporting external rulesets. Run: .\test-csv.ps1 my.csv .\myruleset.ps1 check-in: 78a92ba546 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
A simple CSV validator framework supporting external rulesets. Run: .\test-csv.ps1 my.csv .\myruleset.ps1 check-in: 36dc5acd49 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
“Taking Data from SQL [INTO] CSV [EHLO] SMTP-Email” check-in: fe8af64f44 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 0a1ca93207 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 351b648812 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Performs an inner join on two collections of objects which share a common key value. Now works on DataTable objects (ie: can join the rows from two tables). check-in: 6e2ea4fc6e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get observed IP address ranges and VLAN IDs from an ESX host’s physical adapter. Sample use at the bottom. check-in: b07410f89d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
A simple function based on http://www.peterprovost.org/archive/2007/02/25/22315.aspx to launch a process elevated — basically, this is the UAC equivalent of sudo (and therefore, will almost always require you to at least click OK). check-in: 2a216948a1 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Poshboard AD searcher showing stale computer accounts. Borrowed parts from PowerGUI powerpack check-in: d259de8015 user: Jbandy tags: trunk
Authenticode 2.1 for PowerShell 2.0: Added Start-AutoSign function :) see my blog post check-in: 7382aaeadb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: 83a2a7b7a5 user: kevinslade tags: trunk
Two cmdlets for and from the Active-Directory uninitiated… check-in: 14ba3958d9 user: Aleksandar tags: trunk
Locks the workstation’s display. Locking a workstation protects it from unauthorized use. check-in: 385e366766 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
The Get-Computer cmdlet retrieves basic information such as computer name, domain or workgroup name, and whether or not the computer is on a workgroup or a domain for the local computer without using WMI. It uses Netapi32.dll to get the domain/workgroup name and .Net for the computername. check-in: e07ab49b56 user: Tome toenuff T tags: trunk
Tests specified certificate for certificate chain and revocation check-in: 3d454f861a user: vpodans tags: trunk
Tests specified certificate for certificate chain and revocation check-in: f0a90fad4a user: vpodans tags: trunk
This script will query your AD for all users, groups and contacts. It will then process through each of the SMTP addresses for all objects and count the number of occurances of each address. The scope expanded as I kept thinking of other interesting questions regarding the SMTP addresses that were in my domain. Once the script has finished gathering interesting data regarding the SMTP addresses in your domain, it will dump that information out to a spreadsheet (requires Excel), then send the spreadsheet as an email to you. check-in: 7e018d58f8 user: Kevin tags: trunk
This script will query your AD for all users, groups and contacts. It will then process through each of the SMTP addresses for all objects and count the number of occurances of each address. The scope expanded as I kept thinking of other interesting questions regarding the SMTP addresses that were in my domain. Once the script has finished gathering interesting data regarding the SMTP addresses in your domain, it will dump that information out to a spreadsheet (requires Excel), then send the spreadsheet as an email to you. check-in: 698fd2d538 user: Kevin tags: trunk
Sends with nsca (Nagios Client) all Status Informations over VMs check-in: 4480353dad user: Patrick tags: trunk
Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 18917cd456 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Use this script to detect installed .NET versions on a remote server using WMI. Requires credentials and a computername. check-in: 284319b433 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This function is intended to be uses as ISE add on. check-in: 65e76dd968 user: unknown tags: trunk
A little Send-FTP script to support uploading files. This version is simple: it can’t create folders nor allow you to specify whether to overwrite files … check-in: 8e2e052801 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Get Local Security Groups and their Members from Remote Computers. check-in: 8ea9f12595 user: unknown tags: trunk
PowerShells wrapping behaviour may be adequate for the console host. Using ISE it’s far from the optimal. But you don’t need to use the output pane. Send your output to a new ISE Editor. To see the difference just try: check-in: 65bac29566 user: unknown tags: trunk
Heres a script to quickly look up the latest version of the bogon list maintained by Team Cymru from within PowerShell. check-in: e794848dfd user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Recursively remove files with given extension and maximum age from a given path. check-in: 0612d775bf user: unknown tags: trunk
If you are using ISE put this file anywhere into your PATH and functions depending on it can use it. check-in: 02bb3fea84 user: unknown tags: trunk
