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46 check-ins using file HttpRest.ps1 version c344b01827

ISE-Snippets module v 1.0 check-in: 6fa04f1885 user: poetter tags: trunk
This is an advanced function that uses a proxy command to add two new switches to get-childitem check-in: 7333dde4a8 user: Andy Schneider tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.1 ( Conflate-Line improved ) check-in: 2316fe8c4b user: poetter tags: trunk
I’ve modified the original function. I like this one better. check-in: db5bdc6141 user: Gene Magerr tags: trunk
scripting for running regions by hotkeys in powershell v2 CTP3 ISE. http://www.karlprosser.com/coder check-in: 4c2f3e965a user: karl prosser tags: trunk
ISE-Comments module v 1.0 check-in: a21cfedc5e user: poetter tags: trunk
This is an updated version of Get-Packet, an IP packet sniffer for Powershell. check-in: 996a191acb user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
A script module for CTP3 which allows the user to create their own custom type accelerators. Thanks to Oisin Grehan for the discovery. check-in: cda1b760de user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
get-regex.ps1 is a Regular Expression Quick Reference for .NET/C#/Powershell. It provides a quick dump of info in a PSCustomObject for quick access from a prompt. It is more complete than what is available in get-help. check-in: 4c29d14cbd user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
If you have VMware Lab Manager, this script makes it easier than ever to connect to and automate Lab Manager actions. check-in: a2efa0a88b user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
Get-StockQuotes gives a very easy way to get stock quotes using PowerShell CTP3’s new Web Services capabilities. check-in: d24cb50c8d user: Carter Shanklin tags: trunk
This is a set of Powershell functions to interface with the Atlassian Jira bug/issue tracking software using a WSDL interface. check-in: 2905bae8ef user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
This function connects via HTTP to a Cisco Unity server and returns license information as a PSCustomObject. check-in: 1656d0a71f user: Robbie Foust tags: trunk
Call WCF Services with PowerShell using any binding. Generates proxy on the fly without needing any tool expect .NET 3.5. You can also discover the service endpoints, bindings and contracts. Read more on my blog: http://www.iLoveSharePoint.com check-in: 2b6ffcd7f5 user: cglessner tags: trunk
Change the security setting of a vSwitch. Requires V2, and the VI toolkit for windows check-in: ed5f1005fc user: Glenn Sizemore 12 tags: trunk
Generate an email from an RSS feed and store the feed item in a cache file to support emailing only new feed items since last execution. check-in: cde07c21c4 user: unknown tags: trunk
This is a simple function that can “Start” apps and return the PROCESS object. In particular, it can start URIs, documents, and apps defined in the “App Paths” registry, and basically anything that you could start from the run dialog. check-in: 6b2b78d2ae user: unknown tags: trunk
Use the MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) .NET Libraries to find SharePoint ID of known user. check-in: aae15d9eda user: Craig Pilkenton tags: trunk
Just a simple little script which looks at the current charge left in your battery and puts it above your prompt. Adjust when it comes on with $GLOBAL:BatteryDisplayAtPercent, by default it’s 101 which shows when it’s charging on down. Why 101? Because when you charge a battery you supply more capacity then it has, so the % will always be >100. check-in: 7d4887d73f user: unknown tags: trunk
For TabExpansion.ps1 check-in: a5990cfbe9 user: unknown tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to v1.0 and extended. check-in: c5e0eca22f user: foobar tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 1e6d342fb3 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This is a modification of the Get-ADMapObject (http://poshcode.org/706). This script uses the Show-NodeXLMap script (http://poshcode.org/733) to display the hierarchical relationship between Active Directory objects of the selected classes. Running this script with the -ShowADClass switch lists out the different classes or types of AD objects available. check-in: 2ac169d16c user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
Update version of Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap script (http://www.dougfinke.com/blog/?p=465). The NetMap research project has been renamed to NodeXL and is available on Codeplex (http://www.codeplex.com/nodexl). This script is updated to use the new code and adds support for adding color to the map points. check-in: a51672df57 user: Doug Finke http tags: trunk
