# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# type: class
# title: global config object
# description: reads ~/.config/streamtuner/*.json files
# config: {type:var, name:z, description:v}
# In the main application or module files which need access
# to a global conf object, just import this module as follows:
# from config import conf
# Here conf is already an instantiation of the underlying
# Config class.
import os
import sys
import json
import gzip
import platform
import re
import zipfile
import inspect
# export symbols
__all__ = ["conf", "__print__", "dbg", "plugin_meta"]
#-- create a stub instance of config object
conf = object()
#-- global configuration data ---------------------------------------------
class ConfigDict(dict):
# start
def __init__(self):
# object==dict means conf.var is conf["var"]
self.__dict__ = self # let's pray this won't leak memory due to recursion issues
# prepare
# runtime
self.share = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# settings from last session
last = self.load("settings")
if (last):
# store defaults in file
self.firstrun = 1
# some defaults
def defaults(self):
self.play = {
"audio/mpeg": "audacious ", # %u for url to .pls, %g for downloaded .m3u
"audio/ogg": "audacious ",
"audio/*": "audacious ",
"video/youtube": "totem $(youtube-dl -g %srv)",
"video/*": "vlc --one-instance %srv",
"url/http": "sensible-browser",
self.record = {
"audio/*": "xterm -e streamripper %srv", # -d /home/***USERNAME***/Musik
"video/youtube": "xterm -e \"youtube-dl %srv\"",
self.plugins = {
"bookmarks": 1, # built-in plugin, cannot be disabled
"shoutcast": 1,
"xiph": 1,
"modarchive": 0, # disable per default
"file": 0, # disable per default
"punkcast": 0, # disable per default
"history": 0,
"basicch": 0, # ceased
"tv": 0, # ceased
self.tmp = os.environ.get("TEMP", "/tmp")
self.max_streams = "500"
self.show_bookmarks = 1
self.show_favicons = 1
self.load_favicon = 1
self.heuristic_bookmark_update = 0
self.retain_deleted = 0
self.auto_save_appstate = 1
self.theme = "" #"MountainDew"
self.channel_order = "shoutcast, xiph, internet_radio, jamendo, myoggradio, .."
self.reuse_m3u = 1
self.google_homepage = 0
self.windows = platform.system()=="Windows"
self.pyquery = 1
self.debug = 0
# each plugin has a .config dict list, we add defaults here
def add_plugin_defaults(self, config, module=""):
# options
for opt in config:
if ("name" in opt) and ("value" in opt) and (opt["name"] not in vars(self)):
self.__dict__[opt["name"]] = opt["value"]
# plugin state
if module and module not in conf.plugins:
conf.plugins[module] = 1
# http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html
def xdg(self):
home = os.environ.get("HOME", self.tmp)
config = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.environ.get("APPDATA", home+"/.config"))
# storage dir
self.dir = config + "/streamtuner2"
# create if necessary
if (not os.path.exists(self.dir)):
# store some configuration list/dict into a file
def save(self, name="settings", data=None, gz=0, nice=0):
name = name + ".json"
if (data is None):
data = dict(self.__dict__) # ANOTHER WORKAROUND: typecast to plain dict(), else json filter_data sees it as object and str()s it
nice = 1
# check for subdir
if (name.find("/") > 0):
subdir = name[0:name.find("/")]
subdir = self.dir + "/" + subdir
if (not os.path.exists(subdir)):
open(subdir+"/.nobackup", "w").close()
# write
file = self.dir + "/" + name
# .gz or normal file
if gz:
f = gzip.open(file+".gz", "w")
if os.path.exists(file):
f = open(file, "w")
# encode
data = json.dumps(data, indent=(4 if nice else None))
except TypeError as e:
f.write(data) # Python3 sometimes wants to write strings rather than bytes
# retrieve data from config file
def load(self, name):
name = name + ".json"
file = self.dir + "/" + name
# .gz or normal file
if os.path.exists(file + ".gz"):
f = gzip.open(file + ".gz", "rt")
elif os.path.exists(file):
f = open(file, "rt")
return # file not found
# decode
r = json.load(f)
return r
except Exception as e:
print(dbg.ERR, "JSON parsing error (in "+name+")", e)
# recursive dict update
def update(self, with_new_data):
for key,value in with_new_data.items():
if type(value) == dict:
self[key] = value
# descends into sub-dicts instead of wiping them with subkeys
# update old setting names
def migrate(self):
# 2.1.1
if "audio/mp3" in self.play:
self.play["audio/mpeg"] = self.play["audio/mp3"]
del self.play["audio/mp3"]
# check for existing filename in directory list
def find_in_dirs(self, dirs, file):
for d in dirs:
if os.path.exists(d+"/"+file):