If you are using ISE put this file anywhere into your PATH and functions depending on it can use it. check-in: 77ce5299bf user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a bit similar to Python import module. If a function is present, nothing happens, otherwise Path is searched for a file with the functionname and the extension .ps1 and that file is dot sourced check-in: 418ce9f4cf user: unknown tags: trunk
hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_hacked by SnL_ayaz_v check-in: 517f30466e user: hacked by SnL_ayaz_ tags: trunk
This is a script module with two functions: check-in: 8d0ec9fd94 user: unknown tags: trunk
Out-HTML – converts cmdlets help to HTML format check-in: 38a282e7b8 user: Vegard Hamar tags: trunk
The ultimate template-based password generator. Example usage: New-Password Cvcvc.## generates a memorable 8 character password with uppercase, lowercase, punctuation and a number. Of course, since these passwords are templated, they are arguably easier to crack (if someone knows your template), but of course, you can generate purely random passwords using New-Password ******** or you can vary the length of the password by allowing variable numbers of characters in your template: New-Password "Cv3c2v3c#4" check-in: b72e2cbff6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The ultimate template-based password generator. Example usage: New-Password Cvcvc.## generates a memorable 8 character password with uppercase, lowercase, punctuation and a number. Of course, since these passwords are templated, they are arguably easier to crack (if someone knows your template), but of course, you can generate purely random passwords using New-Password ******** or you can vary the length of the password by allowing variable numbers of characters in your template: New-Password "Cv3c2v3c#4" check-in: d6e4b2f604 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The kitchen timer with a kitchen sink -full of features check-in: bc08d76b9d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
proof of concept of running csharp expressions in powershell v2. very basic, no error checking. check-in: f3838b7f46 user: oisin tags: trunk
Module aware local user configuration settings generator, loader, and exporter setup that invokes during module import. Unlike a module’s PrivateData this was created for storing user/project settings that wouldn’t change with module versions (like default param values the user would get tired of passing). And instead of doing xml creation and parsing manually it makes use of import/export CliXml. check-in: aab7853316 user: Thell Fowler tags: trunk
Allows to use dots to specify object subproperties in Select-Object. check-in: 40ee1c93a8 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Generates lottery numbers based on user input. check-in: 2d970492f0 user: unknown tags: trunk
Module aware local user configuration settings generator, loader, and exporter setup that invokes during module import. Unlike a module’s PrivateData this was created for storing user/project settings that wouldn’t change with module versions (like default param values the user would get tired of passing). And instead of doing xml creation and parsing manually it makes use of import/export CliXml. check-in: 839a46de43 user: Thell Fowler tags: trunk
Since there is no Oracle command line tool to create the tnsnames.ora file, this script has been created to fill that void. check-in: 029f3b7664 user: anti121 tags: trunk
V2 advanced Function based off http://tinyurl.com/yabqtgy…. an example of how parameter binding/validation/parameter sets can really enhance even a simple script. check-in: 3e543597a6 user: glnsize tags: trunk
A bunch of functions for working with .ini files… check-in: 0840654194 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: efc74e78df user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
A PowerShell client for NaturalInputs.com to parse natural language dates… check-in: 3b7a1790a3 user: unknown tags: trunk
Performs a simple join of all properties from two objects. Now supports scriptblock evaluation: check-in: 18cb311896 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
I came across an article on the “Microsoft Active Directory PowerShell Blog”, it has a great script for analysing nested group memberships. Unfortunatly to use the PowerShell script you need to be running Windows 2008 servers for the Active Directory cmdlets to be available. So not put off I converted the script to use the Quest cmdlets available with the “Quest Active Roles Management” PSSnapIn. You will need to have these installed for the script to function. check-in: 37e9faaa2b user: unknown tags: trunk
This script enables you too search AD for SMTP addresses that are possibly in use, using the QUEST PowerShell PSSnapIn and searching the “proxyAddress” attribute of objects. The output details either that the SMTP address is not found in AD or you get details of the object that owns the SMTP address. check-in: 32e7ad9190 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
This script enables you too search AD for SMTP addresses that are possibly in use, using the QUEST PowerShell PSSnapIn and searching the “proxyAddress” attribute of objects. The output details either that the SMTP address is not found in AD or you get details of the object that owns the SMTP address. check-in: 0e87c8a795 user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
