# encoding: UTF-8
# api: streamtuner2
# title: radiolist.net
# description: Station list by continent+country
# url: http://radiolist.net/
# version: 0.2
# type: channel
# category: radio
# priority: extra
# png:
# AJqcGAAAAAd0SU1FB+ECDBAgLJqgZW4AAADoSURBVBjTNdBNj4MgEAbgqdLeZdo9C5NwFmo5Y7Wedauc1y/+/09YdLskkDwJmZl3IOxnON4A8frQhdc/7mG2cv3gx29X
# rdUfZuVHQ3JHEzZ7GSuNXxFV/FYYwryO6MOiZqEdnQPUC/fsXZaMuxa6MFfOVYN7kIWpHZClyJGLFjbbC617KaRUEJ4r4fU7IqNYrW5f2kgU5gZInG6MZ086eejcyIvO
# 1KwoLayoJjqnuWO5giW8msxVmBQXD5PttSlRm8TG2fDNZS3rRO/opeSCMnPa82xSmNgkfRxJ5yZxlPrPDmLu+7GqX4lERq4G0UEyAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
# extraction-method: regex
# Radio station list grouped by continents and countries.
# Some categories return no results, because web players are
# filtered out.
import re
import action
import ahttp
from config import *
from channels import *
# radiolist.net
# Β· Groups stations by continents and countries. Where Europe seems to be the
# main category (empty "" path), while U.S. is labeled "/world", and Canada
# and Asia etc. again a subpath "/world/canada" even. The .catmap{} assigns
# paths to titles.
# Β· Playlist formats vary wildly. Therefore this module comes with a guessing
# method (super crude) of its own.
# Β· The audio-format-from-URL guessing should be generalized out of here perhaps.
# Β· Each station is in a <tr>β¦</tr> block. Invidual regexps are used for field
# extraction afterwards (instead of a block match).
# Β· Entries may contain more than one streaming url. Each accompanied by a
# bitrate. β Therefore the .best_url() sorting method.
# Β· Later versions might of course use multi-urls againβ¦
class radiolist (ChannelPlugin, action.heuristic_funcs):
# module attributes
listformat = "pls"
has_search = False
categories = ["Europe", "America", "Canada", "Oceania", "Asia"]
catmap = {"Europe":"", "America":"world", "Canada":"world/canada", "Oceania":"world/oceania", "Asia":"world/asia"}
titles = dict( genre="Genre", title="Station", playing="Location", bitrate="Bitrate", listeners=False )
# just a static list for now
def update_categories(self):
self.catmap = {"Europe":"", "America":"world", "Canada":"world/canada", "Oceania":"world/oceania", "Asia":"world/asia"}
c = []#
rx_links = re.compile(r"""
""", re.X)
for title in ["Europe", "America", "Canada", "Oceania", "Asia"]:
html = ahttp.get("http://www.radiolist.net/" + self.catmap[title])
sub = []
for p,t in re.findall(rx_links, html):
if t in ["Terms", "About Us", "Donation", "United States"]:
self.catmap[t] = p
self.categories = c
# extract stream urls
def update_streams(self, cat):
rx_title = re.compile('<a href="([^">]+)" target="_blank">(.+?)</a>', re.I)
rx_urls = re.compile('<a href="([^">]+)">(\d+)(?: Kbps)?</a>', re.I)
rx_genre = re.compile('<td class="cell">([^<]+)</td>', re.I)
entries = []
html = ahttp.get("http://www.radiolist.net/" + self.catmap[cat])
for block in re.findall("<tr>(.+?)</tr>", html, re.S):
ut = re.findall(rx_title, block) # homepage+title
uu = re.findall(rx_urls, block) # urls+bitrates
lg = re.findall(rx_genre, block) # location+genre
#print ut, uu, lg
if ut and uu and lg:
url, br = self.best_url(uu)
homepage = ut[0][0],
title = unhtml(ut[0][1]),
url = url,
bitrate = br,
format = self.mime_guess(url, "audio/mpeg"),
listformat = self.list_guess(url),
playing = lg[0],
genre = lg[1]
# done
[log.DATA(e) for e in entries]
return entries
# pick highest rated URL from [(url,bitrate),β¦] tuples
def best_url(self, urls):
r = dict([(u, to_int(b)) for u,b in urls]) # {url: bitrate, β¦}
best = sorted(r, key=r.get, reverse=True)
return best[0], r[best[0]]