Parses output of registry utility REG QUERY for the pattern on the specified computer. Useful for finding installed S/W since the WMI provider for installed software is not always reliable. check-in: 4df9018676 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get-MyDomain retrieves the current IP of the user (Or, the first if there are multiple active cards) then performs a DNS lookup to retrieve the domain. If it is unable to reverse it, it displays Unknown:<IP> check-in: 0fb24c4e82 user: unknown tags: trunk
A tech demo: a scrolling buffer where you can type while it’s scrolling… check-in: 1bd167cc51 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Added enum expansion in method call expression check-in: bbee4e8e30 user: foobar tags: trunk
Find-AmazonBook searches Amazon’s books by Title (and optionally Author). It’s a simple example of the power of the HttpRest module, see the original here: http://posh.jaykul.com/p/1602 (and note there are extra features in this version). check-in: cc0724318e user: unknown tags: trunk
Windows Server 2008 R2/Powershell 2.0 will include cluster cmdlets, until then this script provides a library functions for working with Microsft Cluster Services (MSCS) using the WMI MSCluster* class and parsing the output of cluster.exe check-in: de9aeb66cd user: Chad MIller tags: trunk
Check-LotusHealth is a multi server, multi port ping script. Originally designed to handle the port checks for a client’s entire Lotus Notes environment, I’ve removed the actual servers and replaced them with placeholders. You’ll need to adjust this to your environment. check-in: d482e5a3a6 user: unknown tags: trunk
The Linux/Unix ‘du -sh’ command, ala PowerShell (faster than other versions of this script, but still ever so much slower than compiled code) check-in: 640f543635 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Analogous to ONE of PowerShell 2’s Add-Type cmdlet’s overrides, this script/function will take C# code and compile it in memory. check-in: 4e0123956e user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
A simple cached RSS reader. Fetches RSS feeds, displays mutliple feeds merged in date order, opens items in browser. check-in: 8b14ec57aa user: unknown tags: trunk
Map Active Directory objects using the Show-NetMap script from Doug Finke. Running the script creates three functions Get-ADMapObject (which takes a string or array of strings of the AD object classes), Get-ADObjectClassName (recurses through your Active Directory and returns the names of the object classes), and New-SourceTarget (to get the ADMapObjects into the format that Show-Netmap wants). check-in: 02ef62278d user: Steven Murawski http tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 52eda5b383 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Calculates percentage growth rate given a starting value, ending value, and number of periods in the range. stahler thx! check-in: a12004e7bd user: halr9000 tags: trunk
The Get-Command cmdlet reveals all that you need to know about PowerShell. check-in: 44e2258c14 user: Jeff Hillman tags: trunk
Calculates percentage growth rate given a starting value, ending value, and number of periods in the range. @stahler thx! check-in: 72cf014192 user: Stahler tags: trunk
Use as a filter to select computers from a stream on which to act upon later in the pipeline. Example: check-in: 2725f4c2a6 user: unknown tags: trunk
Script to retreive all users with an active sync device partnership check-in: 8bfe186d38 user: unknown tags: trunk
I got this script originally from Jim Truher and have tweaked it a bit over time (nothing major). Basically it replaces your CD function with one that keeps a history. check-in: 9bfa8fdf8d user: unknown tags: trunk
As a former UNIX guy, I love the non-admin stuff in Vista, but got annoyed keeping two shells open (one admin and one non-admin). I wanted sudo! PowerShell made that easy. Just put this in your $profile script. Enjoy! check-in: 76dd597b6a user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
As a former UNIX guy, I love the non-admin stuff in Vista, but got annoyed keeping two shells open (one admin and one non-admin). I wanted sudo! PowerShell made that easy. Enjoy! check-in: ea9a53f357 user: Peter Provost tags: trunk
The first of many script cmdlets for working with DekiWiki check-in: 62d0abaaf3 user: unknown tags: trunk
An initial implementation of some Http REST cmdlets, as a series of script functions (usable as a script module, just save as a .psm1) check-in: 85b6c5cf11 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk