Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [19e3887d04]

Artifact 19e3887d048052e4f663cecdb4cfb4390209054d:

Wiki page [Playlist format support] by Oliver on 2017-02-15 18:32:58.
D 2017-02-15T18:32:58.468
L Playlist\sformat\ssupport
N text/x-markdown
P 49624926c123cb67837a42a0b3b0d67f441e266c
U Oliver
W 3761
This is supposed to become an overview of support playlist formats in different players / music collection managers.

 * <kbd>i</kbd> = import / play
 * <kbd>o</kbd> = export
 * <kbd>x</kbd> = plugin exists
 * <kbd>F</kbd> = feature request

<style>td {border-right: 1px dashed #eee} </style>

| ↓ App → Format | native | M3U | PLS | XSPF| JSPF| SMIL| CUE | ASX | RAM | WPL |
| Streamtuner2   | json   | i/o | i/o | i/o | i/o | i/o | -   | i/o | i   | -   |
| Audacious      | ?      | i   | i   | i   | -   | -   | -   | i   | -   | -   |
| Rhythmbox      | xml    | -   | -   | i   | -   | -   | -   | -   | -   | -   |
| Clementine     | ?      | i/o | i/o | i/o | -   | -   | i/o | i/o | -   | -   |
| Exaile         | shelve | i/o | i/o | i/o | -   | -   | -   | i/o | -   | -   |
| Banshee        | sqlite | i   | i   | i   | -   | -   |     | i   | -   | -   |
| Songbird       | sqlite | i   | i   | -   | -   | -   |     | i   | -   | -   |
| Amarok         | xspf   | i/o | i/o | i/o | ?   | -   | i/o | ?   | -   | -   |
| Quod Libet     | ?      | i/o | i/o | F   | -   | -   | part| -   | -   | -   |
| TunaPie2       | ini    | -   | i   | -   | -   | -   |     | -   | -   | -   |
| XMMS2          | m3u    | i/o | i   | i   | -   | -   | i   | i   | -   | i   |
| VLC            | pls    | i   | i/o | i/o | -   | -   | -   | i   | i   | i   |


 * [](
 * ["#xspf xml isn't escaped. # who developed that format? xiph you say? errr...."](
 * [vlc.git/modules/demux/playlist/*.c](;a=tree;f=modules/demux/playlist): dvb, rss, b4s, qtl, sgimb, itml, gvp
 * ASX is also stored as WSX sometimes. And sometimes even serialized like WPL, which is basically SMIL in various variations (no shortage of weird NIH formats in Windows land).


### UTF-8 and file:/// URL support

One thing that came up with developing the file browser plugin is the varied support for file:/// URLs and platform-dependent UTF-8 encoding. This likely goes for direct-file invocation as well as playlist-contained references. Here grouped by samples:

| App            | version        | platform       | file:/// | UTF-8    |
| VLC            | 2.2.4          | Windows 7      | yes      | syscp    |
| Wmplayer       | \*             | Windows 7      | no       | syscp    |
| AIMP           | \*             | Windows 7      | no       | syscp    |
| MPC            | \*             | Windows 7      | no       | syscp    |
| \*             | \*             | Windows        | partly   | quoted   |
|   -            |     -          | **Linux**      |    -     |    -     |
| VLC            | 2.0.8          | Ubuntu 12.04   | yes      | quoted   |
| VLC            | 2.2.0          | Ubuntu 16.04   | yes      | literal  |
| Audacious      | 3.4.3          | Ubuntu 12.04   | yes      | literal  |
| Parole         | 0.8.1          | Ubuntu 16.04   | yes      | literal  |
| Clementine     | 1.2.3          | Ubuntu 16.04   | yes      | literal  |

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