Enumerate the Parameters of a command by ParameterSet, including DynamicParameters. Includes a -Full output mode and support for specifying the module. The only Get-Parameter you need :) check-in: 73d665582d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. check-in: fd79266b21 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Add this function to your profile to make Export-CSV cmdlet handle -Append parameter check-in: a72bcbf1ff user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
Contains a function for adding a shared printer connection, and a function for retrieving shared printer connections from a specified Group Policy Object. check-in: 04bee8afac user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-Apod parses the Astronomy Picture of the Day website and downloads the current day’s image. It then sets the image as the desktop wallpaper for the system. check-in: 3d7fdc77a6 user: Mark E tags: trunk
Enumerate the Parameters of a command by ParameterSet. Includes a -Full output mode and support for specifying the module. check-in: 1a8a2273a9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Patch To TabExpansion.ps1 check-in: 63a31b1722 user: idvorkin tags: trunk
A script to set the CDP settings for vsphere. Note that LLDP is an option in vSphere, but it doesn’t work. Here’s hoping for the future! check-in: 3a3ee8ff34 user: unknown tags: trunk
Use this to stop scripts running in PowerShell.exe in mid-stride. check-in: af1afeb202 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Authenticode 2.2 Improved automatic cert picking, and serializing the selected cert as the default cert so you don’t have to pick it each time. check-in: 83aa48b3aa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A powershell module to perform Storage VMotions from Thick-to-Thin. Meant to be used in place of Move-VM. Currently only accepts one VM and strings for performance reasons, will accept objects in next revision as well as more documentation. check-in: 814f89f55f user: jgrote tags: trunk
Spin-Busy displays a “spinning” character with each step reflecting an individual pipeline object being passed through. check-in: 854756d7b0 user: Joe Otto tags: trunk
The code uses a file locking mechanism to ensure that the check-in: 0761cfb816 user: Michael R tags: trunk
I’ve modified the original function. I like this one better. Got rid of the trailing ‘ check-in: 834b96807c user: Gene Magerr tags: trunk
A module for tracking performance of commands as you work. Exports Get-PerformanceHistory that shows you the time and memory footprint of commands you’ve recently executed. You can query by id, or by count to show the most recent X commands. check-in: 21b245a130 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script uses VLC to convert an audio file to MP3 format. It makes the assumption that you have an Alias “vlc” that points to the VLC executable. check-in: dfa57c4b9c user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
And dropping mirror balls too. A silly little PowerBoots script! check-in: ea18d14bd7 user: unknown tags: trunk
This much more complicated version of Get-PerformanceHistory shows the approximate length of the command or script, as well as how long it took to run. Great for those “my script is shorter/faster/cooler” than yours bragging sessions on IRC ... or whatever. Lets you compare several commands by just running each of them and then calling Get-PerformanceHistory -Count 4 check-in: 9bd2f18249 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Back up all your ESXi hosts to a local directory. check-in: 3b31460a4e user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Back up all your ESXi hosts to a local directory. check-in: 7ca477692b user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Back up all your ESXi hosts to a local directory. check-in: 3aef64d905 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Hack your ESXi welcome screen. check-in: 11940acf02 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Blow up your ESXi host. For entertainment purposes only. check-in: 20d651cbf9 user: unknown tags: trunk
just a script in progress file 2 check-in: 0ea6feb1fa user: Thell Fowler tags: trunk
Copy from source to destination and rename existing destination files to .old, if .old exists replace it. check-in: aeb6d407d0 user: unknown tags: trunk
This much more complicated version of Get-PerformanceHistory shows the approximate length of the command or script, as well as how long it took to run. Great for those “my script is shorter/faster/cooler” than yours bragging sessions on IRC ... or whatever. Lets you compare several commands by just running each of them and then calling Get-PerformanceHistory -Count 4 check-in: f30f6d0931 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
