Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [247a3f19b9]

Artifact 247a3f19b98790eedca41d5e86db27dd42305261:

Wiki page [Playlist format support] by mario on 2015-04-07 22:36:22.
D 2015-04-07T22:36:22.886
L Playlist\sformat\ssupport
N text/x-markdown
U mario
W 786
This is supposed to become an overview of support playlist formats in different players / music collection managers.

 * <kbd>i</kbd> = import / play
 * <kbd>o</kbd> = export
 * <kbd>x</kbd> = plugin exists

| ↓ App → Format | native | M3U | PLS | XSPF| JSPF| SMIL| ASX | RAM | WPF |
| Streamtuner2   | json   | i   | i/o | i/o | i/o | -   | o   | i/o | i/o |
| Rhythmbox      | xgnome | 
| Exaile         | shelve | i/o | i/o | i/o | -   | -   | i/o | -   | -   |
| Banshee        | ?      | o   | o   | o   | o   |
| Songbird       | ?      |     |     |     | x   |     |     |     |     |



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