return d+"/"+file
# Plugin meta data extraction
# Extremely crude version for Python and streamtuner2 plugin usage.
# Fetches module source, or reads from filename / out of zip package.
def plugin_meta(fn=None, src=None, frame=1):
# get source directly from caller
if not src and not fn:
module = inspect.getmodule(sys._getframe(frame))
fn = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
src = inspect.getcomments(module)
# within zip archive or dir?
elif fn:
zip = rx.zipfn.match(fn)
if zip and zipfile.is_zipfile(zip.group(1)):
src = zipfile.ZipFile(zip.group(1), "r").read(zip.group(2))
src = open(fn).read(4096)
# defaults
meta = {
"id": re.sub("\.\w+$", "", os.path.basename(fn or "")),
"fn": fn,
"title": fn, "description": "no description", "config": [],
"type": "module", "api": "python", "doc": ""
# extract coherent comment block, split doc section
src = rx.comment.search(src)
if not src:
__print__(dbg.ERR, "Couldn't read source meta information", fn)
return meta
src = src.group(0)
src = rx.hash.sub("", src).strip()
if src.find("\n\n") > 0:
src, meta["doc"] = src.split("\n\n", 1)
# split into dict
for field in rx.keyval.findall(src):
meta[field[0]] = field[1].strip()
meta["config"] = plugin_meta_config(meta.get("config") or "")
return meta
# unpack config: structures
def plugin_meta_config(str):
config = []
for entry in rx.config.findall(str):
opt = { "type": None, "name": None, "description": "", "value": None }
for field in rx.options.findall(entry):
opt[field[0]] = (field[1] or field[2] or field[3] or "").strip()
return config
# Comment extraction regexps
class rx:
zipfn = re.compile(r"""
^ (.+ \.(?:zip|pyz|pyzw|pyzip) # zip-wrapping extensions
(?:\.py)? ) /(\w.*) $
""", re.X)
comment = re.compile(r"""(^ {0,4}#.*\n)+""", re.M)
hash = re.compile(r"""(^ {0,4}# *)""", re.M)
keyval = re.compile(r"""
^([\w-]+):(.*$(?:\n(?![\w-]+:).+$)*) # plain key:value lines
""", re.M|re.X)
config = re.compile(r"""
[\{\<] (.+?) [\}\>] # JSOL/YAML scheme {...} dicts
""", re.X)
options = re.compile(r"""
["':$]? (\w+) ["']? # key or ":key" or '$key'
\s* [:=] \s* # "=" or ":"
(?: " ([^"]*) "
| ' ([^']*) ' # "quoted" or 'singl' values
| ([^,]*) # or unquoted literals
""", re.X)
# wrapper for all print statements
def __print__(*args):
if "debug" in conf:
print(" ".join([str(a) for a in args]))
# error colorization
dbg = type('obj', (object,), {
"ERR": r"[31m[ERR][0m", # red ERROR
"INIT": r"[31m[INIT][0m", # red INIT ERROR
"PROC": r"[32m[PROC][0m", # green PROCESS
"CONF": r"[33m[CONF][0m", # brown CONFIG DATA
"UI": r"[34m[UI][0m", # blue USER INTERFACE BEHAVIOUR
"HTTP": r"[35m[HTTP][0m", # magenta HTTP REQUEST
"DATA": r"[36m[DATA][0m", # cyan DATA
"INFO": r"[37m[INFO][0m", # gray INFO
"STAT": r"[37m[STATE][0m", # gray CONFIG STATE
#-- populate global conf instance
conf = ConfigDict()
__print__(dbg.PROC, "ConfigDict() initialized")