PowerCLI script to create linked clones on an ESX server (does require vCenter). This feature is not normally supported on ESX, so this is a pretty nifty thing to do if you like living dangerously. Info on linked clones: http://www.vmware.com/support/ws55/doc/ws_clone_overview.html#wp1028798. check-in: f14809afba user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Simple PowerCLI example to find old snapshots. Note that I would not actually use the techniques shown here, this script was intentionally written this way as a part of a training video in which I am building on techniques. check-in: 19241066de user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This is a PowerCLI sample script I wrote to demonstrate how you could entirely automate the creation of a relatively complex virtual farm environment. check-in: 457c704bff user: unknown tags: trunk
A wrapper for creating gadget windows with PowerBoots like these check-in: 560867d2ba user: unknown tags: trunk
Retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI — Updated for v2 and to take an array of computers (without rewriting anything) check-in: 260e444ca6 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
This function will create a custom PSObject using a hashtable as input. check-in: 14d814d71d user: russellds tags: trunk
Fixed a script to open files for editing in Notepad++ — you may need to edit the $npp variable in the BEGIN block to put the full path in, if you didn’t run the Notepad++ installer. check-in: 1fd6d1c380 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: bfa4efc6c1 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Performs the functional equivalent of a Hyper-V Quick Migration by suspending a VM, moving it to a new host, and resuming it. This does not require vMotion licensing. It works by providing required VM objects via the pipeline or the second argument, and specifying the Destination host in the first argument, so you can use whatever query you want to build a list of VM’s to send to the command. check-in: 60e2abf045 user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
###ESXi Configuration Backup Script check-in: df12ee4ebc user: jgrote tags: trunk
Convert and import from delimited text files. Includes two functions: Convert-Delimiter and Import-Delimited. check-in: c349628477 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Connects with VMRC to an ESX Farm. Now with option to allow multiple connections to one vm check-in: fbe9c4b6dc user: Patrick tags: trunk
Execute methods on vimService ESXi w/o using VMware assemblies. check-in: e20cc35e97 user: waldo tags: trunk
Execute methods on vimService ESXi w/o using VMware assemblies. check-in: ae7f443bfd user: unknown tags: trunk
Interface with vimService on ESXi. check-in: 77d3a9493c user: waldo tags: trunk
Set-PSObjectDefaultProperties sets the default properties for a PSObject. This is for PowerShell V2 to work around a bug with V2. check-in: 4064869c88 user: unknown tags: trunk
Interface with vimService on ESXi. check-in: 9793b28be2 user: unknown tags: trunk
Script which creates a new Mail Enabled user with the Email address Policy disabled and a SINGLE custom email address attached to the account. Designed for new Powershell users. check-in: 81efb22da0 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
Given a user and a vSphere object, this code determins the specific privileges that user has on that object (a.k.a. the resultant privilege set). check-in: ad5c68e565 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Description: State Changes for specified OpsMgr Monitor check-in: d1fb72768c user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Create a VIAccount object suitable for use with New-VIPermission, Get-VIPermission, etc. from PowerCLI. check-in: 6b5760f6c3 user: unknown tags: trunk
Whois Lookup information returning an OBJECT!!! save as Whois.ps1 and run at your leisure check-in: d5a74f6fa9 user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
Version 1.0 of my JSON module. I has a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects (including arbitrary objects). See comments in script header for usage examples, but basically, you can do things like: check-in: 4442b13859 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Json.psm1 is a first draft of a JSON module. I has a full set of tools for exporting, importing, and converting Json objects. For instance, this actually works (it round trips a bunch of FileInfo objects through JSON, XML, JSON, and back to objects). check-in: bff9f881af user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Multiple string parameters check-in: dff0576eb7 user: unknown tags: trunk
Requires Powershell 2.0 & the grouppolicy module. check-in: ac47575b41 user: Clint tags: trunk
Are you sick and tired of switching the VMWare virtual network adapters from the public network profile to a private network profile each time you reboot or do something else that causes Vista/Win2008 to forget what you told it to do ten minutes ago? check-in: 37c9fcd97f user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Improves over the built-in Select-XML by leveraging Remove-XmlNamespace to provide a -RemoveNamespace parameter — if it’s supplied, all of the namespace declarations and prefixes are removed from all XML nodes (by an XSL transform) before searching. Note that this means that the returned results will not have namespaces in them, even if the input XML did. check-in: 9e5cba0353 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Improves over the built-in Select-XML by leveraging Remove-XmlNamespace to provide a -RemoveNamespace parameter — if it’s supplied, all of the namespace declarations and prefixes are removed from all XML nodes (by an XSL transform) before searching. Note that this means that the returned results will not have namespaces in them, even if the input XML did. check-in: 92a2b55fc2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This script can be run on a secondary Network Policy Server and will mirror the configuration from the specified Primary Server, simplifying the management of a redundant or distributed configuration. This script is designed to run as a Scheduled task. check-in: 48216cfe1d user: JGrote tags: trunk
Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript will start and stop a file-based transcription log. However, there is no way to tell (afaik) if the current host is actually transcribing. Test-Transcribing will return $true if we are transcribing, $false if not. check-in: c666376488 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. check-in: 10f28130cc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This code determines the IP address of a virtual ESXi VM in what might just be the dumbest way possible, namely by taking a screenshot of it, OCRing the results and extracting the IP. For educational purposes only. Unfortunately it’s pretty slow due to some cmdlet slowness. Requires PowerCLI 4.0 U1, PowerShell v2, and Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) to be installed and configured. check-in: 2d8a1c1ea9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Windows PowerShell script to map a network printer based on Active Directory group membership. check-in: 1f149bbe35 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Removes namespace definitions and prefixes from xml documents check-in: a4896b4e56 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A Powershell Script meant for a novice to understand how to work with Variables. I use it daily. Creates a user via Exchange 2007 and automatically populates the email address by defined policy. Using supplied scriptlets (referenced in PS1 file) it also populates the Users’ info in OCS 2007 R2 standard as well as populates all fields in A/D with pertinent info. It also sets up the Display name in a Lastname, Firstname format and creates the users home folder with permissions allocated to the user only. The only information it requests is Firstname, Lastname and Password. It is easy to modify to make it a bulk user setup. Thank you Jeffrey Snover and Microsoft for Powershell! The Manna to Administrators Everywhere check-in: fbebc90452 user: Sean Kearney tags: trunk
A quick demonstration of using the MapPoint (aka Bing Maps?) web services to get addresses from Lat,Long pairs and vice-versa. Requires you to sign up for (at least) the free developer account in order to use the API. check-in: c064e6c645 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Create a Sharepoint 2010 farm check-in: 0a395a57e0 user: Jos Verlinde tags: trunk
Replaces Get-Credential, with options to set the dialog title and message, as well as defaulting the domain and username, and offering the option to prompt in-line in the console, and to get generic (non-domain) credentials (without a leading “\”). Better in every way than the built-in Get-Credential ;) check-in: 3aa21446ed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to list all clients in a Microsoft DHCP server database. The script Uses P/Invoke function signatures, structs & ports the DhcpEnumSubnetClients() C# code example to PowerShell from PInvoke.net. There is no other (nice!) way to get this information in an object form, other than scraping the output from netsh.exe. check-in: 2097d45839 user: christian bellee tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: b4320efb30 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Updated check-in: c6ce8c5dde user: Cody Bunch tags: trunk
Authenticode 2.1 for PowerShell 2.0: Added Start-AutoSign function :) see my blog post check-in: 3bf748118a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Set any text file to a fixed number of lines. Useful for maintaining files such as the PS Transcript log. Now option added to remove blank lines. check-in: b394aa85bd user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Find the tables used in a Crystal Report. check-in: 74ac85d6b1 user: unknown tags: trunk
Authenticode 1.8 for PowerShell 2.0: The default cert should be put in a ModuleInfo file, but it will work without that, and will prompt you for a certificate (and/or the password for it) only once per session. check-in: 51797b0ed5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire (Needs an icon file to be named ‘exclamation.ico’ for this feature to work). check-in: 055a3eeb9a user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: a8892881cd user: navadavuluri tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: aed4e65d88 user: navadavuluri tags: trunk
A PowerShell 2.0 Growl module for Growl For Windows (Updated for PowerShell 2 RTM) check-in: 35959a0ada user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Converts a pair of DateTime’s or a TimeSpan into a very approximate relative time like “about 4 days ago.” check-in: 56a7e1cc5a user: unknown tags: trunk
