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11 check-ins using file Start-BootsTimer.ps1 version eb4d215468
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12:56 | Beginnings of a PowerShell v2 module that serves as a convenience wrapper for the Net-SNMP executables. check-in: 99b480dcf0 user: halr9000 tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Script courtesy of Jaykul, I’m just reposting. This script will decode the passwords for all accounts in the Psi profile labeled “default”. check-in: 3f0ed53910 user: aaajabbercz tags: trunk | |
12:56 | This is a first stab at creating a little DSL to generate XML. Note that I used System.Linq.XML (and output an XDocument) instead of the old XmlDocument… This means you have to have .Net 3.5 (LINQ) installed. It also means that if you want to be able to use the output via PowerShell’s magic XML dot-notation, you have to cast it to XmlDocument, just write: [xml]$xml = New-XML ... check-in: 55af359a39 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
12:56 | More fun with S.W.A. @kryten68 – Added Transforms and examples check-in: 3f3597e96b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Use to check a service on a remote server and if it is not running, start it and send an email to warn. Added a ping request to make sure the server is up before checking the service. check-in: c1a49e172f user: John Kroes tags: trunk | |
12:56 | A cleanup for @kryten68 without all that code-generation cruft. check-in: 4c41c862e3 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Returns the top processes by CPU usage check-in: 6fc50e262e user: BSonPosh tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Requires Quest AD cmdlets. This oneliner sets Active Directory user attributes for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007. check-in: 3387b159b6 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Requires Quest AD cmdlets. This oneliner sets Active Directory user attributes for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007. check-in: 94742e9a00 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Get a sample nmap XML file to play with and see some examples of using the script at (this is where the latest version will be maintained, it’s been edited a few times already since being posted here). check-in: fb7a9dc667 user: Jason Fossen tags: trunk | |
12:56 | Updated for PowerBoots 0.2: A stay-on-top (borderless window) countdown timer, with a percentage-based color progress bar as well as sizable font … as well as audio file and voice alarms. check-in: 8af6075d71 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk | |