Collection of mostly command line tools / PHP scripts. Somewhat out of date.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  scripts + snippets

Artifact [98af00e282]

Artifact 98af00e282af21d9dc74e3bdb790689e80c78969:

  • File php/Makefile — part of check-in [cb3d40f15b] at 2014-12-12 19:41:59 on branch trunk — Reworked wrapper script to allow for piping and `-` placeholder parameters, and array functions be called (implicit JSON input/output). (user: mario size: 807)

LINK = ln -s
HANDLER = pipefunc.php
FUNCS = addcslashes addslashes all array_pop array_push	\
	base64_decode base64_encode base_convert convert_uudecode crc32	\
	dechex deserialize gmdate gmstrftime gzcompress gzdecode gzdeflate	\
	gzencode gzinflate gzuncompress hex2bin hexbin hexdec	\
	htmlspecialchars htmlspecialchars_decode json_decode json_encode	\
	ltrim Makefile md5 ord preg_match preg_replace print_r rand	\
	rawurlencode rawurlencode2 rtrim serialize strftime stripcslashes	\
	stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strncasecmp strncmp strpos	\
	strripos str_rot13 strrpos str_split strstr strtok strtolower	\
	strtotime strtoupper trim ucfirst ucwords unserialize urldecode	\
	urlencode var_dump version_compare wordwrap	\

all: php
	for F in $(FUNCS); do $(LINK) $(HANDLER) $$F ; done