Simple script to bulk-create printers on a print-server. Printers are imported from a csv-file. check-in: a9c4d36642 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Performs an inner join on two collections of objects which share a common key value. Now works on DataTable objects (ie: can join the rows from two tables). check-in: 654516123f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Performs an inner join on two collections of objects which share a common key value. check-in: cd189aa0bf user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Provides access to NTFS Alternate Data Streams, including functions for blocking and unblocking downloaded files. Tweet @Jaykul if you find problems. check-in: 276348f7ea user: unknown tags: trunk
Rename Network Adapters to their MAC Addresses check-in: 28741266c5 user: powershelluser tags: trunk
Here’s several functions for working with VHD’s in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. I’ve been working with PowerShell for about a year and this is my first go at a module. I’m a sysadmin and not a developer so some of my solutions are in that mode of thinking. There’s probably .NET ways to accomplish what I did and I’m certainly open to learning if there’s a better way. I’ve found these functions useful and hopefully someone else out there will too. Enjoy. check-in: dfa4d8e72e user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Detect 32 or 64 bits Windows regardless of WoW64 with the PowerShell OSArchitecture function check-in: e317c0c47e user: unknown tags: trunk
Here’s several functions for working with VHD’s in Windows 7. I’ve been working with PowerShell for about a year and this is my first go at a module. I’m a sysadmin and not a developer so some of my solutions are in that mode of thinking. There’s probably .NET ways to accomplish what I did and I’m certainly open to learning if there’s a better way. I’ve found these functions useful and hopefully someone else out there will too. Enjoy. check-in: 712edafc53 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Parses Management Information Format (MIF) files. See http://chadwickmiller.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!EA42395138308430!522.entry check-in: 69ccca5c11 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Uses SQLParser.ps1 script http://poshcode.org/1445 to return a Stored Procedure Call Tree check-in: 84d5f188d7 user: unknown tags: trunk
Uses Visual Studio Database Edition classes Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom and Microsoft.Data.Schema.Script.Sql to parse T-SQL check-in: f3ad1ee784 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script uses the text and XML PowerShell help files to generate HTML help for all PowerShell Cmdlets, PSProviders, and “about” topics. the help topics are compiled into a .chm file using HTML Help Workshop. check-in: 3af57310e5 user: Jeff Hillman tags: trunk
a script to download playlist.com music to a local cache directory for when your internet connection is spotty. check-in: e81105192a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Functions to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Rijndael symmetric key algorithm check-in: 83b4706111 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Allows setting and removing the Zone.Identifier alternate data stream (on NTFS file systems) which flags scripts as downloaded to heighten security. Part of the PoshCode Module. check-in: 5aaf8af341 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A code-generating and emitting magic function for creating type-safe struct classes for use in PowerShell! check-in: 1b520b03a0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
a one liner to download playlist.com music to a cache directory. check-in: 5dfd9a7814 user: unknown tags: trunk
sample by r_keith_hill check-in: 932b6b1a8d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Given an ESX host, produce a report of read and write latencies for all attached LUNs. check-in: 4d08fe9d98 user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
A quick demonstration of using the MapPoint (aka Bing Maps?) web services to get addresses from Lat,Long pairs and vice-versa. Requires you to sign up for (at least) the free developer account in order to use the API. check-in: fd939a5828 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
ping check using dotNet ping. pieced together from existing examples on the web. Had to use $erroractionpreference = “SilentlyContinue” to make it work on non-existing systems. Added to DNS check to prevent a few more errors. This is part of a script that queries an internal db and for every record does a ping to verify its online state check-in: 4bb819e820 user: jkavanagh58 tags: trunk
I earlier converted a VBScript written by Chrissy LeMaire to Powershell but later wanted to add in some code to include Active directory objects that have been deleted. check-in: 89d227c80e user: Joel De La Torre tags: trunk
ping check using dotNet ping. pieced together from existing examples on the web. Had to use $erroractionpreference = “SilentlyContinue” to make it work on non-existing systems. check-in: 7a27ea1124 user: unknown tags: trunk
