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23 check-ins using file Resizer-of-pictures.ps1 version e866bc2ce9
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14:09 | Trying to decrypt files with the key, I need to know why I keep getting errors,If PowerShell gives me this error “WARNING: Exception calling “Close” with “0” argument(s): “Length of the data to decrypt is invalid” then the file wont decrypt no matter how many times I try. If it doesn’t give me the error then after 10 to 15 No’s if finally decrypts the file. Can someone please tell me what’s wrong with the script. check-in: 3984c68017 user: unknown tags: trunk | |
14:09 | Creates a port monitor inside of Operations Manager 2007. Usage is SCOM-CreatePortMonitoring.ps1 -serverName:‘’ -portNumber:‘80’ -pollIntervalSeconds:‘120’ -watcherNodes:“”, “” -displayName:‘Test URL monitoring’ -targetMP:‘Port Monitoring MP’ check-in: 90eae585f2 user: Jeremy Pavleck tags: trunk | |
14:09 | Revert to the last VMware snapshot with variables for Vvcenter and VM check-in: 306c0ee6b5 user: TXGUY tags: trunk | |
14:09 | Enumerates all CPU related tasks (filters out null CPU times) with the following properties: check-in: aad46f5d90 user: internetrush1 tags: trunk | |
14:09 | ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: c6925e38d1 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 92884fbcd8 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This script is taking a file in .txt with the Hostnames or IPs and performs an update to the VM Tools Policy from manual to “Upgrade VMware Tools on Power cycle”. check-in: 6ad57b37ea user: anksoswordpress tags: trunk | |
14:09 | A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: deb98dabee user: Brian English tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 0a4e8ac644 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk | |
14:09 | A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value (Fixed a bug in 2.0) check-in: 2a32305e85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: f61f0d8a98 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 43a3d035ed user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: e93f579dd7 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk | |
14:09 | This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 3f939d224c user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk | |
14:08 | Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: ed77278247 user: Ermias tags: trunk | |
14:08 | Get a short url, using tiny-url api for shortening check-in: 2d5eb6e619 user: Alvaro Torres tags: trunk | |
14:08 | A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value … check-in: 6b757ffc5a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
14:08 | Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: efd0b16496 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk | |
14:08 | All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: 44ed6809be user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk | |
14:08 | Found in my personal scripts archive (author: greg zakharov) check-in: 227603a829 user: Dana James tags: trunk | |
14:08 | This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 0c24ff62f4 user: username tags: trunk | |
14:08 | This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 4f69f84324 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk | |
14:08 | Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: 00eaa5fb3e user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk | |