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8 check-ins using file Get-Processor-Inventory.ps1 version b3a38855c6

Fix check-in: 00f2e57619 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
A couple functions I use to convert DN to Canonical, and canonical to DN. I find them handy for adhoc AD tasks… I saw someone ask about it on #powershell and figured I would share :) check-in: 683a8be5c2 user: Glenn Sizemore glnsize tags: trunk
Version which correctly works with Windows 8. check-in: 0743963426 user: Skourlatov tags: trunk
Fixed check-in: 7effae03de user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 2c8d513543 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Send a popup message to a user on a remote computer. check-in: 41b7637de8 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Use known password cache to open and save unprotected copies of documents. – work in progress check-in: f77d8f02f2 user: Steele Stenger tags: trunk
Script originally developed for internal DBAs to get information on processor core counts, which is important for licensing. This script includes some basic error handling and full comment based help. Output properties are Computer, Socket (Designation), Core Count, Logical Processors, Hyperthreading Enabled, Description and Type (Physical/Virtual). check-in: 329ebdfdd5 user: Kevin Kirkpatrick tags: trunk