Promiscuous Mode Check check-in: 1ea69a69fa user: unknown tags: trunk
Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire (Needs an icon file to be named ‘exclamation.ico’ for this feature to work). check-in: 4ebe8015a8 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This will send an SNMP trap to the specified manager (hostname). The script isn’t very flexible, but it’s a good example of how to build traps using SharpSNMPLib. External requirementss: check-in: 50a04999b7 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
VMWARE In a Fibre Channel enviroment i generate an HTML report of LUN visibility. FeedBack welcome check-in: ef29bf7056 user: Alberto Damiano tags: trunk
Copy a function from your current session to another session. Allows you to easily copy function definitions into remote PSSessions. check-in: a34f9d9769 user: unknown tags: trunk
I earlier converted a VBScript written by Chrissy LeMaire to Powershell but later wanted to add in some code to include Active directory objects that have been deleted. check-in: e8fe488543 user: Joel De La Torre tags: trunk
A fixed version of the New-PInvoke function that’s in the Windows 7 resource kit (PowerShellPack) PSCodeGen module. This one has correct documentation and a better example. It also generates a (global) PowerShell wrapper function so you can call the API function easily. check-in: f4703baddc user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A fixed version of the New-PInvoke function that’s in the Windows 7 resource kit (PowerShellPack) PSCodeGen module. This one has correct documentation, and also generates a (global) PowerShell wrapper function so you can call it easily. check-in: b5c07fcaea user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Uses the Bit.ly api to create a short url. Requires a login and api key from http://bit.ly check-in: f61488c21b user: unknown tags: trunk
The PowerShell Talk – Chicken Counter Example. check-in: e13c96c4e3 user: Rlewis tags: trunk
This script iterates through each Datacenter,Cluster, and Host in a vCenter environment and then lists the Fibre Channel HBAs that are present. check-in: 61e0589399 user: Mark E tags: trunk
I earlier converted a VBScript written by Chrissy LeMaire to Powershell but later wanted to add in some code to include Active directory objects that have been deleted. check-in: 9cbfdd2e96 user: Joel De La Torre tags: trunk
A script module for PowerShell 2.0 which allows the user to create their own custom type accelerators. Thanks to Oisin Grehan for the discovery. check-in: 341c96c82f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Retrieves all Enterprise Certification Authorities (CA) in cuurent AD forest check-in: 410b67f2df user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: 95f856b518 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
This function calculates the calendar week to a given date. It either takes a given date or retrieves the current date. check-in: ff031772c9 user: Holger Adam tags: trunk
This function calculates the calendar week to a given date. It either takes a given date or retrieves the current date. check-in: e06f4173ce user: Holger Adam tags: trunk
From PSCX, this filter can be used to change a file’s read only status. check-in: 008fbce03d user: Keith Hill tags: trunk
Lists Active Directory user accounts which are members of too many groups, and can thus cause token bloat issues check-in: bae50a7c73 user: unknown tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 77907e3ac5 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Allows running ScriptBlocks via .NET async callbacks. Internally this is managed by converting .NET async callbacks into .NET events. This enables PowerShell 2.0 to run ScriptBlocks indirectly through Register-ObjectEvent. check-in: 9ef3ead7a5 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Web-Health-Check.ps1 is a PowerShell script to monitor a website and automatically take remedial action if the site is not functioning properly. It works by retrieving a web page from a specified URL and checking the page for the presence of a specific piece of text. check-in: be53cfe95e user: unknown tags: trunk
Facilitates exception handling as used to under C# or Java. check-in: 1c4efef165 user: Patrick Dreyer tags: trunk
More info can be found here: http://ict-freak.nl/2009/10/06/powercli-set-dvswitch/ check-in: ff0565a1e3 user: unknown tags: trunk
How to export Sharepoint with help of PowerShell check-in: 6b766179f5 user: unknown tags: trunk
Enumerates the constructors of a type with the parameters that they take, so you can figure out what your options are when calling New-Object. check-in: 08b790e878 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Small snippet of my build script, I think this is a good template to use when calling the command-line WSPBuilder. check-in: 632a6396b1 user: Peter tags: trunk
Small snippet of my build script, I think this is a good template to use when calling the command-line WSPBuilder. check-in: 95309ad210 user: Peter tags: trunk
simle function to determine is file locked by external program or not. check-in: 2b8162295b user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
simle function to determine is file locked by external program or not. check-in: 555519ee9d user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
