Collection of mostly command line tools / PHP scripts. Somewhat out of date.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  scripts + snippets

Artifact [ab56e72cda]

Artifact ab56e72cda20521d7fe06742c10eab9ab165292e:

  • Executable file fr — part of check-in [c66385ed29] at 2012-01-09 04:14:29 on branch trunk — file replace cmdline tool (user: mario size: 1008)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

## require("/home/mario/public_html/x/");


if ($PATTERN && $REPLACEMENT && @files) {

if ($#files < 0) {
   @files = ("-");
elsif (!$files[0] eq "-") {
   print "fr: replacing `$PATTERN' with `$REPLACEMENT'\n";

foreach $file (@files) {

  if ( (! ($file eq "-")) && (! -f $file || ! -r $file) ) {

  open READ, "$file";
  @text = (<READ>);
  close READ;

  $text = '';
  foreach $line (@text) {
    $text .= $line;

  @numfound = ($text =~ /($PATTERN)/igs);
  $numfound = $#numfound + 1;
  if ($numfound >= 1) {

    $text =~ s/$PATTERN/$REPLACEMENT/igs;

    if (! ($file eq "-")) {
       print "$numfound replacing in $file\n";

    open WRITE, ">$file";
    print WRITE $text;
    close WRITE;


else {
  print "\nfr PATTERN REPLACEMENT files...\n\nwill replace any occourences of ".
        "PATTERN with REPLACEMENT in given files\n(use `find` in place of ".