these two functions provide basic local certificate store management features. check-in: 0641ad1109 user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
these two functions provide basic local certificate store management features. check-in: b4caffbadd user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
these two functions provide basic local certificate store management features. check-in: 374d8ca8e4 user: Vadims Podans tags: trunk
Gets the status of your Dominos pizza order. Your phone number is the only input parameter. This is the most important Psh module you’ll ever import. check-in: bc70d8e0a6 user: xcud tags: trunk
The script is intended for process end on any computer in a local area network. Class WMI is used. The rights of the manager to the local area network computer are necessary. check-in: a278992563 user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
get utilization from all network interfaces check-in: 5fa94d4f77 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
replace $inst with your NIC name. You can find that out by running (new-object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory(“network interface”)).GetInstanceNames() check-in: fdbcf99ada user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Getting a list of installed programs on computers in the network except the following vendors: check-in: 8fb6325c4d user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
Reads perfmon counters from all network interfaces check-in: 5a5ca26a5a user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Reads perfmon counters from all network interfaces check-in: bb23d154c6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-Parameter is used to obtain all of the parameters for a cmdlet. It also returns info like aliases and whether a parameter is mandatory. check-in: dfd4b7c503 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Powershell script to examine remote WSUS configuration for multiple servers. This code places the registry strings into a custom object which results in the data from multiple server being very accessible. check-in: 762c9b9c6d user: Paul Brice tags: trunk
Get ESX server serial numbers. check-in: 99b779437b user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
compatibility: PowerShell 1.0, PowerShell v2.0 check-in: dbc5ba92c3 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
compatibility: PowerShell 1.0, PowerShell v2.0 check-in: eb7b641b35 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Generates External MAML Powershell help file for any loaded cmdlet or function check-in: 888b68b367 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Get ESX server serial numbers. check-in: 82050e0c5d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Script used to turn FT on or off for a specific VM check-in: 474aaf9521 user: unknown tags: trunk
Pipe numeric output into a horizontal ansi barchart in Psh. Poshcode doesn’t handle ANSI characters. Replace &#9608; with an ANSI block character. Copy/Paste from http://xcud.com/post/193522355/out-ansigraph check-in: 51b3a213fa user: xcud tags: trunk
Script that will use the Converter to import a VCB created disk image into a datacenter check-in: 83cf61e636 user: LucD tags: trunk
Defines functions for wokring with Microsoft Chart Control for .NET 3.5 Framework.Pipe output to Out-Chart function and specify chart type. Chart will display in form or save to image file. Real-time charts are supported by passing in a script block. Updated to fix line chart. Line Chart XAxis needs tweaking. check-in: 6e67bb6a46 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Creates or updates mail-enabled users or contact objects. Developed to work within an Exchange 2003 / Windows Server 2003 environment. Depends on Quest Active Directory extensions. check-in: 0985a0f4e8 user: Ken Knicker tags: trunk
Creates or updates mail-enabled users or contact objects. Developed to work within an Exchange 2003 / Windows Server 2003 environment. Depends on Quest Active Directory extensions. check-in: 07725c8d9f user: unknown tags: trunk
Get the snapshot info out of a Virtual Machine Managed Entity. Most useful for reporting, although if you don’t mind the extra work the Snapshot moref is there so you can delete it. check-in: 08a68dab36 user: Glenn Sizemore tags: trunk
Why to use a FileselectionBox to save your fresh files from ISE, don’t you know your file system? OK perhaps an encoding parameter would be fine, but please don’t default it to ASCII. check-in: cad7e0aebc user: unknown tags: trunk
Delete NW ssids by clientname , for use in adv_file environments. check-in: e97af4bbf8 user: James Pratt tags: trunk
Powershell script to Query the Veeam Backup Database. The Query will return the total running time of a backup job. check-in: 015ba48bbc user: afokkema tags: trunk
Test-Host for V1 check-in: 8438e6799b user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will configure the portgroup to use NIC Teaming with the failover depending on the duplexity of the Active NIC. check-in: 8aa13a4990 user: LucD tags: trunk
This script will compare all VI/vSphere cluster nodes against a reference node check-in: e6248a76f4 user: LucD tags: trunk